Ord 088-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1ST, 1897~ ` ., - ~;~ 0 R D~ N AVIV (~ ~ N~,, Q a$ o I~v ~ e~vU ~~~'wvYti~P;(~t_ y !1N ORD N C '9~TAA~~,SH~NG '~FA~!LWR RAT'RS ~ ~~,~~~, THE BOARD F RUST'd~ES OF THE TORN OF T~OS• GATQS„ do pxdsixl as follows8-- The saltedule rates to die charged to water. x~a,'~e payerz3s to 'ae acxJ.«« legtsd far furnishing wa~!~r tc~ aonst~txiers wkth~i the TOWix of i,og t~atos for the year aattanenaing July 1, 1~i97y sha~.1 be ae folluwst Section 1 - nor tex~e~r~ents oat~r;}ped 'by a single fa>~~.~.y of not Wrote than, five pereQns, per l~rontt~ «x„~...«....M«I.41««kAllllr.,.,»,..»,.,~x«OQ Sea. 2 ~ Fox• fam~,l~e~ end pxivafi~~ bQ,~^ding houses of xuQre °~- than five p8~'9Q1iSi, she;xl he charged far watlh persaxa ~;'bove t+ha?G 1113T[l1~8r, per month o.««.....»......1R•a.tMUfn..«a«rt.«...,rte,»....o a~() Children of seven yeaxs mid tatid6r> €~ce ex~nrpt franr~ tYxE abo~re rates Sec« 3 ... P;or small fam~llit~s Qatsul~yi.ng r001ns in 2nd and 3rd star~efi, per month a..rt«.,.,...,«,1,«.M..11rt,«.«..1.....,.,.,o.. .~F Seo. 4 ~ For xestaurax~ts and e~sting Nausea,,, per rnonth ~3«taSo~) Ser,. 5 .. For hotels and 1ad~;irng Y1ot,3see,,: %~ate suk~,j.eot tp sspeai,al agrc3emerxt in aaaox•daxxa~ width the ,~ua~at~.~;y ~~' tix~ter used, tp be determined by tu~~., ~'~ bO` ~e~t~~~d ~' +~(~rth lOfJO gal .50 sea. 6 ~ F~PY' ~sfrta'~=1 ~:tp~re~ sand +shops p.er nton~h . ; n .E50 ~ ~eQ« ~ ~ ~$~ ~~~~~~ ~339~aa~'~ ~~~" S(iS~!'At23~..~,.~- «• ~~« ~i~ 2*:~~ sea, ~ - ~~+r sa,l~aons", pex~ r~o~4t~ ~~3~,5q tQ 3. SO Sea. 9 ~ FAr xoc~ns~ its r~l~aond axxd' t~~t'~ ~'~glr!3~~k nay cupi.ecl aa~• af~'aes, fo~° eacY~ ~'QQIrr peg arao~tth; ~"a25 t~ .6O Sea« lOM Fur photograph galle7G~;8e pB~+ mA~~t~; ~S.c~O to 6.00 sea. 1].- For p~th~~cs waterws~~ae±~t~ vtY~eTe thexe is only On@, per 1RPnth .«.:«.,e«..«a«»,«+eRS~P.-lsR~eR1tMR.9!aKrp9o. a.A«..