2002-122-Authorizing The Submittal Of An Application To The Bay Area Air Quality Management District For Funds For The Purpose Of Installation Of Bike RacksRESOLUTION 2002 -122 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL DF AN APPLICATION TO THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF.INSTALLATION OFBICYCLE RACKS TO INCREASE AND SUPPORT .BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION THROUGHOUT TOWN AND .AUTHORIZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SAME IF THE APPLICATION IS .APPROVED BY THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos is a supporter of clean air and wishes to talce .action to enhance :air quality in the San Francisco Bay Area; and WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos intends to submit a funding application to the Bay Area Air Quality 1Vlanagement District for the installation of bicycle racks to increase and support bicycle transportation throughout town; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Town Manager is authorized to submit such application for the Town Council, .and The Town Manager is authorized to execute a funding agreement with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for the purposes of installation of bicycle racks to increase .and support bicycle transportation if said application is approved by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board of Directors. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 1st day of.July, 2002 by the following vote: COUNCIL/AGENCY MEMBERS: AYES: Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Randy Attaway. NAYS.: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: MAYOR O THE TOWN LOS GATOS/ CHAIR OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK/SECRETAIZY OF THE OWN OF LOS GATOS REDEVELOPI~IFNT AGENCY LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA APPLICATION FORM FOR TRANSPORTATION FUND FOR CLEAN AIR REGIONAL FUNDS FY 2002/03 INSTRUCTIONS Complete Parts I through VI for all applications. Also complete the appropriate supplementary project information sheet(s) for your...project type (see Parts VII through Xll). SUBMITTAL \ Submit two {2) copies of this application form-to: 'David Burch, Acting Supervising Environmental Planner BAAQMD 939 Ellis Street San Francisco, CA 94109 Ali applications must be received'bythe Air District by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 28, 2002. Hand-delivered applications should be delivered ao the TFCA, 7th floor, 939 Ellis. St., San Francisco. Applications will not be accepted via fax or a-mail. PART I. SUMMARY INFORMATION Agency Name: Town of Los Gatos Primary Co act Per. n: ebra Figone Phone # (408) 354-6832 Fax # { 408) 399-5786 Address of Primary Contact: ~ 10 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Date of Application: June 25, 2002 Job Title: Town Manager E-mail: dfigone@town.los-gatos.ca.us Secondary Contact Person: John E. Curtis, Director, .Parks & Public Works Department. ~ ~~vj Phone # (408) 399-5774 Fax# (408.) 354-8529 E-mail: jcurtis@town.los-gatos.ca.us Name & Title of Person Authorized to Sign Funding Agreement: Debra Figone, Town Manager Address (if differentfrom Primary Contact above): Type of :Project: Bicycle Racks Project Title: Town-wide Installation of Bicycle .Racks to Increase and Support Bicycle Transportation Total Project Cost: $ 62,700 Amount of TFCA Regional Funding Requested: $ 40,600 Page 1 TFCA Regional .Fund Applica~ ~ Form FY 2002/03 PART I L PROJECT'DESCRIPTION: TO INSTALL BIKE RACKS TOWN-WIDE, ADJACENT TO TOWN. FACILITIES, BUSINESS DISTRICTS AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS. CURRENTLY THERE ARE .FEW OR NO BICYCLE RACKS TO ACCOMMODATE BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION, IN PUBLIC AND .PRIVATE LOCATIONS. Project Goal: To increase bicycle transportation within town, reduce vehicle congestion and emissions and encourage bicycle activity as a viable alternate transportation. Goal will'be accomplished by installing bicycle racks town-wide with public information campaign describing :bicycling benefits, designated bike routes in town, new bike racks and their locations that .encourages participating in reducing congestion and emissions and utilizing fihis mode of transportation. Participating agencies and describe the role of each agency; Police Department, Community