06 Desk Item - 18 Palm Avenue~ vrH 0 MEETING DATE: 09/02/08
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DATE: September 2, 2008
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The attached letters were received today. The letter dated August 29, 2008 that is included with
Attachment 15 was hand delivered to the Town this afternoon.
The letter from the appellant (Attachment 17) is in reference to condition 4 that was modified by the
Planning Commission to require the front porch to be redesigned to provide more articulation (see
Attachment 2). The applicant made changes to the plans to break up the roof and increase the
articulation on the front elevation (Attachment 4). One drawback to the changes is the width of the
front porch has been narrowed to three feet on both the left and right sides. These narrow areas will
not be as usable as the original design that provided six feet of width.
L-14. Previously received
15. Letter from Helen Cadiente (one page with two attachments), received September 2, 2008
16. Letter from Mark & Mimi Wainwright (one page), received September 2, 2008
17. Letter from Lee & Paul Quintana (four pages), received September 2, 2008
PREPARED BY: Bud N. Lortz, Dire of Community Development
Reviewed by: YAssistant Town Manager C 1 Town Attorney Clerk Finance
Community Development Revised: 9/2/09 4:05 PM
Refonnatted: 5130102
Sep 02 08 11:47a Cadiente 408-395-0167 p.2
S E P - 2 2008
September 2, 2008
Mr. Joe Pirzyruikti
Town Council
110 E. Main Siieet
Los Gatos, CAL
Dear Mr. Pirzyj iski,
Thank you f _ir stopping by yesterday at the above mentioned project and talking to me
briefly. I was unable to tell you all my concerns regarding the project because of lack of
time. Enclosed, please find a c1ogy of our letter to Susan Davis, the town planner for the
project and letter from the owner of the project. I am not an architect or a designer but
have valid coric erns that I hope you will be hind enough to look at.
My husban(l, Willie, and 1,
He en adient1s
55 Hernandez.: %.venue
Los Gatos
you very much for your help.
Attachment 15
Sep 02 08 11:47a Cadiente
August 29, 20{1,;,'
Ms. Susan Dav.s
Town Planner
110 E. Main S -eet
PO Box 949
Los Gatos, CA. 95031
RE: 18 Pahn Avenue
Los Gato:,, Ca 95030
Dear Ms. Dav.
I called Ms. Sandy Bailey las
have, but was i eferred to you.
this project at "5 Hernandez A
Qwne 'Administrator
State U s. # 430708475
94 Her - andez Avenue
Los G r.tas, CA 95030
SEP d 2 2008
week to try to voice a couple of concerns my wife and I
We are Willie and Helen Cadiente and we live next door to
venue, Los Gatos.
Our first concern is, regarding the pre 1941 structure. That structure used to be the garage
of 55 Hernandi z Ave. before the parcel was subdivided in the seventies. It should have
been designate :l as a historical landmark when our house was designated by the Town as
such-in the nin.-Iies but was overlooked. This project should be referred to the HistoTi.cal
Commission E rr review. Let i s not make the same ruis#ake of overlooking a very
significant stn E cture that is part of the Malpas legacy. If you proceed with the defacing of
the structure, •,,ie would like to copy the architectural integrity of the structure and build a
likeness of it ri xt to our Queen Anne Victorian.
Our second co acern is, regan
proposed prof ~ ct from our si4
WU11rli,n Cadiente
PO Box 2322
Los Gatos, U, 95031
g the landscaping. I invite you to come and look at the
Sep 02 08 11:47a Cadiente 408-395-0167
Dear neighbor,
My name is IZ .::k Oderio. My wife Nikki and I own the property at 18 Palm Ave. We
live there witb_ our 3-year-old son Richy and newborn daughter Ava 1o. We have two
German Shepl, erds Maggie and Magoo. Our dogs act ferocious but we promise, they are
not. They are im le and especially docile with our children and the many toddlers who
visit. They ord i, bark at passers by. I grew up in Los Gatos: My family has a long history
here. My uncle: was the owner of the comer drug store for over 30 years. We still have
Post Office bor.51
W we're Owning to build o u~r dream home and raise our fay1
We y in this wonderful
neighborhood. It would be a modest home at 3000 square feet. You may have noticed the
story poles. &.fine neighbors have objected to us building a home on our property. Some
neighbors hats:, objected to the architecture style and have demanded it be redesigned To
appease some of these objections, we redesigned some, aspects including insulating our
pets from the,mblic. Although, we we're granted approval by the planning commission,
O nei bor has appealed the decision to the city council. She is not an architect
dgsigae .hutni bmitting e.r p ans and ideas for our home. This would be LauWiablp if i
weren't for tl►:: tremendous e' ense and inconvesuence to my family. In addition, the
story poles hi kre to be left up through this process. Besides being unsightly, they are
dangerous. My son can't even play in his own yard.
