1 - Retrofit Bay Area.~pW N OR ~, ~,, 11 to~ tos COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: February 18, 2010 MEETING DATE: 3/1/10 ITEM NO: ~ TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER /~7~ SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION REGARDING RETROFIT BAY AREA, A COMPREHENSIVE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING RETROFIT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution regarding Retrofit Bay Area, a comprehensive residential building retrofit program, which will fund energy audits and retrofits of Los Gatos homes to achieve a reduction in energy consumption. BACKGROUND: The California Energy Commission's (CEC) issuance of $95 million in State Energy Program (SEP) grant funds provided an unprecedented opportunity to develop and implement a regional community-scale building retrofit program. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), in partnership with the eight Bay Area counties and a total of 1041oca1 governments in the San Francisco Bay Area, worked together to develop an innovative program, "Retrofit Bay Area," amarket-driven residential retrofit program. This self-sustaining program will stimulate the economy and create jobs while transforming energy markets in California. Designed for scalability and transferability, this program will create a model that can be replicated statewide and nationally. SEP grant funds were also awarded to fund CaliforniaFIRST, aproperty-assessed clean energy (PACE) program being launched by California Communities, a joint powers authority sponsored by the League of California Cities and the California State Association of Counties. At its January 18 meeting, Council authorized the Town to join the CalifonniaFIRST program. PREPARED BY: Regina A. 1 Communit e~ Director Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager f~~Town Attorney Clerk Administrator ~~Finance ommunity Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Retrofit Bay Area February 18, 2010 T)TSC;T TS~TnN~ Regional Scope of Work: ABAG applied for, and was awarded, a $10.75 million grant from the CEC to fund Retrofit Bay Area. This region-wide energy efficiency program will retrofit 17,000 homes (single family and multifamily) to achieve reduction in home energy consumption, while creating 1,739 home energy retrofit jobs. The grant funds will pay for regional program development, local program development and implementation, evaluation, measurement and verification, and administration and reporting. Local Scope of Work: ABAG and the grant Steering Committee have agreed to a population- based allocation for each county-specific program. In addition, StopWaste.Org and Sonoma County Transportation Authority will be tasked to carry out some regional deliverables, since the two agencies have a substantial head start in planning and developing components of green retrofit programs. Santa Clara County's proposed budget allocation is $1.95 million. See Exhibit A to Attachment 1 of this report for a summary description of the Retrofit Bay Area program and Santa Clara County's local role. In short, Santa Clara County plans a Santa Clara County Residential Retrofit Program (SCCRRP). SCCRRP would provide energy audits and retrofits in all the cities and unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County, including Los Gatos. It would consist of a suite of environmental programs and information, including property-assessed (PACE) financing options such as CaliforniaFIRST. The energy audits are expected to stimulate interest in comprehensive home retrofits such as added insulation, heating and air conditioning upgrades, new windows, and energy efficient appliances, resulting in significant reductions in energy and water consumption. It is projected that this work will result in 446 new jobs, $1.7 million saved energy costs for homeowners, 100 billion BTU's reduced, and $43.8 million spent in Santa Clara County. CEC Requirements: All participating counties in the ABAG proposal must provide an authorizing resolution. The Resolution must be approved by each county's Governing Authority. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors will consider the issue at its March 2 meeting. Once approved, an agreement between the CEC and ABAG must be signed and will include the project description, work statement tasks and milestones, budget, and schedule. ABAG has requested that cities in the participating counties also provide an authorizing resolution. This authorizing resolution is Attachment 1 to this report. CONCLUSION: The Retrofit Bay Area program, through the local Santa Clara County Residential Retrofit Program, would provide Los Gatos homeowners access to a suite of environmental programs and information, including comprehensive home retrofits such as added insulation, heating and air conditioning upgrades, new windows, and energy efficient appliances, resulting in significant reductions in energy and water consumption. Full grant funding of the program has already been committed by the California Energy Commission. Participation in this program would represent a key part of the Town's ongoing commitment to a green and sustainable future. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: Retrofit Bay Area February 18, 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The draft Resolution (Attachment 1) includes the finding that Retrofit Bay Area is an exempt project under California Code of Regulations, Title 14, sections 15301 (repairs and minor alterations to existing facilities), 15302 (replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities), 15306 (information collection), 15308 (actions to protect the environment), 15309 (inspections), and 15322 (training programs) because the project would develop standards for resource conserving and energy saving retrofits of existing structures in conformance with existing building codes; train contractors, homeowners and other building professionals; encourage participation in the green retrofit program; provide rebates for tested and certified retrofit projects; and monitor and evaluate environmental performance of projects. FISCAL IMPACT: Retrofit Bay Area and the Santa Clara County Residential Retrofit Program are funded by SEP funds through the CEC. Santa Clara County will receive more than $1,950,000 of the grant funds; this money will be used to fund two County staff positions, as well as the administration of the program. It is likely that Town staff will be involved in development of the program as part of a committee of the Santa Clara County municipalities. It is unclear at this time what additional commitment will be required of the Town; it could include monitoring and oversight of the program, and local marketing of the program. No SEP grant funds will be received by the Town. Attachments: Draft Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos fmding that Retrofit Bay Area is an exempt project under the California Environmental Quality Act; authorizing the Association of Bay Area Governments to accept a grant award on its behalf and to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements; and recognizing the County of Santa Clara as the local lead implementer for all of the local governments in Santa Clara County (Exhibit A). Tai ~trihuti nn Sustainability Committee members Jill Boone, Climate Change/Sustainability Program Manager, Santa Clara County Annie Henderson, Renewable Funding Attachment 1 RESOLUTION 2010- RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FINDING THAT RETROFIT BAY AREA IS AN EXEMPT PROJECT UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; AUTHORIZING THE ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD ON ITS BEHALF AND TO ENTER INTO ALL NECESSARY CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS; AND RECOGNIZING THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AS THE LOCAL LEAD IMPLEMENTER FOR ALL OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos recognizes that it is in the interest of the local, regional, state, and federal agencies to stimulate the economy; create and retain jobs; reduce fossil fuel emissions; and reduce total energy usage and improve energy efficiency; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has committed to an ongoing, coordinated effort to reduce the emissions that cause global warming, improve air quality, reduce waste, cut energy use and save money; and WHEREAS, State Energy Program (SEP) funds are available through the California Energy Commission's SEP Funding Opportunities for grants to eligible local governments for cost-effective energy efficiency projects; and WHEREAS, the SEP allows for public agencies ornon-profit entities to apply for funds on behalf of eligible local governments; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos is eligible for SEP funding under the California Energy Commission's SEP Program; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has collaborated with the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to submit a regional application to implement the energy efficiency project described in Exhibit A for the purpose of qualifying for SEP funds from the California Energy Commission; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos has considered the application of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to the approval of the energy efficiency project described in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT that in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos finds that the approval of the energy efficiency project described in Exhibit A is a "project" under CEQA that is exempt under California Code of Regulations, Title 14, sections 15301 N:\CSD\TCRPTS\Resolutions\2010\Retrofit Bay Area reso.doc (repairs and minor alterations to existing facilities), 15302 (replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities), 15306 (information collection), 15308 (actions to protect the environment), 15309 (inspections), and 15322 (training programs) because the project would develop standards for resource conserving and energy saving retrofits of existing structures in conformance with existing building codes; train contractors, homeowners and other building professionals; encourage participation in the green retrofit program; provide rebates for tested and certified retrofit projects; and monitor and evaluate environmental performance of projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Los Gatos authorizes ABAG to accept a grant award from the California Energy Commission, on its behalf and to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements, and amendments thereto, on its behalf to implement and carry out the project described in Exhibit A; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Los Gatos recognizes the County of Santa Clara as the lead local implementer for the project described in Exhibit A for all of the local governments in Santa Clara