Development/Planning Department, Community Services Department, Trails and Bikeways Committee and '.Parks Commissions' role is to coordinate determining the final locations with Traffic Engineer and Town ..Engineer. Additionally, the Town of Los Gatos will incorporafie County of Santa Clara's VTA Bicycle Technical Guidelines to install the bicycle racks. A local citizen's .pedestrian and bicycle group., Los Gatos Peds, works with -the town on pedestrian .and bicycling issues.. (A .letter of support is attached). .Implementation schedule.: Start Date: November 2002 Jnstallation: December 2002-January 2003 Media Campaign: November 2002-January 2003. Completion Date: January 2003 Implementation area for the project: 'Project area encompasses atown-wide area that includes business,, civic and neighborhood areas.. Bike racks will be installed adjacent to town facilities {e.g. Library, and Recreation Center), in business .districts near shopping and coffee shops and adjacent to neighborhood parks. Please see attached map for proposed locations. NOTE: Currently there are few or no bicycle racks to accommodate bicycle transportation in these proposed locations. Project plan is to install racks though out town., within an equitable distribution of placement, to encourage bicycling in town and encourage visitors to bicycle also. Page 2 ~ TFCA Regior( °und Application Form FY 2002/03 PART 111. BUDGET Line Item Estimated Cost CAPITAL COSTS.: Bicycle Racks- 1-loop, 40 @ $150 each $ 6,000 Bicycle .Racks - 3 loop 60@ $375 each $ 22.,500 Public Outreach: ~/2 page Ads in 4 Local Papers $ 8,400 $350 per ad/average x 4 papers x 6 times (LG Weekly Times, LG Daily, San Jose Mercury & Metro) Bicycle Rack signs: 37 @ $100 each Funding Source TFCA TFCA TFCA 3,700 TFCA SUBTOTAL CAPITAL COSTS: $ 40.,600 TFCA INSTALLATION COST: Personnel Cost: Maintenance Staff: 1 Sr Maint Wrkr @ .$43..50-hr x 2 hrs/rack x100 racks $ 8,700 1 Maint V1/rkrll @37.00/hr @ 2hrs/rack x 100 racks $ 7,400 Subtotal personnel ............................................. $16.,100 Town of Los Gatos Flatbed Truck Cost 200 hrs x $30/hr.... ........................6.,000 Town of Los Gatos TOTAL INSTALLATION COST $ 22,100 Town of Los Gatos TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 62;700 PART 1V. FUNDING TFCA Regional Funds (requested) $ 40,600 TFCA Program Manager .Funds $ -0- Other Funds $ 22.,100 Source: Town of Los Gatos Total Funds 62,700 Attach documentation for funding identified above as "Other Funds." Page 3 TFCA. Regional Fund Appticat~ .Form FY 2002/03 PART V. CLEAN AIR POLICIES AND PROGRAMS (EVALUATION CRITERION #3) The purpose of Evaluation Criterion #3 is to encourage agencies to adopt;policies and programs to implement the Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in the Clean Air P an. To apply for points for TFCA Criterion #3, complete the section below. A maximum of 10 points will be awarded. 'Check the box for each TCM that your agency is implementing. Thais applies to all TCMs your agency is implementing, notjust the TFCA project included as a part of this application. For each box checked, prouide, in a separate attachment, a brief paragraph describing the policies and actions that your agency has taken to implement the TCM. TCM 1 SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TRIP REDUCTION PROGRAMS TCM 3 IMPROVE AREAWIDE TRANSIT SERVICE TCM 4 IMPROVE REGIONAL RAILBERVICE TCM 5 IMPROVE ACCESS TO RAIL AND FERRIES TCM 6 IMPROVE. INTERREGIONAL RAIL SERVICE TCM 7 .IMPROVE FERRY SERVICE TCM 8 CONSTRUCT CARPOOL/EXPRESS BUS LANES ON'FREEWAYS V TCM 9 IMPROVE BICYCLE ACCESS AND FACILITIES. TCM 10 YOUTH TRANSPORTATION TCM 11 INSTALL FREEWAY/ARTERIAL TRAFFIC OPERATIONS SYSTEMS TCM 12 IMPROVE ARTERIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT TCM 13 TRANSIT USE INCENTIVES TCM 14 TRIP .REDUCTION SERVICES TCM 15 LOCAL CLEAN AIR PLANS, POLICIES, AND PROGRAMS TCM 16 INTERMITTENT CONTROL MEASURE /PUBLIC EDUCATION TCM 17 CONDUCT DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS TCM 18 IMPLEMENT TRANSPORTATION PRICING REFORM TCM 19 PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL TCM 20 PROMOTE TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES- Page 4 TFCA Regions "und Application Form FY 2002/03 PART VI. ':PROJECT INFORMATION :(Provide documentation as noted) YES NO .NIA A. Have you attached the required Resolution from your Governing Board _ ~ authorizing the submittal of your application and identifying. the individual authorized to submit and carry out the proposal? To couNCii_ ~u~Y 1, 2002. B. Have you attached documentation for matching funds that will be applied to the project?