tz~l t:
;ATZ ardianee. to li;rense ~.e saTP of s~pi~tiioil~;~ y,npYasnand
mixed' lquoxs ~rthiri the corporate lim~.ts of t~;e torn of I,os Gatos fox
the purpose of regulation and reve~Zyg.
the board_ oi' trusteES oi~Los`Gatos do ordain; as Follows:->
''S@ctioz~ ~", '~:t• $h~7-~. U~ zinawflzl for any person, .except ass hexeiiat''~er
pro~rided, to op~~~ k~sep, r~~~lntafri~ carry on pr ~a~sist, ~~ earrying on
_ ~aloQx~:;}, ~ ~~ ba~~•~~~;~ .stele room p: dra~R ~hQ~,:~+ ~~~~~:~~ri~ house , beer
tla•~~ or atkiex p~a:N~~ •~h~~~e s~,ir i,~t,a, v.+nous > malty; ar In~xBc1 l ~;quor s ;.e
~03~?,' ~~~r`e~ ainray =~f o~rier~rise di~PPsed oi'~ or en~~s~ ,n• •~ t~usines;~
Q~ liec~d~irig or ~9~,i~t~n~ :fl~x~ the' sa~.e oP ,~i~rft ou.~, v~rioue, n~e~ o
17~~/mu~w ~~
m~~ed ligiloxs ai~kii.~ the tlorpora~t].imitS p~~os c~~tns with ax' Without
ss~iples;` but ~zis archance shall not appJ.y tq the c~:nvassers pr .scilioit¢
..ors of s ,~,~ _;.
any sstab~ i had ' ~vholesa:le ri~ t _ .,.._
- . ~~
soliciting"erders tom the e~ta~~#,sh~d~houees.in this Low~a,
Sention 2; Any pert~a*i intending 'to open or maintain a salo~r~' pox other
p~.aae `xhe~'~ .+oka. _lic~tox~s are to hA sQ~c}, given away o~ otheryvise :disc
'ppsed'of or` 8gage l~ tt~ t~~iness a~ pedd~.i~r~g or ~ali¢~:ting ~'or tl
aa~.e. a~' lz~ors ~s A~'Q1'~Si~~d~ ehala i'il~i a wxitten appli~at~,ax~ wit2~, tie
ele~lcw o.~'° th~9 ~oa~d o~'Tr,~s'4e~s nx'~ar~>q~k''~'Qx ~ li:q~~er~se tp •oarry on
~d X11
tie; game in wt~iCh appligation ha ~s~a11 at$t8`his true~nazne, $ge aanct;
px.in~,,plaae 'oP r'ps~.denee and the p3ace where he proposes to carry nri saint
buf~ifess ar~d at thB seine time he shall Pi].~ With the laid clerk a'bond'
iii the'. pane]: sum of ~~b00~ with suf~~r##ent sux~et~,es duly. executed. to
,ttjG+~ town of Lt-s eatos as gbligee and conditiq~~d, .that tike appliaa~t x'p
-` said l_i,~tleh~e,~ -~'~e~ Pb~.ig®r y hip` ~gen~s~ ssrv~s ,mod ~fi~ployee,4i~ sh~73~ ~4t
at< 'the; p~:~ce des~~g~atect 1n laid' appli,oat>~S?x1~ .or at $11<p ~Cesp::s~r ~9r~dtixo:
Qr ~-~'~sst ~t~ ke~~ixtg ~ ,o4ridutlt:tng ~a. d~~'delY Q~" inm,o~;~al k~au~~ :or
d~'i,t31~.~;'n~ pZ~~a,~: nOt~ Ca~'r~r o?~ or ~~~~uit '~to, % ;~aa~r tad on Y,..g~mibl.~g.~
~, ®`
~illexd or= p4pl p laying ~'or -u~:oney or .otY~er ;~IYin~ of value. ;nar al];;o,y-
::any rfo~us, boistero~zs or unseemly cor~dict_ riar~ sell or .give away:, dir-~
ectly or indirectly any iitaxiaatitig ligizoxs- to or i'or' any ninon .off
co~Tanol drunkard or person under the influence of liquor nprper-trait--sny-
~- mitior, gambler, -agmonon drunkard,: or person ,under .the influe e off' liquor
1.~1 V'L~'l,.S'- ~l~"~ ~ -. '~~e~", ..... ,.