«O x.rt,f)[) For ®aa11 add~t:axlal gi"le• p~5r tr14n~.~,y»;t«~#,t«..««..«.+««-«t.rt««« «~U lrOr private one, per fno#xth....s«««+««rt.a«r«~tx«R+~««+~r««o..*.«+a •~C) tics. 12~ For puhlio 'bath tubs, used in t)a~h~zrg e~~:atr- 11.sh«mnetx'•L7s~, bOZ~rdng $xp~r~,es ~21d bmr'~er shap;~~, fps f~,~et ehe, h° / ) Per man 41 a « q V p « 1 «i « R P ! « « .v . , « 1 « « « R ! R « e , R . « w « ! 011 « } R , 1 . « R R , . e 9 « « • ~ Q 54 (J J Q- .'*~ Ft2x 6aCh additf~ar~:~ Q2~b ~ ~?~.' 1rtSll~tki a-! r ., rt 1.,:'-r «. ~~,~®0 9!•+•r1a•rerl+•• 1POt' t)e-tYt triba tk~~ ~~1 px~ 1'V'8'~.',R; f ~i 3, ~f~ s;- pex lT~a~ith * , ~ , « 1 rt , ! a , R 30 Sea. 13~ i4a~r Maker-iQ'Sk,.9 iri -~iddi'.tah tg the fattti~~.y rates, uaapxd~alg to the ~4Phth~;3~ uae at' f~.a~:~±,:, ~'~~ ~aak~ ~5 bal~ae , used9 par arraz~th .....,r,r.rt,r»g,1x~R~«r..!•e,«,«,,,,.-x,.ntt•tlAea, 1.fio sec. ~,~ ~' for, dxug Ft.O~es,~: vt~,"thp~;t the ~~~" of1 soda Qx Q ~!yj~1i 1ONA1~G11.!~bf R~;~ '~~i.}: ~Oli~!Sb.p, 1 4-.~.! ~.~1%R R S e !--.~!~4 S'A',e-A;~~A!: ~,P ! !'~ RR , R R l~ l1 f , , ~ ARJO Fox}yd~xug stomas where- soda .Qx .o:•C,~ier f~unta'~ns are used, per month ,sarlrre•8.•Y,.l:!"1,}.!•ij,s!.1~9.:~#.~'1 !!<S l~'.R_Eih 4'4~RA11,9,.w e.,li /, r~ h ~~ltp 3}QQ s~a~. ~6~* ~Qr ttlaak.srnlth and ;s~~he~ v~agan shops', pgr 'u~~ ~~ 2,00 Seo. 16r ~+'A$' ~;~gte7~y s'~ab~e"s,a ~rsc~.ud~i~g wa'~•Q~! ~Or wt~st~ng bugg~:es axed aa.~ir,~ge~, ~'ax eaah hore~=:par mah`tla~ el:1,,,,,,.R. RCS ti4dk s esac! hax s~~x ~'qr ,~~~~ ~~~, Ax'e'' 8xt~~:lid~d ~r., _ ~• ~ 5eq, '~.'7w P'qx ~xlva;te` st~~~e~a>. ~.nn3~uc~~z~Q ~+a~ ~~r'hiar•~e - ~- ~. ..: ~: , 8210 fnx` WaF~1~.i1~• ~~`~. pax 1Ylanth o 0 0 ..'~ . , . s.. ~'. , .~ a~ a a . G1i 1: , ,:, * . ~.~. _ _ ;FDx .dUUh].e tee mod. C$X'l~~:si~f~> f_;2~.~;3ud~xig ~~ex' XU azash g$1?:~ "... ~ , j., x `age fax e~sc3h hor ~e'~?ex lri0'llteh a. e s o rt , o R'~ +a q +~ t~k r'~ !x d~:«..