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1973-050 Joseph and Roberta White - Agreement
RESOLUTION N0. 1973-50 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. RESOLVED, the Mayor of the Town o£ Los Gatos is authorized and directed to sign the agm ement with JOSEPH H. WHITE and ROBERTA J. WHITE, a copy o:f which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 16th day of April, 1973, by the following vote: AXES: COUNCILMEN Ruth Cannon Char les E, DeFreitas Egon Jensen John B. Lochner Mark 8. DiDuca NOES: COUNCILMEN None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN None SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ATTEST: ~~ ~ -~ CLERK ~ TFIE TOWN ~. F LO GATOS -~ DRaIiHAF9F; FACE}TIES AG3&£t~A1T This agreement is made l+a tween the T©WN tJ:~ LOS GAT4S, a genaral law city in theState of CaliPea=af3a, (he,a~r3n called "TOfrl~t„) and SOSEPfz ;[. FJFIITE, A,Yf} AE)BE$Td 3. W}II2?S (hence in called "11fi. AND P~L4S. FrfilT£") , and is made wiUi aef2amace to the =n}lowing £aets. ~h. laNA BA32S. GYHITE have acu~lst TOWP1 apPre*~al oP a land divisimn. Ths approval eras ~*rarted eon$itianal}y. fl~ tap tha eanditiona was that MR, ANA PtR^3. ;v"i~3TE make P~ovisian Pnr eoras'2rttet3on of araSnage £acilitiea deseEil~d in the attached ExPsibits "A" anal "B". TpiF, ??ARTIE.S AGREE AS FOLLp°~dS: Within }O dgys oP demand., MR. AtAD rSRS. SRI:IITE wi}l Pay to the TOiVN S2,fli7fl.0{}. IP elemand is Hirt made with 3n axe year c,i' the date this aSreerrent is signed. on t~IxalP uP t4te TOWN, MR, ANA [~S. 3$AEITE will. Pay the fiOWN $2,OOA.O~ withoa.tt demand. 'atithin Eft days of reveiving tl?e money, ~che TO;tfi7 wily gerf'orm the worla deserihed in tha attached Exhibits „A" arxi "P". The 60 days will be extendeii by such Pe•rind vi' time as weathar, unavai}abi}ity pf materials, a'txikes, oi~ other matters of sntastance not w9.thin the eontffi.l of the TCfnJN delay Pert'ermxnce. Execration and Pav~Pt~m~¢e oP t2~is aeunnt by Nilt. A.N- PARS, SilFI}:k'F, eonsti•tvtes Pull PQ r£ormance of t}se drainage faoi3itias construetzon requirement in ?'roceestiag No, ~I^75-26 k>E:fasre thm P}ansl3ng Ccannimsion of the Tcrnix of Los i5atus. In the e+teut of li~tigai:aen to cnPorec; the tex^ms a£ th..s agznercnnt, the prnveildng Par.-tnj ,~r parties s}aall have rs asoa?€chle attorney's Pees, Patella _._. APR 17 1973 Aiaye'~nP the Tavn of Fora Gatos Dated °=~ (e~ ? 3 naiad ~~ /~ CY2c _, ~' Gt. t, C, osePh N. F+m3 toto R x~~ ~. zm APPROXIMATE QUANTITY OF WORK STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES WEST SIDE OF WISSAHICKON AVENUE SOUTH OF HERNANDEZ AVENUE ITEM N0. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1. 78 lin, ft. 18" RCP Class III 2. 8 lin. ft. 12" RCP Class IV 3. 1 each Storm Manhole 4. 1 each Drop Inlet with Frame & Grate 5. 10 lin. ft. PCC Curb and Gutter 6. 400 sq. ft. Asphalt Overlay Note: Facilities are to be installed generally as shown in the attached sketch, marked "Exhibit B", "EXHIBIT A" (' ~~ ~ , ~,yr ,,, ~~ ~~~\\ ~~~ adz ~~ E 1'•4p' 5GM 1 ! _:~ - -~ ~~ ~•~ °w .I 2 ~ a ~_ -~x o' ~~ ~ Fr- ~ I ~ r A J p4 • F' ~ ~ I I I ~ (. \. _~~~~ 11~ ~dr®