Ord 0574-AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 392ORDINANCE X0.504 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 392 DESTGN.w.TED AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID TOWN BY AMENDING SECTION 3.00 THEREOF; AND FY ADDING TO SAID ORDIN- ANCE NO. 39? A NEW ;SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 31.00 WHICH SECTION ESTABITSVES A NEW ZONING DISTRICT ND PRE- SCRIBES USES OF !AND AND R°FXILDI°°*TGS AND OTHER. REGULATIONS. T F TOWN COUNCTL OF '.FIE TOWN OF LOS G TOS DOES ORDAIN AS F p 3Oy SECTION ONE; Section 3.00 DISTRICTS, of Ordinpnce No. 392 is hereby repealed. SECTION TWO: A new Section is hereby added to Ordnance No. Section 3.00 DISTRICTS: in carder to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Ordinance, the Town is hereby divided into d tsty ic°ts known as: FULL NAME SHORT NAME "W"r Watershed District "W" District "R.!" Single-Family District "Rl" District "RD" Two-family District "RD" District "RM" Medium Density Multiple "RY" District Family District "R?" Multiple-family District "R2"° District "R3". Multiple-family District "RV District "Cl" "0" Off ice District "0" District Neighborhood Commercial "C! District District PUS:" Civic Center District 'T C- "C2" General Commercial District "C2" District -CM" Controlled Manufacturing VM" District District "MV Light industrial District Ql" District "MV Heavy industrial District "M2" District ,.1:t.. nbI..N THREE: The following new sections are hereby added to Ordinance No. 392: - 1 - • Section 31.00 "RM" Medium Density Multiple Family District. Section 31.01: Regulations for Ri+n Medium Density Multiple Family Zoning District; The followiner regulations sh:a.ly_ apply in all RY- Districts: Section 31.02: 'Intent. The Rive District is established to provide for a variety of dlxselling types at a. controlled medium density at readily accessible locations which are convenient to corpmunity facilities and where land assembly for medium. density residential development may be appropriately encouraged. RM _--regulations are most appropriately. applied to a rarcel or contiguous parcels improved under a unified ' development scheme. Section 31.03: "S" Zone---Approval. No use shall be established or conducted in an RM District, unless it shall first have been approved in the manner provided for in Section 14.00 of Ordinance No. 392; as amended. Section 31.04: Lases Permitted. The following uses are nermitted in RM Districts: (a) One=family, two-family, and multiple dwellings and groups or combinations thereof. (b) All uses nerritted in "fit-1" Districts. as specified in Section 4.00 of Ordinance No. 392, as amended. Section 31.05: Conditional Uses. The Commission may, after a. public hearing, to be noticed and conducted in the manner provided for in Section 15.00 of Ordinance No. 392, as arnezndeO, hermit the following uses in the RM Zoning District if the Commission finds that such uses are deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare, and are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General elan. (a) Educat ion,a l institution. (b) Government Enterprises (Federal, State and Local) - -2 - (c) I'ospital (d) Library or Public Museum (e) Park,. pl.aygronnd or Coranunity "enter (f) Public Utility and Public Service Use or Structure. Irresnectlve of any other provision of Ordinance No. 392, as amended, no use other than those listed above may be located in an MA - Medium Density Multiple Family District. Section 31.06: Develnrraent Standards. The following development standards shall, apply in RM Districts. (a) Building Height; The maxi-mum building weight skull be _t ~ T ~.~4'Y»..g ~.r'in_._, ~w,., ~ far thirty-five (35) feet. A..l'#W .x . ; _ v$.,.