The home we -plan to build is a craftsman style inspired by the famous Lanterman home
in La Canada. California designed by the world-renowned architect A.L. Haley and a
smaller versi-, ~n of 40 Hernaddez. We hired Los Gatos Architect David Britt and Los
Gatos Home: ':wilder David Zicovich. Both are well known and quite reputable. We
followed eve~;y rule, guideline and suggestion from planning. We hired the city's
architect for , _ny recommendations before being submitted for approval. It's been a year
and a half. NV E, are frustrated.
I wouldn't b!. ime anybody f I r not wanting to get involved but if anyone could support
our project it would be greafly appreciated.
Rick and Nil4d
Los GATOS, CA 95030
SEP m 2 2008
Planning Commission
Town of Los Gatos
Los Gatos, CA 95030
re: 18 Palm Avenue
To whom it may concern:
We are writing in support of Nikki and Rick Oderio's application to build a new
house on 18 Palm Avenue.
We have carefully reviewed the plans and elevations, and we believe that the
house as proposed would be an excellent addition to our neighborhood.
r •
Mark and Mimi Wainwright
Attachment 16
Lee & Paul Quintana
5 Palm Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
September 2, 2008
Hon. Barbara Spector & Town Council
Town of Los Gatos
110 E. Main Street
Los Gatos, CA 95030
RE: Sept. 2 Council, Agenda No.6: Appeal of Architecture and Site
S-07-211 Approval for 18 Palm Ave.
Dear Mayor Spector & Town Council Members,
As you know, we appealed the Architecture and Site approval that was approved
for 18 Palm that was approved on June 25, 2008 by the Planning Commission.
18 Palm is directly across from our home.
I expressed concern at the Panning Commission about the design of the house
after having raised these concerns with the applicant and staff to no avail many
months prior to the hearing. In summary, our primary concerns were that:
Palm Avenue has an architectural integrity dating back more than 100
years old, something few if any other blocks in Los Gatos can claim
Mass and scale and the street presence of the proposed house design
for 18 Palm is inconsistent with the immediate block, which is primarily
Victorian. I would add that Palm Ave. is also unique in that it is only
one block long, all but one of the 11 homes along this street face Palm
Ave. and that the lot on which the proposed project sits was originally
part of the parcel for 55 Hernandez, which has a Los Gatos Landmark
The design's unbroken roof-line and front building mass of .
approximately 70 feet, the massing of the home and its placement at
the minimum front setback will result in the house appearing even
more out of character with the development pattern for the rest of the
Attachment 17
The building coverage on the property far exceeds anything else on
the block or in the neighborhood, even accounting for the larger
parcel. And a house of equal size could easily be designed on a
smaller footprint, protecting on site heritage trees. It is also interesting
that it is not unusual for homes on this block and in the surrounding
neighborhood to have large side yards (examples can be found on
Palm Ave., Walnut Ave., Hernandez Ave., Peralta and Glenridge.
(The FAR for the proposed house is .26 with accessory structures, the
allowed FAR is .26.
Our concerns were articulated to Planning staff throughout the review process
and we believe the design is in direct conflict with the spirit and intent of the
town's design guidelines. It is telling that no immediate neighbor has expressed
support for the project. However, at least two neighbors have expressed
uneasiness about participating in the discussion because of the negative
feedback they received from the applicant and staff. The Planning Commission
shared many of these views and recommended the project be re-designed to
provide for more articulation in the front elevation to the satisfaction of the
Director of Community Development. (3-2).
As of a day before the end of the appeal period no decision had been made by
the Planning Department and the suggested design modifications in the file from
the applicant and the Town's Consulting Architect did not appear to adequately
address the Commission's direction or concerns. In a conversation that day with
staff stated that a decision would likely not be for several weeks. We filed the
appeal primarily because we were not comfortable that the approval of any
design modifications was to take place after the close of the appeal period.
As I believe you are aware, the applicant has redesigned the front elevation to
provide more articulation and break up the ridge line. The Council Agenda Report
for this item indicates that we were involved in this process. In fact, we were
not directly involved by the applicant until after the revised drawings were
submitted to the Planning Department. Although we were not directly any direct
way redesign process from the beginning, indicated in the staff report, it is fair to
say (without endorsing the current design) that the revisions are an improvement
over the initial design reviewed by the Planning Commission. I also informally
indicated to staff that I intended to withdraw my appeal based on those drawings
if the concerns of neighbors regarding the front landscaping were also address.