to re~iiaitl ,in,, up(n ar about said- i?re~nises, n`~r, carry an the business
~~~~ -
r •
`herein provided f'or without a licensed
"iSec"tiot3'~~~:3.° Said application shall be published` once ~n setae nergs°=pap"ep
~ptih3:~shed ib. said town at 'thc~ cost of said appllaant ~ '9~"io ahatl depo.git.
~ith~ ~h@ said 'clerk ~ eat tI>~ t~.me of fi3ing' said' application, a sum :suf
~F3"c~_en~ to pey therefar~ r and the ,saate shall bye heard Arrd considers~d. at
the regular >neet~.ng of said:'po§-rd next ensixeing Raid publication :when
".any person or persons inay be heard "in oppo~ition'thereto9 If' said Boa~'.d
_._ .:
shall f'ind'.-that ttPr applicant is-a fit and proper' personr by reason oi'
sobr~.ety and good oharacter to conduct a saloaa or :other place where•
such liquors are to be sold., given away or' disposed of,, or engaged ii~-
the business off' peddling such liquors,:: and hays f~~~5d a bond as .herein
>before pro*~i8edt in all respects as to i'a~m and suret~:ee, satisfactory
to said ~lio'ax'd, 'the ' sa~.d Board grant the said applicant a license
:`: for tt~e carrying an off' erl~e same at thq place designated in Y1is applicate»
~.on, if the salve be approved by s~.id-Board for the period of ;three con»:
secut3ve months thereafter Ripon payment of "s license fes as hereinafter
provided, which licersse may be renewed at tt~f' expiation of every tlu'ee
" months thereafter, withaut'1'ormal application to the Boa~dtherefor ~
upon<pynient of .said lQense fee in advance, provided said Board may ~~:
• .ariy time rRVOke said ],i~esnse or refuse a renewal thereof', if in,t~e:
;judgement of said Bos~d, the li.vensee shall have violated airy of t,~e
prov'isious,of thia ordianee or the oonditiona of his said bondo
5 ~; 2«,
.. i
/. -/J
' ~ecti:c~n 4, ,lhe, 7:id~ari/~s-e Pee tl~o"~be pa :id by te/~ersorl~o~ =persons eggs
" Uv~AQvae,c.C.~ ~~/- ((„~ ~rt:~~~ t~L.z,,~-a~-~,P;r.1~ „cP~Pl~c`~
ed in the sale\df`'$~,y oi?-the afcirsaid aigtiors in qu,anties lea
khan one q~'iaxt :.shall pay_ a licer~,se 'oP ,~SQ, per quarter and tl~oae pier&ot2s
:engaged im the inxsiness of selling any o~ the aPorsaid liquors°in quanL-
ies gre cer~thar~ong qi~t ,sha3.~ pa a license ~Fe of ~~ 1.u~ "15~«ti~eP ~' r
`fLe a.~mi•// r,L!-~tM,J ~~r p ~ t rr l{fir ~.-~ ~~ / C ~ ~ i ~-~
a-[-< / ., (., ~~-~ ay ,~/ ~w d [. r ~ -~'g~ ~ erg ~ ~< ~ ~'~,~ ~ '` ~
<<G.--., lc..~ n.. ~-~la.c.c ~~~~ircr~ ~~~ o~ ~GULId ~~ ~ ..ro ~- ~ ~ I 9d nfi=~o( ~r~r~~ /~o /1.~~acy
/tom r c - [ ~.< < o.a_ ~~ u- !~ c+ Ccc .
