M 06-15-1981June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Counci l Chambers of the Town Hall at 7 :35 n .m ..in r egular session . ROLL CALL PRESENT : Ruth Cannon . Thomas J . Ferrito . MarLvn J . Rasmussen . Brent N . Ventura and Mavor Peter W . Siemens ABSENT :None . PLEDGE OF Given by, all in attendance . ALLEGIANC E APPOINTMENTS -Mayor Siemens stated interviews had been held before th e VARIOUS COMMISSIONS Council meeting and asked Council to make the appointments t o the various commissions and boards . Mrs . Cannon moved for the appointment of C . Burr Nissen, Jun e R . Fromm and Kim E . Safir to the Cultural Resources Commission . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ventura moved Robert Rice and Marjorie Muttersbach b e appointed to the Park Commission . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved Blanche Penn and Una Michaelsen be reappointe d to the Library Board . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Discussion was held as to duties re the Personnel Board an d Town Retirement Board . Mr . Ferrito moved appointments b e withheld at this time and direct the Town Manager to infor m Council by report or summary on the duties of these positions . Also have the Town Clerk readvertise for these openings . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . The Town Manage r to have report to Council at the August 3rd meeting . It wa s also consensus of Council that the Clerk be directed t o advertise for two vacancies that will be coming up on the Planning Commission . Mrs . Rasmussen so moved . Mr . Ventur a seconded . Unanimously carried . Mavor Siemens referred to letter reauesti n g the continuanc e of this heari ng until a later date . Mrs . Rasmussen move d matter be continued to July 20th . 1981 . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Randall Reedy . Attorney, stated they would like continuanc e of this hearin g to allow further meetin g s with the Almon d Grove Homeowner's Association . Bob Holman . member of th e Almond Grove Homeowner's Association . stated he could see n o problems if this matter is continued . After further discussion , Mrs . Cannon moved hearing be continued to July20th,1981 . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mayor Siemens stated a letter had been received requestin g this be continued to a later date . Mr . Ventura moved matte r be continued to August 3rd,1981 .Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Mayor Siemens referred to letter from the attorney representin g owner's of the Toll House Project, requesting the continuanc e of this hearing . Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wishe d to speak on this matter and there being no one wishing t o speak, Mr . Ventura moved this be continued to July 6th,1981 . Mr . Ferrito seconded .. Unanimously carried . Mayor Siemens referred to letter received from Mr . Hill , Attorney representing appellants Mr . & Mrs Maxhimer, askin g Council to remand this issue back to the Planning Commissio n for rehearing . After further discussion, Mr . Ferrito move d this be remanded back to Planning Commission to reopen th e hearing, hold a regular hearing and make a determination a t APPEAL - DENIA L OF CONDO'S A T 758, 766 AND 76 8 POLLARD ROA D APPEAL -20 8 BACHMAN AVENUE - C .B . HANNEGAN'S OLDE DRIV E ZONING AMENDMEN T REVOCATION O F ZONING APPROVAL S APPEAL - ROAD WIDENING AND TRE E REMOVAL - TOP O F THE HILL ROAD - 1 - E June 15, 1.98 1 Los Gatos, Californi a APPEAL - ROAD their meeting of June 24th, based upon the facts as sited b y WIDENING AND TREE Preston Hill :- Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . REMOVAL - TOP O F THE HILL ROA D (CONTINUED ) SANITATION Steve Goodman, Manager of Sanitation District #4, referre d DISTRICT #4 to report presented to Council concerning 1981/82 Capita l Appropriations by County Sanitation District #4, for capacit y in the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant . General discussion was held on increase of cost for ne w connections of each dwelling on the capacity of variou s cities and on new agreements with San Jose and Santa Clara . After further discussion, it was consensus of Council t o reserve any action to a later date . Requested Town Manage r have this put on the July 6th, agenda . PRESENTATION Mayor Siemens presented Resolution of Commendation fro m Sanitation District #4 to Thomas J . Ferrito for his servic e on the Board . PRESENTATION -Thomas Davids, Vice-President of the Eureka Federal Savings , EUREKA FEDERAL made a presentation to Council on the interior designs o f SAVINGS the Forbes Mill Museum . He stated as soon as the buildin g permits are issued, the interior should be completed withi n 30 to 40 days . MINUTES Mr . Ventura asked that page 1, first communication, reflec t Council requested a report from staff regarding the remova l of dead trees in the Rinconada Hills Subdivision . Page 2 , WIDLFR LOT MOVE-ON, reflect that 'his no vote was based o n the fact that he believed that Council had not adequatel y studied the other alternatives . Mrs . Cannon moved minute s be approved as amended . