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12 - Department Fees
Bowe n~ MEETING DATE: 4/5/10 ITEM NO: * ~~u~i t ~ ° s COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT ~g GASH DATE: MARCH 29, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL, FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER i,~~~' ~" SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES FOR FY 2010/11 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open and hold the public hearing. 2. Close the public hearing. 3. Adopt the attached resolution continuing certain department fees, rates and charges, and amending certain fees, rates, and charges (Attachment lj. The Town of Los Gatos' fmancial policies require that certain fees, rates, and charges .for services be maintained to allow for cost recovery based on the actual cost to provide Town services. "Fee" activities are those services and functions that the Town provides to individuals who receive some direct material benefit from the services above and beyond Town services offered to all residents at general taxpayer expense. In turn, the Town charges specific fees for those services. Staff periodically reviews the cost of providing such services and recommends appropriate increases in fees supported by cost data. In 2010, the Town engaged Financial Consulting Solutions (FCS) Group, Ina, an independent financial consultant that specializes in public sector. fee analyses, to conduct a comprehensive cost of services study of user fee activities. The Town's last fee study was conducted in 2005. The purpose ofthe study was to review the Town's current fee schedule, calculate the total cost of fee-generating services, analyze the cost recovery levels- for each fee, survey other cities, and provide recommendations on how to adjust fees annually.. The study also included a comprehensive cost allocation study to account for the proper assignment of administrative overhead rates. While all Town fees were evaluated, the user fee study primarily focused on Community Development (Planning and Building), Engineering, Police, and other administrative fees. PREPARED BY; ( ~Elyl'~~' HA~YAMA l Budget anager Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager ~~Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND. CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES' FOR FY 2010/11 March 29, 2010 DISCUSSION: As part of the Town's effort to manage its financial resources wisely, the FCS Group was retained to conduct a detailed cost analysis of Town user fees and prepare an indirect cost allocation plan. The analysis evaluated current service delivery costs and updated staffing. and cost assumptions, including labor costs. The indirect cost allocation plan provided a method to assign Town-wide overhead costs to direct service departments and their services to ensure that. the full cost of service; including Town administrative overhead, can be recovered through the fees charged for services.. This evaluation helped to better inform the. full cost to provide Town services;. including Planning, Building,. Engineering, Police, and other special administrative. services. The fee study revealed that the Town's fee structure is not adequately capturing. the current cost of providing services. The estimated cost recovery average for Town-wide services is 56%. This means that users of these specific services are not paying the full cost of the services provided to them requiring de facto subsidies from the General Fund. While cost analysis data plays a significant role in determining the level of fees to charge, it must be balanced with a number of other factors,` such as market supply and demand, affordability, parity with surrounding jurisdictions, and past Council action. Taking these factors into consideration,. various levels of recovery have been. recommended with the goal of achieving close to full recovery as possible. A phased approach over a period of time is recommended for proposed fees that have not been adjusted to full cost recovery. The fee analysis .also revealed a need to decrease some fees given changes. in staffing, processes,. and resources. These fees have been adjusted accordingly as local government cannot legally charge more than what it costs to provide a service. The section below summarizes new and significant fee adjustments for FY 2010/11. 'The attached FY 2010/11 Comprehensive User Fee Schedule reflects all fees charged by the Town, highlighting new or proposed changes (Attachment 2). The FY 2010/11 proposed fee adjustments are based on the results of the 2010 user fee study. Also attached is a list of proposed FY 2010/11 fee additions and changes only (Attachment 3). Community Development Based on the results of the 2010 user fee study, planning and other development-related activities were found to be recovering 46% of costs, while building fees were recovering 70%. The proposed adjustments will keep fees aligned with current operating and construction costs. The recommended changes are described below: ^ General Development Services Fees. The Engineering Development Review Service Fee is a surcharge calculated. on planning applications. The objective of this surcharge is to recover costs associated with engineering when planning applications are reviewed. The current recovery rate for this service is 27% of costs. Given the low cost recovery level, it is recommended that the surcharge be increased from 10% to 15%. Building Division Fees. Results of the fee study reflected a cost recovery level of 70% for building fees. An increase is proposed for several building fees, including special services and. inspections to more accurately reflect the cost of project review and tracking. The following fees have been adjusted significantly: F PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES FOR FY 2010/11 March 29, 2010 Inspection Outside Normal Business Hours. While inspections outside of normal business hours occur infrequently, this is a special inspection service that requires additional staff and overtime, generating a significant cost to the Town. It is recommended that this fee be increased from $103 to $150 per hour, given its current cost recovery level of 7%. The proposed fee amount would enable the Town to recover at a minimum, its direct costs. 2. Additional Plan Review required by Changes, Additions, or Revisions to Plans and/or Inspections. Full cost recovery is recommended for this fee due to significant indirect costs generated as a result of workflow disruption requiring additional project revision and review. It is recommended that this fee be increased from $135 to $230 given its current cost recovery level of 28%. 3. Application for the Appeals Building Board Review. The request for review by the Building Board of Appeals is rare; however, it is considered a special service that should be equitably covered by the appellant. Providing this service requires additional staff time, including report writing, board meeting coordination, and oversight of the appeal process. It is recommended that this flat fee be increased from $148 to $230 given its current cost recovery level of 32%. ^ Planning Division Fees. Results of the user fee study reflected a 46% cost recovery rate for planning fees. Based on this finding, key changes in planning fees include the following: Architecture and Site Applications (Ac~CS). The proposed A&S application fees for hillside and non-hillside, including new detached single family homes and new single family or two family units, will increase by 5% and 8% respectively. These planning applications generate significant community involvement, requiring increased resources and staff time. This fee adjustment will help offset the cost of processing applications and addressing community questions and concerns. 2. Planned Development (PD) Applications. Proposed increases for PD application fees are 10%. The current cost recovery level for these types of fees is between 38%-46%. Due to limited land availability, PD's are typically proposed on difficult infill or underdeveloped sites and generate significant community involvement. These factors, coupled with complex environmental issues, have extended the time it takes to process PD applications. Architecture and Site (A&S) for Hillside Homes in a Planned Development (PD). When the Town established a lower fee for hillside homes in a PD, the fee was based on the assumption that the majority of the review of future homes would be completed during the PD process. The applications filed within hillside PD's are typically for custom homes and filed several years apart from each other. The review process for these homes is the same as a non-PD, Hillside A&S application. Therefore, it is recommended that the fee be modified to allow the lower fee only for "non-custom" hillside homes within a PD. