2002-166-Approving An Agreement For Professional Services With Bkf Engineers In Connection With The Design Of The Downtown Street Beautification And Improvement Project 02-33RESOLUTION 2002 -166 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH BKF ENGINEERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN OF THE DOWNTOWN STREET BEAUTIFICATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 02-33 WHEREAS, on June 17, 2002, the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos adopted its budget for the period 2002-2007; and WHEREAS, the budget includes funding for the Downtown Street Beautification and Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Council/Redevelopment Agency to secure professional engineering assistance to complete the final design of the Downtown .Street Beautification and Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency has selected the firm of BKF Engineers to provide the necessary professional ~~gineering assistance to complete the final design of the Downtown Street Beautification and Improvement Project. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos hereby approves the attached Agreement (Exhibit A) for Professional Services with BKF Engineers to complete the f nal design of the Downtown Street Beautification and Improvement Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager/Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the :Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21st day of October, 2002, by the following vote: COiJNCIL/AGENCY MEMBERS; AYES: Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, .Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, Mayor Randy Attaway. NAYS : None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: / ~ MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF L S GATOS CHAIR OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK/SECRETARY OF THE ' DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE Tu'V,VN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ( ~ F~--rE nF THE T0~~1; c~ LEiih MGR D~ . ;~~ /'y. IHH AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN CONSUINT SERVICES uEC ~~~ , THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of ~ESn ~'`. ._~ ~nm by and __ between the Town of Los Gatos, herein called "Town", the Town of Los Gatos Redevelopment Agency; herein called "Agency" and BKF Engineers engaged in providing Engineering Design Consulting services herein called the "Consultant". RECITALS A. The Town/Agency is considering undertaking activities to develop the Downtown Street Beautification and Improvement Project. B. The Town/Agency desires to engage an Engineering Design Consultant to provide consulting services in conjunction with Project OZ-33 - Downtown Street Beautification and Improvement Project. because of Consultant's experience and qualifications to perform the desired work. C. The Consultant represents and affirms that it is qualified and willing to perform the desired work pursuant to :this Agreement. AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS.: 1. .Scope of Services. The Consultant shall provide the following services as outlined in the Consultant's Proposal as shown. (attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein). 2, Time of Performance. The services of the Consultant are to .commence upon the execution of this Agreement and issuance of an Agency purchase order, with completion of the design by February 28, 2003, as provided for in Consultant's proposal (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein). 3. :Compliance with Laws. The Consultant shall use due professional care to comply with .all applicable laws,. codes, ordinances, and regulations of governing federal, state and local laws. Consultant represents and warrants to Town/Agency that pit has all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which .are legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to Town/Agency that Consultant shall, at its sole cost :and expense, keep in effect or obtain at all times during the term of this Agreement any .licenses., permits, and approvals which are legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant shall maintain a Town of Los Gatos business license pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Code of the Town of Los Gatos. 4. Sole ResponsibilitX. Consultant shall be responsible for employing or engaging all persons .necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. 5. Information/Report Handling. All documents furnished to Consultant by the Town/Agency and all reports and supportive data prepared by the Consultant under this .Agreement are the Town/Agency's property and shall be delivered to the Town/Agency upon. the completion of Consultant's services or at the Town/Agency's written request. All reports, information, data, and exhibits prepared or assembled by Consultant. in connection with the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement are confidential until released by the Town/Agency to the public, and the Consultant shall not make any of the these documents or information available to any individual or organization not employed by the Consultant orthe Town/Agency without the written consent ofthe Town/Agency before such release. The Town/Agency acknowledges that the reports to be prepared bythe Consultant pursuant to this Agreement are forthe purpose of evaluating a defined project, and Town/Agency's use of the information contained in the reports prepared by the Consultant in connection with other projects shall be solely at Town/Agency's :risk, unless Consultant expressly consents to such use in writing. Town/Agency further agrees that it will not appropriate any methodology or technique of Consultant which is and has been confirmed in writing by Consultant to be a trade secret of Consultant. 6. Compensation. Compensation for Consultant's professional services shall not exceed $203,673, .and payment shall be based upon Town/Agency's approval of each task. Billing shall be .accompanied by a detailed explanation of the work performed by whom at what rate. and on what date. Also, plans, specifications, documents or other pertinent materials shall be submitted :for Town/Agency review, -even if only in partial or draft form. Payment shall be net thirty (30) days. All invoices .and statements to the Town/Agency shall reference the Town/Agency's purchase order number and be addressed as follows: INVOICES: Town of Los Gatos Attn: Accounts Payable P.O. Box 655 Los Gatos, CA 95030 :STATEMENTS: Town of Los Gatos .Attn: Finance Department P.O. Box 655 Los Gatos, CA 95030 7. Availability of Records. Consultant shall maintain the records supporting this billing for not less than three years following completion of the work under this Agreement. Consultant shall make these records available to authorized personnel of the Town/Agency at the Consultant's offices during business hours upon written request of the Town/Agency. 8. Project Manager. The Project Manager for the Consultant for the work under this Agreement shall be Natalna Bernardi. 9. Notices. Any noti~~.. required to be given shall be.deemed to~ _:. duly and properly given if mailed postage prepaid, and addressed to: John E. Curt1S DAVID LAVELLE Director of Parks and Public Works PRESIDENT Town of Los Gatos BKF Engineers Post Office Box 949 540 Price Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Redwood City, CA 94063 or personally delivered to Consultant to such address or such other address as Consultant designates in writing to Town/Agency. 10. Independent Contractor. It is understood that the Consultant, in the performance of the work and services agreed to be performed, shall act as and be an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of the Town/Agency. As an independent contractor he/she shall not obtain any rights to retirement benefits or other benefits which accrue to Town/Agency employee(s). With prior written consent, the Consultant may perform some obligations under this Agreement by subcontracting, but may not delegate :ultimate responsibility for performance or assign or transfer interests under this Agreement. Consultant agrees to testify in any litigation brought regarding the ubject of the work to be performed under this .Agreement. Consultant shall be compensated for its costs and expenses in preparing for, traveling to, and testifying in such matters at its then current hourly rates of compensation, unless such litigation is brought by Consultant or is based on allegations of Consultant's negligent performance or wrongdoing. 11. Conflict of Interest. Consultant understands that its professional responsibilities issolely to the Town/Agency. The Consultant has and shall not obtain any holding or .interest within the Town/Agency of the Town of Los Gatos. Consultant has no business holdings or agreements with any individual member of the Staff or management of the Town/Agency or its representatives nor shall it enter .into any such holdings or .agreements. In addition, Consultant warrants that it does not presently and shall not acquire any direct or indirect interest adverse to those of the Town/Agency in the subject of this Agreement, and it shall immediately disassociate itself from such an interest should it discover it has done so and shall, at the Town/Agency's sole discretion,. divest itself of such interest. Consultant shall not knowingly and shall take reasonable steps to ensure that it does :not employ a person having such an interest in this performance of this Agreement. If after employment of a person, Consultant discovers it has employed a person with a direct or indirect interest that would conflict with its performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall promptly notify Town/Agency of this employment relationship, and shall, at the Town/Agency's sole discretion, sever any such employment relationship.. 