Ord 081-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES o~D1rTAn~~r,~ ~ro< al,. An •Ordinanre fore «bliahng water rateso Board of Trustees of the Town of i,o:s Gato,s,elo ordain as i'ol7.o:K=s:-° TY~e, sehedul,o rx~te;s to be chs:rged t.o water °~rate payers to be eo1•l,ected for. furnishing water. to consur~ rs with r in the Town of" hos G~Lto~. fo.r the ye,.ar coznrner_cing duly i,189f sha,~:l:]: bo ,e~ fo1'lo~s.: Sec-. l,o: I~'o.r tenement a occupi e:d 'by a single i'a~ily;, off' not more than five p:ersons;:per ,month, X10.00 See, 2, ~o.r ftamiliQS an•d .privatre boar~_ding houses of more th~;n five peragma. she`21 be, clx~x;ged :for each perrson ~a:bove tl~t ,/ ntimbe r, p e.r month,, ~ 0 20 ' Ch`ldren of seven years and under are exempt from Y,he• above rate:., `Sec;,, 3, For sma19. familie occupying rooms in se~gnd end third stories, per month, ~,f35 Secc:.: 40, For re taur.~nt and eating houses,, per manth9 ,4~3,-to~5> 00 Se,ee 5m ~o.r- hotel~s.z~nd ioclring house_s,;rate sub,~ect t:o speee:1 ~green~ent in ~e:c~raane.e with. the q:uan~tty of water used,;. to 1~~ detnrmin:ed by mster,not t.o exce.ed per mont~3 Sec,m 6,, Fo.r`smal'1 .~to.re~ and shops: per mo,/" ,,;5a V .Sec;,, rle ;~pr store ,; '€tnd shc~ps,pe}• mon•th,, ~p`o(~tn;~i4!.f ~ a;, ~j. Seeo 8, for saiooYis,pe^ month, ~~1,:50 to.3.,:50. Seco 9, For xoam~ insecoud. and :third s.tori;es,oe.cupie.d gas offices, for-= each zc~on7yper month,,. ,25 .to,5p Sec,. 10a. For photograph ;galleres,p'sr neonth #x.000 to<5,o0 Sees. l~: for k'ublic '~Iater.~closets,wY?ere tyre i;s only one. p;er mouth ~1, a:1s x For each addtianaJ. one per mpntYa, .8p T+'-or pry€a,te one ,:per :~onth, .gip Sec., 12., Par- pub'lzc bath tubs„uyed:i°n bc~•thin,g estiabz~shment,~ bgardng touses~ and barber eho~s,i'or fi r.st one.,per, moi-~tti, :~ a i ~° For- eae;ry ~;dd ion~a,1: a"ne.,,per month;,, ~;,; ~ For be, tYi tubs used in "p:xa.vate ~'amali~~s~,:per mo.,, ~~ a .See-., lB. F:or•~bal~er-see=;n _adzi~ton to the family ra;te,a,;a;c-° • •• .cording tp-monthly use. of` i'lou~,fo:r each.25 bUlr~a used per Ti'n',: ~~ m>0 Sec.. 1;~, For drug. stores wtl~oiat the use of soda. or otlze:r fountains., per- m"on°th,, Fo.r dxUg .store:s ~~he re sods. ,or other t'ounta.n•s ax~o used per montkz, 2.00 to~3..0~1 :See,. 1;5,. For blacksn~i,t;~n and other wagon shop;s,per rrro,, ~;Ta 00tc~~2a00 Sec . 18;. F:or 'l. very ,sY eb le!a inel~ud:ng spat er for ~w/s."sh ink Bugg es an:d carra3+ge~,£or each h6r&e per month., ~;,•~25, Hacks •atd liorre s for their use Pre' exclucleci from the.;se x~;te;em Sect.l"7;o For p~.~ivat"e ~tablea includi~~ wate:x for horse :and for. w ashi,n b uL'~Y ~ pe ~°~ m:gn"t4i: !~ . 3;:5 ,, ~ca ~ ~ <~ ~°C~rl~. <w ~ Foa°• .doubt"e~ teta~n q inc].ung water "t.o wash. earmage, ~'or eaeh ~y 1~o rye a P©.r ~n o,? th ," 30 . ' ~ . F.or i~d~i ti v nf~l Ilorr~. or ~c~~, pE r month, ^' ..:$0 , Wf~re bug~i;es. ~ar~ages> omilil?use~es;and ;s;tagee are ~kept,,:they ~~.11 be e~j~.nged: :Por :fig l~Y~ov~.deel• a,n .Sects;. ].E:& 17`.' Sic. 1:€30; T'or bre?nr~riesto k~e :deter..mane,d by the qua?~itiss used rat a rste no,t 1e ss. tha-:rz;. per- ].000 dal-,,,,, per" month, ~l~"50. Sec, 1~:. Fo:r steam eng~ne;s not vrol~ing ave~° tenh~orse prover per" day,;fo.r :each horse power o used per month, ,7,Q ~'or• a1'1 wor~~gg ovor ten horse power .per, :.day, for each horse ho r~ power per month,...: ~~ ,,4:5 nec. 20,0. Fo.r 1aui1 cling o-r p].~tstering, for- sta. eking ,e~eh barz~1 of Hine, ~' O.