~ C. 1Nill the project benefit Economically Disadvantaged Communities? _ (See Application Guidance, Evaluation Criterion #4.) If yes, provide documentation as a separate attachment to your application. D. For .bicycle projects., is the project included in a countywide bicycle plan or county Congestion Management Program? (See Policy #19 in Application Guidance..) If yes, provide documentation. IT SUPPORTS THE COUNTY PLAN. Supplementary Project Lnformation Sheet attached.., for your project type: Bicycle racks and lockers Part XI Page 5 TFCA Regional Fund Applicai. ~ Form FY 2002/03 SUPPLEMENTARY PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET PART XI. BICYCLE RACKS Secfiion A. Racks: Bicycle racks-: Total # units: 10D Total # of bicycles accommodated.: 540 Two types of racks will be used to maximize space and need issues: one loop and three loop 2-3/8" steel racks.. One loop rack accommodates 3 bikes., 3 loop accommodates 7 bikes. (To accommodate space issues, one loop racks can be spaced at angles). See description of rack design and specifications and photo of same, attached.. 2. Descriptions: Location: Racks will be located on .public property, adjacent to civic facilities, business districts and .parks. Locations near business establishments currently used by bicyclists and ,adjacent to larger shopping centers will be utilized. .Physical Environment: The racks will be outdoors., near lighting. Signs indicating location of bike racks will be .installed to identify these areas. Racks will be in well-secured areas with lighting and visibility to expose bicycles. Generally, the locations are outdoors, just a few ..locations will provide covering. Currently, there are racks at one public facility, (library), and at two parks. Most of the business .areas do not have racks-especially downtown where no store frontage is available. Occupancy: Existing bike rack at civic center is several icycles ..per day, increasing in summer and in business districts where there are no racks, the bicyclists chain their bicycles to trees and light poles. See attached map with proposed sites. to provide bicycle .racks town- wide. 3. Wfiy racks are needed at project sites: Currently there are either no .racks or insufficient racks available.-The locations chosen are in areas where high-volume bicycle use is occurring, where racks are either non-existent or not sufficient for current bicycling activity. Additionally, to encourage and increase bicycle transportation, town-wide installation of bicycle racks is recommended. 4. Site selection and the criteria that will be used to prioritize sites: Collaboration. between Police, Community Development, Public Works Departments, Parks Commission, Trails and Bikeways Committee, 'Los Gatos Peds Community Group will finalize locations, utilizing the County of Santa Clara's VTA Bicycle Technical Guidelines for installation. 'Priority sites will be those where the needs are currently unmet, and where logical growth will occur with increased bicycle activity. Sites where bicyclists are using trees and sign .posts to lock their bicycles are highest priority, then projected need with expansion to all business districts and .parks. 5. Describe how lockers will be assigned to cyclists, length of time that locker will. be assigned (e.g. quarterly, annually), and who will be responsible for administering the locker program. NLA 6. Will a flee be charged to rent the lockers? ^ YES ^ NO N/A Page 6 TFCA Regior' ~wnd Application Form FY 2002/03 7. Describe type of racks to be purchased and. expected lifespan of lockers/racks. Attach summary of specifications. Racks to be purchased are 2 3/" steel tube loops, considered very sturdy and stable. The expected lifespan is similar to that of street poles, with a life span of 20 or more years.. See attached picture of racks and accompanying specifications. 8. Describe security situation in area where racks are to be installed. Racks will be installed in areas within sight of the public, protected from motor vehicle damage., with lighting if used at night. 