The applicant has begun (albeit quite late in the process) to work with nearby
neighbors on a host of landscape issues that are critical to us, and other
neighbors, given the house's obvious inconsistency with the character of the
immediate block. Many of us are especially concerned about how the house will
be screened from the street and adjacent properties, as the current development
is. For instance, it appears clear the applicant hopes to remove the large 60
inch pine, counter to his submitted plan and comments to the commission, which
will make the house much more visible and dominant on the street.
We would like the opportunity to continue working with the applicant and
Planning staff on these landscaping issues. Based on my discussions with the
applicant, I presume he and his contractor would agree with this approach.
Aside from any design concerns neighbors may have about the project, at least
three of the applicant's other immediate neighbors, including The Morley's at 9
Palm, Carol Lange at 21 Palm, and the owners at 55 Hernandez also want to
participate in this process. I hope you will agree this is a reasonable request in
these circumstances and that you will include it in your action on this item.
Based on the activities regarding re-design that the applicant has made since the
Planning Commission, as indicated in Attachment #4, 1 am comfortable having
the council overlook my appeal provided that the new design identified in
Attachment #4 is incorporated into the formal project approvals and that the
Council direct the applicant and the staff to work cooperatively with the
surrounding neighbors on the landscaping plan to ensure proper screening and
that at a minimum the lighting, fencing and planting plans are consistent with the
rest of the block and do not harm the oak trees.
In closing, I want to note a couple of procedural concerns about this project for
the Council. First and foremost, the design before the Council to is in the
applicant's own words and staff's recommendations a far better one than initially
proposed for approval - this would likely not have occurred but for our objections
and appeal. The delay in approval of this project and any inconvenience to the
applicant is a direct result of their own and staff's actions. Had an effort been
made to truly consult with neighbors as the initial plan was being developed, a
much better design than is even now before the Council for consideration could
have been achieved in a much quicker timeline. It is clear the Town Council
would not have been put in the unfortunate position of having to hear the matter
had Planning staff and the applicant done the work required of them in the front
end of the process.
I also have serious concerns about historic and tree preservation issues arising
in this project. In Planning staff's zeal to approve the project staff ignored
legitimate input from surrounding neighbors provided many months ago, and a
couple of major procedural shortcuts were taken that are disturbing and worth
noting. For instance, historic preservation was an afterthought in this process.
The existing home on the property is an historic structure in its own right with a
significant relationship to the home on 55 Hernandez (a Los Gatos Landmark)
which as a basic matter of town policy, if not state law, required an historic
survey to be completed before design review began. Why staff allowed the
applicant to avoid this step is unknown, but failing to do so is unacceptable as it
sets a terrible precedent for future projects. The Planning Commission
acknowledged this error, but in approving the project added a condition that the
project be sent the project to the Historic Preservation Committee to review the
existing structure on the site. Given that the parcel in question was originally
associated with the Landmark site, we believe an historic report was necessary
to address the proposed new home and its affect on the adjacent Landmark
In addition, the property has a number of mature trees, including a large pine on
the front property line. The arborist report and consulting arborist review
indicates the construction would likely cause the pine's premature decline. No
effort was made by staff to push the house away from the tree or shrink the
footprint of the house to better preserve it, a stated objective of the town staff and
the applicant (at least initially). Both of these approaches would have had the
dual benefit of protecting the tree and reducing the scale and massing of the
house at the street but never warranted any consideration by staff.
I am of course interested in this mater because it is across the street from us and
i am sure the council would not deny anyone the right to be heard on a matter so
close to home. We can and should do better as a town in designing homes,
particularly on unique streets like Palm Avenue. Any applicant bears an
obligation to make a responsible proposal after properly consulting with
neighbors. Staff has an obligation to make a comprehensive professional review
and recommendation after accounting for reasonable community input. When
neither fairly occurs, an appeal is warranted as it was in this case for the reasons
stated which everyone agrees got a better result.
We believe there has been sufficient evidence presented to find that there is both
error and that there is new information.
We ask, however, only that Council modify the project to 1) incorporate the
changes to the front elevation and footprint, as shown in Attachment 4. and 2)
direct staff and the applicant to develop a landscape plan for the front and sides
of the property that is agreeable to the affected neighbors.
Lee Quintana
Paul Quintana