Ord 094-REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 82(...M`f ..~. < . - ,..,~..,..~m .. ~~„„„~.-.,. ..u, --- r. a ~~~ _ _ ,__ _ _ _-_._ f0~]DIN~NCE N0. 94 ~ ~~~~y ~~~- ~~ ~_<_~'( ~_ - ~.Arl Ordinance Repealing ~~ .. Ordinance No, 82, .Being ~~~~~ ~ wry `~-' ~~- ArlOrdinanceProviding C~ -~ ~~~~ Additional Duties for the ,,/ ~ ~ - Marshal of the Town ofx i2~~ ~`/ % j~~yL °~'/ -; _~ ~ Los Gatos, and Establish- /~~~~~~ c~ - U _.~~-~---_. ! `in'g his Compensation." 'i -~ THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TYiE ~~-'/ ~ J 1 Town .af=°,;Loe :C#atos..do ordain as _---- _J _, ,' ,, follows : , SECTrpN..l-Ordinance No '82 ;entitled ,d "An Ordinance Providing Additional ~~„`~,,"f , Duties for the Marshal of the -'Down of ~ vy9^ •.. ~ Los (iatosy and Establishfng'his Compen- ~-,~ sati5u"~ls hereby repealed. BEO, 2-This ordinance shall be in force and-:effect from 'and after -D4onday, April l8, 1898, Passed this 21st dny Hof February, 1898. AYES-B. F. Williams, T. J. Dads, H. Schoenberg, E. N. Davis. ., Nors-R. L. Hutchison. AnsEE'r-None. Approved this 21st day of February,1898 HENEY i7CHODIEERG, President of the Board of Trustees Attest ; G. A. BU'rLEa, Town Cierk. - ~~~~~, _ _ _ ____- ~t. -- ~ ,ORIDINANC~ N0. 95~ An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 53, Enti- tled, "An Ordinance to Es- tablish the Fees and Sal-. aries of Town Officers." 'THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1 Toc~•n of Loe (xatos do ordain as I4 follo`ve SF.CTIOR ]. Sectiar II of Ordinance ~ No. 5S, entitled, "An Ordinanre to ee- tablish the fees and salaries of Town ~ O!i'icere," is amended to read as follows `'TUe salary of the Tow^ I4farahal and Tas Collector for all dutaes is hereby filed at the sum of Thirty Dollars 059.09) per month, payable monthly." o..., c. nn n..,v:...,.,,.,,a ~„A narta of ,~~t,e,«..~,..~ ""-gyp ~~~~~,.~df Q t(x.f','.. (~',~'~~'~.~~l~,r~"~.-t.,~ ~Y~~i~ ~~}~~:. • ~ „ d t~ ~ ~,~ Uzi ,~~~ ~j~ ._ C= ~- ~~'~~ ~~ti ~ .~