Ord 061-CREATING A BOARD OF HEALTH AND DEFINING ITS POWERS~~. . 1 ,r ;.~ ,r'~ 2 3 4 - 5 6 7 8., 9 10 1 'I 12 13 14 1b 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 O~~T z`1~~.e.~, r1,$~ar ~ ~ r Axa Q~',d~,nance o~~a'~~n~ ~ Ba~erd ~F HQI, th mod. p~-d( ~h~ BISk~~ 9f ~'z`ta~xQ9t~ ~f' ~h~ T®w•i~ of I,4~t~ C$t~a, 41 $sction Iq A Board a~'~Hea3.th is he x~e'~y,~ostab2iskled to c~x~~ist ~f ~'i~re '` p~reonsy ons at ~.ea~t g'~ 'W'~Rrq ah~Ikt~. be :a pr~~tcin~; ph~gicia,n and a, graduate ~#' #,oe; rep~.itab~ ps~~,ragg` off' Ms~~~ti~e~ ~.nd gnep i~' pr~,1~t~tsatb~a~ a eiv~.2 en= ~x~ear~,. ~v~~ ~~~ h®~,~, thei}~ iaf#'~~e~; -at tie ~t~easur~.e off' the ~ppQ.nt:~,~g ~~l~sr and: wk~a~~e ~tiea shah. b~ govex~;e.d;': by t1~s requ~.rnjsnt.s of 7.8-v~-ss~ pr~v~ded, by Ss Bti,o% $06~ p#`- the PaJ.i:tical Grade e,f the Sts:te o~ California. ' Section l_Z,.. I1; .she,ll be the ~.ut'y Q;f. the T;~a,~:'d p;~' 7.'riaat.ees" to a~pps3r~t th.~ ~aunbe-rs oP t~hs Board ~f I-Iea~t~~ wkasa sha,13 h4~si•~ffles c~uririg. thw pieaau;re df thE~Bos,r~ TMa raemi~ers ~U~~~.P yff said ~c~ard,~sk~all x'ea~~ive fiuCh, eompen9at~n ~a ~k~~ ~o~~'d 'off' TriSte~ea o~~~, ~'rc+m time to time alloar, Set3tion ITI« ~,1~. r~rdinanCes 9xzd: part,$ oi' prdix~a,se.s ~n t~s72~'~:~t k~,ereWtn ire fierebY repga,~,ad« S~eti.an IV~q Th~,a ardinaxi~e ~hgtll; take ei'~*ect from &rzd aft©r its; pa;9sagey approval and~ub]~~,cati.ox•z! ~ "_ . Fao6.ed t~~.~.~ ~~&Y of . ~• Noue~Ue`r' ~S~J~k, T.-~iiz. ~Ccir~~-rid • . N~~~:-~ i~ A tt s at ~""~ ~G~~~t~. ~~ b~~n~~ f~`zib~ ~, ~r ~_ ;i::