09 Staff Report - Street Resurfacing of Hillside Streetspow ~ of tos`~ os DATE: July 9, 2009 TO FROM: SUBJECT COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 813109 ITEM NO: 9 GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SURFACE TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) 811-0001 ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK OF GRANITEROCK COMPANY AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR RECORDING BY THE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR PPW JOB NO. 06-03 - STREET RESURFACING OF HILLSIDE STREETS RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution accepting the work of Graniterock Company and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by the Clerk Administrator. BACKGROUND: This street resurfacing project placed an asphalt overlay on College Avenue. The Town recently completed resurfacing of a number of hillside streets in the area above the Civic Center, and this Surface Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funded project brings the Town closer to completing pavu3g of all the roads in this area. The streets that were resurfaced were; Jackson Street, Oak Hill Way, Grove Street, Orchard Street, Central Avenue, and West Central Avenue. DISCUSSION: On October 20, 2008, the Town Council awarded a contract for this project to Graniterock Company. The contracted work has been satisfactorily completed by Graniterock Company and is accepted by the Parks and Public Works Department. PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: Assistant Town M r Town Attorney Clerk Administrato Finance Community Development N:1PPWIMANAGEMENTICOUNCILICOUNCIL REPORM2009 reportslAugust 3106.01hillsidcpaving.STP.Acceptance.NoticeCompietc. doc PAGE 2 JULY 9, 2009 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 06-03 - STREE'T' RESURFACING OF HILLSIDE STREETS - (SURFACE TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) 811-0001 (DISCUSSION cont'd) Ten percent of the faithful performance bond will remain in effect for a period of two years to guarantee any needed repair and/or replacement caused by defective materials and workmanship. The execution and recordation of the Certificate of Acceptance is now required to finalize the Town's acceptance of the project. Staff recommends that the Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion be executed and recorded. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt a Resolution accepting the work of Graniterock Company and authorize the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by the Clerk Administrator. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: The original contract was approved by the Town Council for the amount of $311,200. Additionally, the Town Council authorized $30,000 in a contingency amount, bringing the total authorized budget for the project to $341,200. The project was completed for $315,905 which is within the authorized budget. HILLSIDE STREET RESURFACING PROJECT 811-0001 Available Budget FY 2008109 Fiscal Impact Funding GFAR $ 40,636 GRANT FUNDS 272,170 GAS TAX 40,000 TOTALS Expended/ Encumbered Available To Date Balance $ 19,074 272,170 40,038 331,282 $ 21,562 $ 352,806 $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Consultant Materials Project Construction Staff Labor 10,875 739 315,905 3,763 $21,524 TOTALS S 331,282 PAGE 3 JULY 9, 2009 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 06-03 - STREET RESURFACING OF HILLSIDE STREETS - (SURFACE TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) 811-0001 Attnchinentq* Resolution accepting the work of Graniterock Company and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion. Attachment 1 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ACCEPTING THE WORK OF GRANITEROCK COMPANY FOR PPW JOB NO. 06-03 STREET RESURFACING OF HILLSIDE STREETS -SURFACE TRANSPORATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (STIP) AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR RECORDING BY CLERK ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, on October 20, 2008, the Town Council awarded a contract for the Street Resurfacing of Hillside Streets Project - PPW Job No. 06-03 to Graniterock Company as the lowest responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, Graniterock Company substantially completed the project in conformance with the Town's bid process and pursuant to Council approval; and WHEREAS, ten percent of the performance bond provided by Graniterock Company shall remain in place for two years until October 20, 2010 to guarantee the work; and WHEREAS, the work on PPW Job No. 06-03 Street Resurfacing of Hillside Streets Project is hereby accepted as complete pursuant to the plans and specifications for the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Manager is authorized and directed to execute the Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk Administrator is directed to transmit this Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion to the Recorder of Santa Clara County for recording. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 3rd day of August, 2009 by the following vote. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS : ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA