Ord 068-SELECTING AND ESTABLISHING THE COUNTY JAIL OF SANTA CLARA AS THE PLACE FOR THE IMPRISONMENT OF PERSONS CONVICTEDf i4 I I i 2 ~,; S ~F 5 ' ~ ~~~~ 6 ~~ , s1~,1 1 ` 7- ,:fZ'f ; j~ ~:;' .~'7 ~ r ~ ~~ 9~"~~ ~, ,,,.. ~ 'P` r.,~~ ~f~ ,~10 :°, •J'1, ~ `! ~' li•,~ -~ `~ ~1f~7~ ~ t .,~,1 12 ~ a~ l~ ,~ F'~~ ~' 13 ,~ ~ 1. ~~ _... ~I I 15 16 17 1 E3 1~ 20 2.1 22 23 2~ 25 2r I ~x .~~.~; 0 R D I N A N O ~~ fix''' N0. 6'~j., - `' An Ordinance seleeti:ng anel'lestablishing the County Jail ~. of Santa Clara County as the place for tkie imprisonment o;f persons convicted in the Recorder-'-s Court of the Towri of Zos !~~ Qatto~, of viola.tin~ Ordi,:nunce,s of said Town. ~;~.~;'~.~The,Beard~ end' Trust:ea~a~ of, the •To~rn of` I,os Gatos :do ordain F !. as follows:- Section ]:.,~ The County fail of :Santa Clara County is .hereby € ss: aelected and declared: to be `the place d~~fir the confinement of any person <o`r persons aonvie.ted in the Recorder's Court of the ~~- Town o1' .Los Gatos fQr the violatit3r of any ordinance, of said Town, now, or which may her"eafter b~ in force. •_~, Section 1:t~P- A].I• ordinances:oar pars of orciinanees in conflict i _~ her~i~ith ar® hereby repealed; ~ __..r. ~ect•ion 1t1.- Thi's oriinance` ekzall 1~e in forcer from :and a~t~er .. :, 's.- ~ts: pas;sa~~, approval and publ3cati.ora. st; ~, Passed July 1s ,1895. ~~ I ~~~ Noe - ~, 7 ``0-:ice. '. 1 I ,1I .+' ~V~ P_1 1. _9 _1.1.~ :1. r II Prbeid;`ent of t'he Board of` ...,....,1,..r ... ..... Towm Cleric. ~,~'r ~ .. a