Ord 056,57-AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4~ A _ t' _ _ ~ ti .. ,~ ~~+~~' L7F~~INANGE N® 57• - ~-~R nr t~rg (fr fins o a>4 ~r1-ftl~ed~ `~ kll7n~nGe~ ~i•e ~tla 1 :. t rn~lztei+sesrt+tle'Town of; )/"op ~ia~ABa z ~n~.I'dlnanCe tlppointing a~ acid•provtdtngfor-'the:rcollecttnn t[ie~®~ t _( Ci0]'p0I'at1011 :~ttOTlle~' allCl ~ of." .. t = PrescriLinn' his duties and: The Board of Trustees of the Town o1: 5 I,os Gatos do ordain as follows: COI]2peT1Sat1021. ~ Sec. 1, Tara,~.raph four of sec+ion 4 of -_, j saiii ordnance is hereh amei+ded so as .,t Srirrros I. \Pill bI. P,em~sa is hereby ' iu read ns [olluws: For eaclt~ theatri- appointed uttorne~ in xurrl' for the Town cal re reesentation, each exhibition of ~ i""' ~` I of l.us hatos:, eerenade:, ne};ro minstrels, opera melo= Sttc•ruw t>>. 'He shall Ue the legal ail- ~ dean perfornwnces or other musical en- viler of said Town ;uul all of its otlicers; ter1ainment4, dancing or ballet jugglers; shall prosecute ~idl criminal actions or. necrnmaucers, musicians, wire or mpg proceedings peni3'ng in the Recm•der~s d+mcin>; ur slei;;ht of hand exhihitiong I Court of sai~.l To n, whereof said Court; f or performances fur pay, the sum of two ' h;ts jurisdintion; t icludin~ all .uaions. ' dollars and lifty cents for each enter- fur the violation of xuy ordinance of I tainmont,jprovided, however, that. the suid'fuwn; shalirepro-aent leis '1'own~ lessees ur proprietors of any hall or , in all liiigatiun in which said'1'un•n nu+y' thettre"sl'i'all•pav a license fee of twelve bee party or may 1~ inteiue[ed soil ~lullara per tear for each such hall or :shall pe• form such other duties us rn;n• theatre and no other license fee for any ' be required of him h+°. tlt~~ ],n,u ~l ni ~uc6 entertainment therein held, shall. ''Crusteaa thereof. 11' he uollected ; jtrid provided further [hat ~ Lei°rro~ ;;, lle shall rc~betve as com- the provissio~ad+ereuf shall not apply pensatiuu a fee ui Iiiteenl~ r.lull:vs for to any exhibition or entertainment i every hrisdeme:u+or' Inosecntrd iu said given for the benefit of churches, = Recm•der's Court, to be paid. out of (he. schools or other charitable purposes by Hoes collected in said C`oni•t in such any atmatenr dramatic or literarysocietY ~ :cases, and not otherwiso, and fr.,r his of the Town of Los Gatos.` service in all other nurtt.ers, much i•orn_ dec. 2;1_}111 ordinances or parts of or- prns:uion as nrty hu 'u!lowed~ by sail . dinances io~conflict herewith are here- Board ot'll•usters ` 4 r. ~ by repealed. ' sr;c'rw~ I. .\II ordtt~nances or g~art~ ri . Sec. 3, This ordinance shall be in onlinauces iu cunfiiut herewith a~•e here- force from and after its passage, appro- h+y reltnalad. _ _,_. val and publication. tirc•rtos5. This ordinance sh.il4 be in Pulsed this 2nd day of :1pri1 by the -force from and alter its passage, apprn- ~•~_ following vote: val and publication, '1 Ayes-.vlassol, SyversorS, Simons, Pawed this 31st day of 3f.uy, 13p by ~,~<''~' Hicks and Johnson. ~ the fullowiu;.~ cute: Noes-None. ` .Ayes-'P. J. A'avis, 1?. N. Davis, II. PETT:R •Iontaox, ~ SCI+Ulnhel'e, B. ~IasSUh ~' President of Board.. Hues-nuuel '~ Attest, ?~z. A. Ru~•t•r:a, -Ibsen[-Jimons. Town Clerk. hu:u,ll:+ssot„ `~•-L - 1.'rasident. of the L'uard of 'Prnstees. ~ _ _ ~ n ~ .Attest: G..A. Bu•rr.tax, Clerk. r, ~ / `~ ~G~vt-E a.s~~ ~LL~G c~2Gfyyac<iceQ 1 ~ ~~ ~ , ~~r 6 ~ ~~ ~ ' G2L~r° lL,G c~. L~ °n ~. ~ ~-x. ! ~ ~L. c.L ~ ~'L L~~~ ~~.'7`z . L-„ .... l.i~' LL/ t%G-LG" C'YGLGVIiCLvL v ~ ~ L~"vZr~2'Lc='. "~-'~.~. ~~(/ G ' O--i,~i'~ '.c~GK..G~7 ~"liL ~~'LL-'r O!/!/ U '~ ~iG~ ~ /.i~iLLl (iGG•(-- k~ l.~'7'7'f-~'1~ ~ ~ F~ ~7~ `~LLv~L/ ~-v~L~LC-~v`Z~~/J ~ aGl~ ~~~ L~7~Z~i=YGC~«'~...~ f iJ .~ -°~ c;.'~~1/ GL~GGL> t2dz~:Ca` ~~G ~% ~~~'G,~~ ~ s ~ti-R-L~~ 3' • 1~~`, c ,-. Z'GL~C' ~,~,.LC~~,~~~ Gvl/h~~L~G~L~t-v~ ~~~t~i.. ~~Z~~ G`,,r~G~t~`~/ Cl~~' ~ t%<'L`'''~ T ~~~ ' I~~GGtL J ~IiUa'2~ ~2~G~L~ , ~ ~ z.~; ' i `6:. ~ ~{~ ~ / ~ ~ ,~ f ~~F vj