County, and that ABAG as the fiscal agent, will disburse the funds to Santa Clara County to implement and carry out the project described in Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: /s/Mayor Diane McNutt MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: /s/ Jackie D. Rose CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 2 Exhibit A: Retrofit Bay Area Comprehensive Residential Building Retrofit Program Summary of grant proposal submitted by ABAG to the California Energy Commission on December 21, 2009 Description of Proposed Program The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) is collaborating with eight Bay Area counties to establish a comprehensive residential single-family and multifamily building retrofit program that leverages regional cooperation and funding while enabling autonomy at the local level. The proposed ABAG program aligns with local, regional and national goals of promoting economic vitality through an increase in green jobs, reducing U.S. oil dependency through increases in energy efficiency and deployment of renewable energy technologies, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. On behalf of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma Counties, ABAG submitted a proposal to the California Energy Commission's State Energy Program (SEP) to receive $10.8 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant funds administered by the U.S. Department of Energy. This grant program, known informally as SEP 2 to distinguish it from three other elements of California's SEP program, runs from February 11, 2010 to March 31, 2012. The ARRA/SEP 2 grant funds would be used by ABAG program participants to carry out local and Bay Area-wide consumer outreach and education campaigns and workforce development activities that will accelerate demand for home energy retrofits and expand the regional building industry's capacity to delivery high- quality, cost-effective retrofit services. To achieve these goals, Retrofit Bay Area has identified a set of three core program objectives: 1. Provide Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing to address the high upfront cost of retrofits, which enables homeowners to finance energy efficiency retrofits and renewable energy improvements through assessments paid via their property taxes. 2. Demonstrate more effective marketing and outreach methods to inform and motivate property owner participation. 3. Streamline participant, contractor, and administration processes to reduce the high transaction costs and build a quality "green" workforce. The ABAG program thereby will complement existing and planned local retrofit activities. 3 Program Participants and Roles Participant Role Association of Bay Area Governments Fiscal agent and contract administrator Alameda County (StopWaste.Org) and Regional tasks and local retrofit program Sonoma County (Sonoma County implementation Transportation Authority) Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Local retrofit program implementation Mateo. Santa Clara and Solano Counties Bevilacqua Knight, Inc., Build It Green and Regional and local implementation assistance, California Building Performance Contractors quality assurance and reporting Association The County of Santa Clara's Role The County of Santa Clara has represented the interests of the County and its cities in working with ABAG to develop a regional energy program and is working with the cities to develop a countywide element that will become the Santa Clara County Residential Retrofit Program (SCCRRP). If grant funding is awarded to ABAG, Santa Clara County will receive more than $1,950,000 for the SCCRRP to implement local efforts to promote energy audits and retrofits for the residential sector in all the cities and unincorporated areas of the County. The County is providing a grant process for nonprofits, businesses, housing agencies, utilities and consulting firms to provide energy audits to the residential community. The SCCRRP will consist of a suite of environmental programs and information, including PACE financing options, that will be uniformly packaged, marketed and presented to County constituents. The energy audits are expected to stimulate interest in comprehensive home retrofits such as added insulation, weatherization, heating, ventilation and air conditioning upgrades, new windows and energy efficient appliances, resulting in significant reductions in energy and water consumption. The nearly $2 million that will be available for the SCCRRP will fund two County staff positions and various programs. ABAG is seeking to facilitate 17,000 retrofits in the Bay Area during the grant cycle, with an average of 20% energy reduction. Based on the County having 26% of the population of the eight participating counties, the SCCRRP will aim for 4,359 retrofits. It is projected that this work will result in 446 new jobs, $1.7 million saved in energy costs for homeowners, 100 billion reduction of BTU, and $43.8 million spent in the County. The SCCRRP will not change the permitting or building inspection processes within the County, and will seek to inform and educate residents on steps that they can take to reduce their energy consumption and water usage. Residents who participate in the program and have energy audits performed on their homes will be encouraged to implement the steps recommended by the energy audit and upgrade their home to be more energy efficient and to consume less water. 4