Ord 0623-ADOPTING BY REFERENCE AND MODIFYING ORDINANCE NO. NS-1100.19 OF THE COUNTY"I' r-7~T t 7 N M23 AN 017,D.a11Hd`3rV ADOPTING B ,-_f .._,~~7:111e1S. Ca` !9ANf`-, M11,^eD S:" .6. 1Px° G 02I1-1ANM.,E NO. NS-1100.19, '~:,F CLaC'S='WA fr 1, T1 IL_a:r' ^AS.,: 3L uINAN;vim v Gc 1, Ii •.4 C_ OF TITLE 11 OF THEE i COUNTY " JD" NAt" IC.~ COME, CO'i 'e AND PQ~, ,i:a N ,D",.rq ° 1 17 &"A.`_J~s. .E 3 ~~....~:y i? :..e i0 ¢~3. 5..41;... ~.(qL f:TV~.S.Jf-~ G , u v tr1c..D 1, a TL OI DIi L N'Lf EE _ CODE 4l Ji.t+•3.TT 1'~~G T F .S.S~U:.✓Ai4~Ai`, "J '2A JOLtaiTY ~ :70 `L~ST.f01'.+.l1sV7IG Ail..@. GAS 1 1.s4v C1,0Q)E AND, ADOPTING 711:r 1961 EDITION OF ME U:.L.~.FOR:'1 gLirMBI1\lG uG~1 ` ANZD .l.Ot_v 6.+O'JL,vSV.l.L OF T..To.iS'ail OF ,,,e03 GAT OS DOES :oRDi_._se AS e t=on 1. Tilat. ~dc ra__s_-na43Ce ir -;qO.4~TTY°1.;. 0<.~' c; Q'_ ~ ~ ~ A, C0i,.i.sie., ;_y ::1 ~ C]ia:~. a ~ of Santa ~,,.rc6 eye TT° 1% e d yTTy~T ~~^^1g''1~;+~pp, 9pNJ~1 Vni +R ',7P ~yii4'4eTeT~~'~TG YYYYYY i> Tali r' IF T ~ ~ n. ntnH n ^b [Ay di'C L'.~W .L.LL3.1 l~t Y,l1.tJ1•~ IF •SJ:~ i D F L 11 O ME L :o't~ Aliry 0t? rT~.j CODE :,I f'~ • ~(A ^-f q~-:a SAN 9'B" TH !'9~` T-~_ _ k 1Vd"a~.tl Lir :.'4.:~ 3Lr.~"+, S G ~ O k iu Si`"SNd z A +.sLA=~ "J i^F 1 A GA T^ Y'• NIL IOM,a TL U"~. BTNG AND GA PIP I NG ,,ODE AND GrTI~~G THE X961 E DI TIO OF THE IT II ORM F UTIBING CODE"', passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa 11",lara on October 1, 1961, which adopted by reference and mod? _c_ed the 1961 Edition of the destern 3"'s.L3.Aiss7ing O.-L`f _clals jtU'nif-orm Plum"o 1'!g Code as pubI shed, )-t the 'o, ester-n P1"'c mb- ng ,J~= Wials Association herein referred to as the Uniform d 1_uR o--ng Code (not less than three cop- es of sa ,-d 3a.nta l a-a County Ordinance No. Y,3-1100.19 and Not less than three coo '..es said Uniform Flum -Ing -ode as o-rovI ed in Government Code section X0022.- have been filed in the o.~f' ce o_ the 'Town Clerk for at least days p:-eceo ng -he hearing use and exams-nation oy the pc1bl- v) 9 s hereby adopted by reference and made a part hereof as though fully set n=orth here.-1_n except as aaod1-w ed as ollot.ti7s: Seat on l: and Section 3: thereof~' are hereby om _tted. gherever the words "C"ounty" or "Santa 'Clara ;ountyrr and. "Board of Supervisors'r appear -;here shall be substituted Townand "Toctian o Los Gates'' and r'.Town ounc- 1" except Wr;ere the word "County", is used to describe an area or used with the word "Ordinance" to describe the County Grdlnance or 'County Ord..Lnance Code, or the County as a body po?4 ie under LhW caws of the State of" California. (c) Section 11.1.3-4.4 thereof setting forth "Schedule of Fees" is hereby. omitted and in lieu thereof the Schedule of.Fees contained in section 1.13 of Ordinance No,432 of the Town of Los Gatos passed and adopted 'by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on July 1, 1957 are hereby continued in full force and effect and are not amended or -repealed by this Ordinance. (d).. Sections 11.1.3-5.1; 11.1.3-5.2; 11.1.3-5.3; 11.1.3-5.4; are hereby omitted. (e) The provisions of section l(b)(1) and section 1(b)(2) of Ordinance No.367 of the Town of Los Gatos passed and adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on August 2, 1954 are hereby continued in full force and effect and are not amended or repealed by this ordinance. (f) Any penalty clauses which may appear in the Santa Clara County Ordinance or Uniform Plumbing Code are hereby omitted. Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of said code, as adopted herein, or of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and each such person, firm or corpor- ation shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, during which any violation of any of the said provisions of said code, or of this ordinance, is committed, con- tinued or permitted., and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than FIVE iUNDR.~,,:D DOLLARS ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the County ,jail of the County of Santa Clara, for not more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3. rhis Ordinance shall not be construed as imposing upon the Town of Los Gatos any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from defective buildings; nor shall the Town of Los Gatos, or any official or employee) there of, be held as assuming any such liability or responsibility by reason of the inspection authorized thereunder. Section 4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed s Section 5. This Ordinance s:o.all be published once within :fifteen (15) days after its final passage in the "Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer", a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the 'd'own of Los Oa.tos,, California. Introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council: of the Town of Los. Gatos after a Public Hearing thereon held in the manner and after notice given thereof as required by law, this 2nd day of Januar , 19 62 PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR T=TING OF T~IJ TO'HN COUNCIL OF T:, TOWN' OF LOS GATOS, held on the. 15th day of January 1962 by the following vote AYES: COUNCILICN: Henry C. C'rall James E. Dona t i Jahn Lincoln Gail E. Packard Alberto E. Merrill NOES: vOfJN ;ILE:, None ABSENT: COUNCILYIEN: None MAYER' OF z HE~-TOWW-9F LOS TOS ATTEST TOW 'Ra T11E TO~,!N OF LOST TOS