~F For Ovate, r used by brick :l&.yer.g,,,'to rr~ke mortar and dampen -the brisk; for- each 1OOD brxel;,, ~ ,,;gds Se:e® 21, For barber ;~hopa where- one cYie;,ir ys use d, per :r~ionth, For as.ch add i ria nsl. che;z r per month,,. , 40 Sec. 22;.. For fountains. nc~t used n~,o~ than six hour-a per day . for l.~-1~ .nch jet,,pe:r month;,: ~2:Q00 For 1~S inch jet, pear month„ 4,00:' Fad 1-4 inch ~e~t, per month., ]i0.00- sec, 2<3, For- irr~gi~tiq-n,,fbr use of ho:s~ f'or ep:rin~t]:ng flotiv- ~ a<<-~~" ers ~qn d gsa ss-:plats, of not more than. fi fty-rds. , per month, when us ecl, ~, 50 , For each 'square yard excee-dingy 50, pear month, "` :p001/2 Sec-, 24,,, I+'or zzse of hoe`s in front ,of -stars. and sYi:ops, fb r- washing window: and sprnlela~zg ~~ide ~+ralks;,a,ecording to frorit;~ age:,, per. ,month..,, % 0.2:5 to ~~:, 00 ,ado: 25, For wat:e.r t.ro~aghs•,,for e,~ch trough on ~ide~~rs:L~;pe=n riiotith, 1:000 ta`3e00 keep 26, 7'or china.-.~~ash housQ.s for use, of vr.ater;,for one wash® er,pEr month, 3:,0:7 For each cdditona9. non at the ,~~;house ,~30OiO , Sec ; 2'7, For w~ ter ea, rte s,nd wagons:, for ,use of water fibr ~spr:ink:Ling streets only, for e;Rc.h 200:0- ga};, used, ~';;~ geco 28';0 Por :sewing ~n~ch:in~s; -For use of ~ve,ter~ for eac-li. ms,;~hine;,per month„ ~1;o;00to,~4,;00 Saco: 29, ~'or gas mr~chine~x:, fo:r .use of water ibr runn:n~~~ the ma ¢1ii5~.ery,per month, ~o00to`~10.0~~ See, 30,. I'o.r water requfi~a~. for purpose; not specifA!d in the €zhove tar:i~ft, thQ rates she'll be fi ~e el in ace ord~:nc a w, th tl?e ..: _ 3, ~. :~ above rates, S®<c. 31,, For- water used by meter ,minion charge of :1,00 per mo nth, wthi ch en ti tlea• user to. 2000 gal:, ]q~?xt 3000 .gaX. , per thousand, ~'.:35 DText 500:0: gal, per thou~€and, ~ ,;30 Next 5000 gal. , per fh ou$and, ~ ~j ~T>~x 50Q0 ,ga1,., per thou :and,,. ~~) ,,,~~. A]:1 Over' 20, 000 gs ~. , pe:r thouse,nd,, ~ ~' Sed," 32, ~>>y consumer da-ssat~afied with the amount of his rponthly rate for water,, ,can have the" swn: adjusted by meter by paying. the: T!~at er Compsn~* the co s:t of fhe me t~ex, .ari;cl a .reasonable costs fox setting the s~ie, at the. rate- p'er 1000 gal,.,,. as :provi:ded in Sec;. 3l, of the forego~n~tax'xff .of rarte.s., -iit.~--riU-4.,... 6L~w, Se:c„ 33- The Board. of s~.e~ Company shall 1~ave the. r- power in a,1]: :c~;sea; to. ~ts~certa;n 'by ;rue tee 'the• quanf;tt~ +ef` water used anei f.x the pri:e.e .as, provided by Seca 37... Se;e. .~ gmme<~Ti•~t•e1y upon the ,alal~n of fire 'a]:7: persons .using watex for rrm~;atirng; pruposes.mus,t e7;ose theix fauc.ea .anal keep them. clesEd during the co.ntinua;xce of t}7e use of the orate ~x• by the; f i. ~e .de~s•r tme rit. Se,e. 35; For mater "willi'ully or car°e less;J;y allowed to run over night th~aria~ a< hose; ~e ;epririkler,or ;~, fauc$t, the rate,. _. shall be. por n,.°ght,,, ~2, 50 Se.c4 3;~, To?~ water used from hydrA.nts .fa]^ fi:re ;purp.os?e~s• by tYle; "Totim,(//of I,o:s Gates for each; hydrant, per - ~ !~,~,~. ~; See,, 37;, gor' vat~te~r use,el 3'or flushing 't~ewerasand .sbi•~hk].r stree:,ts by tle, Town o.f Los Gato's e;...~srt~i, por x.000 Sec. 38';. phi s ordanaria~ce sly. l_l~take effect and be ~ fo ree from sand of ter ~r~Z,~ C:~~ ~~~~ ~~~~, ~ . 5eco 3.9, A~~, oxd~ian~e~; ~~ p~r~s of ord~na~nee~ ~,n eon~'liQ~ ~~~.th tk~~. s pr~inancs are t~ ,ruby x~epsa~.e d y''~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ o ~ i~7 d /~~_ „ / ~'? ' r ~-sz.. -c2 -t~- r~ ~19O,9~d£'~lt 0~` t~1~ I~ofil?t~o ~. ~i~~ @ 8;~ ,. ~ ~ ~o~un Cie. r1~,l.