Ord 0625-AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 392 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSORDINANCE NO. d-Cj .I~''°1.~:,_ E'DZaS~'~a.]' OR~I~,n.Tti CE NO. 302 OF 71?,.- T,07-4,17! OE OS AN ORDINANCE a~ LOS GA OS; ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF EKE TOWN "T"9'4' LOS GA OS, `FOUNT ~r OF SA NTro CA~~A n STATE OF ~L,~ F C Ci6.5.a1 F ORNI ADOPTING A ZONING OF r~ "v ~t.e 8_'~.x'~, DISTRICTING PLAN FOR SAID TOWN, WITHIN FICE CERTAIN ::®GULA I',``N SHALL HE 1:.4 EI°F-ECrn RELATING T ` HE2-1i USES CT LAND AND B UILD'r7GS H EI GI Y µ +F° OF sU J'DI_ }RT. 4A, YARDS D .w ti 1T'NOUT `'W.'_ ~ _'a.3,.._ LIat_. .1 - 9 x:.1:,.. :-r . ~i-.-+a`. ;~d.c-' C. 'a SPACES ~ I Ia STOS; Y3'~` i~ t~fy ra '1P~t'B. ^~;T^=`„ p` CERTAIN q 7L 1-, a...9y~?R ^-sO~. c,"9.^.+^ _ti PERMITS aa'=a ;,.r?6_ CFRT OF SUC~;l` U 1 I)ING AND USEe iEFI3 N4 N° 3e3 '?TA °Z TIE ' RU£° "4^= HEREI N; 31.110 SPECIFYING THE PROCEDUR FOR. TIC: %WH71JDII NT, AND PRESCRIBING F'E'_;TALT'IE S 7-C11,411, 7`1711E VIOLATION OF ANY 07 T-1-7,, T?R,13ISION715 HEREIN; R:.1 _JAL.j}.NG A I., 0_TFE:,!. ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI!,TANCES -IN CONFLICT ',4iFE TL7A,1 'COUNCIL F TL;.tii4 C7, LOS G.',TOS .`i0ES 51TOr_,.i; AS -~OL'L`,`WS: Sections 1. That Ordinance No. 392 of the Town of Los ^atos entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A ZONING OR DISTRICTING PLAN FOR SAID TOWN, WITHIN WHICH CERTAIN REGULATIONS SI'_'rLL HE IN EFFECT RELATING TO THE USES OF LAND AND BUILDINGS, HEIGFT LIMITS OF BUILDINGS, AND YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES !'SHOUT BUILD'IN'GS; REQUIRING TEAT C7,RTAIN PERMITS SMALL BE SECURED FOR CERTAIN OF SUCH BUILD INGS AND USERS; DEFINING CERnAIN TERMS USED HEREIN; YE, 9 SPECIFYING TFE i~.r R CED ,.~~rU_. ~c 7 OR TEE PROVISIONS HEREIN: 9 I_h e is hereby REPEALING Rr,r,? Exr 7 7 `L !-8 'i!,ayn:w,ied : a 0, t: h e 7 a T1e n dir -.24 a, d 4J^,~. y 'i Section 7.34 t n, r e d as J! -c1' n°.,TTv s . 7.34. P 4k 7-17y..r' e^,^ SPACE 770~13 ~ .°'n I n ~ vI`T ~iTG"". TaC'S ;.7 ie ~'e shall be p';'G ~l' gad ,t I?.~8 mod` "1'n Ar e*.3 (3) t, r. . n _rgg Spaces fors `°"r-, k- ary two h' ndz-e ~:r.=rl~;dr (2oA ) square fa~ ~ t of -F of gross f1cor area <r7-7c'ly, s ive .of - oar area a ecl ~r.'or° a tP.ll:olnorbi9 S a._ n:1_ sp,ace; hmvevew., that in no ase sboll tkla rsciu .r°e:..`_'s.nt fog 'ip rk^A 7^8 U"° space a and k ~ and ~'C n_m s ,r 4 zt~ pace e<ce: d see en't-y i ve (5) :e° cent of the U':°:'~.`, any b u i l .d i L"}': Lg s ti t e ~Sectic'n This Ordinance _n:::?.Ij wr°d?~~~ ~e-Lc~,tl ~ d, 'be "E i~`' force . thirty from and awtr°r date eaf is passage ~ el o Le ' ~h and [rn v expiration o?- fifteen (157) days after is psssapze it shall be yu"~Iished - once vi th the ne, mes of the mr,:,I°er> voting for" and against l the same j_;a T - 2 0 the Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer, a newspaper published in the Town of Los Gatos. Introduced at a Continued Regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, State of California, held on the 30th day of October, 1961. PASSED AND ADOPTED AS AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN GE LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL THEREOF, held on the 7th day of November 1961, by the following Alberto E. Merrill NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None K"0'9- OF THE- TUWI~' -OF _L06 -GATM ATTEST: a TOWN CLERV_' OF THE TOWN F OS S