12. Equal Employment OpportunitX. Consultant warrants that it is an equal opportunity employer :and shall comply with applicable regulations governing equal employment opportunity. Neither Consultant nor its subcontractors do and neither .shall discriminate against persons employed or seeking employment with them on the basis of age, sex, color, race, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, physical or mental disability, national origin, religion, or medical condition, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification pursuant to the California Fair Employment & Housing .Act. 13. Insurance. ~ A. Minimum Scope of .Insurance: i. Consultant .agrees to have and maintain, for the duration of the contract, General Liability insurance policies insuring him/her and his/her firm to an amount not less than: one-million dollars ($1;000;000) combined single limit per occurrence :and two million ($2,000,000) aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. ii. Consultant agrees to .have and maintain for the duration of the contract, an Automobile Liability insurance policy ensuring him/her:and his/her staff to an amount not. less than one million dollars ($1;000,00.0) combined single limit .per accident for bodily injury and property damage. iii. Consultant shall ,provide to the Town/Agency all certificates of insurance, with original endorsements effecting. coverage. Consultant agrees that all certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the Town/Agency before work commences. iv. Consultant. agrees to have and maintain, for the duration of the contract, professional liability insurance in amounts not less than $1,000,000 which is sufficient to insure Consultant for professional errors or omissions in the performance of the particular scope of work under this agreement. B. General Liability; i. The Town/Agency, .its officers, officials, emp ogees and volunteers. are to be covered as insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, premises owned or used by the Consultant. This requirement does not applyto the professional liability insurance required for professional errors and omissions. ii. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Town/Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurances maintained by the Town/Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. .iii. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the . Town/Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. iv. 'The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. C. All Coverag.,~; Each insurance policyrequired in this l~..m shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled,. except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Town/Agency. Current certification of such insurance shall be kept on file at all times during the term of this agreement with the Clerk/Secretary of the Town/Agency. D. In addition to these policies, Consultant shall have and maintain Workers' Compensation insurance as required by California law and shall provide evidence of such policy to the Town/Agency before beginning services under this Agreement. Further, Consultant shall ensure that all subcontractors employed by Consultant provide the .required Workers' Compensation insurance for their respective employees. 14. Indemnification. The Consultant shall save, keep and hold harmless indemnify and defend the Town/Agency its officers, agent, employees-and volunteers from all damages, liabilities, penalties, costs, or expenses in aw or equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damages to property or personal injury received by reason of, or in the course of performing work which may be occasioned by a willful or negligent act or omissions of the Consultant, or any of the Consultant's officers, employees, or agents or any ubconsultant. 1 S. Waiver. No failure on the part of either party to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or :remedy that party may have hereunder, nor does waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the .same or any other provision of this Agreement. 16. Governing Law. This Agreement, regardless of where executed, shall be governed by and construed to the Taws of the State of California. Venue for any action regarding this Agreement shall be in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara. 17. Termination of AQreernent. The Town/Agency and the Consultant shall have the right to terminate this agreement with or without cause by giving not less than fifteen (1S) days written notice of termination. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall deliver to the Town/Agency all plans, files, documents, reports, performed to date by the Consultant, In the event of such termination, TownLAgency shall pay Consultant an amount that bears the same ratio to the maximum contract price as the work delivered to the Town/Agency bears to completed services contemplated under this Agreement pursuant to {Exhibit A) hereto, unless such termination is made for cause, in which event, compensation, if any, shall be adjusted in light of the particular facts and circumstances involved in such termination. 18. Amendment. No modification, waiver, mutual termination, or amendment ofthis Agreement is effective unless made in writing and signed by the Town7Agency and the Consultant. 19. Dis utes. In any dispute over any aspect of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, including costs of appeal. 20. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including .(Exhibits A), constitutes the complete and .exclusive statement of the Agreement between Town/Agency and Consultant. No terms, conditions, understandings or .agreements purporting to modify or vary this Agreement, unless hereafter made in writing and signed by the party to be bound, shall be binding on either party. Ilv WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town/Agency and Consultant have executed this Agreement as of the date indicated on page one (1). TOWN/AGENCY OF THE `TOWN OF LOS GATOS, by: Debra J. 1 e Town Manager/Executive Director Recommended by: John urtis Dire t of Parks and Public Works Bk~' ~IV~ iNEE /Ls , 1nlC . (Company) .Approved as to Form: Orry P .orb n .Attorney/General Counsel ATTEST.: Clerk/Secretary of the Redevelopment.Agency Los Gatos, California Ma ' ov (Print Name) 1~ ~ ~. ^^~ October 3, 2002 ENGINEā‚¬'RS Job# 20026100-PP SURVEYORS P LA'N N E R S Mr. Kevin Rohani Town Engineer Town of Los Gatos Parks and Public Works Department 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95031 Subject: Town of Los Gatos Downtown Street Improvements Town Project #02-33 Proposal for Engineering and Surveying Services Dear Mr. Rohani: BKF Engineers is pleased to present our proposal for :preparing plans, specifications and cost estimates for your downtown street improvements, Town Project #02-33. Our proposal is based on information you have provided, including a downtown streetscape concept plan and .maps tied in with your request for proposals. VJe also received information at our meeting. on .September 30, 2002, regarding the scope of work for the project. We understand this is the first phase of potentially three phases of work. The three phases would roughly correspond to the following: Phase I replace curb, gutter and sidewalk as appropriate along Santa Cruz Avenue and incorporate additional landscaped bulb-outs,. planters and pedestrian crossings as depicted on the streetscape concept plan dated January 26, 1996. We will also investigate existing drainage patterns and identify drainage deficiencies. Improvements to address the capture of drainage along existing bulb outs and planters will be identified. Phase I will include the development of the Gateway conceptual plan. Phase II would include the .design of the Main Street improvements and the Gateway .improvements at Santa Cruz Avenue/Highway 9 and Santa Cruz Avenue/Wood Road. The improvements along Main Street will include the replacement of curb, .gutter, and sidewalk utilizing the Town's aesthetic sidewalk pattern. The installation of planters and bulb-outs are proposed along Main Street to complete the downtown streetscape concept plan. Also included in Phase II work would be traffic signal modifications at 981 Bidder Park Drive Main Street. and University Avenue. Suite 100 San lose :California 95131-2305 .phone 408.467.9ioo fax 408.467.9199 www.bkf com Exh1 b1 t A Phase III will consist of utility upgrades, including drainage upgrades not completed in Phase I and II. Paving of Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street will performed in Phase III. The scope of our proposal is limited to Phase I related work as outlined below: Task 1-Base :Sheet Preuaration We will prepare digital aerial photos of Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street corridors. A topographic map from an aerial survey will be provided for the proposed project limits along both Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street. This topographic map can be used for Phase I, II and III work. The topographic map supplemented with field surveys will be used to develop base sheets for Phase I design work including the drainage and truck turning analysis. The base sheets will be prepared at 1 "=20' scale with the ability to enlarge to 1 "=10' for detailing. Task 2 -Data Collection We will perform additional field surveys to gather necessary elevations at conform areas. This additional survey