~ el_l units located over two stories above the ground level shall be provided with ad.eamate elevator service. (b) Lot Area The ra.inimum lot area. shall be seven tbou.Qand (7,000) square feet upon which may be perarl.tted a, two- family dwelling. For each a.ddi.tiona.l d.wel_l.l.r.g wait there shall. be ?provided an additional two thousand. (2.000) square feet of lot area for each suet dwelling unit. (c) Lot Coverage: Buildings, including accessory buildings, shall. not cover a. total of more than. 30 percent of the area of any lot. (d) Front Yard: No front y a.rd need use greater than twenty five (25) feet i.a~ death, but the Commission through the procedure specified in. Section 1.4.00 of Ordinance No. 592, as amended, may reduce the required front yard to not less than fifteen (15) feet. (e) Side Yard: The distance between P. side line of a Int and the nearest point of any grain building on the same lot adjacent to such side lot line shall. not be less than ten (10) feet or one-half the height of such building, whichever is -treater. - 3 (f) Rear Yard: The distance between a rear line of a lot and the nearest point of any main building on the spme lot a,dJacent to such rear lot lire shall. not be less than fifteen (15) feet or one-half the he i_gbt of such building war ichever is grea ter . ( ) Di.sta.n.ce between. Main Pui ldings m No rain bui-ldi ng, shha7 l.. be closer to any other na.in building, nr the same lot than twenty (20) feet or on.e-b,aJ_-19 the sur of the !,,eights of the two 1-ui.Jdi..n.P,a~ , w i.ca-jpv,Aer is greater. ~ed Accessors- 'Rui._: ~~'?°?.e approved ~.ocat~ o~* of ~etac° ~_dsn.,~gs~a. by the F3lpnning Cor n;r ssi in sccorda.nce wit', the rrocedure specified in Section 14.00 of Ordinance No. 392, as amended, a detached accessory building not more than. twelve (12) feet in Pei--ht m-nv be loo-9-ted or, arR," Portion of a lot but not closer than ten (10) feet to any Main building on the same lot. (i) Parking: For each dwelling unit i.n excess of two. there shall be provided at least three permanently rmai_ntained parking spaces for each two suet dwelling units. Such Parking sauce must be on the same lot with. tile rsj.r bu l.dinFr anal roust be co arranged ,:is to provi-de for adequate ingress and egress. Dri.vewa<,s to r1arkirgy sp>^ces shall be not less ,than ten feet wide, a.nd no Parkin-- srance ,s~lnll. be less than nine feet wide acd twenty- feet lon~^. A. sx)ace at least nine -feet wide a r.O twer'a.ty--five feet l~?xo. inmediately to the rear of eneb sr c.h arkinq sr?,` ce sba.l]. be na i_n.ta i_ned s t 91.7 ti.mes free nd clear of obstructi-ns. The driveway to t"e nprki.ng space be i.rrol.uded t?,°s reoui.red clear space. (j) ~~?d?_f .t o*?. of T)earel.opa' PnI-, Stand.a,rci.s: where Ints r~~r - 4 - attendrt fRci.l tj:es are, J..rnrroved as a Stu. t or as coT?ti-r'-urric; units. tie P 7-r-ingr 170n'}illissi-n, in na:r'ordi n(" e. with gre ?'':rt?visifPrF of Section 14.00 of Ord.ln .nce No. 39,21, as n.t?Sended. S~-a I J &-:n ve n altl-e') tT7 to rf?£Ofi f tie C.'.eva'., lo'"'Tien ` standp~rds Prescriloed --or side or rear yards, or dis-11-Inces between main buildings. ixt!it'n .sit cli n-"t..on. ''7i-IT prnT-'.^_+te^-r excellence of d?"`J€.'lo r71 nrt t:,ons3_ st gnt wit37,. Vie intent n.r the RM District. r T^~'e t~-,'.rty (30} days iron r`.3nd after 'ate of its pc`b,sspa-e and be-Fore r1 ~'s~rn t 'he expiration of r f_fte~?~'! (1~,rJt.''n,QyS q....ter its p4k;snt'~'~'P,. it sball. use rubl_zshed cn~,,e ivj-tl-, t!,-,e names of tie irerhers vr,)t;.; for and ng'airst t're same in the Los G,,,,tns Observer, a newspaper published in the rl"ovin of Los Astor Introduced at r eg u:~ ?,r meeti.nl- of the T m.w,n C.t urC' ! of the-, 4 ,wn of Los Gatos, S¢ta te of California held or t3e 3:e'd. 9 a?r r 3 January 1UP16-1. BP c A ~ ? , 4,4Tr a} 4. .P: ~3- OF THE + '1'T ;•y; s" T ^n' r,: S m C!! ~t T..JFORA TAn .t' v;FnTTN OF `.E TJE T"_''WN,a t..`r'LTYr-FT.,, 'F~'.e''R'!'"F Tel-" ^n tl~.e c.v. C3 c 9 ° ? - the o 11 now Lv. arrat e o r' _ ~O'E s ,i NT a g";,, T N7 C '17 R ,r 77,77