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,;.;~, ,r.~ \ __ ..... _~.. _ .....,.. ORDINANCE NO. 695 AN (3RDINANCE OF~ THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SA11TT'A CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENI3ING SECTIOI~I 3.02, OF ORDII~'ANCE NO. 392 OF SAID TOWN. The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does ordaia as follows: SECTION 1. Sectional District No. 3.Q2.3~ of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos, which said map was .adopted as a part of Ordinance No. 392 of said Town, together with any amendments there--' to is hereby changed and amended by substituting for Sectional District No. ~°~2°~~' as shown on said map, as amended, a new Sect oral Distr let No . 3.02. ~~ a map of wh~.ch said Sect ions I District is attached hereto and entitled "Amended Sectional District No. 3<02.3~a- Q~ the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos." SECTION 2 . Sect ions I District No .. 3.02.3 as shtswn ugan the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos as the same, was adapted as a part of Ordinance No, 392, as amended, of said Town is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. The exterior boundaries of Sectional District No. 3.0Z.3~ of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos are shown on that~certaia map entitled "Index Map to Sectional District Maps, Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos,t' which said Index Map was adopted as a portion of Ordinance No, 392 of said Town of Los Gatos on the 17th day of 3~ovember ~ lg 5$ , together with anp amendments which may have thereaf ter been made, which said Index Map of Sectional District Maps is ref erred to in Section 3.02 of said Ordinance No. 39.2. SECTION ~E. This Ordinance shall be published once in Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer, a newpaper of general crculatifln, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos. J/' ~ Y .. ~ .. Tie ab~4~e and fv~~rf_`.~°~- ~=di~n~e-. was .dL:l$ a~ud -re,~.~:.ar3.y Continued i :~x oduced at a/re~u~.ar meeting -~: :~~e ~'o~n Council ©f th.e ~'oran of Los Gatos he~.a fln the 2~t~a day o~ Rpri 1. , i9 63 and was therea~ ter an the 6tn day of May , l9 63 , duly and regularly adopted by the f o13.vwing vote AYES: C4Ui~TCILIIdEN: .Henry C, Graff I ,3ames ~. 1)onat i ~1 bel-to 1. ~let'r i I 1 Joe VJizelan .)"ohn :Lincoln -.~,,~ NOES : COtTi1C I LMEN : ~4orte ABSEiVT: COI3NCILP~EN: ~~lone ATTEST : ~~ TL}WN CLERK THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS :7 SE~T~{3HAL D15T'R~CT MAP Zt~ H t I~,G HtAP OF T ~ E TOE N QF lC?S GATO S , Ct~Ut~TY ~~ SAHTA CLARA, STATF C3F CA~.1f. TNtS tr1AP Gt~NSTlTUTES SECTS©NAl DlSTR~CT NC3.3.02.'~.OF 7NE ZONING twlAP OF Ti~E TOWN 4F LQS GATOS, CQUNTY OF SANTA CIARA, STATE OF CAi.1F4RNIA. THIS tulAF CC3RRESRONDS TO THE INDEX i~iAP OF 5EQT1CyNAL pi5TR1GT MAPS AND AMEN#~5 SECTION 3.a2 OF ORDNANCE HO. ~592~ t}F THE TOWN OI~ t,QS GATC'~5 1~tt hereby Cer~i#~ lhnt the Town Pl~r~ning Ccr.~mi$sw~n of lkKTQWn 4'~ L45 GQt05, Caun~ of So~aClc€ra, 5{u#e of Cni~fo~t~iq dpi on the ,Za`~day c~ ~~-~-;~~~~~,~,# ~y rESal~t ion ih i s Sec~iotwi Distt~ Mrs o~ the n i nc~ ! Q~ 3}1e ~OWh t3f ~.GS Qa C~E1n~y E~ S(3R~'q ~~t3tC~ rJ~Q~G E~ ~Q ~ i~pt'Tli Q . },~:~ - Cha-rman ~ -ecre~Ary ~' iNe htrtbY Cer#ify that the Town Cauncil of the Town of Los Gmfos, County o€ Santa C4r~r4, State u~ California,d3dc~dopf this Scct~onal dis#ricf N-op and octo"'Far'Yrn4lndex Map os c part ol: OrdEn~n~e tio. ~ 9.a of soil Taws an the ~`~day of ~~ `~~~' f ,4'...,~~~~ Ta~v n Clerlt ~~'? ,``~ ~s • T 3~l tt! ~ ~ }~, AiT 25 Ri~B hS A a 0 Ol j A~~' h~ V Rp . ~.. f ~~~ ~~~ TO SECTlONAI ®lSTRICT MAPS t MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATE SANTA Cl ARA, STATE OF CAL ~ TFftS tv~AP 11NE<KD4 SECTION 3.C 39Z OF T!-!C TOV~N Uf Lc~S G~1TU SEC.TlUt+I 3.U2.34 Ut' TFIC t~t~C 3UNAt i?ISTRtCT MAPS OF THE Z4 v/, 82 _~. ~• O!'NpTES stCTiONaL Df 3Tics~ AS DEF1NfD t}1 S~Gt LON 3.pO ~ +f}Rp11iANC E kQ. 3~Z pF T-i£ '1'011 .r • a ~~~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ s !~ +Y ~ ~~r~~Qr~r T We hereby Cer3ify that tht Town Council of the Town of Los Gafos, Counf,y of SQnta CIQrn, Sfatc of Cc~iforr~iQ~ did c~dapf this Sectional Disirit-I' Mop and octo~ponying {r~dex t~4ap os a port of O~dinan>/e ~o. ~ 9.a of soid Town on fie G"~da~ of ~~~ /~~.3 ~~ ctyor Town Clark ~ C25 C ~~ 'i ~ ~„ R188 __ ~• • 3d 5~ ~ N~Lt. ~Lnss i •~v~~trr Ro, WESTERLY fuE SAIy .909L' TER R ~" ~`~ ac 04'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ A11 hl n NS A Q O A[ ~ P~~' ~~ R~ ~ ~. ~..~, t is "~ .~ _ • u Y j R~ N 0 ,ej SHA~~D~ -~ vE, Z d2 ~.~ otc~cT;E~ s;>`cTev~~t a+sT~ccc E-5 DE~iN'ECS t}1 5fC71pN 3-0O AI s~~er~f~x»e r` era. ~~t ac t-rt Tvwl