2009-113-Awarding A Construction Contract To Galeb Paving, Incorporated For Ppw Job No.07-16 Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction ProjectRESOLUTION 2009-113 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CALEB PAVING, INCORPORATED FOR PPW JOB NO. 07-16 PARKING LOT 6 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, bids were sought in conformance with State and Town law for PPW Job No.07-16 -Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction Project; and WHEREAS, Caleb Paving, Incorporated submitted a bid which the Town Co~ulcil/Redevelopment Agency deems to be responsive to the Town's solicitation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that Caleb Paving, Incorporated is declared to be the lowest responsible bidder for PPW Job No. 07-16 -Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction Project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute a construction contract (Attached as Exhibit A) for said project on behalf of the Town in an amount not to exceed $291,665; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is authorized to execute future change orders, as necessary; in an amount not to exceed $30,000. PASSEll AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 26`x' day of October, 2009 by the following vote.: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES; Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, and Mayor Mike Wasserman NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None `~~~~ G SIGNED: MAYOR/CHAIR OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTE~S"T"~~~ ~~ CLERK~DMI ISTRATOR/SECRETARY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GA'1 LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA .~pW N aF '~,~,~~ • ~' ~ ~Og GA~p DATE: T0. FROM; SUBJECT: COUNCIL/AGENCY AGENDA REPORT OCTOBER 12, 2009 MEETING DATE: X0/26/09 ITEM NO; MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF TPIE REDEVELOPMENT AGNECY GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER/EXECUTIVE PPW JOB N0.07-16 -PARKING LOT 6 RECONSTRUCTION 411-8~Y°`7-0702 A. ADOPT RESOLUTION DECLARING GALES PAVING, INCORPORATED TO BE THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ON THE PROJECT AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $291,665. B. AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE FUTURE CHANGE ORDERS TO THE CONTRACT AS NECESSARY UP TO AN AMOUNT OF $30,000. C. AUTFORIZE RESERVE ALLOCATION IN TI-IE AMOUNT OF $206,500 FROM THE PARKING RESERVE TO 411-817-0702 FOR PARKTNG LOT 6, D. AUTHORIZE BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $206,500 TO 411-8I7-0702. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Resolution (Attaclunent 1) declaring Galeb Paving, Incorporated to be the lowest responsible biclder on the project and award a construction contract (Exhibit A) in an amount not to exceed $291,665. 2. Authorize staff to execute future change orders to the contract as necessary up to an amount of $30,000. 3. Approve Dui additional transfer ire tlae amount of $206,500 from the parking reserve to 411-817-0702 far Parking Lot 6. 4. Approve a Midget adjustment in the amount of $206,500 to 411-817-0702-82405. BACI~GROUND: Parking Lot 6, located aloXag West Main Street, between Victory .Lane and Lyndon Avenue, is in poor condition and in need of n~tajor renovation. While the parking lot renovation project was under design, the Towaa's Redevelopment Agency acquired the adjacent property located at 224 West Main StYec;t for a future lmixed use affordable housing project. The acquisition of this property allows far the expansion and improvement of P Acing Lot 6 •n single project. ~ R PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Panes ar~d Public Worlcs Reviewed by: ~ Assistant TowneManager/Deputy Director Town Attorney/General Counsel Clerk AdministratorlSecretaty 5 C.. Finance Cotnta~unity Development N:1PPW\MAt~IAGGMCN"I'1COUNCII..ICO[TNCIL RGPORTS12009 reportslactober 2G Special Meeting107-16,pzvlcingJot.6.arvztrd,doc *~ PAGE 2 OCTOBER 12, 2009 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENC'Y• SUBJECT: )?PW JOB NO.O'7-1G - PARKTNG LOT 6 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT BACI~CROUND_~cont'd Additionally, by acquiring this property, eight district parking spaces which I1ad previausly been allocated to this property have now been re-allocated back to the parking district, makuig them available to the general public, At the regular Tov~i Council meeting of October S, 20Q9, the Town Council approved plans and specifications for the Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction Project and authorized staff to advertise the project for bid. DISC'[JSSION: On October 21, 2009, six bids were received for this project, The Bid Sumina~y is attached (Attaclnnent 2). Staff reviewed the bids and dctermined that Galeb Paving, Incorporated is a responsible entity and its bid is most responsive to the Town's formal bid process, In order to accormmodate the needs of the merchants in the viciiuty of Parking Lot 6 and .minimize construction impacts, this project has been structtin•ed into two constrtiietion phases. The first phase of the construction will necessitate closure of the existing parking lot and is scheduled to begin on Monday November 2°d. Over a two week period, all site .grading, paving, and striping will be done. The new, exlaanded Parking Lot 6 will then be completed and re-open for public. use by Friday November 13th. As an incentive for the contractor to complete work earlier, a bonus clause is included ui the contract. For each day the first phase of the project is completed prior to Friday November 13th, the contractor will receive an additional payment of $3,000 per day, with a maximum bonus of $1 5,000. Additionally, if this work is not completed by Navember 13th, there is a penalty of $1,000 for every day the work is not completed and the parking lot remains closed. These types of incentives have been used successfully in the past with other time-sensitive public wor1G :projects, such as the resurfacing project of Santa Cruz Avenue in 2005. The second phase of the project, which includes the parking lot landscaping Arid lighting, will be completed by the end of December. This phase of the work will not require closing the entire parking lot. This project required additional design services after the property at 224 W. Main Street was purchased in order. to iulcor•porate this section of land into the parking lat design. Additionally, Town Engineering staff will be used to provide management and inspection services in are amount not to exceed $10,000. Throughout the entire construction period, Main Street and Victory Lane will remain open for public use inch~ding access to all residential acrd co~rnrnercial properties. In addition, the Town will provide valet parl~irlg in Parl~ing Lot 4 the first tluee weekends in November, Staff will continue to inform all rnerclxants regarding the work schedule, and will accommodate additional special needs when possible. PAGE 3 . .. . OCTOBER 12, 2009 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF' THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 07-16 -PARKING LOT 6 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CONCLUSION: Staff recolnn~ends fire Town Council accept the staff recommendations Mated above. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Tklis is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 153d1c). A Notice of Exemptioll'will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: There aI•e slzfficient fiends available for this project as demonstrated in the table below. ::., . ,.. ....... ARICING.LQT G ... ~; I' rRp.TZ;C1"4]1,817-O'7Q2; Available Expended/ Available Proposed Budget i;ncmnbered I~nnding Bnlancc Conh•act/ ~..''Availakile• •'. I'Y z009h0 6'iscal Impact rending To llate Source It'Approved Planned )JxR. " i'Baliiuce'...: . PARTCIN(; RESk:R'~']; $ 1,757,000 $ - $ (206,500) $ - $ - ;~;~'~;1550;500.• Perking Lot G 190,000 S2 835 206,500 343,665 343,665 TOTALS ~ 52,83 S 343,665 . _ , ..h... ........ ......... .. .. ~1'Q,`1'AL.TXP~j~DTI'IJR~S T3Y Cph;LGQttY; , .: .. Cons~dtiug Services $ 27,644 Design Se~ti•ices $ 12,000 Construction 24,494 291,665 Contingency, 30,000 Gnginccriug & Inspection 10,000 Materials 697 'r4TALS $ X2,835 $ 343,665 Attaclllxzents: 1, Resolution awarding a construction colztract (Exhibit A) to Galeh Paving, Incorporated in an amount not to exceed $2~1,6GS. 2. Bid Summary (Attacklment 2). Attachment 1 __ .RESOLUTION - _ _ . _. _ ..-- -- ---__. __ RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TIIE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO GALEB PAVING, INCORPORATED FOR PPW JOB N0. 