~, *. e...tr, ar ,... ,. + ~'~Q FAx addi"•ia ,anal `~ox's~ ;off ao~;, per ~fna~t~1' • ~ :•.e a ,r',a ~ e 4• R: » , 4.4 « ~ , ~, . ~., . 2p wl~~ere bugg~~BS°., aaxx~'age.s, ,paara~btit~~~ss' ;ax~t# s$~,~~. $~;e. ~k~4 they will be Cl'lE-xkg6fl fox a;e•.pxov<~cl~d ~~ • ~e`~~ot~s: 16 ..az-d . ~:'~~ . , Se,c. 1:Z3w ~'~~ bxewEr ie's t •to -b8 d~t~rlx~n~'.d by,; +iih~:. .: , clu~ti~Ci~s used at s b'abe' xao't~ ~:~ss• t2*4a~X?+~p°x~1.00C?:. gA1'7:.ana: n. ., ~.. /.,{ ,~ RA1~=•ICiOn'th,o.e,s"1a«vl,:A-+.} ~:.l,ix~l,,r.,~~'e.,Ap~rvb-?•'!,•o!!~'•„lttk~.+At~;;l!s',~R, e5(? Sec, 79- 'Fo~+ ~~t~"e.s~n...en 3nes~ . , ~,. g' g, 1'1p~r: 'W9~'1t'~lg; ovex. t~M 13pY'fi»6 •, Powsx pex dam'' 9 'air ~~bY~ hQ~~tB p4.~~~r eQ .,used:: `:p~:x1 ~ianth,, 1 A: R , , _ , : rro';: ~,.' .~, For, all woxk ing oven t~eri iio~ae paty'ex ,p'eg` d$Y nor ~eatch• Za~x~-se , y~o~v,k 9:' S' F~ '.~O~l~b 9.. ~ e t ..rt; + « . ~e r rt ~ o • r... »...., R, ... i' r'.r f~ A.:,1r ,..r. «. ~, ... f.. R. !rt, xfR .('. •:~~5 q 5i Sec. 20~ B~Qx mild"a21g ox pIAS'~P.~i°tTg,, fUr 9lackizg each . ba'~'rt33; n~f' 1niP • , , l..e 1 !~ . , 1.t:1 r v 1 . t. ! ~ yy ~ •}~4. ,. . .. !}:.4 9 ~~ .« 111 •~•'.,.:7 . , 1 ., . ! . !- P r ! 1:11-~ o ~ iJ , .i, Far Water- used b~ ~?x~'esk layers to rr~alce m;axter at3'd` d~rtpttin; . the brick, fox ea'ah, 1000 bxGk ,,.r,,«.,,1#M., .. ,,..•..rr.11 ,~~5. 5ec• 21-~ Fox barber shops WZ~erm one ehax~"'ia used::, per-- ,~f~ p /- n // ' )t>~nrZth ~ ~0 7JL ~-GC_G~ C<G((~w~~.c.~tl'~C/~ L~il(~.'1,' 1 ~- r s t. ,,: r+ t Seas 22r gt~~ ~'ni~;~a~c~l;tze ~ao;~ ~x~~d-ri~or~ ~C~~ ~i~~c hc~L~~s pex d~1 Q'~ ~'a~ sa.*+2.6' na'h ~P,-~, p~.Y' 1I14~'1''~'kl •...kk,R..~;«~r.krtrRRRrr.««~ ~2R04 FgqO~xn' .~'x' ~'Cq3 t~.'~ (1y',!~ ~ h3'F~.y }~~ Et~~y'i9"' 411Ci~2y1y~1y!~)~, a a . r ~t ~Y. e « k ~, :r « e •.. ^t R :~ .a w a . a . 4. R r R .