9. Provide name of rack vendor, if this has been determined.. Not decided. ,Have obtained pnicinq from various suppliers Page 7 TFCA Regional Fund Applicat ,Form FY 2002/03 PART V: CLEAN AIR POLICIES & PROGRAMS DESCRIPTIOf~IS: TCM 9 Improve Bicycle Access .and Facilities: The Town of Los Gatos has implemented installation of bicycle lanes and .signs, and recently widened bicycle lanes on a major arterial (Los Gatos Blvd from Larks Ave to Blossom Hill Rd) to accommodate .bicycle transportation. Additionally, bike lane striping is included in the design of a signalized intersection to be installed this fall at Winchester Blvd and Danes Avenue.. The Town's Trails and Bikeways Committee is the local bicycle advisory group:. The Town has adopted the County's Regional Bike Route. TCM 12 Improve Arterial Traffic Management: The Town of Los Gatos monitors signal phasing and adjusts signals to meet school and work commute needs. In April., the Town of Los Gatos installed traffic signal and communications conduit to connect to regional traffic signalization network system. Staff are awaiting final equipment and software to begin utilizing this information. Additionally, the town's traffic engineer and maintenance superintendent collaborate with Caltrans to reduce congestion, such as recent adjustments to signals on Highway 9 at Los Gatos Bivd and Santa Cruz Avenues. TCM15 Local Clean Air Plans, Policies and Programs The Town of Los Gatos has ,passed a Resolution in support of Clean Air Plans. The Town purchases non-gasoline fueled vehicles to support these activities. TCM 19 Pedestrian Travel The Town of Los Gatos passed a Resolution in .May 2002 concerning safe pedestrian routes, with a commitment to connect sidewalks on arterials. The Town has begun installing crosswalk bulb-outs and in the downtown corridor, along Santa Cruz Avenue. The Town .management encourages employees to walk to adjacent offices and meeting locations. TCM 20 Promote Traffic Calming Measures The Town of Los Gatos adopted a traffic calming policy in 1999, which was recently .revised in 2002. This policy provides procedures to implement traffic calming measures. The process includes neighborhood meetings., consensus building., temporary installation and permanent installation if successful. Since adopted, the Town of Los Gatos--has-pr-ocessed eight neighborhood traffic calming issues, of which two are completed. Page 8 ~ TFCA Region 'und Application'Form FY 2002/03 OTHfR FUNDS The Town of .Los Gatos will utilize existing resources to install the bicycle racks, including, but not limited to maintenance staff to install and maintain racks and signs, and #own .owned egUiprnent to assist in installation, such as flat-bed truck and drills. Page 9 ~~ fi ~ ~ `~ - - •,,~' - ,' 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ _~ ,~ r? ,' fff5''''~~~~.... r ~ • r ~, ~~ - i I i' ~ _ I ~,~ . ^~ ( , ' i - ~ ~ ~ ,~ •~ r i ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~,.~ ~ ~~ 1~ iL ~ it , ~ , `~ ( ~ ' f,. ~-E ~ J. ~ J I ~ I. i j ' ~ ~ 4, ~i~ , s ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~•~ ~ ~i I ~, ~ li i it ~,_._ 1 ~ j- ~? ' .I I ii 1 ~} ~ !; ~ ft ~ 3 r I t ~~~~ ~~ ~ it 1 f~l ~~ < <F t ~, i ~ I I ~ ~~~, i ~ !~ ~~• ~ _ ~{ ~ ~` ` iM ~ ' , i ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'~ =v~.~ . . ,I ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! s+ ~ ,~,~ ~` ~~ - _ ~ ~ .._ r° ~i~ _ 1 s - t1 kr r _ ~ 5 . i ~~ ..~ ,~, ~ k ~ '~ ~ ~ - ..t~ gar S - ~ '~ ~ it '` r ` ~ ~ ~ ~~ r~ 1 s i ~, r ti ~~ ~ j'~sn~i a ~ ~ t h ~~ ~ y ~ ~ ~; r ' i ~ ~ ~ a s til ~ ~~"" ~~~ ~ ~ ~~: I tom' _ ~ f' ~ ~~ t{e.~~ e ~ ' ~ -~' ,~~~,~~ ~~ JI ~ x,. S , ~ ~ ~ t i i'- ~ ~ ~; i r ' ' ~ 1 I _ ' ~ b ~i f + ~ ~ I ~ b _ ~d' J [ ~ ~ i ~E ~ ~ a ~ 1 ~~ ~. i r~~ s i_ _, 1 7. t ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ,~ t ~ ! ~ it ~ ~ _ , '~I r,V I ~ ~ ~ r ~, ~' ~ , ~ k I. c f ~ F ;r 1 ~1 ~~.- 1 ~ ~`' ~ a~ ~ 3'i ; j + < ~' ;+< ~ 1 ~ t .~ .,<, ~s~_ r., r i •- ..~.. ~ ' '~ - ~ ti4 v N O II. d S.. i2 N ~~ ~3 1 C 3 O N Y U rCf i U U S.. O 4- N O -1-~ U J ~. Town of Los Gatos ~TKE RACK SPECIFICATIONS • 2-318" diameter schedule 40 steel pipe • Above grade height, both versions: 35" • One-Loop rack Length: 14-318" • Three-Loop rack Length: 62-3/8" • Green powder coated finish • Surface Mount with flanges and in-ground, as appropriate for each location