M 07-13-1981July 13, 198 1
Los Gatos, Californi a
TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Counci l
Chambers of the Town Hall at 7 :30 p .m ., in an adjourne d
regular session .
ROLL CALL PRESENT : Ruth Cannon, Thomas J . Ferrito, MarLyn J . Rasmussen ,
Brent N . Ventura and Mayor Peter W . Siemens .
ABSENT :None .
MEDFLY UPDATE The Town Manager, David Mora, gave a brief update on the Medfl y
OF TOWN'S Program as it pertains to the Town's operation . The Nationa l
OPERATION Guard will be in Town picking up the bags left on the curbsides .
The CCC has a crew of 12 helping strip the fruit and will be i n
Town possibly until the end of the week . The Town's Parks an d
Public Works Maintenance staffs will aid the senior citizens i n
their stripping efforts through the end of this week or unti l
aerial spraying begins in the Town . No action required at thi stime.
PRIVATE Lela Austin presented the report on "Investigation of Privat e
SECTOR Sector Alternatives", and answered the questions of the Council .
ALTERNATIVES A brief discussion was held on the report and alternatives to th e(HOUSING)report were then discussed including, funding, building site s
and units per acre . The six tentative proposals from developer s
were reviewed . Cliff Axt,442 N . Santa Cruz Ave ., spoke abou t
his proposal and gave his reason for using 40 units per acre .
Mr . Ross Winchester, representing the Eldercare Foundation o f
San Mateo, spoke on his proposal to build housing for senior s
without Federal funding . Mrs . Rasmussen questioned Lee Bowman ,
Planning Director, about "Granny Flats". She asked if any communit y
had been able to regulate this type of construction . Mr . Bowman
stated that Santa Cruz County has a report out that states thi s
type of construction is allowed with variations . Carol Connor s
and John Tripp, representing the Los Gatos-Saratoga Board o f
Realtors, explained the concept of the "Granny Flats" and tha t
their origin is Australia . After further discussion, Mr . Ventur a
moved to have staff report back on the following : 1) draf t
proposal for the regulation of "Granny Flats", and 2) a draf t
regarding the possibility of making currently illegal renta l
units conforming on the condition that they agree to lease t o
seniors only . Mrs . Rasmussen added to the motion the following :
investigate any new construction in the commercial or office are a
to include senior citizen walk-up flats . Report back to Counci l
September 21,1981 .Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried .
Mr . Ventura moved staff prepare a RFP and report back to Counci l
with the following basic requirements :
1.51% of the units be designated for low and moderate incom e
seniors .
2.No Section 8 or any other form of Federal subsidy limite d
to construction .
3.Any site publicly or privately owned be considered . The onl y
qualification, it has to be closed to shopping .
4.The Town will provide help to underwrite the land costs usin g
all available CDBG Funds under the Town's control and conside r
selling the Parr Avenue site .
5.15 to 20% of the senior units be designated for the handicapped .
ao,/ff/.>6 .Passive solar heating be included and active solar is desired .
7.The maximum density would be 40 dwelling units to the acr e
for senior units and 20 dwelling units to the acre for no n
senior units .
8.All developers be required to submit complete financia l
records to insure economic feasibility of the project .
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July 13, 198 1
Los Gatos, Californi a
9 . The Town waive all fees and taxes to the percentage o f
senior units .
10 . The Tovm to install off site improvements to the percentag e
of senior units .
Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Report to be back to Council by th e
September 21, 1981, Council meeting . Unanimously carried .
Mayor Siemens declared the meeting adjourned at 9 :22 p .m .,
Monday, July 13, 1981 .
Rebecca L . Bailie
Deputy Clerk