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES', RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES FOR FY 2010/11 March 29,.2010 4. Secondary Dwelling Units. The current fee schedule reflects the same fee for new and existing units and a separate, yet higher fee for two existing secondary dwelling units. It is recommended that new units have a higher fee given the additional work required to review the. application. New units typically involve new construction, requiring a comprehensive review and evaluation of Town Codes, policies and standards. Conversely, it is recommended that the one or two existing unit. fee be reduced given that. the analysis required for one existing unit versus two existing units is virtually the same. 5. Newsraclz Permit. The Town Newsrack Ordinance addresses the proliferation and design of newsracks throughout Town. As a result, newsrack permits are required prior to installation within the. Town limits. Over the past six months; enforcement of the newsrack ordinance has resulted in the removal of 12 racks with another 19 noticed. Given the significant amount of staff time involved in administering and enforcing the ordinance, a newsrack fee was incorporated in the FY 2010/11 Comprehensive User Fee Schedule for Council consideration and adoption. ^ Engineering Division Fees. Several engineering fees, ranging between 5%-8%, are proposed to be increased to more accurately reflect the cost of project review and tracking. All fee increases are based on the results. of 2010 Comprehensive User Fee Study. Community Services ^ No additions or adjustments to the Community Services Department fees are proposed for FY 2010/11. Library Inter-Library Loan and Overdue Fines. The Library Department ..recommends modest adjustments to the inter-library loan and overdue fines for adult library and children's/teen materials. Proctor Fee. This new fee would require payment for proctored tests, which the Library currently provides at no charge. Most learning institutions typically charge for proctor services. Parks and' Public Works ^ No additions or adjustments to the Parks Division fees are proposed for FY 2010/11. Police Based on the results of the comprehensive user fee study, the cost recovery level for police fees is 47%. As a result, the Comprehensive User Fee Schedule reflects several fee changes in response to the current cost recovery level. Many factors were taken into consideration when developing the recommended fee adjustments. Fees of comparable. local police agencies were benchmarked for comparison purposes; this survey assisted the department in determining a reasonable fee level and approach to adjusting fees annually to reach cost recovery. Significant police fee changes include: PAGE 5 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: .ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES FOR FY 2010/11 March 29, 2010 1. Tow Trucks. Driver's permit and renewal fees were increased significantly as the cost recovery level was between 50%-60%. However, service permit and .renewal fees were adjusted downward to be more in alignment with the proposed driver and renewal fees. 2. Massage Permit Fees. Permit fees for massage therapists are recommended to be increased 25%. Nearly half of the agencies surveyed have fees that are higher than the Town's existing and proposed fees. Many of those surveyed also had additional fees, including an examination and/or establishment fee. Effective September 2009, massage therapy practitioners, in lieu of obtaining a city or town permit, have been eligible to apply for State Certification, allowing therapists to practice anywhere in the State of California. Currently, the State charges $150 for the initial application and a renewal fee of $125 every two years. 3. Administrative Fee for Special Events. Included in the fee study was a review of costs associated with special event activities. Staff continues to refine its cost data associated with supporting these types of events by tracking labor hours. The special event fees are established at two levels: one for private and the other for non-profit related events. Both special events are recommended to increase by 8% this year. These fees continue to be well below recovery levels. 4. .Administrative Fee for Motion Pictures. Fees for for-profit and non-profit motion pictures were increased as these fees are well below recovery levels. The number of fees processed for this activity is relatively low. 5. False Alarm Fees. Although the current cost recovery rate for false alarms is relatively low, alarm fees were only raised by 10% in light of the increased volume of false alarms. It is recommended that the sixth and subsequent alarm fee become a fine, which will require subsequent review and approval by Council via ordinance. Converting the fee to a fine will provide more flexibility in establishing the fine amount, which is recommended to be $500. Other fee adjustments reflecting smaller increases range between 5%-15% and include fingerprinting, horse drawn carriage, vehicle release, and non-Los Gatos citation sign-off fees. Fees that were no longer applicable are recommended for removal from the fee schedule, while other fees were decreased due to changes in staffing levels, processes, and available.resources. Aduunistrafive Fees Credit Card Processing Fee. At the mid-year budget discussion, there was Council discussion regarding inclusion of a Credit Card Processing Fee on the FY 2010/11 Comprehensive Fee Schedule. The proposed fee of 1.62% will enable the Town to recoup its processing costs charged by the credit card company for use of a credit card by an applicant for Town services. This percentage is based on the total number of purchases and transaction fees over the past two years. To date, it is estimated that credit card processing expenditures are $14,000. ^ Business License Processing Fee. Established by Town Code, the Town administers a business license tax on all companies that do business with the Town. This General Fund revenue supports a variety of Town services, such as street, sidewalk, and park maintenance, and the expenses required to provide such services. Revenues from the business license tax do not directly cover the cost of processing an estimated 4,000 business license applications/renewals PAGE 6 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES,.. RATES' AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES FOR FY 2010/11 March 29, 2010 each year. It is recommended that an annual Business License Processing Fee in the amount of $25 be applied to-both for-profit businesses. and non-profit organizations to recover a portion of the direct costs attributable to the tax collection process. The fee is currently applied to non-profit organizations in lieu of the business license tax. The cities of Campbell, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, San Jose, and Foster City charge a comparable processing or application fee. ^ Attorney Fees. The Comprehensive User Fee reflects several new Attorney fees required for development-related legal review. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Town Council approve the recommended FY 2010/11 fee adjustments for the Comprehensive Fee Schedule effective July 1, 2010. ENVIlZONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Town's fee resolution is not a proj ect subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The Town's financial policies require that fees be maintained to provide for the recovery of costs associated with Town services. The proposed new fees better represent the. cost to deliver services and thus, decrease the Town's subsidy of private activity. Staff will incorporate the estimated revenue increases into the Town's FY 2010/11 Operating and Capital Budget using conservative activity projections. Further fee increases will be recommended in future years to move toward full cost recovery of fee-based services. Attachments: 1. Comprehensive Fee Schedule Resolution 2. FY 2010/11 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Incorporating Fee Change Recommendations 3. FY 2010/11 Recommended Fee Changes and Additions Distribution: Regular .RESOLUTION NO. 2010- RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TFIE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING CONTINUING DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES WHEREAS, that the Town of Los Gatos Financial Policies require an annual evaluation of the Schedule of Fees and Charges to ensure that recovery of the cost of providing services is recovered where appropriate, and the last update of fees, rates and charges was on April 5, 2010; WHEREAS, that certain fees for General Administration, Community Development, Community Services, Parks and Public Works, Library, and Police be adopted; and WHEREAS, that those fees that are currently in effect will continue and remain in effect without interruption, but shall be increased to reflect increased costs of providing service. RESOLVED, that Resolution 2009-033 adopting departmental fees, rates, and charges is hereby rescinded; and RESOLVED, that the Town Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Attachment 2 shall become effective July 1, 2010. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on 5~' day of April 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ATTEST: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Attachment 1 N:~F'INANCE~Fee Schedule~2,,010-11~Resolution.doc ~'®wn ~of L®s Gat®s C®prehensive Fee Schedule ~®~®/~1 ~~ H o~ ~~ . ,1. 