work will primarily be performed after the conceptual layout is developed.. This will allow the designers to accurately identify the critical vertical and horizontal points to be .surveyed. Task3 - Drainage Analysis and' Design We will evaluate the existing drainage for storm drainage systems serving Santa Cruz Avenue .and-the .adjoining cross .streets. Existing systems will be evaluated between Santa Cruz Avenue .and Los Gatos Greek. Overland flow patterns will be identified and the flow capacity of the existing storm drain system will be established. The drainage patterns of the existing and proposed bulb outs and planters will be evaluated. Based on the drainage analysis, we will :determine the need for additional drainage inlets and piping for the Phase I street improvements. A drainage report will be provided which addresses the required drainage measures. A proposed drainage design will be developed based on the drainage report recommendations, Drainage systems required to avoid the reconstruction of Phase I improvements will be implemented into the Phase I contract documents. Our drainage-design, will attempt to minimize disruption of recently constructed concrete improvements. Drainage facilities serving Santa Cruz Avenue but required to be constructed on side streets .and parallel streets will be delineated on the Phase I contract drawings. Task 4 -Utility Design and Phasing The underground utilities will be evaluated along Santa Cruz .Avenue.-This work will include documenting existing utilities based on owner drawings, surface features and survey information. 'The relocation of utilities will be identified .and coordinated with utility owners. Relocation work to be performed which may involve the replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter will be identified as Phase I work. The remainder of the utility relocation work will be scheduled prior to the Phase III repaving of Santa Gruz Avenue. Task 5 - Phase I Contract Documents We will prepare construction documents to replace damaged or autdated curb, gutter and sidewalk .along Santa Cruz Avenue between the Highway 9 Caltrans right of way and Wood Road. Standard sidewalk segments will be reconstructed with the Town's asthetic sidewalk pattern. The contract documents will address completing the conceptual streetscape plan with the construction of the remaining bulb-outs and planters. Based on preliminary site walks, significant stretches of curb, gutter and sidewalk will remain. During the conceptual design phase, the concrete improvements to be reconstructed and the proposed bulb outs and planters will be identified and subsequently detailed for construction in the contract documents. Stage construction plans will be prepared to address the various modes of transportation and construction schedule constraints. The contract documents will also include landscaping and irrigation design for Santa Cruz Avenue. Task b -Design Review of Existing Plans .and Conditions The existing intersections and mid-block crossings .along Santa Cruz Avenue will be evaluated to determine if .adequate room has been provided for truck turning movements. Improvements to improve deficient intersections will be .incorporated .into the contract documents. The existing design for Bachman Avenue and Grays Lane, which was prepared by another civil engineering .firm, shall be reviewed. Vehicular turning movements, grading, drainage improvements and the compatibility of concrete improvements will be assessed. If required, changes will be recommended to achieve a feasible and functional design. Task 7 -Gateway Conceptual Plans VJe have been provided with conceptual drawings for the Santa Cruz Avenue/Highway 9 intersection and the Wood Road/Santa Cruz Avenue intersection. These two intersections are the gateway entrances to Los Gatos' Downtown. We will prepare two updated conceptual designs for each intersection which would compliment the Santa Cruz Avenue streetscape features. Developing the gateway conceptual design during this phase will promote the continuity of the streetscape beautification theme. Our design work will include meeting and coordinating with Town staff, performing site visits to collect photos for display, developing 2 alternates at each intersection at '/8"=1', and preparing an "Image Board" for presentations. Meetings will be scheduled with Caltrans to discuss the feasibility of the proposed :gateway alternatives. .Based on our discussions with Caltrans, alternatives which are not feasible; will be eliminated. For this phase, we do not anticipate developing the :gateway conceptual design further for public hearings. The attached spreadsheet has been organized to follow these tasks and to further delineate sub-tasks. We believe that the described scope correctly captures all of the work requested and will assist the