07-16 PARKING LOT 6 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, bids were sought in conformance with.State and Town law for PPW Job No.07-I6 - Parlcing,Lot 6 Reconstruction Project; and WHEREAS, Galeb Paving, Incorporated submitted a bid which the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency deems to be responsive to the Town's .solicitation. NO'W, THEREFORE, I3>; IT .RESOLVED by the Tovvri Council/Redeveloprnet~t Agency of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that Galeb Paving, Incorporated. is declared to be the lowest responsible bidder .for PPW Job No. 07-16 -- h?arl~ing Lot 6 Reconstruction Project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute a construction contract (Attached as Exhibit A} for said project on behalf of the Town in an amount not to exceed X291,665; and BE IT >rURTkIEIt RESOLVED, that staff is authorized to execute futtuc change orders, as necessary, in art amount not to exceed $30,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 26th day of October, 2009 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS; AXES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN; SIGNED; MAYOR/CITAIR OF THI; REDEVELOPMENT - AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST; CLERK ADMINISTRATOR/SECRETARY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF "1'I7E TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Exhibit A CONTRACT TIJIS .AGRI';EMENTrs between fhe To•vvn of Los Gatos (hereinafter referred to as ("Owner") and GAleb Paving Inc, hereinafter referred to as ("Contractor"). Owner and Contractor, for the consideration 1erenafter named, agree as follows; A, SCOP>r OF WORK Contractor shall furrusli all materials and perform all of the work for the construction of PP't~V Job No. p7-16 -Parking Lot G I2ecanstrnetiau Project; in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. CONTRACT PRICE As fiall compensation for furnishing all materials arld for doing all the warlc contemplated aszd embraced in this Contract, also for all loss or damage arising out of the nafiue of the wonc~ aforesaid, or fro.nri tyre actions of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructioixs which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by Owner, and for all risks of every description connected wit11 the Worlc, also for all expenses incurred by or in cor~rsequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully cornpletulg the Wor1c, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the Contract Docuunents, Owner shill pay {two hundred ninety one tl~.ousand six hundred sixty four dollars and sixty cents) $291,6G~.60, which shall supersede any other arnoiuit specified in the Contract Documents. C. CONTRACT DOCTJM~NTS All rights and obligations of Owner and Contractor are fully set forth. and described in the Contract Documents. All parts of the Contract Documents are intended to be correlated so drat airy work called for in one part and not mentioned in the other, or vice versa, is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all said documents. The Contract Documents are defined in Part I, .Section 1-1.01(A) of these Specifications and are incorporated herein by reference the same as though set out in full. D. BEGINNING OI{' WORK Following the execution of this Contract and the approval of bonds arld insurance policies and certificates, Owner shall issue a 1Votice to Proceed with the Worlc. Corxrrnancing work or the entrance of equipment or materials on t11e site. of the Work by Contractor before receipt of the Notice to Proceed is at the sale risk and expense of Contractor and the Contractor shall be fully liable for any damage or injury sustained by Owner or third persons resulting there from. E. TIME OF COMPLETION The Work called fox 'herein shall be fully completed in thirty (30) working days of Contractor's receipt of the Notice to Proceed. F. CORRECTION OF WORD AFTER ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT BY TOWN • Contractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty za1aterials and/or worlcznanship and pay for atiy damages to other woilc and/or existing facilities resulting there fialn which shall appear within a period of 2 years fxo:tn the date of recording of the Notice of Completion. IN WITNESS WHEREOI', the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as.of day of , 20 TOWN OF LOS GATOS, by: CONTRACTOR: GaleU Paving, Inco~rlaorateci, by: Greg Larson, Town Manager RECOMMENDED BY: Todd Capurso Director of Parks and Public Worl<s (Slgllatllre) (Print Name) (Address) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Orry P• Korb, Town Attorney (City, State, Zip) • ATTEST: Jackie Rose, Clerle Adinitustrator {Contractor's License Nutaaber)