4 ~ ~ tY ~~ ~ `~ t~ $~$~ ® j,~~~4RPpRA7gp 1001 // Pj G A~~ Attachment 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS FEE SCHEDULE The following Fee Schedule is effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, unless updated by the Town Council. The Fee Schedule will be adjusted annually by the average Consumer Price Index (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor for the San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose Metropolitan Statistical Area.) for the calendar year and/or by the percentage increase in actual operating costs for the current year -whichever is greater. This Fee Schedule also provides for minimum annual adjustments for those fees that are directly related to personnel. costs. Other adjustments maybe made to maintain consistency with the surrounding municipalities within the Town of Los Gatos region but in no case are fees charged in excess of service delivery costs. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Administrative Fees ...................................................................................................................... ..1 Attorney Fees ................................................................................................................................. ..2 Development Services General Development Fees .................................................................................................... ..3 Building Division Fees .......................................................................................................... ..4 Building Permit Fees ............................................................:............................................ ..4 Electrical Permit Fees ...........................:........................................................................... ..8 Mechanical Permit Fees .................................................................................................... ..9 Plumbing Permit Fees ....................................................................................................... 10 Other Fees ....................................................:.........................................:.......................... 10 Planning Division Fees .....................................................:.................................................. 13 Zoning Approvals ............................................................................................................. 12 Subdivisions ...................................................................................................................... 15 Miscellaneous Application Fees ....................................................................................... 15 Environmental Assessment Fees ........................................................................................ 16 Other Fees ......................................................................................................................... 16 Engineering .Division Fees .................................................................................................... 19 Community Service Fees Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center Fee Schedule ................................................. 24 Program Space for Non-Profit Agencies .............................................................................. 27 Library Fees and Firies .................................................................................................................28 Parks and Public Works Parks Division Fees ............................................................................................................... 29 Plaza Use Permit ...................................:....................................................................~....... 29 Park Use Permit .................:.......................................................:...................................... 29 Specific Park Use Fee .............................................:......................................................... 29 Oak Meadow Park Special Event Fee ............................................................................... 29 Use of Bandstand -Oak Meadow Park ............................................................................ 29 Pageant Grounds ............................................................................................................... 29 Turf Impact Fee .............................:................................................................................... 30 Tree Related Fees ..............................................................................................................30 Equipment Hourly Rates ..........................:........................................................................31 Street Division Fees ............................................................................................................. .31 Police Fees and Fines ...................................................................................................................32 Parking Permit Fees .......................................... .................................................................35 i ADMI1lTISTRATIVE FEES Fee .for Use of Town Hall Facilities (Council Chamber) $30.00 for one hour, Cleaning and Utility Fee plus $20.00 for each additional hour Copy of Town Code $435.00 Public Service Counter Research $30.00 per hour Cob n~ngLand Printing Charges (plus actual mailing costs, if applicable) 8 1/2" x 11 $.25 per page 11 x 17 $.35 per page Annual Subscription for Quarterly Town Code Supplements $100.00 Copy of Zoning Ordinance $ 45.00 Annual Subscription for Quarterly Zoning Ordinance Supplements $ 25.00 Certified Copy of Birth Certificate $ 12.00 Certification of Town Records $ 3.00 Annual Financial.Report $ 30:00 Annual Budget $ 50.00 Capital Improvement Plan $ 30.00 Council Minutes and Agendas (annual mailing list) $ 65.00 Compact Disk or Tape of Council and Planning Commission Meetings $ 10..00 each Initial Returned Check Fee $ 25.00 Subsequent Return Check Fees $ 35.00 (CA Civil Code Section 1719(a) (1)) Election Filing Fee $ 25.00 Ordinances and Resolutions $ 4.00 Credit, (_ ~i.~ProcessingFec ~~___. ~~ ~~_,~_>r_~~~~,y~,~.._.~x~.,~~~~Y~...,G<,~ ~~~~.~ »._,~`1 62"~~ Ica 1 ATTORNEY' FEES f ,.`-, *"' =~'-~`~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z~f~"=~4s~~+~`A n. ~r~r~~`~"p~'~ - ^ ~~=;cy~~-.~...~+-ems y °°~ ~"'a~ ~~ 4.~ ~~ Y3 ~ ~ ~~ V< < $ 'sY" y]~ ~~ `r~ ^.cy4-[.v%v :~C 1 / V . O ~n>~lc Co~,erl~it/Dc,eci [Zes~tictton - ~ -- i $ ~ , .he ,~_~, .... _ _.._ n. .e-.c ~ .,. .,.x._, rAy~,,, azr_,K:..e.V-,~Fo a, ~~-.-c-<a:~.._.r_..,, '~_:~_ ~ s?s..~.~.x~s~. Y`<.~s~. . ~+~.. .. ;r h.~~,_ ~ ~-~ ~~n. ~ ~.".' ~ s:: ~~.~~='x==~=~':~~ ~;:?~zi~ x"t~4~-'~.'~e~--~~r`3.~:~_~°~~~r;zi z..~ ~.~..`~•~-~'-~sa'a ~mlr_ ._ E11CI'OaCillTlCTlt ~w~TTCC;111e21tS ~ ~ti~~' ~3 a ~~ ~; ~ -~"~`~ ~~`~'~~.~."a~~- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES General Development Fees A. Photo Copying_Charge -plus actual mailing costs, as applicable Maps, plans, etc. (larger than 11" x 17") Actual Cost- sent to San Jose Blueprint B, Printing Charge -plus actual mailing costs, as applicable Maps, plans, etc. (larger than 11" x 17") C. Data Duplication Services and Fees For partial or full copies of each digital standard Town data file on one-time request basis: 8"xl 1" copy, standard printer Larger format, using plotter Electronic copy on CD D. Document Storage Fee-Microfiche E. Duplicate Plans Set F. Address Processing fee Actual cost $104.00/hr (lh hr min) $232.00 G. Computer Surcharge on Building/Plumbing/Mechanical/ Electrical/Grading/Encroachment/Planning Permits/ Applications and any other PermitslApplications except Park Permit/Applications 4% of Permit with $1 minimum ~T~~_~n _Jeer~ig~ey'e. Popmen~ Reu~e~eL~ i ~ ~ k~e a. Building Permit and Building Plan Check 7.25% of permit or blan check These Fees are applied to permits or plan. checks that require engineering services I. Seismic Hazards Mapping Program Fees - (SMIP) For residential construction of three stories and less (Category 1), the permit fee is $10.00 per $100,000. For all other construction (Category 2), the permit fee is $21.00 per $100,000. This fee is required by the State of California to identify and map zones of particular seismic hazards. Five percent of the fee is retained by the Town to be used solely for earthquake preparedness. J. Capital Improvement Tax (Construction) -Based on $0.18 for each square foot of building addition or alteration, which increases floor area of an existing building. K. Underground Utility Tax (Utilities) -Based on $0.18 for each .square foot of building addition or alteration, which increases floor area of an existing building. L. Park Fund Tax (Parks) -Based on $0.04 for each square foot of building addition or alteration, which increases floor area of an existing building. 