Ord 071-TO PROMOTE SAFETY AND SECURITY TO PUBLIC TRAVEL BY PROHIBITING THE BEATING OF DRUMS, AND CERTAIN OTHER NOISESt ~ f, ~ if ~ ~j ~/~ Y''~~ /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ': ~~-'s^"p fl`" ;f ~('} ~) ~ i~ ~. tc~ f~ ~. "mot w ~ v~ ' 2E' •y y~ ,,yhy~~ ,h'y ~,1 ~~yy v. ~~y.pp~~y a,,t•** tt yy.~ ~} C eh ~y y ~ L 1 ,~. v r ¢~ ry M y..~ ~ FS i;{' ~~~47~~•a 9W =.xNW ~bA~ 12.r.•r/!r~r) 4« ~t~T~ ti:~ ~}7 M1.~ 'IU Hibu~M itaF ~.4~ ,jV ~.4 f.d^~~.A,? 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'~7~~a1:i~~r d~t'~ ~'~)~E3,~Y}(arCl ~~) ~'"i~'~?~¥i!:3£N.~,t+~w ~a!±~G~.f9Y1! 1~e~ Ll~`,~ lx~tC 9~`fI Y'f ~d.;rU~u,t~.tf?7 $k e1 k`~"~~ f~„~` ~'~'3~!t ~7~°G~~~~6u~~f~~'tia 1 ~' ~xF ~3~.t.~ ~ ~'~3'.'k~'~.Y~t~<~ ~~~ ~1€;t ,ra7~~Y ~ti: i~ T~.~;'~e~ ~sc~ T~Ei ~ti ~k9~6 ~1a~.~Y9'th~t~.~~'~~a~ ~~><lt~ '~'~~.~ ~~ ~7`li~l~.~~~~i~y~.~ ~Y~ ~~, ~ f'~,Si4" t~:4' ~'!~`'~ ~~Nfi~.t9 ~kS"~d ~ ~ ~11y~~~I.~~wyry~a~:rya,~.~&~,$~<yy~~~r}~a~~~~~a^~y~3r9~Ma:~~~~~/~.~6~y~~x~ ~,+~axc1k=~4r~.yi'g~yq~.~~y.(~~°,yyt~aryiY ~,rfsp~r~ aM,F.S k~1 n~~wLw ,{~~t7.,4,,A~xQ+e~F~ Ayes&wca U~~riN gy l;,r e~w VlR~M p4 iJ ~4'y4 p~,3:~. ~~, ~4{ cn~49~~~~1rtr~!1¢~l p',J: ~',ig[y G4 Ma i,~~~~~~~k~ 15w.1µ ~~!id~•+ 1 ~'~ ~ ~T~fPV :y4,i.7 4X][~3k~y ~ry ~,~iR l~?"~paq q~4.0. ~t'd ry'hv~li~ 1~5~{~if~~ '?w l~ly:.y~i~ty.~$ V7 t-i Rik ~~~.T{.a,R ~~•`ai &t.~~'+'a ~rk A;l. '"' J'i.+ls J.. ~~4:4:~~~~"~~~~t~ ~.~i~ ,~~~i!. "W ~;L~ '~.~ti'7..Eia~~~a ~,~~ ~ir». ~.9 ~'~,~€~~ ~3!~t~"3i2~,~11 rd~'~i! ~3C~2`~(ikay ~°c1~rw~~`~€~t~: ,'€~~s~~ti ~1~~~~>~ ~:;+~a 2r-v~~;r t3'£° ~7'fa1~y'~~.#~~~ 21 23 JUL. yl~vL~ ~-~': 2~} ~~~€~ ~ ~L~~ i ,~J ~I y ~ _ b'+ 2PJ fA~3g~+~'e f~S¢ .) ~r j ~ / r ~ , o, R w Y 4 i e f~ ~M-Y. 4.a s w M' # t. a. i w .} R A i a. v w r Y. :C.' ~ (/ rel. ~ ~ 6? ASS: r ~' Cd ORDINANCE NO '71 AN Of3DTATAIVCE TO PROMOTE SAFETY AND SECUt?ITY TO PUBLIC TSiAVEL BY I'I30- HIBITTNG THE BEATING O.F D13UMS , AND CERTAIN OTI-tEI~ NOISES, ON THE T13AVELED STREETS OA AVEnNES OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, WIT:dOUT SPECIAL PEPMISSION IN CERTAIN CASES, AND FIXINGiTHE PENALTY FOR VTOLAT20Ar THEREFOR. SECTION I. For a more effectual control of the streets and avenues of the town of Los Gatos in behalf of safety and security thereon, it is hereby made unlawful for any person, or persons, to beat any drunt.or drums, or any souxzdixig instrument, or to blow any horn, bugle, or trumpet, upon any of the traveled streets or avenues of said town, without a special permission in writing, first had and obtained from the President of the Board of Trustees of said town, which permit the President of said Board may .grant, whenever in his ,judgment, the issuance of the same shall not conflict with the aforesaid purposes of this ordinance, and not othertaise; provided, that said permit shall specify the time when, and the street or avenue where any of said instruments shall be so used as aforesaid, and no person or persons shall hereafter beat any drum or drums, or any sounding instrument, or blow any horn, bugle or trumpet, in or opon any portion of any traveled street or avenue of said town, without such said special permit so obtained as aforesaid. SECTION II. Any and every violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance is hereby dee7.arsd to be a misdemeanc5r, and shall be .punishable by a fine of not less than X12 nor more than ~1C0, or by imprisonment in the County Jail of Santa Clara County, for not less than three days nor more than 50 days.. SECTION III, All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage., approval and pub- lication. Passed July 15, 1895• AYES; H. Schomberg, T. J. Davis, E. N. Davis and Fen Massol. NOES: None. °°~~ ABSENT:. D.P, Simons. Approved: L+'en Massol Pres. of Board Attest: G.A. Butler Town Clerle