Ord 0534-FARLEY ROAD NUMBER ONE ANNEXATIONORDINANCE NO - ~ AS ORDINANCE APPROVING TEE ANNE ATIOTi~OF CERTAIN UNII+HABIT"D TERRITORY, DES-MINA ED YIFARLEY ROAD NUMBER ONE ANNEXATION`' TO THE `OWN OF LOS GATOS THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS IIIES ORDAIN AS FOLLO'S lg 60, the Council WHEREAS on the 4th day of April . of the Town of Los Gatos did pass and adopt a Resolution giving to the notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory id territory being therein designated as Town of Los Gatos, sa "Farley Road Dumber one Annexation" and said action being taken by the Council of said Town as the legislative body of the Town pursuant to a written petition therefore, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Town; and WHEPXAS, said Resolution did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said Council of said Townqa ro ertq with- any person owning real p p in would hear protests made by the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing =ot less than twenty nor more than sixty days from the date being r of the passage of said Resolution; and may 19 60, WHEREAS, on the 16th day of -r of 8:06 o'clock p.m. in the Los Gatos Council at the hou County of Chambers in the Town Hall of the Town of Los Gatos, s~ the Santa Clara, State of California, said time and place being rotests day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution for hearing P said annexation, the said Council of said Town did hear and to u on all protests made to said proposed annexation and did pass p determine that no protests to said proposed annexation have been e b or on behalf of the owners of one-half of the value of mad y ualized the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the eq roll, nor by public and private owners of equal to one-half of Page„ of _ pages } the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the Town of Los Gatos, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Santa Clara, and all of the procedural requirements of the annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, particularly Government Code Sections 35300 and 35314 inclusive have been fully complied with; P OW.$ THEM's ORE, the said Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of said territory, hereinafter described, to the Town of Los Gatos and does hereby farther ordain that the za-id territory be and is hereby annexed to the Town of Los Gatos. That said territory, the annexation of which to the 'down of Los Gatos is hereby approved, is all that territory situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Page of Pages BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of that certain Parcel No. 2 of land conveyed to A.J. TofaneIli, et ux, by deed recorded in Book 23®2, .Official Records, page 316, Santa Clara County Records; THENCE, following the exterior boundaries of said last named Parcel No. 2 conveyed to Tofanelli Northwesterly and southerly to the point of intersection with the northeasterly line of that certain Parcel No. 1 of land conveyed to A.J. Tofanelli, et ux, by deed recorded in..B,ook.2"2, Official Records, page 316,Santa Clara County Records; T111ENCE.., follo~wing-the exterior boundaries of said last named Parcel Igo. l . conveyed to Tofanelli.southerly along the westerly line of-,said Parcel.No,.. `1.,and .along the "southerly prolongation of said westerly-line-to-the point of intersection. with the southerly line of Earley Road, as the same now"exists; THENCE,,-northvesterly alonng'sa.. d s6utherly.1ine._of Earley Road, as the same-now exists,-to the point o intersection with the north:- westerly line of Lot. 2. as said Lot is_ s.hown _upon that.. certain map entitled - l7Siekmann- Subdiv-Lsion'l.,- which snap was filed for record in the Office. of tote ' Recorder of -t ae County of Santa-Clara, State of California., in Hoak "fit" of Caps, Page 33; THENCE, following the-exterior boundaries of -said Lot 2 of said 'Siekmann Suhdivsion, southerly and easterly to the point of inter- section with the- northwesterly: line of Lot..B, of. said hereinbefore mentioned Siekmann-Subdi'vi-sion; THENCE.,. followiyag'the - exterior- 'boundaries of said Lot B of said Sick-mann. Subdivision, easterly along the southerly line-of said Lot B, and along the easterly prolongation of said southerly line to the'-point of intersection with easterly.line of- -San .Jose-Los Gatos Road, as - the.same existed "in-1648; THENCE, northerly along said -easterly line-of said. San . Jose-- Los ~ Gatos--Road -to- the point of intersection- with . the Town Limits of the.-Town of Los Gatos ; THENCE,. Pollowi ng .th-e Town. Limits-of the .Town of Los Gatos and the_ea:sterly line-of said- San. Jose--Lo,s- Gatos.. Road northerly to the point of intersection- with the .easter:ly .prolongation -of the northerly l _ line of the.hereinbefore mentioned Parcel No. 2 conveyed to Tof anel li ; THENCE, westerly along said easterly prolongation of said northerly line of said Tofanelli Parcel No. 2 to the point of beginntrig-:.. - 2 - I , * Introduced at a Meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, State of California, on the day of _ 19 ~10 - PASSED AND ADOPTED AS AN ORI?INANC•E OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA, AT A MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, HELD ON THE ,7,1 JAY OF , 19 ~Q AYES: NOES : ABSENT: CODNCI?EN : , COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMEN : &Acc"- MATOR - O _ S ATTEST: TOWN CLERJ9 OF F TOWN OF LOS GATOS Page of ?!ages