3 $5.00 per page $25.00 per digital file $75.00 per digital file $100.00 per digital file DEVELOPMENT SERVICES General Development Fees - cont'd M. Rep orts, Agendas, and Minutes 1. Development Review Committee Agendas $37.00 2. Planning Commission Agendas $25.00 3. Planning. Commission Minutes Actual cost 4. Plan Copies. a. Microfiche or other reprints sent to an outside firm $31.00 plus costs b. Blueprint reproduction in house $3.00 per page 5. Copy of Subdivision Ordinance $26.00 6. General Plan (including maps) $26.00 7. Hillside Specific Plan. $6.50 8. Hillside Standards and Design Guidelines $10.00 9. Commercial Design Guidelines Actual cost 10. Subdivision Ordinance $26.00 11. General Plan/Zoning Maps (24" x 36") a. Black & White $9.00 b. Color $42.00 12. Blossom Hill. Open Space Study $14.00 13. Commercial Specific Plan Report $12.00 14. Residential Design Guidelines Actual cost 15. Housing Element Technical Appendix Actual cost N. Request for Service Not Covered by Any Other Fee Actual cost O. Pre-application Conference Fee Actual cost (Fee applied when staff time is expected to exceed 1/2 hour) P. Landscape Final Occupancy Clearance (New Construction or Remodel) 1. Landscape inspection requests $106.00 per inspection 2. Parlc Staff Time Spent for Major Development Applications . $543.00* Basis: Development Review Committee Meetings 1.5 hrs (estimate) Site Visits 4.0 hrs (estimate) Review Plans 4.0 hrs (estimate) *Note: Time spent over and above the initial application fee will be billed at the current employee billing rate plus equipment hourly rate. Q. Applications for Work Unlawfully Completed Double current application fee 4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES General Development Fees - cont'd R. Annexation Fees 1. 1 lot 2. 2 lots 3. 3 lots 4.41ots 5. 5 lots or more * Annexation Advertising Deposit (any remaining deposit will be refunded to the applicant and amounts exceeding the deposit amount will be paid by applicant) $2,690.00* $1,346.00* $ 896.00* $ 673.00* $ 448.00* $1,000 - $2,200 {varies as to size of map) 5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division 1. Building Permit Fees B. Demolition Permit $217.00 C. Building Permit Fees for New Construction and Addition The fee for each building permit shall be based upon the 1997 Uniform Building Code as amended by the 2001 California Building Code Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $5.00.00 $23.50 $501.00 to $2,000..00 $23.50 for the first $500.00 plus $3.05 for each additional $ l 00.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 . 2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $69.25 for the first $2,000.00 plus $14.00 for each additional. $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $391.25 for the first $25,000.00 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001..00 to $100,000.00 $643.75 for the first. $50,000.00 plus $7.00 for each additional $1.,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $993.75 for the first $100,000.00 plus $5.60 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $3,233.75 for the first $500,000.00 plus $4.75 foreach additional $1.,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and over $5,608.75 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof 6 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division -coot' d Building Permit Fees - cont'd D. Building Valuation Fee A building valuation multiplier of 2.32 shall be used in conjunction with the Building Vahlation Data provided in the publication, Building Standards, published by the International Conference of Building Officials for November-December, 2002, .except for Hillside Homes and Commercial Office Tenant Improvements. Their multipliers will be 3.246 and 1.16, respectively. The building permit fees will be increased by the February Annual Building Cost Index. E. .Building Permit Fees fox Remodels,. Alterations, and Repairs The Building Official shall establish the valuation of said improvements, and fees will be assessed as per Schedule 2.C above. -~ -~ ®Y l~~~cti~>>1 fees ~ ~ ~,~~~" ~, 0 ~ } ~ i.~~ti~}nt Ic~r wh~cl~~c~ ire: ~s ~cifica~ ~ndzeate ~~~- (~'Eir ii~i~ij ~~~iclih<,111~1'~lan i~~ r~~ ~ -r gtz~~re~t~ka~~ Z~r~ ~-~~ ~ ~ ~~~z a /hr 5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking Actual costs and/or inspections b. Services for which no fee is specifically indicated (1/2 hr min) $116.00/hr 7. Permit/Plan check time extension (per permit) $65.00 (applies to permits that have not expired) 8. Express plan review or initial review (1 hr. minimum) $135.00/hr G. Plan Review Fee A plan review fee shall be charged at the time of filing application. This fee is separate from and shall be in addition to building permit fee. This fee is calculated at sixty-five percent (65%) of the building permit fee as per Schedule 2.C above. H. Other Miscellaneous Factors to Determine Construction Valuation 1. Convert garage to habitable space $98.00/sq.ft 2. Convert unfinished basement or attic to habitable $107.00/sq.ft 3. Pools/Spas (gunite) $63.00/sq.ft 4. Siding - aluminum/vinyl/wood $8.00/sq.ft 5. Antennas & Towers Const. Value As Applied Under 2.C Above 6. Commercial Awning or Canopy: Aluminum $26.00/sq.ft Canvas $19.00/sq.ft 7 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division - cont'd Building Permit Fees - cont'd 7. Fence or Freestanding Wall (over 6' high): Wood or metal $42.00/lf Masonry $71:00/lf 8, Decks/Balcony $40.00/sq:ft 9. Wood Deck $18.00/sq.ft 10. Re-roofs $3.00/sq.ft 11. Retaining Walls $90.00/lf I: ~ecial Systems Fee (Photovoltaic, emergency generation, wind power, special HVAC systems, etc) 1. Plan Review (1 hr. minimum) $135.00/hr 2. Field Inspection (2 hr. minimum) $103.00/hr 2. Electrical Permit Fees 1. Plan review fee 2. Additional plan review C, New Residential Construction (New buildings only, including garages) C-1 Commercial Construction 25% of Electrical Permit Fee $13 5.00/hr --.. 1. Private swimming. pools 2. Public swimming pools For alterations to existing pool,. use Unit Fee Schedule E. below 3. Temporary Power Poles 4. Temporary distribution system & temborarv li~htin~ 1. Receptacle, switch and lights 2. Residential appliances/new circuits: (cook top, oven,. range, disposals, clothes dryers, or other motor operated appliances not exceeding one horsepower) $.11 sq.ft $.08 sq.ft $53.00 $96.00 $65.00 $32.00 ~~ ~~ :~ X86 00_,, $2.00 $6.00 8 DEVEI~®PMENT SERVICES Building Division - cont'd Electrical Pertrut Fees - cont'd 3. Nonresidential appliances/new circuits: $8.00 (medical & dental devices, food, beverage, drinking fountains, laundry machines, or other similar equipment) Note: for other types of air conditioners and othermotor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings. see Generators/Motors 6. Power apparatus (generators, transformers, A/C, heat pumps, baking equipment): Up to 10 KV, each $16.00 Over 10 KV not over 50 KV, each $26.00 Over 50 KV and not over 100 KV, each $53.00 Over 100 KV, each $70.00 7. Motors: Up to 10 hp $16.00 Up to 25 hp $26.00 Up to 55 hp $53.00 Over 55 hp $78.00 8. Transformers: Up to 5 KVA $16.00 Up to 10 KVA $26.00 Up to 50 KVA $45.00 Over 50 KVA $65.00 9. Busways/conduits (per 100 ft) $8.00 10: Service equipment: 200 amps or less $65.00 201 to 999 amps $.91..00 Sub-panels $32.00 11. Installation of spas or saunas $32.00 F. Other Electrical Fees • 1. Duplicate job card $32.00 2. Permit extension (applies to permits that have not expired) $65.00 3. Mechanical Permit Fees 9 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division - cont'd Mechanical Permit Fees - cont'd 1. Plan review fee 2. Additional plan review C. New Buildings only, including Garages D: Unit Fee Schedule 1. Installation, of each heating system, AIC,. boiler, compressor or air handler 2. Each. duct repair or alteration 3. Each fireplace appliance 4. Each ventilating fan 5. Installation of separate flue or vents not included. with the installation of an appliance 6. Installation. of each hood with mechanical exhaust: Residential Commercial 7. Each new or repair of gas piping system 8. Each additional gas outlet 9. Installation of evaporative cooler 25% of Mechanical Permit Fee $13 5.00/hr $.11/sq.ft $32.00 $11.00 $26.00 $11.00 $11.00 $26.00 $96.00 $58.00 $19.00 $26.00 E. Other Mechanical Fees 1. Duplicate job card 2. Permit extension (applies to permits that have not expired), 4. Plumbing Permit Fees 1. Plan review fee 2. Additional elan review C. New Residential Construction New buildings only, including garages $32.00 $65.00 25% of Plumbing Permit Fee $13 5.00/hr $.11 sq. ft 10 DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Building Division - cont'd Plumbing Permit Fees - cont'd ~3~~sfem~"ee Schedule 1. Private swimming pools $78.00 (including heater, water piping, gas piping) 2. Public swimming pools $116.00 (including heater, water piping, gas piping) 3. Lawn sprinkler system on one meter $32.00 -mod,.. ~. ~~.~...~ _~,.~~., ~.- - ,~._ ._ ~ ~__ ~ _ s < 5. Each drainage, sewer system ~ $32.00 6. Radiant floor heating system $96.00 E. Unit Fee Schedule 1. Each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap $11.00 2. Each sewer cleanout, backflow device $11.00 3. Each septic .system abatement $96.00 4. Rainwater systems -per drain (inside building) $11.00 5. Each water heater, water softener $26.00 6. Each grease interceptor (750 gallon capacity) $65.00 7. Each grease trap (1-4 fixtures) $38.00 8. Residential water re-piping $96.00 9. Each ejector/sump pump $32.00 10 . Each vacuum breaker/hose bib $11.00 11 . Each water piping system repair or replacement $19.00 12 . Each additional gas outlet $19.00 F. Other Plumbing Fees 1. Duplicate job card $32.00 2. Permit extension (applies to permits that have not expired) $65.00 5. Other Fees A. State of California Title 24 Part 2 Energy and Accessibility Code and Regulation Plan. Review and Inspection Fees A surcharge shall be added to the building permit fee for the cost to plan review and inspect for compliance with State of California Title 24 Regulations. -This fee is calculated at fifteen percent (15%) of the building permit fee. This fee is applied whenever a plan review is assessed. B. Duplicate Inspection Card $32.00 11 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building Division- cont'd Other Fees - cont'd C. NPDES Inspection Fee $58.00 (Charged on all building permits with the potential to generate non-point source storm water runoff during construction) D. State of California Mandated Building Standards Fee - SB 1473 A surcharge shall be added to all building permits at the rate of four dollars ($4) per one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in valuation, with appropriate fractions thereof, but not less than one dollar ($1). These funds will be available to the California Building Standards Commission, the Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Office of the State Fire Marshall for expenditure in carrying out the provisions of the State Building Standards Law and provisions of State Housing Law that relate to building standards. Up to ten percent (10%) shall be retained for related administrative costs aid for code enforcement education. 12 DEVELOPMEl\TT SERVICES Planning Division The fees listed below constitute all fees imposed by the Planning Division. Certain types of applications must be reviewed /processed by other departments/agencies, which may impose separate fees. Applicants are advised that the fees for those services are not included in the Planning Department's fees. Where the term "actual cost" is used here, it shall mean: materials, supplies (including any costs of noticing or publication), outside consultants, employee cost will be billed at the top step, plus benefits, plus overhead. The following fee schedule is established for applications filed pursuant to the Town Code. The fees are collected by the Commmunity Development Department at the time the application is filed unless otherwise noted. Fees for Additional Processing In the event additional processing services by the Town .are required due to changes, modifications, additions, errors, omissions, or discrepancies caused by the applicant or his/her agents or representatives, the applicant shall pay an additional fee as determined by the Director of Community Development to cover the actual cost. Fees for Lack of Progress. If additional information is required by the Town for an application and the requested information is not submitted within 180 days, the applicant will be required to pay a fee of 10 percent of the current application fee at the time the requested information is submitted. Any re-submittal after one year will be processed as a new application, subject to new fees. Fees for Manor Projects If it is anticipated that the application processing costs of selected major projects will significantly exceed the following fees, the Director of Community Development may collect a deposit and charge actual time spent to process the applications based upon current hourly rates. Surcharges: All of the following applications are subj ect to the surcharge fees asset forth in General Development Services and in Section S.H of Planning Division. L Zoning Approvals d. New single family or two family (any other zone) per unit, as part of a Planned Development $2.,938.00 e. Minor projects (a development proposal that does not significantly change the size, mass, appearance or neighborhood impact of a structure, property or parking lot) $1,490..00 13 b. New single family detached (HR & RC zones) per unit, as Bart of a Planned Development $4,144.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Division -coot' d Zoning Approvals - cont'd (2) PlanningLCommission Approval a. DRC applications as determined in Section 1.A.(1) or minor residential development applications that require Planning Commission approval (this fee supplements the fee established in Section 1.A. (1) and Section 1.F) $2,.158.00 b. New two family unit $3,916.00 c. New nonresidential $6,089.00 d. New multiple family $5,538.00 e. Demolition request with a Planned Development $1,490.00 application f. All other (i.e.: exceed FAR, major grading, etc.) $3,649.00 * Aside from the fees noted above, no additional Architecture and Site application fees will be assessed for projects that involve an historic structure or site. B. Conditional Use Permits 1. Conditional Use Permit $4,221.00 2. Conditional Use Permit (when consolidated with another application for new development) $701.00 3. Conditional Use Permit for restaurants Minor Restaurant (DRC Approval) Major Restaurant. (PC Approval) 4. Applications that require Town Council Approval (these fees supplement the above established fees) a, Transcription fee of Planning Commission minutes M $2,569.00 $4,221.00 $2,158.00 Actual cost ~nimum $500.00 deposit C. Variance $3,104.00 D. Rezoning (other than Planned Development) 1. Without General Plan or Specific Plan Amendment. $.4,531.00 2. With General Plan or Specific Plan Amendment $6,937.00 3, Transcription fee of Planning Commission Actual cost minutes Minimum $500.00 deposit 14 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Division - cont'd Zoning Approvals - cont'd 5. Town Council Modification to a Planned Development 75% of current fee 6. DRC Modification to a Planned Development $7,575.00 7. Publication costs for the planned development ordinance shall b e paid by the applicant. 8. Transcription fee of Planning Commission Actual cost minutes Minimum $500.00 deposit F. -Minor Residential Development (See Section 1.A. (2) a) $1,490.00 G. Agricultural Preserve Withdrawal $2,816.00 H. Planning Division Certificates of Use and Occupancy 1. Change of use $229.00 2. Change of occupancy (excluding change. of proprietor of a continuing business enterprise) $112.00 3. Use/occupancy clearance if Conditional Use Permit is required or occupancy of a new secondary dwelling unit No fee I. Hazardous Materials Storage Facility Application $1,240.00 J. Home Occupation Permit $141.00 K. Sign Application 1. New permanent sign $309.00 2. Temporary nonresidential sign $65.00 3. Change of face only $127.00 4. Sign program $1,470.00 15 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Division -coat' d Zoning Approvals - cont'd M. Mobile Home Park Conversion Permit Actual cost ($5,000.00 deposit) N. Town Code Amendments Actual cost ($2,000.00 deposit) O. Administrative Land Use Permit 1. Minor telecommunications facility $124.00 (i.e. microcell, 8021 lb or equivalent) 2. Major telecommunications facility $1,497.00 which do not require a Conditional Use Permit 2. Subdivisions A. Lot Line Adjustment (DRC Approval) $1,414.00 B. 4 Lots or Less (DRC Approval) $5,907.00 C. 5 Lots or More $9,368.00 D. Vesting Tentative Map (VTM) Fee to be based on the number of lots under 2B or 2C E. Lot Merger and. Reversion. to Acreage (DRC Approval) $700.00 F. Condominium ~ $4,947.00 G. Certificate of Compliance (DRC Approval) $2,834.00 3. A. Time Extensions to Approved Application 50% of current fee B. Modification to Approved Application 75% of current fee C. Conceptual Development Advisory Committee Review $1,675.00 D. Push Cart Permit $327.00 H. VTM applications that require Town Council approval $2,158.00 and DRC applications that require. Planning Commission approval. This fee supplements the above-established fees. Miscellaneous Application Fees 16 DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Planning Division - cont'd ldiiscellaneous Application Fees - cont'd E. Auto Dealer Events 1. Small promotional events $62.00 2. Large promotional events $307.00 4. Environmental Assessment Fees A. Categorical Exemption No fee fi _~rfial StudDe osier: ` _ ~~ ~~.~ ~~-~-:_.:~~~~~ =.~" `-~5 OQ~ OQ-: C. Negative Declaration $1,850.00 D. Environmental Impact Report Consultants fee E. Draft EIR Review Fee $10,241.00 .Plus 10% of EIR cost F. Impact Monitoring Program (AB3180) Actual cost (hourly basis-plus cost of consultant, if necessary) 3~he~ SOaO~eea ~ec~s~ t or~li The specific cost of the Initial .Study and any required special studies shall be borne by the applicant. The deposit shall be increased before the Town will authorize work exceeding the amount on deposit. Any deposit balance will be refunded. 5. Other A. Fence Height Exceptions $184.00 B, Peer/'Technical Review - (any remaining deposit will be Actual cost refunded to the applicant and amounts exceeding the ($1,500.00 deposit deposit amount will be paid by applicant) plus 10% of actual cost for administrative charge) C. Fees For Additional Tech Review and/or DRC Review DRC beyond three meetings, Planning Commission hearing beyond two meetings, Town Council hearing beyond one meeting Actual cost D. Surcharges 1. General Plan update surcharge .5% of building valuation for new construction and additions/ 10% of zone change and subdivision fee 17 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . Planning Division - cont'd Surcharges - cont'd 2. Route 85 Study Plan surcharge 10% of application fee for applications in Route 85 Study Plan Area*** 3. Advanced Planning projects 10% of application fee 4. North 40 Study Plan surcharge Actual cost on proportionate basis * * * Not charged to the following applications: 1 H, 1 J, 1 K, 3 C, 3D and 3E E. Consultation Achial cost on an hourly basis F. Appeals 1. Fee to appeal Planning Commission decision to Town Council $321.00 per residential $1,288.00 per commercial, multi-family or tentative map 2. Fee to remand applications from Town Council to Planning Commission where no error was made by Planning Commission 50% of original application fee(s) 3. Fee to appeal Director of Community Development or Development Review Committee decision to Planning Commission $161.00 per residential $645.00 per commercial 4. Tree appeals $65.00 5. .Appeal transcription fee of Planning Commission Actual cost minutes Minimum $500.00 deposit (only applies to appeals from Planning Commission to Town Council) G. Research Services Minimum Charge Actual Cost Minimum. $100..00 deposit H. Zoning Research 1. Basic zoning letter $184.00 2. Legal non-conforming verification $431.00 3. Reconstruction of legal non-conforming structures (Burndown Letter) $184.00 I. Building Permit Plan Check Fee 20% of building fee -~ _ ~; e s :ae e~.ii~"~~~ ~`- - =-, ~ -~ - ~~- yam"- _ "~~ - 4~-~2 9 0 z _~ ~ czh tip"" ,~,~ u ~ ~^ " °~-- . ~+. +~z~_ ~*~ ~.,-.