Ord 0699-BUENA VISTA HEIGHTS #2 ANNEXATIONt ~, y""- ORiIINHNC~ N~ . 699 AN ORDIN~`iI~CE APP~£t3VING THE .ANNE~.~TO'.d d?% CERTAIN UNiNHAEI~ED TERRITQRy, 3)E~i~NATEi3 "BU.ENA V~~7'A H~Ii~1~TS ~II~MBI=R TYCO AEdNEXR~'~ON" 'Tl> TFE ~®WN 0% LC3~ GATG~ T~€E ~`QWI~ C£3~J~C3:L C+F TRi~ T+~W~ E3P ~~`~~ ~ii`.~~35 04ES O~~AIN A S FOLI,t~GV ~ a WHEREr~S can tine 1st c~ay of Apr ~ l 1~ 63~, the Ca~anczl aA •~:he T~awn of I.os Gatos did ~.inri~3 ar_~. ~.drpt :~ Resolnt ior: gi~~a ng no~~.ce of the propose. t® a~an.ex ~ertai nnirha~sited ter:~z.tory to the -awn of Los Gatos, said territory be~.ng herein designated as z~ ~B uena ~ i s ~ta He ~ ghts d~umbe r " Two Anraexat i on y ~ and said , action being taken by the C:n~nY32 Of said 'fawn as the leg~.siatit~e body Of the Towaa pna°s~axst to a written petitio~a therefe~re, sai3 ~esolutis~n d2ss~ribing the b©undaries of the territor;= so ~:roposed to be annexed i4 saAd To-rn; and iV~IERE~.~, Bald Resol^.at~.aca d%d coaatain a no: ace o~ the day, hour azad place when and where the said Coc:ncil of said Town would hear protests ~€~ade }~~' a.~~y per sort awt~.n~ Neal ~?~^ope:~`ty ~r~.th- in ~~r~e tex°x•iitoa°y proposed to i*e annexed, the ti~;e of said hearing beir_ not IeSS tLan twenty nox more than s~.xty days. fro~,~ date cf t}ae passage of said .~tesolsst;.ony and WR~;REA~, on the zoth day of tray ___.. 19.63 , at tine hoar of 8.00 o'clocEc P~eNi® in the Los Gatos Cotancil Chambers in the down Fall of i~ae Town of Los Gatos, County ox Santa Glara, State of California, said time aid place being the day, hour and place fixed saa saiea Resol~xtior for hear=ng p, atesta to said annexation, 'the said Coa~ncil of said 'Town did hear atac3 pass upon alI protests made to said proposed annexation and did determiaze that n® protests tc~ said proposed annexation have beau made by or on behalf of the owners of. Dane-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the equalized roll, nor by p~blgc and private owners of equal to one-half ®f Page of Pages • the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative ,body; and t~~IEAS, said terr ito~°y is coat iguous tcs the Town of Los Gatos, and ~s unin~iabite~ territ®ry 3~z the C®unty of Santa Clara, and iii of the procedural requirements of the annexation of iJninhabited Territory Act of 134, particularly Go~rernment Code Sections 35340 and 3531 inclusive ha~re been fully compiled with; ~®~l, TgiF~EFG~?F, the said Counc~.l of the Town of I,os Gatos does hereby approve the annexatioxz of said territory, hereinafter described, tcs the Town of Los Gatos and does hereby further ordain ~ .. that the said territory be and is hereby anaaexed t® the T®wn of Los Gatos. That said territory, the annexation of which to the Town of Los Gatos is hea~eby approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of Cal:i~ornia, more particularly described as follows: Page of Pages .~ "BUENR U1STA NEiGHTS NUMBER TWO ANNEXATION„ Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 8, as said Lot is shown upon that certain map entitled "Buena ifista Heights", which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on June C~, 1927, in Book ,~ of Maps, at Page i8, Records of said County, said point of beginning being also a point in the Tov~n L=:mits line of the Town of Los Gatos; Thence, Westerly along the Southerly line of said Lot 8, Buena Vista Heights, and the Town Limits line and further Westerly along the Town Limits iine to the center line of the San Tomas Aciuino Road (Presently Winchester Blvd.) as the same existed prior--~,o~~June 3E}, 195~~ Thence, leaving the Town Limits iine of the Town of Los Gatos and f oliowing on and along the various courses and distances of said center iine of said San Tomas Aquino Road (Presently Winchester Blvd.) generally Northerly to the point of intersection of said iine with the Westerly prolongation of the center line of Buena Vista Avenue, as the same now exists; Thence, Easterly along the Westerly prolongation of said center line of Buena Vista Avenue and further Easterly along said center line to the point of intersection of said line with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of Lot 2, of the hereinbef ore mentioned Buena Vista heights Subdivision; Thence, Northerly along the Southerly prolongation of said Westerly line of said Lot 2, Buena Vista Heights and further Northerly along said Westerly iine of said Lot 2 to the Northwest corner thereof; Thence, Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 2, 65.0 feet; Thence, Southerly and parallel with the Westerly line of said Lot Z, 177.0 feet to the point of intersection of said line with the Southerly iine of sa'sd hereinbefore mentioned Buena Vista Avenue; Thence, Westerly along said Southerly line of said Buena Vista Avenue to the point of intersection of said iine with the Easterly line of said hereinbefore mentioned Lot 8, Buena Vista Heights; Thence, Southerly along said Easterly iine of said Lot 8, Buena Vista Heights to the point of beginning. sK ( ~^y .Introduced at a To;~n Council of the Town. o~ 2~th day caf .May PASSE:3 ANB AI?€~PTEB B®S ~ATtpS, eAi,1rFJs~.N~A, .~i''1' A ~lEET~N~ ~OF T$~: TiiWN C`C1:TNCiIs, .May ~ ~~ 63 . R:egu.l,ar ~ ~ •- ~t~et~ng ox t~8 Los Gatos, St~~e ®~ Califorazia, ou the 19 63 AS AN C3~,d}Y!~I~~.NC~ t}I~ l`HE T®WN 4F Y Co.ntinued~Regular __._ 1:~~~ LI2 ~N TAE 27 ~ h ~3 3~' i?F r3YES: CB~3NCIL>~IEI~% Henry Ca Crall ,lames E. J)onat i Alberto E. Merrily --~ , . Joe t~(helan ,John Lincoln NQES o u®1~1CatL~~'N a none ABSENT ; CQij~tC~ L1~EN s None ~~TTEST o TO I.rE O T ~F LPL GA ~}5 Pale of ~a.ges