town in moving forward with completion of the desired Santa Cruz Avenue and Main Street streetscape improvements. We have assumed that the Santa Cruz .Avenue sidewalk, curb, gutter, planters and bulb-out replacements will .all be included in one set of plans, although the work will be phased to provide appropriate access and minimal disruption during construction. Sidewalks will be installed to include the town standard Villa Hermosa brick pattern. No construction administration work is included in this proposal. The Town Standard Specifications will be utilized along. with special provisions to be prepared by BKF. We assume the Town will prepare bidding.documents for the project. Please call if you have any questions regarding our proposal. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve the Town of :Los Gatos. Very truly yours, BKF Engineers, ~/ ~~ ~~Q avid A. Velle, P.E. P silent/ C ~. ~~ L L~ ~ N talina Be ' di, P.E rincipal/ Vice ' ' nt (~ PROPOSAL October 3,.2002. Job # 20026100-PP Town of Los Gatos Downtown Street Improvements (Town Project #02-33) $KF ENGINEERS Santa Cruz Avenue (Between Highway 9 and Woods Road,) 981 AiDDER PARK DR. PHASEI SUITE 100 LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE, CA 95131 SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1 Base Sheet Preparation Task 2 Data Collection Task 3 Drainage Analysis and Design Task 4 Utility Design and Phasing Task 5 Phase I Contract Documents Task 6 Design Review of Existing Plan s and Conditions Task 7 Gateway Conceptual Plan PIC CREW 'PM ENGR III ENGR II ENGR I TECH CLER TOTALS TASK 1 3 20 15 24 10 6 42 0 120 TASK 2 1 64 13 4 26 20 0 0 128 TASK 3 1 0 40 44 88 73 8 0 254 TASK 4 0 0 S 14 44 20 18 0 104 TASK 5 1'2 0 49 40 139 142 90 4 476 TASK 6 0 0 18 0 62 10 10 0 100 TASK 7 0 0 16 4 0 0 0 0 20 SUBTOTAL 17 84 159- 130 369 271 168 4 1202 HOURLY RATE- 1'55 190 125: 107 95 83 80 46 HRS X RATE 2,636 - 15,960 1.9,875 13,910 35,055 22,493 13,440 184 $1:23, 552 Subconsultanta Callander Associates (.Landscape Architects) Irrigation Design 13,500 Landscaping Design 1.1,000 Streetscape Design 22;000 Community /Staff Meetings 7,500 Phase I Contract Drawings 54,000 Gateway Conceptual Plan 11,000 Zeiger Engineers 2,800 Aerial Geodetics (Aerial Mapping) 8.,500 Subtotal $76,300 Direct Cost: Reproduction, mileage & deliveries (estimated @ 2%) 2,471 Computer 150 Hours C '$9.00 Hr. 1,350 Subtotal 3,821 ~ _ $3,821 TOTAL BUDGET $203.,:673 Assumptions.: 1. It is assumed that no structural engineering or geotechnical work will be required. 2. It is assumed that a Caltrans Encroachment Permit is explicitly excluded. 3. Town of Los Gatos shall coordinate and negotiate construction access with businesses 4. Construction support and construction staking is explicitly excluded. TASK 1 Base Sheet .Preparation TASK 1.1 Establish Aerial'Photogrammetry Limits TASK 1.2 Establish and Set Photo Control Points TASK 1.3 Develop Project Base Sheets at 1 "=20' scale TASK 1.4 Update aerial base sheets with topographic information provided in Task 2 TASK 1.5 Supplement base sheets with record /right of way drawing information PIC CREW PM ENGR 111 ENGR II ENGR I TASK 1.1 1 3 TASK 1.2 20 3 12 TASK 1.3 4 4 TASK 1.4 2 4 10 6 6 TASK 1.5 1 2 SUBTOTAL 3 20 15 24 10 HOURLY RATE 155 190 1'25 107 95 HRS X RATE 465 3;800 1,875 2,568 '950 TASK 2 Data Collection TECH CLER 8 30 4 6 42 83 80 498 3,360 Total Task 1 TASK 2.1 Obtain and review existing record drawing information TASK 2.2 Gather right of way record maps TASK 2.3 Request and collect utility record drawings .TASK 2.4 Perform field visit to verify existing conditions and limits of work TASK 2.5 Survey existing storm drain facilities TASK 2.6 Perform topographic survey to establish elevations at store fronts and conform areas TASK 2J Provide supplemental survey for design to verify existing improvements PIC CREW PM ENGR III .ENGR II ENGR I TECH TASK 2,1 1 2 6: 8 TASK 2.2 _ 2 _ 4 TASK 2.3 1 3 4 TASK 2.4 2 4 6 ~ 4 TASK 2;5 16 2 , .. 4 TASK 2.6 24 2 4 __ -TASK 2.7 _ 24 2 3 SUBTOTAL 1 64 13 4 26 20 0 HOURLY RATE 155. 190 ` - 125 1:07 95 83 80 HRS X RATE 155 - 1:2,1:60- 1,,625 428 2,470 1,660 0 Total Task 2 0 46 0 CLER 0 46 0 TOTALS 4 35 16 58 7 120 13, 516 $13,516 TOTALS 17 6 8 16 22 30 29 128 18,498 $18,498 TASK 3: Drainage Analysis and Design TASK 3.1 Obtain Town, USGS, FEMA and Water District Maps TASK 3.2 Establish tributary drainage areas and sheds affecting project limits TASK 3.3 Delineate storm drainage system throughout drainage shed TASK 3.4 Perform drainage analysis for existing and proposed conditions TASK 3,5 Collect Water District water level data for Los Gatos Creek TASK 3.6 Identify deficiencies within project limits TASK 3,7 Develop .proposed drainage system for project area TASK 3.8 Establish necessary drainage improvements for design incorporation into Phase I work TASK 3.9 Prepare drainage report summarizing findings TASK 3,10 Review drainage pattern and develop drainage design for existing bulb outs and planters TASK 3.11 Develop drainage design for contract drawings PIC CREW PM ENGR III 'ENGR II ENGR I TECH CLER TOTALS TASK 3.1 1 2 3 TASK 3.2 2 8 4 14 TASK 3.3 1 14 10 25 TASK 3,4 4 24 16 15 59 TASK 3.5 1 4 5 TASK 3.6 4 14 8 26 TASK 3.7 1 3 6 20 8 38 TASK 3.8 2 8 4 14 TASK 3,9 20 6 4 30 TASK 3.10 1 4 8 13 TASK 3.11 1 8 10 8 27 SUBTOTAL: 1 0 40 44 88 73 8 0 .254 HOURLY RATE 155 190 125 107- 95 83 80 46 HRS X RATE 155 0 5.,000 4,708 8,360. 