2000-131-Adopitng Revised Below Market Price Housing Program GuidelinesRESOLUTION 2000 -131
WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos Zoning. Ordinance Sections 29.10.3000
through .29.10.3040 establishes a Below Market Price (BMP) Housing program to
assist low and moderate income Los Gatos citizens purchase homes at prices
below market value.; and,
WIiEREAS, the Program requires construction of dwellings that persons
and families of moderate income pan afford to buy or rent, and assures to the
extent possible that the resale prices of those dwellings and rents, if they are
rented, will be within the means of persons and families of .low and .moderate
income; and,
WHEREAS, the program helps the Town meet State mandated housing
goals; and,
V6'I3EREAS, this resolution revises the Town of Los. Gatos Below Market
Price Guidelines.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council of the Town
of Los Gatos (1) repeals. Resolution 1992-88; and, (2) adopts the Revised .Below
Market .Price Guidelines attached as Exhibit A.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council ofthe
Town of Los Gatos held on the 6t'' day of November, 2000 by the following vote:
AYES: Randy Attaway, Jan Hutchins, Linda Lubeck, Joe Pirzynsk.
Mayor Steven Blanton
NAYS: None
Exhibit A
A. Every multifamily rental dwelling prof ect at the time of building permit,
every residential condominium or planned development residential
subdivision at the tune of subdivision,. and every community aparhnent
project and every residential stock cooperative apartment or unit proj ect
at the time of subdivision if the transaction involves subdivision, or at
the time of sale, if it does not, shall contain one or more BMP dwellings
according to the rules listed below with the following exception: Any
planned development with an underlying zone of HR, shall only be
required to pay an in-lieu fee as established by this resolution.
1. Projects containing five or more but fewer than twenty market
rate units must provide a number of BMP units equal to 10
percent of the number of market rate units.
2. Projects which include 20 to 100 marketrates units must provide
BMP units as determined by the following formula:
Number of BMP units = .225 {total # 'of market .rate units)-2.5
3. All projects in excess of 100 market rate units must provide a
number of .BMP units equal to 20 percent of the market rate
4. Whenever the calculations of below market price units result in
a fraction ofone-halfor more, the number ofunts to be reserved
is increased to the next whole number.
B. Confidentiality
Client information is confidential and not considered public information
except for statistical information on the BMP units and general
demographic information on the buyers and renters of BIl~IP housing
units. Through BMP program implementation the Town is attempting
to provide a supply oflow-moderate income housing. The Town does
not wish to set the occupants of such housing apart from the general
community, attaching a stigma to the occupants. Furthermore, no
public interest is served by disclosure of this information. The address
of the proj ects containing BMl' units may be provided as well as a range
of ..sales prices.
A. Applicant Eligibility
1. Household Income.:
Income limits are set according to household size using the
Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development
statistics regarding median income.
2. Buyer Qualification:
a. A buyer's qualification is determined by the family's ability
to make the monthly payments for the unit. The monthly
housing cost shall :include the following factors:
- Unit Price
- Current Lending Rates
- Estimated Taxes
- Estimated Insurance Costs
- Homeowner's Fees
- Other expenses as determined necessary by the
b. All persons must qualify for their own mortgage without
assistance from the Town. Qualifications must include the
ability to pay taxes, insurance, closing costs and any
homeowner association fees in addition to the .mortgage.
B. Buyer Selection
1. A point .system is used to establish applicant rating and ranking.
Applicants will be ranked according to total points .and must have
at least one point to be eligible for consideration. Points are
awarded as follows:
S~ points.
(a) Senior citizens who reside in the Town at the time of
application and have lived in the Town for at least the prior
two years. A senior citizen is defined as any person 62
years of age or older at time of application or married
couples living together when at least one spouse is 62 years
of age or older at time of application.
(b) Senior Citizens who have lived in the Town for at least two
years and have .moved out of the Town within the last five
years prior to the time of application.
(c) Handicapped persons who reside in the Town at the time
of application and who have lived in the Town for at least
the prior two years.
(d) Households required to relocate their residence as a result
of Council .action or mobile home park closure.
(e) Salaried Town employees as defined in the Town's Person-
nel Rules, who have been employed by the Town for a
period of no less than 12 months prior to the time of
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Five points:
Single heads of household with dependent children who reside in
the Town at the time of application and have lived in the Town
for at least the prior two years.
Four points:
Persons who live in the Town of Los Gatos at time of application
and who have lived in the Town at least the prior two years.
Three points:
Persons who work in the Town of Los Gatos at time of applica-
tion and have worked in the "Town for at least the prior two years.
Two points:
a. I-iouseholds who have lived in the Town for at least 1 Q years
and have moved out within the last ten years prior to the time of
b. Tlousehold .size is worth two points per person.
One point:
Households who live or work within Santa Clara County at the
time of application.
2. A lottery will be used to rank each qualified applicant in the case
of a tie.
3. An applicant has two opportunities to refuse a unit before being
removed from the current applicant pool.
4. Applicants who do not qualify for a particular project shal!1 retain
their eligibility.