~ .~~,~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~' V', €'-.~~.~. :sue 18 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Planning Division - cont'd 6. Payment of Application Fees All application fees are to be paid at the time the applications are submitted to the Community Development Department. If the applicant withdraws an application, which requires a hearing by the Planning Commission, prior to processing the application for the hearing, 40% of the paid application fee shall be refunded to the applicant at the discretion of the Director of Community Development. All other fees are rion-refundable. 19 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Engineering Division The following fees constitute a comprehensive listing of the various fees charged by the Engineering Program. Certain types of application/permits must be reviewed and/or processed by other Town departments or public agencies, which may charge separate fees. Applicants are advised that the fees for those services are not included in the Engineering Program's fees. Where the teen "actual cost (s)" is used here it shall mean: materials, supplies (including any costs of noticing or publication), outside consultants and employee cost, (including salary,. benefits and overhead). a. Work over $4,000.00. 6% of estimated cost of improvements b. Work done at night or week-ends Actual cost of staff time c. Outside Contractor underground utility locating surcharge $ 75.00 (actual cost for outside contractor inspection fee may change) 2. Dumpster Permit $100.00 3. Storage Permit $100.00* *$500.00 refundable Storage Unit Removal Deposit, to cover cost of removal, if abandoned. 20 B. Additional Engineering Plan Check Fees 1. Each additional plan check beyond three reviews Actual cost 3. Outside Inspector or re-inspection Actual cost plus 1 Q% DEVELOPlliIENT SERVICES Engineering Division - cont'd b. Change in grading or impervious area c. All other required inspections 2. C-3 Permit H d~~ic Calculation F. En ing Bering Subdivision Map. Checking 1. 1 - 4 lots 2. 5 or more lots G. En ing Bering Reversion to Acreage 1. Map Check 2. Map checking 2. Map checking 2. Map checking $ 0.10 sq ft with a $50.00 minimum Actual cost Consultant Cost plus 10%Admin Fee Consultant Cost plus 25%Admin Fee Consultant Cost plus 25%Admin Fee Consultant Cost phis 25%Admin Fee Consultant. Cost plus 25%Admin Fee Consultant Cost plus 25%Admin Fee Consultant Cost plus 25%Admin Fee * The 25% Administrative fee is for preparation of reports, reviews, and processes. 21 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Engineering Division - cont'd L. Traffic Imbact Analvsis or Parking Stud 1. Development review Actual cost (Staff traffic impact analysis or Parking Study) a. Consultant Report fee Consultant fee b. Staff Review fee $SSD.00 plus 10% of the traffic consultant report cost 2. Site Distance Analysis $15D.00 per review not to exceed two (2) hours. Actual cost for staff time~when analysis~exceeds two hours. M. Geotechnical Peer Review Fees Consultant Cost plus 25% Admin Fee N. Storm Draina eg Fees. 1. Development Projects a. Single family lots $3,600.00/ac. Section 24.60.035(b) (3): For subdivision whose lots exceed one acre, the fee shall not exceed that of one acre per lot b. Multiple family dwelling units -initial unit $3,600.00/ac. Each unit after initial $135.00 (not to exceed $4,500.00/ac.) c. Commercial, industrial,. hospitals,. churches,: schools, and others $4,500.00/ac. O. P. 2. Building/GradingPerrnits (Building,. Structures & impervious areas) a. New Impervious surface area, per sq. ft. $1.00/sq. ft. Street Improvement In-Lieu Fee 1. Sidewalks $16.00 per square foot 2. Curb and Gutter $57.00 per linear foot Trail hnprovements In-Lieu Fee $16.0.0/per sq ft. or determined by Director *The current State mandated fee is $18.00 for Hauling Permits. If the State fee changes, the Hauling Permits fee will change to reflect the same. 22 b. Deposit for Facilities Damage $2,050.00 2. Hauling (Overweight Vehicle) Permit $ 18.00* DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Engineering Division - cont'd R. Road Impact Fee (Ordinance 19841 1. New Buildings, Additions & Demolitions: a. Commercial b. Residential c. Pools/spas/water features 2. Alterations/Remodels/Re-roof/ Repairs/Decks, etc. 3. Landscape/Grading Permits, Encroachment Permits, Parking Lot Paving, Retaining Walls, Public Improvements $0.20/sq. ft $0.15/sq. ft $0.25/sq. ft $0.02/sq. ft $1.40 per cubic yard in excess of 15 cubic yards 23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FEES A. Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center Fee Schedule Rental fees may be paid at the time of the application or any time no less than two weeks before the scheduled date. a. If rental fees are not paid at least two weeks prior to the event, then the. application maybe terminated. b. If a reservation is cancelled at least two weeks before the scheduled event, 100 percent of the security deposit and room rental fees which. may have been paid to the Town will be returned. c. If notice is given to cancel. an event less than two weeks before the scheduled event, half of the room rental fees and none of the security deposit paid to the Town will be returned. d. .Any required security deposit must be paid at the time the usage application is submitted to secure the reservation. Hall Kitchen Cate~ory I: Government Agencies, No No Community Service Organizations Charge Charge and Neighborhood Center Tenants that. Serve Los Gatos Senior Citizens Cate~ory II: Community Service Groups 1. Activities (non-profits) There is a 2-hour minimum for all rental usage. a. Resident. b. Non-Resident. c. Security Deposit d. Security Deposit (Alcohol is served) $30.00/hr No Charge $100.00/hr No Charge $300.00 No Charge $500.00 No Charge 2. Fees Charged for Fundraising Activities There is a 2-hour minimum for all rental usage. a. Resident $100.00/hr b. Non-resident $200.00/hr c. Security Deposit $300.00 d. Security Deposit $500.00 (Alcohol is served) No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge Conference Lounge Room No No Charge Charge $15.00/hr $40.00/hr $100.00 $500.00 $40.00/hr $80.00/hr $100.00 $100.00 $10.00/hr $30.00/hr $100.00 $500.00 $30.00/hr $60.00/hr $100,00 $100.00 24 COMMUNITY SER~7ICE FEES Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center Fee Schedule - cont'd - Hall Category III: Private Parties There is a 2-hour minimum for all rental usage. a. Resident (Including Town Employees) b. Non-Resident c. Security Deposit d. Security Deposit (Alcohol is served) Building Attendant: Kitchen $100.00/hr No Charge $200.00/hr No Charge $300.00 No Charge $500.00 No Charge Conference Loun e Room $40.00/hr $30.00/hr $ 80.00/hr $60.00/hr $100.00 $100:00 $500.00 $500.00 A Building Attendant is required under any of the following circumstances: • alcohol is served • more than 50 people are in attendance • a meal is provided Building Attendants are employed by the Town on behalf of the applicant. The cost paid by the applicant for the Building Attendant's time is the prevailing wage set by the Town's Salary Schedule. Time over 8 hours per day is charged at the prevailing overtime wage set by the Town's Salary Schedule. Security Guard: Security Guards are hired directly by the applicant. Verification that services have been contracted for must be submitted to the Neighborhood Center office at least two weeks prior to the scheduled event. A Security Guard is required to be present at the facility under the following circumstance: • alcohol is served Applicants: The Downtown Neighborhood Center maybe scheduled by the categories of users listed below: 1. Category I: Government Agencies; Senior Organizations, and Neighborhood Center Tenants Groups qualifying as government agencies and senior organizations include the following: • Federal,- state, county, and municipal agencies that provide a community service for the citizens of Los Gatos. • Organizations, including the Los Gatos-Saratoga Department of Community Education and Recreation which provide activities specifically for Los Gatos' senior citizens. 