6:,059 640 0 24,922 Total Task3 $24,922 TASK 4: Ufiility Design and';Phasing TASK 4.1 Supplement base sheets with utility record drawing information TASK 4:2 Perform field visit to verify utility disposition and identify surface structures TASK 4.3 Identify required utility modifications throughout project limits including street roadway TASK 4.4 Attend utility meetings & coordinate relocation requirements & schedules with utility companies TASK 4.5 Incorporate disposition of existing and proposed utility work in Phase I contract drawings PIC ,CHEW PM ENGR III ENGR II ENGR I .TECH CLER TOTALS TASK 4.1 1 4 1'6 12 33 TASK 4.2 1 6 10 17 TASK 4.3 2 10 12 TASK 4.4 2 4 8 4 18 TASK 4:5 2 6 4 6 6 24 SUBTOTAL 0 0 8 14 44 20 18 0 104 HOURLY RATE. -155 190' 125 t07 95 83 80 46 H:RS X RATE. 0 '0 1,000 1,498 4,1.80 1,660 1.,440 0 9,778 Total Task 4 $9,778 TASK 5: 'Phase t Contract Documents TASK 5.1 Attend .project meetings to confirm project objectives (assumes 3 meetings) TASK 5.2 Attend community /business notification meetings for Phase I work (assumes 3 meetings) TASK 5.3 '.Prepare and update.project and construction schedules TASK 5.4 Coordinate work among #eam members TASK 5.5 Establish limits of concrete reconstruction and proposed improvements TASK 5.6 Prepare demolition plans and street improvement plans TASK 5.7 Evaluate and delineate grading requirements TASK 5.8 Prepare stage construction plans (vehicular., ped, bicyclists and parking) TASK 5.9 Develop construction details TASK 5.10 Prepare contract specifications TASK 5.11 Develop construction cost estimate TASK 5.12 Perform complete in-house quality assurance and control of contract documents TASK 5.13 Submit 65% contract documents to Town for review TASK 5.14 Review, resolve and incorporate 65% contract documents comments TASK 5.15 Submit 95%° contract documents to Town :for review TASK 5.16 Review, resolve and incorporate 95% contract documents comments TASK 5.17 Perform complete in-.house quality assurance and control of bid documents TASK 5 18 Submit bid documents to Town of Los Gatos for advertisement TASK 5.19 Provide bid assistance during Phase I advertisement PIC CREW PM ENGR III ENGR'll ENGR I TECH CLER TOTALS TASK 5.1 5 5 TASK 5.2 6 6 TASK. 5.3: 2 5 7 TASK 5.4 4 6 10 TASK 5.5 1 4 4 g TASK 5.6 4 10 32 40 24 110 TASK. 5.7 5 14 24 32 18 93 TASK 5.8 2 16 10 10 38 TASK 5,9 1 4 6 6 6 23 TASK 5.10 3 16 4 23 TASK 5.11' 1 10 4 15 TASK 5.12 6 2 8 TASK 5.1:3 1 _ 2 3 TASK 5.14 2 8 14 20 12 56 TASK 515 2 2 4 TASK 5.16 1 4 10 16 10 41 TASK- 5 17 _._ __ 4 2 g TASK 5.18 1 2 3 TASK 5:t9 __ 2 _. 4 6 4 16 SUBTOTAL 12 0 49 40 139 142 90 4 476 HOURLY RATE 155 1,90 1'25 107 95 83 80 46 HRS X RATE 1,860 0 6,125 4.,280 13;205 11,786. 7,200 184 44,640 Total Task 5 $44.,640 TASK 6: Design Review of'Existing Plans and Conditions TASK 6.1 .Perform truck turning analysis at intersectionsclong Santa Cruz Avenue TASK 6,2 Evaluate intersection deficiencies due to constraints TASK 6,3 Recommend intersection modifications to facilitate vehicular turning TASK 6,4 lncorporate acceptable design recommendation into contract drawings TASK 6.5 Obtain and review existing contract drawings for Bachman and Grays Lane TASK 6.6 Perform site visit to confirm existing conditions TASK 6.7 Confirm conformance to Phase I contract documents TASK 6.8 Establish revisions & submit proposed change order revisions to Town of Los Gatos for Town incorporation PIC GREW PM ENGR III ENGR II ENGR i TECH CLER TOTALS TASK 6.1 1 10 11 TASK 6.2 3 8 11 TASK 6.3 2 6 4 12 TASK 6.4 1 10 6 6 23 TASK 6.5 6 4 10 TASK 6,6 2 8 10 TASK- 6.7 1 4 5 TASK 6.8 2 12 4 18 SUBTOTAL 0 0 18 0 62 10 10 0 100 HOU'RLY.RATE 1.55 190- 125 107 95 83 80 46 HRS X RATE 0 0 2,250 0 5;890 830 800 0 9.,770 Total Task 6 $9,770 TASK 7; Gateway Conceptual Plan TASK 7.1 Attend meeting with Town staff to establish preferences for gateway features (assumes 2 meetings) TASK 7.2 Coordinate and attend .meeting with Caltrans (assumes 2 meetings) TASK 7.3 Coordinate with Caltrans and Town to establish. acceptable gateway features PIC CREW PM ENGR III ENGR II ENGR I TECH CLER TASK 7:1 4 TASK 7.2 6 TASK 7.3 _ -6 4 SU$TOTAL 0 0 _16 4 D 0 0 0 HOURLY RATE- 1'.55 190.. - 125 107 95 83 80 46 HRS X RATE 0 0 2,OOp 428 D 0 0 0 Total Task 7 TOTALS 4 6 10 20 2,428 $2,428