5. The highest ranked applicant must obtain pre-approval for a loan
within one week after notification of its eligibility to purchase the
unit. The applicant must submit documentation of loan approval
within four weeks of notification of its eligibility to purchase the
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C. Determination of Initial Selling Price
1, The initial sales price of the unit will be determined by consulta-
tion between the Town Manager, or delegate, and the developer
within the price ranges calculated as defined herein. The
Manager is authorized to approve changes in specifications to
lower the price of the BMP units which do not violate any Town
code or ordinance requirements, such as changes in carpeting,
lighting fixtures, etc. The initial price will be set by a BMP price
agreement, which must be .signed by the Town Manager and the
developer prior to the Planning Commission review of the
2. The initial price of a unit may include direct construction costs
and may include. a proportionate share of the costs of providing
utility services, required on-site improvement, financing and
premium points, loan .standby fees, landscaping and parking,
provided that the price shall not exceed an amount which will
allow a range of qualified buyers (as defined above) to purchase
a unit.
3. The initial price shall not include cost of land, builder's profit,
marketing costs, planning, promotional or advocacy expenses,
options preliminary drawings, preparing working drawings and
specifications, off--site improvements, public agency fees, bonds,
insurance, recreational facilities and engineering and architectural
fees related to construction..
4. The range in which the initial selling price shall be set will be
determined through completion of the following calculation on a
regular basis:
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a. Calculation of the Housing Multiplier
i. Determination of Total Housing Cost
Sales Price -10 percent down payment =mortgage
Annual Debt Service
+ Homeowners Fees
+ Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI~
= Total Housing Cost
ii. Determination of Minimum Household Income
Assume 30 percent of household income to go
towards housing:
Total Dousing Cost/.30 = 1VIinimum household
iii. Determination of Multiplier
Sales Price/Minimum HouseholdIncome= Multiplier
b. Initial Sales Price Ranges
Minimum and maximum sales prices are established by
completing the following formula for a range of family
Income {80, 100, and 120 percent of median income as
defined by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban
(H.U.D.) x multiplier =sales price.
D. Deed Restrictions
Council .approved Deed Restrictions. are recorded with each Below
Market Price dwelling units.
E. Resale of Units
1. If the owner elects to sell his/her unit, the Town must be notified.
2. When a Below 1Vlarket Price dwelling unit becomes available for
resale, the owner must allow the Town to set the resale price and
make the unit available to other program applicants.
3. The Town determines the resale price in accordance with the
deed restriction recorded on the property.
4. Town markets the unit and ranks applications, to identify the top
qualified applicants.
F. In-Lieu Fees
1. Establishment of Fee.:
Projects with five or more but less than ten units may pay a fee
in-lieu of building a B1VII' unit in order to comply with BMP
Program requirements. Approval of Hillside Planned Develop-
mentswith five or more residential building cites shall require the
payment of an in-lieu fee. The fee shall be equal to the amount
of six percent of the building permit valuation for the project.
The total building permit valuation is determined by the chief
building official.
2. Fees shall be paid prior to or at time of final occupancy as follows:
a. Multi-Family Owner Occupied Developments. At approxi-
mately 40% occupancy of entire development as deter-
mined during the Planning approval process.
b. Multi-Family Renter Occupied Developments. At approxi-
mately 75% occupancy of entire development as deter-
mined during the Planning approval process.
c. Hillside Planned Developments. At time of final occu-
pancy for each unit.
3. In-lieu fees will be deposited into the Town's Affordable Housing
Fund. Funds will be used, in part, for administration of the
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program. Applications/recommendations for use of remaining
funds will be reviewed as received. Possible use of the funds
include, but is not limited to, the following:
- landbanking
- writing down the cost of owner occupied units to make
them affordable to low/moderate income households
- purchasing rental units for renting to eligible tenants.
A. Administration
The program shall be administered by the Town or its designee.
B. Applicant Eligibility
1. Household Income:
In order to be eligible, applicants must have a household income
under 80 percent of the County's median income as defined by
the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.
2. Ability to Pay Rent
A tenant's .ability to pay monthly rent will also be considered in
determining tenant eligibility.
C. Tenant Selection
Applications from tenants selected by property owner or manager will
be forwarded to Town for verification of income eligibility.
D. Management
1. B1VIP rental units shall be managed in the same manner as other
units in the development.
2. Tenants are eligible to receive conciliation and mediation services
provided through the Town's Rental Mediation Program except
as they regard rent increases.
E. Unit Rents
Tenants will be limited. to persons whose annual income is less than 80
percent of the County's Median Income as defined by the Federal
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Priority will be given
to those households whose income is less than 50 percent of the median
income as defined by H.U.D. Rents will be restricted to 80% of Fair
Market Rents as determined by the Santa Clara County Housing
F. Annual Review
If a tenant's income increases so that it falls between 80 and 100 percent
of the County's Median income, then the rent may be increased in
accordance with the Town's Rental Dispute Ordinance; and the unit
.shall still be considered a BMP Rental Unit. However, if a tenant's
income exceeds 100 percent of the median,. the rent may be increased
to the average rent of similar units in the complex; in this latter case, the
unit will no longer be a BMP unit and the next available unit must be
rented to an eligible household so that the number of subsidized units
remains the same.
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