Ord 0658-AMENDING SECTION 3.02 OF ORDINANCE NO. 392ORDINANCE NO, 658 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ; 'z OS, COiRNIVY OF SANTA CifARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A11Y.",NDING SECrOTUN 3.02, OF ORDIMINCE NO. 302 O SAIi3 TOV`IN . The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Sectional District No. 3,,,p2,,j of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos, which said map was adopted as a part of Ordinance No. 392 of said Town, together with any amendments there- to is hereby changed and amended by bubstituting for Sectional District No. --3,02.3.q as shown on said map, as amended, a new Sectional District No. a map of which said Sectional District is attached hereto and entitled ",Amended Sectional District No. 3002,35 of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos." SECTION 2. Sectional District No. 3 02 as shown. € non the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos as the same, was adopted as a part of Ordinance No. 392, as amended, of said Town is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. The exterior boundaries cf Sectional Dist.-J_ No. 3a0205 of the Zoning Map of the noun, of Los Gatos are shown on that certain ma:p entitled ""Index Map to Sectional District Maps, Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos, " which said index Map was adopted as a portion of Ordinance No. 392 of said Tor in of Los Gatos on the 7th clay of January , 19x9, together with any amendments which may have :thei eaf ter been made, which said Index Map of Sectional District maps is referred to in Section 3.02 of said Ordinance No. 392.. SEC` ION 4. This Ordinance s: a ll be published once in Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer, a newpaper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos. The above and foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Tor .n CounC i of the mown of Los Gatos held on the 18th day of June , 19 62 , and was thereafter on the 25th day of June , 19 62 , duly and regularly adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCla,MEN: Henry C. Crall Fames E. Donati Alberto E. Merrill Joe Whelan John Lincoln NOES: COU2r,"ILPd o e, ABSENT : COUNC 1LIKE N : None ATTEST : c OWN CLEF OF "i~3E TOWN OF LOS GATUS SECTIONAL DISTRICT AP ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNT' OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA THIS MAP CONSTITUTES SECTIONAL DISTRICT NO. 3.02 35OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS,C01UNITY OF SANTA CLARA,STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THIS MAP CORRESPONDS TO THE INDEX MAP OF SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS AND AMENDS SECTION 3.02 OF ORDINANCE N0.392 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. R- 1.5.8 --Arr.. RD- Uc' INDEX MA TO SECTIONAL DISTRICT I ZONING MAP OF THE TOW GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA OF CALIFORNIA. THJS MAP AMENDS SEC ORDIRJ\-NCE NO- 392 OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA., A' SECTION 3.02.35 OF TI TO SECTIONAL. DiSTRIC ZONING MAP OF THE 7 GATOS. • • • • • DENOTES SECTIONAL DISTRICT BOUNDARY AS DEFIt IN SECTION 3.00 AND 3.01 OF ORDINANCE NO.392,AS AMEN{ OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS R-1'. We hereby Certify that the Town Coi Town of Los Gatos,County of Sonto Clan California did adopt this Sectional Distric accompanying Index Map as a part of Or GSA'' of said Town on the f °=Jday of Town CI O 1 HUNDRED FEET NOT E ® Denotes District Boundary as defined in Sect ton 3:00 and 3:0I of Ordinance No. 392, as amended,ot the Town of Los Gatos. We hereby Certify that the Town Plann of the ,Town of Los Gatos,County of Saints C California did on the 2!'g day of MAY ,19 resolution this Sectional District Map of tt of the Town of Los Gotos,County of Santa California Chairman Sec