25 COMMUNITY SERVICE FEES Los Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center Fee Schedule - cont'd Cate~ory I: - cont'd • Neighborhood Center Tenants. which provide a corrununity service that does not involve fundraising. Cate~ory II: Commmunity Service Groups Groups qualifying as community service groups include the following: • Nonprofit organizations, which have obtained 501(c) 3 ruling from the State (must be documented by ruling letter from State). • Los Gatos Service and Community organizations -groups that provide recreational, cultural, leisure or other community service activities to Los Gatos residents, including the Los Gatos-Saratoga Department.of Community Education and Recreation. • Los Gatos Elementary School District and the Los Gatos Joint Union High School District. Category III: Private parties • Resident For private parties or wedding receptions to qualify for the resident fee, the Neighborhood Center may be reserved either by a Los Gatos resident or by anon-resident's immediate family member who is a Los Gatos resident. An inunediate family member is defined as: mother, father, sibling, and children of applicant,. grandparents, stepchildren and parents. • Non-Resident Applicants who do not meet above criteria. Priori Category I applicants have priority over Category II and III applicants for use of the Center. General Regulations: 1. Use is limited to ten hours. 2. If use exceeds hours on application form, then. fee is charged at 1.5 times the rate. 3. All checks made payable to the Town of Los Gatos 4. Refundable deposits are returned within forty-five days by the Town of Los Gatos. Definitions: Resident a. To qualify as a "resident" group, at least 51 percent of the Board of Directors or membership attending the function must be Los Gatos residents. 26 COMMUNITY SERVICE FEES I,os Gatos Downtown Neighborhood Center Fee Schedule - cont'd Definitions - cont'd Resident b. Documentation required for a. above: Drivers license or other. personal picture identification, including the applicant's address and telephone number. 2. Non-Resident "Non-resident" groups. are those that meet all of the criteria of a community service group, but do not meet the- definition of a "resident". 3. Fundraising Activities a. Community service groups applying for use of the facility to hold a fundraising activity or activity for which admission or a fee is charged must meet all of the criteria under a. above. Resident ornon-resident rates are charged depending on the residence of rriembers or activity attendees. b. Tenants of the Town of Los Gatos applying for use of the facility to hold a fundraising activity will be required to pay the necessary fees under Category II. B. Program Space for Non-Profit Agencies $1.75/sq. ft./month Neighborhood Center tenants may schedule rooms in the facility for business purposes. Fees are not collected unless the value of the space scheduled exceeds $50 x sq. ft. leased on annual cumulative basis 27 LIBRARY FEES AND FINES ~` ~:~Fees er. ue.Fmes, 3. Periodicals or cites en~~nay~~eques~te ~~tT~~ ~Y om~fine~s---. C. Lost or Damaged Items 1. Replacement of Adult book/AV item 2. Replacement ofTeen/Children's book/AV item 3. Replacement of Adult paperback 4. Replacement, of magazine 5. Patron procures replacement copy standard. fine to cost of item Cost of item plus $10.00 processing fee Cost of item plus $5.00 processing fee Cost of item plus $5.00 processing fee Cost of item plus $5.00 processing fee Half of normal processing fee for item type D. Internet printing, initial ten free, thereafter each page $0.10 E. History Proiect Digital Image Fee Fair Use Fees (for personal use only) 1. 8 by 10 single weight glossy $20.00 2. Digital image scanned to CD/ROM $25.00 Commercial Use Fees 1. Educational Media $25.00 2. Brochures and flyers $50.00 3. Trade publications, including electronic Magazine/Websites $75.00 4. Commercial Media $125.00 5. Commercial decor $125.00 6. Advertising and product design $125.00 Anyone using the photographs for commercial purposes must pay one-time commercial fees in addition to the cost of the photographic reproduction for each image. 28 PARKS Al\TD PUBLIC W®R:KS Parks Division Plaza Use Permit • A permit fee of $55 an hour for events that close: the Plaza entirely to the public. This fee will be charged for the number of hours. the Plaza cannot be used safely by the public due to the event. Additional fees or deposits maybe charged for lawn repair, street closures, and/or additional maintenance, as determined by the Parks and Public Works Director: Resident Non-Resident Park Use Permit Park uses not covered $95.00 $125.00 By picnic use fees and $100.00 refundable and $100.00 refundable clean-up deposit clean-up deposit Specific Parlc Use Fee Group B.B.Q. Area Fee $95.00 per site $125.00 per site and $100.00 refundable and $100.00 refundable clean-up deposit clean-up deposit ' Non-Profit For Profit/Private Parties Organized Recreational Activity Use: Multiple date use for ongoing $95.00 plus $25.00 $125.00 plus $40.00 recreational/educational purposes each additional date each additional date Resident Non-Resident Use of Bandstand (Oak Meadow) Non-Profit: $65.00 per hour $120.00 pez hour and $.500.00 refundable and $500.00 refundable clean-up deposit clean-up deposit Private Parties: $90.00 per hour $160.00 per hour and $500.00 refundable and $500.00 refundable clean-up deposit clean-up deposit Pageant Grounds: Non-Profit: $65.00 per hour and $120.00 per hour and - $500.00 refundable $500.00 refundable clean-up deposit clean-up deposit 29 PARKS .AND PUBLIC WORIZS Parks Division - cont'd Pageant Grounds: Private Parties: Resident $90.00 per hour and $500.00 refundable clean-up deposit Non-Resident $160.00 per hour and $SOO.DO refundable clean-up deposit Vehicle Escort Fee Parking Fee $75.00 No Charge $100.00 $6.00 per vehicle year-round Turf Impact Fee Additional fee added to any Park Use or Special Event Permit, when. a permit's scheduled activity or event will negatively impact the park turf, (locations including but not limited to Oak Meadow, Plaza, and Civic Center lawn areas). Amount of fee to be based upon best estimate of turf repair cost, as determined by the Director of Parks and Public Works Tree Related Fees A. Tree Removal Permit Application to remove one tree $ 130.00 Additional tree removal fee $ b5.00/each If application is denied 50% refund B. Illegal Tree Removal Administrative Fee $240.00 C. Replacement Trees -Town Forestry Fund Tree cost for each 24",36", and/or 45" box Per Tree Ordinance Section 29.10.0985 size will be the Market Price plus the Installation Cost, determined by the Director 30 PARKS A1>TD PUBLIC WO1~:KS Parks Division -coat' d Equipment Hourly Rate as Follows: Description Cost/hour Pick-up Truck $29.00 1 ton Flatbed Truck $39.00 Utility Truck $52,00 Dump Truck (10 Wheel) 78.00 Dump Truclc (Bobtail) 57..00 Paint Truck 78.00 Line Remover 23.00 Large Mower 57.00 Skidster Loader 57.00 Tractor-loader 57.00 Backhoe 78.00 Rubber-tired Loader 78.00 Roller 57.00 Van 34...00 Paving Box 57.00 Rodder 57.00 High Pressure Sewer Cleaner .107.00 Brush Chipper 39.00 Chipper Truck 57.00 Aerial Unit 85.00 Street Sweeper 85.00 Forklift 39.00 Trailer 39.00 Concrete Saw 29.00 Air Compressor 29.00 Arrowboard 29.00 Generator 23.00 Chainsaw 18.00 Blower 10.00 Streets Division A. Hazard and/or Debris Removal 1. Staff time spent to conduct hazard and or debris Actual Cost removal caused by citizen negligence. (based on current billing rate) B. Special Event Fees 1. Staff and equipment for special event requests .Actual Cost (based on current billing rate) 31 POLICE FEES AND FINES ~„ F 4 y. ~x~rliea_io ~~ Report Copies up to 20 pages F0 ~:a e~ F f a e <0 $ 21.00 Subpoena Duces Teeum Per California Evidence Code Section 1563 Soli o /Peddler~~s P ~ • ~ • ~ ~~~~ s~ .~ ~ ~. ~~, ~~~104: ~0 's ~ ~ r '' an < ~ ~ ~1~~ G~ ~ p Bicycle Licenses (each) $ 3.00 ~F~~w na ~~ a cx= + Ky~~c~ ~' ~ ~ ~~~~ - _, - ~ .r•e-s~-ms~ a-mzt•~ llitve~'s Pei~ni~~(ia~ ~Inlu~-e ~ID7'.~:~~~~ ~~' ~ _ ~ 253" ~0 ~~) >u Fee covers staff time to process application, review pertinent documents, arrange forfingerprints and photographs to be taken and obtain all necessary approvals. 32 ~- = } ' ~~~~~ ~~-~-~ .~~ ~~~~~~ $227 f - h ~~ ~~ ~ Permit (en wal) ' ~ r _ - ~ ~ ~ ,, ~k t ~ -~_ 25{3 ~~ Lei ~ i ~ o~P-ermt ~ ; =i 1 ~ ::. . ~ ~~,-' ~ ~~ ~ .; ~~ ~~ POLICE FEES AND FINES Other Special Police Services Pursuant to Agreement between Police Chief and Requestor ~~~~ ~. Vehicle Repossession Release Fee $ 15.00 (Government Code Section 41612) Citation issued for failure to display appropriate Permit or placard. Dismissal fee in lieu of full Bail amount: 1. Handicap CVC22507.8/22500(1) $ 32.00 2. Parking Permits $ 10..00 33 3. All Other Costs as specified in Special Events Ordinance, Section 14.100.045 Local Booking Fees and Emergency. Response Caused by 1. Drinking Drivers At current billing rate 2. Second Response due to Disturbances ire ~ ~i~~t~a . a ~~g-- ~r~ ~~ S I (7~~U A~lmu~ Fey POLICE FEES AND FINES Photographs on CD $ 52.00 Copy of Video Tape $ 52.00 Copy of Audio Tape $ 52.00 Town Code Parking Violation Fees 1. 15.40.015 (Overtime Parking) $ 38.00 2. (Vehicle Storage on Street) $ 63.00 3. 15.40.070 (Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones) $ 63.00 4. 15.40.075 (For Sale/Non Emergency Repair) $ 38.00 5. 15.40.080 (Preferential Parking) $ 48.00 6. 15.40.080(b) (Permit Required Area) $ 48.00 7. 15.40.080(c) (Fraudulent use of Permit) $103.00 8. 15.40.085 (Posted no Parking Special Events) $ 38.00 9. 15.40.090 (Parking on Parkway) $ 38.00 10. 15.40.095 (Marked Parking Space) $ 38.00 11. 15.40,100 (Parking on Grade) $ .33.00 12. 15.40..105 (Designated Parking VC22507.8) $283.00' 13. 15.40.110 (Marked Curb) $ 38.00 California Vehicle. Code Parking Violation Fees 1. 