06 Staff Report - FY 2007/08 Budget Savings~pW N 0 Uli ~os'GApS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2008 MEETING DATE: 12/15/2008 ITEM NO: 6 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF FY 2007108 BUDGET SAVINGS AND ASSOCIATED FY 2008109 BUDGET TRANSFERS A. APPROVE DESIGNATION OF FY 2007108 GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET SAVINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL RESERVE POLICIES B, AUTHORIZE BUDGETED TRANSFERS IN FY 2008109 FROM GENERAL FUND DESIGNATED RESERVES AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE TOWN FY 2008109 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve designation of FY 2007/08 General Fund revenue and expenditure budget savings in accordance with established Council reserve policies. 2. Authorize budgeted transfers in FY 2008109 from General Fund designated reserves as provided for in the Town's FY 2008109 Operating and Capital Budget. BACKGROUND: Preliminary financial results for the Town General Fund reflect year-end undesignated available balances of approximately $2.5 million for FY 2007108. Last May 2008, staff estimated that the balance available for designation would be approximately $1.7 million. The undesignated balance exceeded staff estimates due to budget savings and conservative revenue projections at the time the budget was prepared. These additional funds will assist the Town in addressing its current fiscal situation for the FY 2008109 budget year. Past Council practice concerning the use of yearend undesignated general fund balances is to ensure that legally required reserve balances are maintained. All remaining undesignated funds are allocated equally to the Revenue Stabilization Reserve and the General Funds Reserve for Future Capital and Special Projects. PREPARED BY: STEPHEN CONWAY Finance & Administrative Services Direct r CAIDocuments and Scltingslpjacobs.LOSGATOSCA1Desktop112-15 General Fund Designation Council Report,doe Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager -0/ Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF FY 2007108 BUDGET SAVINGS AND ASSOCIATED FY 2008109 BUDGET TRANSFERS DECEMBER 12, 2008 DISCUSSION: During the FY 2008109 budget development process, several one-time capital project priorities were recommended and approved for funding out of the estimated year-end fund balance, including the Plaza Fountain filtration system., the public safety microwave project, and tree trimming and root pruning. As of June 30, 2008, staff has confirmed that there is approximately $2,535,820 in year-end undesignated general fiend balances. Staff recommends additional reserve designations be made before depositing the remaining balance in equal amounts to the Revenue Stabilization Reserve and the General Fund Reserve for Future and Special Projects as per past Council practice. The table below identifies the recommended designations for these funding priorities: General Fund Undesignated Balances $2,535,820 Previously-Approved Designations Fountain Filtration System Upgrade Project ($204,500) Police eCom Microwave Project ($132,000) Tree Trimming and Root Pruning ($100s000) New Recommended Designations Police Operations Building ($375,000) Retiree Medical Actuarial Liability ($400,000) Fountain Filtration System Upgrade Project ($100,000) Future Capital and Special Projects ($612,160) Revenue Stabilization Fund ($612,160) Unallocated Balance $_0_ RECOMMENDED FUNDING DESIGNATIONS The following section outlines the proposed uses and benefits of the recommended funding designations. Police Operations Building. The proposed $375,000 designation would provide a funding augmentation to ensure adequate balances are available to fund the recently redesigned police operations building, including the Emergency Operations Center as a cost effective "add alternate." Retiree Medical Actuarial Liability. The proposed $400,000 designation would provide a source of funds to augment future annual revenue streams dedicated for the phased funding of the retiree medical obligations required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 45. The first phase of funding for this liability has been appropriated from FY 2008109 budgeted operating revenues in the amount of $400,000. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF FY 2007108 BUDGET SAVINGS AND ASSOCIATED FY 2008109 BUDGET TRANSFERS DECEMBER 12, 2008 Fountain Filtration Upgrade Project. The proposed $304,500 designation would fund the FY 2008/09 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) ultraviolet light advance filtration system. The approved FY 2008109. CIP only included $204,500 of fund balance designations, but an additional $100,000 is now necessary because of potential Town reallocation of Monte Serena park bond funding. Police eCom Microwave Project. The proposed $132,000 designation would fund the FY 2008109 CIP project for the design, purchase, and installation of interoperable communications equipment at the new police operations building to connect law enforcement, fire protection and emergency medical services agencies throughout Santa Clara County. Parks and Public Works Tree Trimming, Curb & Gutter. The proposed $100,000 would fund $50,000 for additional root pruning work associated with the FY 2008109 CIP curb, gutter, and sidewalk project to decrease incidences of trips and falls. An additional $50,000 is proposed to fund contract tree trimming services -in the FY 2008109 Parks and Public Works street program operating budget. Revenue Stabilization Reserve and Reserve for Future and Special Projects. Per Council policy; the remaining undesignated fund balances are divided equally between these two resetves to provide a funding source for future infrastructure improvements and mitigate impacts to service delivery during periods of short term economic downturns or significant land use changes in the Town. Upon Council approval of recommended designations, the general fund reserves and undesignated balances as of July 1, 2008 would be approximately $17.1 million. This amount includes the Town's two contingency reserves - Reserve for Economic Uncertainty ($3.7M) and Revenue Stabilization Reserve ($4.4M), which total approximately $8.1 million. These two contingency reserves combined represent approximately 25% of the FY 2008109 general fund operating budget. The Town has met and exceeded the Government Finance Officers Association's recommended reserve of 5 to 15 percent. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This report is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient undesignated balances are available per the preliminary financial close of General Fund revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.