Ord 0513-AMENDING SECTION 3.02 OF ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF SAID TOWNA"T OH _CT?.a<CE C.. C LC- T0_~, „rrrr.rl `f S, AT I' _ a 01" UI-i1.J I A I\ V ,r.'i NO. 392 OF S A I +l 'JJ~'. A The Town. Council of the ToV?n of LOS Gatos does ordain as folloWS: SECT1011 1. Sectional District ,.o. 3.02,31 of the Zoning :'lap of the Town of Los Gatos, which said. map was adopted as a part of Ordinance Io. 392 of said. Town, r,ogether with any amend- ments thereto is here" y changed and ..mend,ed b ;r substitutin€ for Sectional District "No. as-'shown on said mar, as amended, a nev; Sectional District !,To. 3.02."1 a, mar of which said Sectional District i attached hereto and entitled "Amiende0i Sectional Distrctio. 3.02,;1 of the Zoning I?'i:.~.: of tU.e Town of Los GaLl SECTTC-'A' 2. Sectional District T:o. 3.o 31 as shotivr. u-oon the Zoning i`ia~ Of the TOWn Of Los Gatos as the same, was aadorted is as a ;Dart of Ordinance No. 392, as amended., of said Too r,/hereby renea,led. Sy.C? -"',INT 3. The exterior boundaries of Sectional District ilo. 3.02.31 of the Zoning 'Fla-. of the Toz-,in of Los Gatos are, shown on that certain mad entitled. "Index Na, to Sectional District Ma ,-s, Zoni n` T'`c`'.p of the Town of LOS Gatos, fl Ldhi Cyr said index Pap was adopted as a portion of Ordinance No. 592 of said. Town of L,os Gatos on the 2nd day of June, 19,58, together with any amend- ments which may have 'Hereafter been made, which said Index I'Iap of Sectional District T,Iaps is referred to in Section 3.02 of said ordinance No. 392. SrCTTOI 4. This Ordinance shall be published. once in Los {'ratGS Times-Saratoga observer, a neVJSra,? Ear of P.nera.l circulation, printed and published in the gown of Los Gatos. -1- The above and foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the % day of 1959, and was thereafter on the__ -;2 -;~~_dayof 1959, duly and regularly adopted by the following vote: 'l T r~+-r AYES: COUNC ~ LI, 31N':-. NOES- COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUITC ± LNEN : p,' Y 0 y TRAM! 10 LOS GATOS ATTEST: T0-,V?- CLERK _ TEE TOWN OF LOS GATOE i TUIS MAP CONSTITUTES SECTIONAL DISTRICT NO. 3.02.3I OF THE WHIM MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLMA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. TNIS MAP CORRESPONDS TO THE INDEX MAPS OF SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS AND AMENDS 'SECTION 3►.02 OKORDINANCE NO. 392 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO. We hereby Certify that to Town Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos, 'County of Santa Clara, State of California did on the wj-~ay of ,195 adopt by resolution this Sectional District Map of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos County of 5anta Ciara, State of California. / Ch in e ae#ary We hereby Certify that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of 5arita Clara, Sfafe of Califomia, did adopt this Sectional District Map and accompanying Index Map as a part of Ordinance No. of 5a 'd Town on the day of (-12, ayor Town/Clerk a- M THIS' INDEX MAP CON5TiT TO 5EC T ION 3.02 OF O1RDii TOWN OF LOS GATO5, CO U Nl STATE OP CALIFORMA, •~a+ DENOTES NUT~s sEcTIONAL FINLD IN SECTION 3.00 AND AS AMLNDED, OF THE TOWN C 4 0 ti HU11DRED FEET DGNOTC--5 D15TRiCT 50UNDARY A5 DEi=1N2D AND 3.01 OF ORDINANCE NO. 392, AS tlMEND WP"ITUTE.S SECTIONAL DISTRICT. NO.3.OZ.31 OF THE . 'OWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA $ *U CALIFORNIA. THIS MAP CORRESPONDS TO t AP OF'SE TIONAL DISTRICT MAPS AND AMENDS Ot ORDINANCE NO. 39Z OF THE TOWN OF LOS ~F N ittityfthat the Town Planning Commission lay Gates, County of Santa Clara, State of ft day of i' 1.95 adopt by 4111 s Smtional District Map of the Zon i ng Map MltEi 105► Gala, County of Santa Clara, State of 5ecre;'ary y Certify that the Town Council of the C W05, county of Santa Clara, Sfafe 0f Ad;,opt this Sectional District Map and q IrWex Map as a part of Ordinance No. ;Tiawn on the ay of ; 195.j 6 Town- ow n G rk -nl. - ~3 4 A Ir. O SZ ATSI`A THIS' INDEX MAP CON5TITUTES TO 5ECTION 3'OZ.OF ORDINANCE TOWN OF LOS 6AT05, COUNTY OF STATE OP CALIr-ORNIA, DENOTES SECTIONAL DI$Tr< FINED IN 5ECTION 3.00 LAND 3.0I AS AMLNDED, OP THE TOWN OF LC G e> S f' R•I:g.B- G T O r Gar _ 4 0 6 HUNDRED FEET •~~DCNOTC--5 D15TRICT 50UNDARYM DEFINED IN AND 3.01 Or- ORDINANCE NO. 39Z, A$ AMENDED G.~ 7.OS rte, T o yy v ESPON DS TO APS AND AMENDS _3 Z TOWN OF LOS P nr>Iing C soon Clara, 5 of F ,19 5 f adopt by of the Zoning Map of Santa Clara State of '+k+r -.'lrz ~ ecr ary he Town Council of the of Santa Clara, Sfafe 0f Y s' Sectional District Map and tpa-part of Ordinance No. je day of 195 y C KTown C{ k 'a • • • K i ~ ~ trrr~ h r N p EFtetII G .y '4L ~s r 11 k A. _v N S - r /7r--•~- r_ q T O's 777 ice.~, 1~. r ~ ~r ~ ~ { ~ Ckj 1 I3 .14 T ~ OR ' ~ 1 Sig a E munmzED --Fr I Or E 1,11 C H - 1000 f 2 0C-N01'C-5 0457RIC-T 50UNIDARYA5 DEEiNED IN AND 3.01 Of-- ORDINANCE NO. 39Z, A5 AMENDED, OF L05 GAT'05. TOWN OF LOS GAT05, COUNTY 5TATE OF CALIFORNIA, DENOTES SECTIONAL. D-IS fINL-D IN 5ECTION 3.00 AND 3.C A5 AMZNDC-D, Or THE TOWN OF 13. 0, ,3 j