Ord 093-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1ST, 1898 FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS~~>~DIhT1iI~C~ N®. ~~ ~ An Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for the Year Commencing July 1st, 1898, for the Town of Los Gatos. E BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE Town 'of Los Gatos, do ordain ae ~, 'The schedule rates to be charged to r .water rata pavers to bo collected for f!Ir- '; nishing water to consumers within the Towu of Loa gatos-for the year commen- } ~ cing July 1, 1898, shall be as follows; ~'_. 6EnTInr, 1-FCr tenements occn- t pied by a single family of not more ~~ 11tan five persona, per month....$ 1.00 flEC. 2-For families and private ' ;boarding houses of more than five " persons, shall be charged for each person above• that number, per month ........................... :20 Children of seven years and nn- ~der are eEempt from the above rate. SEC. 3-For small families occu- pying rooms in second and third stories, per month,. .............. ~ SEC, 1G-For private stables in- eluding water for horse and for washing buggy, per month....... Foi••double team and carriage, in- cluding water to wash carriage, for sacs horse, per month...,........ For additional horse or cow, per month .......................... VPhere buggies, carriages, omni- buses sad stages are kept they mill be charged for ae provided in Sec- tione 15 and 1G. SEC. 17-For breweries to he de- termined by the quantities used at a rate not less than 1000 gallons per month ..... .........._.,..... SEO. 18-I'or steam engines, .not "° working over 10 horse power per day, for each horse. power so used, per month......._.._............ ' For all working over 10 horse pow- er per day, for each horse power, per month ....................... SEC. 10-For building or plas- tering, elackirtg each barrel of lime For water used by brick-Tapers to make mortar and dampen the brick for each 1000 brick ............... ~- x .3t .30 .20 .50 .70 .45' .15 .15 SEC. 20-For barbershops where one chair is used, per month, ..... 1.00 For each additional chair......... .40 SEC. 21-For fountains not used SEC. 4-I'or restaurants and ant- j For % tech let, por month....... 10.00 ,,..a ! of stores and shoos for R•ashina , tnK houses, per month........$3 to $5.00 ~ Sac. 22-For irrigation, for use of Sr•.c. 5-For hotels and lodging -'hose for sprinkling flowers an3 horses, rate subjectto special agree- grass plots of not more than 50 meat in accordance with the quar- square yards, per month when used ,60 tit? of water used; to be determined For each square yard exceeding 50, by meter, not to esceed per month i Per month ;~ ceut. 1000 gallons ................ . ... .50 SEC 28-For use of hose in front SEC. G-For small store shops, per month...,....... SEC. Gt_;-For stores and :per month .................. SEC. 31-Any consumer diseatis- 9ed with the amountfor the month- y rate for water can have the same adjusted by meter by paying the 4j'ater company the coat of tho meter and a reasonable cost for setting the same, at the rate per 1000 gale. as provided in Section 30 of the foregoing tartfl' of rates. SEC. 32-Tlte Board of Directors of any FSrater coutpany shall have the power in all cases to ascertain by meter the quantity of water used and fix the price ae Provided by Sectfon 3U. SEC. 33-Immediatly upon the alarm of fire all persona using wa- ter for irrigating purposes must close their faucets and keep them closed dgrin~ the continuaucs of the use of the water by the Fire Lepartment. SEC. 3-1-F or water wilfully or carelessly allotted to run over night fhrottgh a hose, a epriniaer or a faucet, the rate shall be per ni;,~ht 2.50 SEC. 35-For water need from hydrants fur fire purposes b}• the Town of Los Gatde, for each hy- drant, per annum, payable quar- terly ............................ 2.50 SEC. 3G-For water used for flushing seR•era and sprinkling streets by the Town.oE Los Gatos, per 1.000 gals ................._... .12 SEC. 37-This Ordiunnce shall lake ef- fect and he in force from .and after June 30, 1808. SEC. 38-All ordinances or parts of or- dinance~ in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed this 21st day of February, 1508. ..... .50 'wtncotveavuepnnaungetcetvatae, -' _- ~ according to frontage, month$ .25 to $1.00 shops, .. $1 to $2.50 ~ ' SEa 24-For water troughs, for ' ~ each trougtt on sidewalk per SEC. 7-For saloons, per month .' .........................$1.60 to $3.50 SEC. B-For rooms in second and third stories occupied as offices for :each room, per month......$ ,25 to .50 SEC. 0-For photograph galleries, per month..........._.......$3oto $5.00 SEC. 10-For public water-closets . ithere there is only one., per month 1.00 For eacu additional one, per month .80 For private one, per month. ~ .... .40 SEC. 11-For public bath-tubs used in bathing establishments, boarding houses, and barber shops for first one, per month.......... 1.50 For each additional one, per month 1.00 For bath tubs used in private fam- ilies, per month............,..... ,30 SEC. 12-For bakeries in addition to the family rates, according to the monthly use of flour, for each ~25 bble. need per month.,........ ~ .-SEC. 13-For drug stores, with- . oyE,,the use of soda, or other fount- . ~flins, per month ................. j;For drug stores wher.~ soda, or nth Ij tnonth...._ .................$1 to $3.00 SEa 25-For China wash houses for use of water fur one washer, per month_ ...................... 3.75 jmore than sis hours per day, for 1-16 inch jet, per month.......... 2.00 .85 ;For ?e inch jet, per month....... 4.00 ' .I 1.50 1.50 twine are ueet~~,pl;r month$2 by $3.60 'fi4=Fore' ~~gekemlth?,and !agop shop ;tipg~•~mo~Ith~. to-$2 OQ 16-l; or, 11yexy sfsbles7 t~~~ I .35 .30 .25 .20 ,15 l*.: ~s ~ r, ~~ ~ ~, AYES-R. L. Hutchison, B. I'. \i'fl- ]iame, T. J. Davis, II. Schoenberg, E. \'. Davis. NOES-None. ABSEZ`T-None. Approved this 2lstday of February,1808 HE\It1 ,~.CIr0'~fBERG, President of the Board of Trustees. Attest G. A. BoTt.EB, Town Clerk. ~~ For each addthmtal man at the ------ same house ...................... 3.00 SEC. 2G-For water carte and ~ ~ // wagons for use of water for eprink- ~ ~ C~ ~' ~~~ /r ~/~ tins streets onl}•, per each 1000 gallons used ..................... .12 / /~,~ ,~~~~%~CIGIiG(/!2•atxv Q 2-~'3^-~!~( SEC. 27-For sewing machines, for use of ater for h hi I ` 243-~~' ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ { _ w eac mac ne, per month ................._.$1 to SEa 28-For gas macliinea, for $4.00 j / ! ,~-I ~~~/i7~7'~2°~ C/~~ ~ ~ !~ use of water for running the ma- chinery, per month.........$2 to $10.00 /~ ~~11 ~ CS.i1/t yY~-~ ~-Y~'Y~"'~'1""~~ SEC. 20-For water required for ~ y - purposee not specified in the above ~~ ~~ tarifl'tihe rate shall be fixed in ac- ( - cordnnce with the above rates. r~ ~'"~ `.= ~a-~L-~ St:c. 30-For water used by me- ter, tnioimum charge of $1.00 per month which entitles user to 2000 gallons. Neat 3000 gale., per thousand.... best b000 gale., per thousand... . ~Iet 5000 gals., per thousand... . Next 5000 gals„ per thousand ... r ~~~~ EAII over '10,000 gals.,,per thousand ~ ~~