« R ^ k R n ~~` it ~n)/0~ ~1X i~'. ~'F *,4 r;Ji'T~Ui'.l ~;~"~ # F'~vek ~~l i a:t!F~'E':9,.~E A. ~R: R N R a M- t - a 4: M R- S P :YI R .~ R~ ~!~ N ~ R R n AS R T. p R Y1 1.V ~'~/ V Saa..23*~ k•A~* ~r:~?~~~t~~4n, ~xt~~ use ~aF ha~s~ ~~ ~7c~r~k9>3~ttg ~'a.cawsra>~ar~d ~ras~ p~:±~#rs:~ a-~' ~x~~~;~ao~~ t~i~: b0 ~~~ ~t!s3t~,, '•~ ~~:~ ,. r,: i ' °,~~#~° 1S~u11t24.- whin t~~~d .~~~....,~?«+eR.«mx#:.+~.+~.Rtr+~rr.R.a+~.R~~«..«, x'30 , Far ~a¢i~ ~9u~~='~aa~c~ ~.~~~~~#r~g 54 ~ P:~~ iric~rl~k~.- Zl°~ 01AXit~ .. spa.: 24« g~sr u~~ ~~ ~~ ~!: ~~' :~tox~a ~, ~a~4~~~ ~~~ ~~sY~:n~ ~~~$~Y~~ end :~P~,^~~k~.~ ~~:~#-~~?~~ a~$s~~~~ ~09C~tH• p~e~ 111Q2'!'~r~#~Ren~e+~RC~•te,y~R.x,,~,~t~'~F?F~;~+~~?~,+i~~c~F;;kEe~+~~c~~ke~5 *~y~i~ ~~.~IQ Sea« 2S'^ F?tj;' W~'~~~" 'GY!C11:lgh,~::;~,. f'A~ ~~4'13 t+~f9~ig'kl 4~ Ei~.(l@.. Wax1a, pk~~ InQ~tEh ~~R~«±~...~.+~.,hv««~.r«~.+~s,.e~;as'.:«+e~ke:xr~res;ar~t:(~1~2.~:A 3,00 Sea! '2R~* Evx Ch~1CX~; Wet15h kYgi,At~!8~ ~iR~' I,~P f?~' ql~#.8~` ~~x Q!,~i ~~~~~ r p-~~" '1YYQ.tl~rl r .! R k R A « . « R . R . ! p. ~ ¢. f R '~ t L~ R R « R ! ! ! .. R ! . ! .. A ! ~ . ~ . • 3;iR ~ 5 ~Sa~" 4~Jk1C17, add~'~.~QM~a. ~11~ F3.'~'+ ?~~"l~' ~t~4f1i ~3f11~t~~~wR.R . w . k s a t...R.:R «, +~-~:• !r .. R x . R t`Ft. ~i00 S:so,~ 2m., gar W~~e~ aaa~~,~ ~;~d Ht~~t~~ fox u~.~ a,~' ~~1 fex+ ~,3^'~nk~~ng ~~~".~,~~~ cznl~` ~ ~'~A~ ~~~c~h ~;Q00 ~~~.~ ~r~ec~~ ~. ~ ~>. .:1.2 S+ea, 28~- Fo~^ ~fs.W,~:'ng m~~~~~~~;, ~fi t~s~ °.~,~ ~~~:~~ ~evr +~ ild~Q~}~:Yl~ f ,pf3~` ~lO~t~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~,~: «:+, . ~=. ~, ati"~~' ~ ~,., a N+x . ~ ~s Ott d « ~.: * t ~ ~ kvti~~,~.'R?~ '~iq ~ca:00 spa, `2a~ ~~ ~~~.~~ah~~?~~:~~ ~ ~ c~~ ~~- ~ ~~x~~: 5 'Ah~ ~&EtY~i7a4~~..~- ~' +#~#~~t~ x:~~~~ ~a ee ~.~..~ n~~ ..~ ~_~ ~,,~.R~ « ..,~ ,~ ~,...~ ~ ~~' ~~ ~0~,:f~fi? - . ,. 5@Q~. 30~ gOX 'ply-' 1'~4~1;1;~~'t~~~ ~?~" '~"~5~~` ~'~~ '~+A4'~,1'~'~ ~vitM the ~bav:4 ~^a'G,~e SCR ~~.. k~o~ ~Na'~87e ~~~~ by M~'~":~ tm3:~''~t-`: ,oY~a~'g+~ ~ ~],,~00 P~~' rx~ant~:,'r v~Y~~.a~ on~i,~~~~ t~~e~ ~.