21113(a) VC (Public Lot Parkingin Permit Area) $ 18.00 2. 22500(b) VC (On Crosswalk) $ 38.00 3. 22500(e) VC (Blocking Driveway) $ 38.00 4. 22500(f) VC (On Sidewalk) $ 38.00 5. 22500(h) VC (Double Parking) $ 38.00 6. 22500(1) VC (In Bus Zone) $258.00 7. 22500(1) VC (Blocking Curb Access Ramp). $258.00 8. 22500.1 VC (Blocking Fire Lane) $ 38.00 9. 22502(a) VC (Parallel 18in.Right Curb) $ 38.00 10. 22502(e) VC (One Way within 18in. Left Curb) $ 38.00 11. 22507.8(a) VC (Designated Disabled Parking). $283.00 12. 22507.8(b) VC(Disabled Space Inaccessible) $283.00 13. 22507.8(c)(1-2) VC (On Stall or Cross. Hatch Lines $283.00 14. 22514 VC (Within 15ft of Fire Hydrant) $ 38.00 15. 22521 VC (Within 7ft of Railroad Traclc) $ 3.8.00 16. 22522 VC (Within aft Sidewalk Access Ramp) $283.00 17. 23333 VC (Vehicular Crossing) $ 75.00 18. 4000(a) VC (Expired Registration) $138.00 Fine if corrected within 21 days of issue date $ 13.00 19. 5204(a) VC (No Registration Tabs) $ 79.00 Fine if corrected within 21 days of issue date $ 13.00 20. 5200 VC (Missing License Plate) $ 79.00 Fine if corrected within 21 days of issue date $ 13.00 34 POLICE FEES 1~ND FINES Parl~ng Permit Fees 1. Residential Parking Permits Annual residential parking permit/per vehicle $ 38.00 (Limit - 4 per residence) Visitor guest passes: Two (2) complimentary with the purchase of the primary permit Special Event Permit (one day)-First permit $ 10.00 Each additional (one day) $ 2.00 Replacement permit for vehicle change $ 10.00 (within calendar year) Lost permit replacement $ 28.00 Damaged permit replacement (with return of permit) $ 10.00 2. Business Parking Permits Standard Employee monthly $ 28.00 Standard Employee annual $221.00 Premium Employee monthly $ 3 8.00 Premium Employee annual $332.00 Lost permit replacement $ 33.00 Damaged permit replacement (with return of permit) $ 18.00 3. Construction Parkin Pg ermit One day parking permit per construction vehicle $ 28.00 Each additional day per vehicle $ 5..00 35 Town of Los Gatos Comprehensive Fee Schedule Recommended Fee Changes and Additions for FY 2010/11 Fee Category Adopted FY 2009/10 Fee Proposed FY 2010/11 Fee Administrative Fees General Fees Credit Card Processing Fee 0% 1.62% r,^•, n°^F* ~~°^,.,+Business License Application~•• r^^^°"^*~^" ^~'~^^~~°°° $25:00 $25.00 T '~•,^^ Processing Fee -annually per business Attorney Fees Review of Conditions, Covenant & Restrictions {CC&R) $0.00 $250 per hour (I.5 hr, max) Additional time $150 per hour Simple Covenant/deed restriction $0.00 $150.00 Subdivision Improvement Agreements $0,00 N/C Special/Altered/Multi-party $0.00 $150 per hour Encroachment Agreements $0:00 $150 per hour Miscellaneous (Legal Agreement; Real Property etc,)* $0.00 $150 per hr plus minimum deposit *Minimum Deposit is $250.00 Development Services General Development Fees H. Engineering Development Review Service Pee b. Development Fees ] 0.00% 15.00% Building Division Fecs 1. Building Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance $38.00 $64:00 Additional Building Permit Fee $11.00 $32:00 F. Special Services & Inspections 1. Inspection outside normal business hours (4 hour minimum) $103.00 per hour $150,00 per liour 2. Re-inspection fees $103:00 per hour $130.00 per hour 3. Inspections for which no fee is specified (2 hour minimum) $103.00 per hour $130:00 per hout• 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions $135.00 per hour $230,00 per hour to plans and/or inspections (1 hour minimum) 9. Application for the Appeals Building Board Review $148.00 $230.00 2. Electrical Permit Fees A. Permit Issuance $38.00 $64,00 Additional Electrical Permit Fee $11,00 $32.00 B. Plan Review & Re-inspection Fees 3. Re-inspection fee $103.00 per hour $130.00 per hour D. System Fee Schedule 5. Installation of illuminatedsigns $53.00 $86.00 E, Unit Fee Schedule 4. Photovoltaic system (residential) $62.00 $90.00 5. Solar Systems $62.00 $90.00 3. Mechanical Permits A. Permit Issuance .$38.00 $64.00 Additional Mechanical Permit Fee $11..00 $32.00 B. Plan Review & Re-inspection Fees 3. Re-inspection fee $103.00 per hour .$130:00 per hour 4. Plumbing Permit Fees ~ A. Permit Issuance $38.00 $64:00 Additional Plumbing Permit Fee $11.00 $32.00 B. Plan Review & Re-inspection Pees 3. Re-inspection $103.00 per hour $130:00 per hour D. System Fee Schedule 4. Each .new or repair of gas piping system $58.00 $30.00 N:\FINANCE\Fee Schedule\2010-11\Fee Changes and Additions -Revision #t.xls 1 Attachment 3 Town of Los Gatos Comprehensive Fee Schedule Recommended Fee Changes and Additions for FY 2010/11 I Adopted Proposed l Fee Cateeory FY 2009/10 Fee F1' 2010/] 1 Fce Planning Division 1. Zoning Approvals A. Architecture and Site Applications (1) DRC Approval a. New single family detached $5,523,00 $5,965.00 a New single family or 2 family units $3,916.00 $4,112,00 E. Planned Development 1. Without General Plan or Specific Plan Amend. $19,121.00 $21,033.00 2. Without General Plan or Specif Plan Amend, (HR etc) $25,169.00 $27,686,00 3. With General Plan or Specific Plan Amend, $22,622.00 $24,884.00 4, With General Plan or Specific Plan Amend. (HR etc.) $28,664.00 $31,530.00 L. Secondary Dwelling Units pnA/n ~. T~y0o3clStii3g-uni-tS ~-1~1-1;e8 ~g:g© 1, New unit $0,00 $1,100.00 2. One or two existing units $0.00 $946.00 4. Environmental Assessment Fees B. Initial Study Deposit $3,500.00 $5,000,00 5. Other J, Newsrack Permit Fee $0.00 $289.00 Engineering Division A. Engineering Plan Check Fees (Public Improvements and Grading): 1. Application Fee $255.00 $270.00 2, First $50,000.00 of value 6% of est, cost of Improvements 10% of est, cost of Improvements. 3. Next $50,000,00 of value 4% of est. cost of Improvements 8% of est.. cost oflmprovements C. Inspection Fee (Public Improvements and Grading); 1, First $50,000.00 of value 9% of est. cost of Improvements 8%of est, cost of Improvements 2. Next $50,000.00 of value 5% of est. cost of Improvements 4% of est, cost of Improvements D. Work In or Use of Public Right-of--Way; 1. Construction Encroachment Permit Base Fee $220.00 $235.00 E. NPDES I. Inspection fee; a. No change in itnpervios area $50.00 $55.00 H. Engineering Lot Merger T. Certificate $700.00 $760.00 I, Engineering Lot Line Adjustments 1. Certificate $700.00 $760,00 J. Certificate of Compliance 1. Certificate review and preparation $750.00 $810.00 IC. Abandon Excess Public Right-of Way and Public Easement 1. Application Fee $850,00 $910.00 2. Processing Fee $2,500,00 $2,700.00 b. ~,,,,_,,,,.....::'n:°+..:,.+no cr,.o„d . _......._"___ "r-_-- r~,,.,,.,~,aa•,+~~..,1„~~coi na.,,;,r-$ee $0=00 T~, ~ ~~°"~z~-tTt~lStri^+ca-vn"'iraiivia ~'9 It ~~ r'' t 1 '7S°/ A 1 T:;, ~~. Q. Hauling Permits 1. House Moving Fee a. Per FIouse $517.00 $560.00 Community Service Fces NOFEE ADDITIONS OI2 CHANGES Library Fees and Fines A. Fees 1, Inter-Library Loan $2.00 $5.00 2. Proctor Fee $0.00 $25.00 per test B. Overdue Fines 1, Adult Library materials $0,25 $0.50 1. Children's/Teen's materials 0,25 a day $5.00 max/per item $5.00 per item flat fine after 6 weeks overdue N:\FINANCE\Fee Sohedule\2010-11\Fee Changes and Additions -Revision #1.xis 2 Attachment 3 Town of Los Gatos Comprehensive Fee Schedule Recommended Fee Changes and Additions for FY 2010/11 Adopted Proposed Fee CateeorY FY 2009/10 Fee FY 2010/11 Fee Police Division Fingerprinting Application Fee $27,00 $31.00 Report copies up to 20 pages ($9~9 $0.25 for each page over 20) $21.00 $21.00 Photographs 1, For the first 3 $50.00 $37,00 2, Each additional 5 .0 0 $ $13.00 p.~ ~ ~ ~~ Concealed Weapons: 1. Initial Permit Fee plus DOJ print fee ($32) $140.00 $104:00 2. Renewal Permit $61.00 $104.00 Solicitor/Peddler's (Permit Fee $45, DO7 Print Fee $32, LGPD Print Fee $97.00 $104.00 Tow Trucks 1, Driver's Permit (initial) -includes DOJ $13.8.00 $253.00 2. Driver's Permit (renewal) $138.00 $227.00 3. Service Permit (initial) $475.00 $253.00 4. Service Permit (renewal) $475:00 $227.00 Massage Permit Fees: 1. Initial Application for each Therapist $143.00 $l 80:00 2. Annual Renewal for each Therapist $72,00 $90.00 Clearance Letters 1. Each Letter $52,00 $2 3.00 vrz-n:,a.,..~,.., T 11' Do..: ~+r,.+:..,, /o.,..h) - .. ...b ....b,.... »...... l.,».,.. @7~ P SB:B~ Administrative Fee for Special Events 1. For-Profit Groups (each) $553.00 $600.00 2. Not-For-Profit Groups (each) $138.00 $1.50.00 Administrative Fee for Motion Pictw~e/Television etc 1. For-Profit Groups (each) $489.00 $1,389.00 2. Not-For-Profit Groups (each) $123.00 $500,00 T H T 1 R /f 1 I + ~+....ol..+o:l +., .7r:., 1.:., ,, ,i..:,,o....\ - ~~~~ ,~~ Horse Drawn Vehicle 1. Application Fee $108.00 $11.9:00 2. Driver's Permit (annual) $56.00 $62.00 3, Vehicle Permit & Inspection Fee $56,00 $62.00 4. Annual Renewal & Inspection flee $56.00 $62,00 Firearm's Storage Fee (plus $1.00 per firearm per day storage) $75.00 $] 05.00 Firearms Dealer's Permit $638.00 $241..00 Vehicle Release $166.00 $190:00 Alarm Registration Fee 1, Commercial $50,00 $35.00 False Alarm 1. Second False Alarm $50:00 $55.00 2. Third False Alarm $110.00 $120.00 3. Fourth False Alarm .$221.00 $243.00 4, Fifth False Alann $332.00 $364.00 c c:„+1, ,..,a ~„t,~o,,,,o.,+.~~.;~ge V ~99:9A $a:90 t., u,.,,,.o R....1.:.,,, >:oo ......~.........b . ~- NeY +,. ~,,,.,,,,,1 Q~n nn $9=90 Non-Los Gatos Cite Sign Off $15.00 $26.00 N:\FINANCE\Fee Schedule\2010-11\Fee Changes and Additions -Revision #1.xls 3 Attachment 3