-Sec zc~n SP Fo~ each and every br-eac~i` of said bond the .Torn o f Lo`s Ga~os;
shall havD a right oi' action and -be anti led to reco~rer upon .said Uond
~' as Fixed and 1:i~gt}idated d&uiages., the sutra 4f ~5~. ,and coats, inoluding,
~a5 Qonsel fee and said bond shall not; ,be render Pd void or oi` no .ei'fAOt
ur~~~.~ the .atraount,of' juctgtnF;ztt recovered thereon 'sY~al.1 .equal tie pena,lty~
'ttk3ereof, _ G
,:, section B; ,Any' persd-n ag~eved .or in,jur~d by :~3' vipl~tion off' '~~~'~:
ordianee or- he, csondtigns ofa~~ad t,ond by alicensee.-her-etu~dEr, his
;a eats servants or
g , , employees and arty person suffering" injury dr datr~ag!!'
fk~om t2ie act or _omission of: any person--who _s}~aJ-1 be -~nadE intoxic~ited by
-any ~ieensee hereunder, his agents, servants or .enpToy~e,~, mF,y in his
own name psaintain an aC~i.czn Snd reeorer the;atnou~it oP damages- suffered,,
upon tl~e band of s<toh 1iQenseeQ •
e - : ,.
Seotion 7y A~iy ~ir~ty upon .any bond given. in p~.trs~tance of Lhe proviso-
- ions of this ox~diance ttra~* withdrat~ fror.~ a?tah bong and be released
Prose 'flirther li&blities thereon by giving notice oi', at :least ~~0 days to
the se.fd Board a'~d to his p~inoipal and. unless within -said time, said ,,,,-~
prinoipal sr1a11 fi~.e ~ n$w bond with suff'i~ient sureties ,and'. otherwise,,
as herein provided, his ligense shall: be forfeited and becori~e ipso
Facto rrull,,and void,
Seot.i.a~l 8. A violation of any o#' the provisions of this. ordi`ance sha;7`1
be deG:od a niisdeameanox and any person adjudged guilty thereof shall 1
b6 punished by fine not exceeding X300' or by imprisotutient .i.n the Got,~rtt,y
.jail of Santa Clara ^not e~tceeding' three. ar~onth5 ~ :or by both such fine
and intprisorvnent, and in 33o case shall the i'ine be less t11en .~30''ari°e3?
s ~- -
impr~ao~tnei~t Jess -than Qne ":ziontn. Ary yet irs vi'b;;3.a'~io.n oft t}is ord~iange
for eaah day ,op its;- oarrtir7t~axice '~h~e3.1' bq ao~gtr~:ted d held to Y-e a
separate and` distincE offe#a:aee
Section 9: The provisions o,f''.'~}ti.s ordiailce gklall not :app7:y th the bona
fide sale of 1igt,~ors for actual medicinal purpose's by regularly liednsed
~._~„~ir1~.~gRS~S-?t licensed 'drug. stores upon` the prescription'- of a:'physipian
entitled to practice. medicine under the ~.aws oi' the State of Califarni~
nor 'to azLy winery not engaged in the retailitYg oY'spi,r.tuous or vinous
li,~o~s wi.thiri'the vorporate lir~i.ts of said'To~q
Section' ~;O o A11 ordianaes or part; of ordianeea i~a a~ri~'1:i"at, with' the
pro~'isians oi,' this prdi.anee' are hereb3~ repealede
Secton'11Q 'his ^rcllancE shall take effect anc~ be ~.ir Force from arc ~:
after its passage ~ approY~ga ` and';publicatio'ne .
`Passed this day o f° 1f39'7 0 {
Ayes. ~I ~~,~f` ~ ~~ ~~;~ ~ ~ r, ~`/~ !~ I
~ ~ ~, c ~~ ">-,%,
~~ 1~
-- __ ~~ 111 ~l / r ~ y tL~
Noesn ~ ,/ ~
Absent o ~'1~t`r~c,~
,. .. ~pr'd~rP'cl~.
.,: 1}xesiderit of the Poarde
~~~ ~, ~ ~~~ `i
t~~G ~-~
' ~ Tovrn C1er1<.
.. y ._
~ _
~_ --