~ 2QQ0 ~~~o~s;~. x+16X'~ 3400 ~''a~ o i p eT '~~1_Q3,15BlTt~ a a: ~ .x: R.. k «. r. n s ,-c r: n.,.a. ~. 5k• x: ~.;,..1r ~4k ~r.~,:~-«-~.~. h. R, w. s.c~~ Next 5004 ~~~.< , ~~~' ~+kbE?1~~8~it9i ~ :~ 1~s1~~.At-:~ im.e t M. y.+ a..+t<~!.:~:~.:a.:A.R. a.r ..«.1e.M. F~«.R a.,o....«v ..4ie~ 1~~7Cfi 5040 ~k3~;~! PSG` 1'il'lOla~#~Gl! fl:t.a.R.~ !ii•...«..r....m•.,AC;e.+. ..s.k~..at.R-R,..i.e,..,~RR... ;Ri25 ~..:- Nox!t 10.00 ~~tZ a ~, P'~~' thouq~$ ,k . ~.y,9xry~ ~r «.. < . R R R....~-~ a~ r.....,.,, , « ~ ~-+~ ~j~~;... R .. 0 r20 ~Z V~4i 20 0000? ~,Li~.:~ r .P~?G' "A~Y~~F~!/~ I. ..R M- a 1k t k t.,f R A•p:.# A f !•'!-1S P •.k . R +Y 11 p'a5 y¶ i~ Q~/' Seas ~~~ t ~n~-t~~ ct~es~~~~~, ar~t~ the ,a~aq~~ ~~ S~Sr mop#~~~ ~'~L~~ ~'~~ ~-~~~, ~ h#Vg~ ~~~.~, ,~~ ,~d~u~~d ~?~ ~'~, ~~°,P~i~,~g ~t~e W~~e~ .~a. 'Chi ~~-aa~'~ t~~ :f;1~e ' ~$~ ~. ~~~~~- Sere- ' ~~~ ~~.&~ Q~ '3~~~"~~~~t~e~ ,~~' ~ ~~~-~''+ `:.t~+t` sh~,~.'~ shave ~~!~ ~o~t~~ ~~ ~ ~ . o~,e~as: , ~~ , ~~arar-~r~~.n . ~?~ ,~~r~" ~~e . . s~u~0:i.~~ ~:~' ~ra~~~~ ~'tx ~!~'~ ~ ' fl ~'~ x ~~~" ,~~ # rte ~~ ; p~,~v;~~,~~; `!~` ~~. i~R¢t,iuri S~.a ti,_ _ ~ Sl~aa. Sflt~, ~~~'~+~1`~si~~:~ tp0$]-'~'~f,~ ?~,~ L1~'`~ ~'~'~~~1 ~~`,""` j," ,~ ~~,~ ~ke~tu~ ~'~~_~+~ ~` ~~~~ ~'~~+~-.~- - 'ems .,~+ fee ~#~ ~~ '~~'. '~°` ~ ~~?~' ~ ~.'~. SiBttr ~~ ~ ,rb~~1~3'drr~ ~ ~~~~~#~~.~.~~ ~t~nfl~r3t ~~: ~~ Ott ' ~ ~ ~~ `T ` ~~.~c~L /'~~ .t~~-z^-~ CCU,/1 ~~`?:~c ~ ~~J ~~GI,C.L~,000cLC .. ~~~.~ ~~ d~.ti.t~;~lkW: ~. d6' ifC'~ YR.dF~3F ~ Y ~~ (~-~ "~.~ y~r#& r e .~ K k sF t ti! t r x ?:4: ti,?.b;F~.'S&~iS r e ~1~ A:4,~' +~ at aR ~5:-!4•!.E' ~ ~ :~C t a,. v f ~ _ ~ ~ l // / ~C 47 4z.[ i~E-~ ~ ~~ ' ~A ~ #~ d~•~~Al~C ~/~R ~!~k ~,,f A tY 4, ~ t ~ ~~d4 u~? ~c ~kJrt 51~~~'~'Ft ~ i ~'k,"i~ ~xt+X !~ ~_ t`a'x ~! kc xe,~ R dfi d5 ~ ;i:. y +~.~~r=~`eA..~ l~j o .; ~ C`l`J