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . _Carrie d by vote of four aves . Mr . Ferrito abstained . as he was no t p resent at the meeting . COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Letter from Los Gatos-Jaycees re 4th of July celebratio n at Oak Meadow Park . Mr . Ventura moved to accept staf f recommendation and approve request . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . 2.Mayor referred to letter from Mrs . Stoddard requestin g the closure of Old Orchard Court on July 11, 1981 fro m 6 :00 p .m . to 11 :00 p .m ., to hold a neighborhood pot luc k party . Mr . Ventura moved request be granted . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . 3.Letter from the Los Gatos Ambassador Girl Scouts , requesting the waiving of fees for the use of the Neigh - borhood Center . Town Manager reported the request i s for use of building on July 18th and as it is not a fun d raising event, No fees will be charged and deposit tha t had been made :will'-be refunded . 4.Letter from Barbara F . Winckler, Mayor of the City o f Monte Sereno, registering Monte Sereno's opposition t o the rezoning of property located on E . Vineland Avenue . Mr . Bowman reported this item will be heard at the Plannin g Commission meeting of July 8th . Mrs . Cannon moved lette r be sent to Monte Sereno informing them of the hearing . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . 5.Letter from Mr . & Mrs . Russell Kipp, informing Counci l of the serious parking condition and safety hazard tha t exists on the south end of National Avenue . They ar e asking Council to alleviate said problem . After some discussion, Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council direct staff t o review said complaint re the parking and also the retai l establishment in that area and have report back to Counci l on July 6th with some alternatives . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . - 2 - June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a COMMUNICATIONS 6 . Letter from Senator Dan O'Keefe requesting Council comment s (CONTINUED)-re SB 102 sponsored by Senator Marks . Note and file . 7.Notices from Pacific Gas & Electric Co ., of application to Public Utilities Commission for authorization t o increase gas and electric rates . After some discussion , Mr . Ventura moved Council go on record opposing bot h proposed rate increases and Council approach variou s Intergovernmental Agencies in the bay area about possibl e combined lobbying . Mrs . Rasmussen suggested to direc t staff to draft a resolution for this purpose, (included i n the motion).Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . 8.Letter from O .L . Johns re denial of use and occupancy o f his building at 151 N . Santa Cruz Avenue . Mrs . Canno n moved matter be referred to the Attorney . Mr . Ferrit o seconded . Unanimously carried . . Notice from General Telephone Company of applicatio n before the Public Utilities Commission for authority t o increase certain intrastate rates . No action . 10 . Revenue and expenditure reports for the month of May, 1981 , from the Office of Town Clerk . BID AWARDS -Town Manager David Mora, referred to staff report re recommendation s VEHICLES on purchase of vehicles and equipment, stating low bidder fo r item one, 1981 Compact Pickup, was Ron Baker Chevrolet . But in reviewing the bid, he finds it does not meet the specific - ations and is recommending that bid be awarded to Paul Swanso n Ford . Mr . Mora also recommends the deletion of trade-in's o n the other pickups . Mrs . Cannon moved Council approve purchase s of vehicles and equipment as amended (with deletion of trade - ins and switching from item 1 to Paul Swanson Ford .). Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . GREASE INTERCEPTOR Mr . Ventura moved Council accept staff recommendation an d TANK award the bid for the installation of the Grease Intercepto r Tank to Glage Underground Construction, Inc ., in the amoun t of $7,355 .00 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute th e contracts on behalf of the Town . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . BID AWARD -Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council accept staff recommendation an d DEMOLITION NURSERY award the bid for the demolition of the nursery school buildin g SCHOOL - 612 PARR to Ferma Corporation, in the amount of $8,300 .00. Authoriz e AVENUE (253 HCDA) the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contracts on behalf of th e Town and appropriate $9,500 .00 from available HCDA Land Banking Funds to cover the demolition work and contingencies . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . STREET VACATION Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly publishe d RIGHT-OF-WAY -for public hearing on the vacation of street right-of-wa y BECTON DICKINSON across a portion of the Becton-Dickinson property at 1430 0 Winchester Boulevard . Director of Public Works spoke in favo r of the vacation . There being no one else wishing to speak o n this issue, Mr . Ferrito moved hearing be closed . Mrs . Rasmusse n seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Cannon moved fo r adoption of Resolution No . 1981-134 entitled . ORDER VACATIN G A STREET DEDICATION WITHIN THE LANDS OF BECTON-DICKINSON . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . ZONING AMENDMENT Mayor Siemens stated this was the time and place duly publishe d RE LIQUOR STORES for public hearing re zoning ordinance amendment A-81-3 , modifications to various provisions to add "Liquor Stores", a s an activity allowed in a zone if a Conditional Use Permi t is issued, rather than a permitted use as now authorized . Mrs . Cannon stated Sue LaForge of the Chamber of Commerce, ha d contacted her before the meeting and requested this be referre d to the Chamber for comments . The Chamber had no objection s but, would like to comment . Discussion was held as to th e -3 - June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a ZONING AMENDMENT expiration of —the Urgency Ordinance adopted previously . Ther e RE LIQUOR STORES being no one in the audience wishing to speak on this issue , (CONTINUED)Mr . Ferrito moved public hearing_be closed . Mrs . Rasmusse n seconded . Unanimously carried . Mr . Ferrito moved reading b e waived for AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING TH E ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING LIQUOR STORES . Mr . Siemens seconded . Unanimously carried . Clerk read title . Mr . Ferrit o moved Ordinance be introduced . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . MEDFLY COSTS Town Attorney, Walter Hays, referred to his report on th e history of the medfly case . He stated the cost was approximatel y three times the estimate . Letters have been sent to othe r cities that participated in this case and they will be payin g their portion of the bill . After further discussion, Mr . Ferrito moved to accept report and authorize the Mayor to writ e a follow-up letter to the various participating cities an d state Council's appreciation in their cooperation . Mr . Ventur a seconded . Unanimously carried . PETRIS BILL -Town Attorney gave an oral report on Petris Bill re aeria l AERIALSPRAYING spraying, stating he had helped to prepare a draft legislatio n against aerial spraying (copy to be sent to Council). After discussion of this bill, Mr . Ventura moved Council direc t staff to prepare appropriate resolution re draft legislatio n bill and forward it to the League of California Cities fo r consideration at their annual conference . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Carried by vote of three ayes, Mrs . Cannon and Mrs . Rasmusse n voting no . It was consensus of Council no further cost shal l accrue on the MedFly matter unless authorized by Council . VERBAL Maureen Heberling, 291 Hershner, presented Council with a COMMUNICATIONS -petition signed by 59 residents in the area of the_Los Gato s LOS GATOS WESTERNER Westerner Pre-School, 14969 Los Gatos-Almaden Road, opposin g PRE-SCHOOL the swimming classes being given by Chuck Thompson Swim School . Mrs . Heberling stated the noise and traffic is hazardous t o the welfare of the neighborhood . The school is in violatio n of their conditional use hermit and Chuck Thomnson does no t have a business license to give swimming lessons in the Town . Mr . Bowman stated Mr . Storm had applied for a conditiona l use permit today . After further discussion, Mr . Ferrit o moved Council refer this complaint to the Planning Commission . Instruct the Planning Commission to consider the applicatio n at the earliest possible time and also instruct the Attorne y to proceed with a lawsuit to halt the use of the swimming poo l beyond the permit . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Council also directed Town Clerk to send busines s license application to the Chuck Thompson Swim School . SUNDAY PARKING James Simon, Manager of Tex's Toys, 59 N . Santa Cruz Avenue , BAN - N . SANTA presented a petition signed by 37 merchants in the downtow n CRUZ AVENUE area requesting the removal of the Sunday parking ban on N . Santa Cruz Avenue and requested the following changes i n parking regulations : 1.Eliminate the temporary imposed parking restrictio n on Sundays . 2.Recommend seven day a week enforcement of existin g limited time parking zones on N . Santa Cruz Avenue . 3.Maintenance of police presence on N . Santa Cruz Avenue on Sunday afternoons during the summer months fo r routine patrol work . After some discussion, Mr . Ferrito moved this be referred t o staff for report back at the July 6th, meeting and report t o include the cost of police services . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . -4 3 June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a VERBAL Mr . E . Stout referred to a contract he has with the Tow n COMMUNICATIONS regarding improvements of Winchester Boulevard . The contrac t states he cannot move into his home until such improvement s are done and it is necessary he be able to occupy his home . He cannot do the improvements right away, but is willing t o provide the Town with whatever they may require that th e improvements will be done as as stated in the agreement . After some discussion, Mr . Ferrito moved this be referred t o staff and a report be given to Council on July 6th . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . Steve Drew, from audience, spoke to Council on a persona l problem and asked for some direction re legal advise . No . action by Council . WINCHESTER Mr . Van Houten spoke on recommendations as presented in staf f BOULEVARD TWO-WAY report . Howard Anawalt spoke in favor of the plan,with :th e LEFT-TURN LANE possibility of a six month review . After further discussion , Mrs . Rasmussen moved Council adopt staff recommendatio n approving installation of a two-way left-turn lane o n Winchester Boulevard from Lark Avenue to Bruce Avenue and a double left-turn lane on Winchester Boulevard (southbound) fo r Lark Avenue (eastbound); allocate $4,000 from unappropriate d 2106 Gas Tax funds ; direct staff to proceed with the wor k ESTABLISHING and increase the speed limit on Winchester Boulevard betwee n SPEED LIMITS Shelburne Way and Blanchard Drive from 25MPH to 35MPH . Staf f report back to Council in 6 months . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmussen moved reading be waive d for AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS 1MENDING SECTIO N 16-43 .2 OF THE LOS GATOS TOWN CODE FOR ESTABLISHING SPEE D LIMITS ON CERTAIN STREET . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried .Mrs .Cannon moved for introduction of the Ordinance . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . KNOWLES DRIVE Mr . Van Houten reported that the proposed right-of-way contrac t ASSESSMENT with G . Gradis is the last parcel to be acquired for th e DISTRICT - GRADIS Knowles Drive Assespment District . Mr . Ventura moved fo r RIGHT-OF-WAY adoption of Resolution No . 1981-135 entitled, RESOLUTIO N APPROVING RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT - KNOWLES DRIVE ASSESSMEN T DISTRICT . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . NOTICES OF .Mr . Ventura moved Council accept staff recommendation an d COMPLETIONS approve the following Notices of Completion and Certificate s of Acceptance : Tract 6904, Condominiums - 55 Roberts Road (GME ) Project 242-SS, Los Gatos Boulevard - Bike Route (G . Blomquist, Inc .) Tract 6566, Rinconada Hills Unit #11, Brown & Kauffma n Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . COUNTY REFERRALS Mr . Ventura moved Council accept staff recommendation on th e following : 1457-32-53-81B Loma Vista Avenue Schniede r addition to single family home Not contiguous to Tow n boundary No comment . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . BMP PROGRAM Mr . Ventura moved Council accept staff recommendation an d REVISION adopt Resolution No . 1981-136 entitled,TOWN COUNCIL RESOLUTIO N SPECIFYING RULES, PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR THE TOWN'S ' BELOW MARKET PRICE PROGRAM . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . IA June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a INCREASE OF WEED Mr . Ventura moved Council accept staff recommendation an d ABATEMENT FEES adopt Resolution No . 1981-137 entitled,A RESOLUTIO N AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT AGREEMENT BETWEE N THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA RE WEE D ABATEMENT SERVICES . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . BICYCLE PATH -Mayor Siemens referred to information report re Caltran sROUTE 17 recommendation that California Transportation Commissio n appropriate $200,000 for construction of a two-mile bicycl e path along Los Gatos Creek between Los Gatos and Lexingto n Reservoir . This project will close the last gap in the saf e bicycle path running parallel to Highway 17 for 25 miles . the report states there will be no cost to the Town . Afte r further discussion,as to maintenance, Mr . Ventura move d Council support the proposal with inclusion of a statemen t that Council prefers the funds being used for preservatio n of the West Valley Transportation Corridor . Mayor Siemen s seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes . Mr . Ferrit o abstained and Mrs . Rasmussen voting no . REPURCHASE OF Mr . Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and adop tPROPERTY FROM Resolution No . 1981-138 entitled, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN GCENTRAL FIRE TOWN MANAGER TO REPRESENT THE TOWN IN REPURCHASE OF LAN DDISTRICTFROM CENTRAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING TH E TOWN MANAGER TO EXEUCTE ALL DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THAT PURCHASE . Council appropriate $40,000 from the appropriated Genera l Fund reserve for repurchase of two parcels of land from th e Central Fire District . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . LOS GATOS CREEK Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-13 9PARK ACQUISITION entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO S APPROVING THE RESUBMITTAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR LAND AN D WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS LOS GATOS CREEK PARK ACQUISITIO N PROJECT, (the proposed grant application would be an addendu m to the original application asking for reinstatement o f $135,000 that was originally cut from our grant). Mrs . Cannon seconded . Carried by ,a vote of four ayes . Mrs . Rasmussen voting no . SETECTION OF Mr . Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and adop tAUDITORSResolution No . 1981-140 entitled, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN G EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AN D ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO . FOR AUDITING SERVICES, (Town Manage r is authorized to negotiate and enter into an agreement fo r audit services). Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . TOWN EMPLOYEES Mr . Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and adop tASSOCIATION -Resolution No . 1981-141 entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AN DUNDERSTANDINGTHE TOWN EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . TOWN RETIREMENT Mr . Ventura moved Council accept the completed audit of th e PLAN - AUDIT Town Retirement Plan for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980 , and that Council refer the audit to the Town Retirement Boar d for information . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . REZONING OF ALLEN Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Ordinance No . 1503 entitled ,PROPERTY POLLARD AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING THE ZONIN GROADORDINANCE EFFECTING ZONE CHANGE NO . 50 FROM R :1-8,000 TO "0". Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . 1 5 June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a ESTABLISHING Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Ordinance No . 1504 entitled , SPEED LIMITS AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING SECTION 16-43 .2 OF THE LOS GATOS TOWN CODE FOR ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS O N CERTAIN STREETS . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . FINAL FISCAL Mr . Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and the Counci l YEAR 1980-81 appropriate all remaining fund balances in the Town's Genera l APPROPRIATIONS Fund for fiscal year 1980-81 to the appropriated General Fun d Reserve effective June 30, 1981 . The Town Council appropriat e all General Fund Fiscal Year 1980-81 unexpended and unencumbere d appropriations to the General Fund Appropriated Reserv e effective June 30, 1981 . Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimousl y carried . SUPPLEMENTAL Mr . Ventura moved Council authorize the following allocation s APPROPRIATION from the General Fund appropriated contingency : FISCAL YEA R 1980-81 Mr . Ferrito seconded . Unanimously carried . 1981-82 Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-14 2 APPROPRIATIONS entitled, A RESOLUTION SETTING THE FY 1981-82 APPROPRIATION S LIMIT LIMIT FOR REVENUE GENERATED FROM "PROCEEDS OF TAXES" PURSUAN T TO ARTICLE XIII (B) OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION . Mr . Ventur a seconded . Unanimously carried . Mayor and Council $250 .0 0 Town Manager 1,000 .00 Town Attorney 17,500 .00 General Town Administration 11,000 .0 0 Total $29,750 .00 TOWN BUDGET Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-14 3 1981-82 entitled, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 . Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmusse n wished it noted that she voiced a no vote on the approval o f the Town Attorney and Director of Community Development budgets . SCHEDULE OF Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 19$1-14 4 AUTHORIZED entitled, ADOPTING SCHEDULES OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS AN D POSITIONS &SALARIES FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR FISCAL YEAR 19$1-82 . SALARIES Mr . Ventura seconded . Unanimously carried . Mrs . Rasmusse n wished it noted she registered a no vote on the position o f Director of Community Development . COUNCIL MILEAGE Discussion was held on the proposed resolution regardin g REIMBURSEMENT reimbursement of . mileage costs for Council members . Mr . Ventura suggested the resolution state, "... $.24 per mil e 7-641 reimbursement rate for official travel in the bay area," Mrs . Cannon moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-145, a s amended, entitled A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING STANDARD MILEAG E REIMBURSEMENT FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Carried by a vote of four ayes . Mr . Ferrito voting no . MANAGEMENT Mr . Ferrito moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-14 6 COMPENSATION entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED MANAGEMENT PERFORMANC E PLAN AND COMPENSATION PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . LAFCO POLICY Mrs . Rasmussen moved to accept staff recommendation regardin g the draft LAFCO Policy . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimousl y carried . LEASE - EUREKA Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-14 7 FEDERAL SAVINGS - entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TH E FORBES MILL TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND EUREKA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . MUSEUM Authorize the Mayor . to execute said agreement on behalf o f the Town . Mrs . Cannon seconded . Unanimously carried . - 7 - 16- June 15, 198 1 Los Gatos, Californi a PLANNING - MAILED This matter will be brought back with draft of resolutio n NOTICES for Council approval on July 6th, 1981 . ELECTRONIC GAMES Council accepted report from the Youth Advisory Commissio n stating they can not view this as a problem in high schoo l and feels the Council should not get involved in regulatin g electronic game machines versus parental control regardin g school lunch money . It was consensus of Council to not e and file said report . DONATION OF Mr . Ferrito moved Council accept donation by the Los Gato sEXERCISE CIRCUIT Community Hospital of one complete "Conservation Pac e Gamefield Exercise Course", to be installed at a local par k site and a letter of thanks be sent to the donors . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . TOWN CLERK Mr . Ventura moved Council adopt Resolution No . 1981-14 8COMPENSATIONentitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING MONTHLY SALARY COMPENSATIO NFOR TOWN CLERK . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . TOWN TREASURER Mr . Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No . 1981-149COMPENSATIONentitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING MONTHLY SALARY COMPENSATIO NFOR TOWN TREASURER . Mrs . Rasmussen seconded . Unanimousl y carried . Mr . Ferrito moved staff be directed to draft necessar y ordinances relating to setting salary ranges for both th e Town Treasurer and Town Clerk . Mrs .. Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . MUNICIPAL COURT Mr . Ferrito reported on the County Executive proposal on th eCLOSINGclosing of the Los Gatos Municipal Court . He stated the y were also the ones that had proposed the Court consolidatio n and that has proven to be unworkable, (Council voted agains t consolidation), now they want to eliminate the Municipal Court . Mr . Ferrito moved that Council go on record with the Board o f Supervisors and all other West Valley Cities opposing sai dclosure. Mr . Ventura seconded . In discussion, it was decide d that a letter from the Mayor's Office be sent to the Board o f Supervisors opposing the closure and copy of the letter b e sent to all West Valley Cities urging them to also oppose sai dclosure. This to be included in the motion . Unanimousl ycarried. ADJOURNMENT Mrs . Cannon moved meeting be adjourned at 11 :15 p .m . Mrs .Rasmussen seconded . Unanimously carried . ATTEST : Rose E . Aldag Town Clerk 8