04 Staff Repot - Preliminary Work Plan for General Plan~pW N 0 t°s cases COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/04/08 ITEM NO: H DATE: January 31, 2008 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER s, SUBJECT: APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY WORK PLAN FOR GENERAL PLAN UPDATE RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the preliminary work plan for the General Plan Update. 2 Designate the General Plan Committee (GPQ as the General Plan Advisory Committee with up to 10 additional members to be appointed by the Council at a future date. 3. Approve Timeline Option 2 as the tentative schedule for the update. BACKGROUND: On December 3, 2007, the Council discussed the preliminary work plan for the General Plan Update. The Council continued the item and requested additional information on the public participation process and options for the composition of the General Plan Advisory Committee. The Council also asked for a flow chart outlining the timeline for the update and a description of the various tasks associated with the update process. DISCUSSION: Advisory Committee At the December 3 meeting, the Council directed staff to return with options for a General Plan Update Advisory Committee. The Council stated the advisory committee should include residents that have not or do not typically participate on these types of committees. Typically, General Plan Advisory Committees include representatives from the Council and Planning Commission and have approximately 15 to 20 members. Having more than 25 members on this type of advisory committee is difficult to facilitate and is not recommended. PREPARED BY: Bud N. Lortz Director of Community Development N:ADEV\CNCLRPTS\2008\General Plan Scope of Work.TC.rpt2.doc Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance omC munity Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: WORK PLAN FOR GENERAL PLAN UPDATE January 29, 2008 Below are options for a General Plan Advisory Committee for Council consideration. GPC with additional members: This alternative would utilize the existing nine member GPC and add an additional 10 members to provide broad community representation desired by the Council. The Committee currently has nine members: three Planning Commission members; two Town Council members; one Community Services Commission member; and three community members, including one who owns or manages a business in the Town of Los Gatos, and two members who are residents of the Town of Los Gatos. Additional members could include residents of the Town selected by the Town Council. The selection process would be similar to the General Plan Task Force selection process in 1997 where the Council selected a board cross section of the community to serve on the Task Force. New Advisory Committee: A new advisory committee could be established specifically for the General Plan Update. A new committee would essentially duplicate the role of the GPC. If the Council selects this option, it is recommended that Council and Commission representatives be included on the committee. The Council would need to determine how this committee would interact with the existing GPC and the roles of the two committees. Existing GPC: While the Council has stated a preference for a General Plan Advisory Committee that provides broader representation, the existing GPC is an alternative for consideration. Staff recommends that the Council approve utilizing the GPC with up to 10 additional members as the General Plan Advisory Committee. The GPC currently provides recommendations on General Plan related issues. This group has an understanding of the General Plan and its purpose and value to the community. The GPC also includes Council and Commission representation, which should have representation on an advisory committee of this type. Adding up to 10 members would provide the broader representation desired by the Council. Once the Council determines the preferred Advisory Committee option, staff will return with recommendations for a process to select Advisory Committee members. Public Participation The Council has requested that the General Plan update process include a broad public outreach component. The proposed scope of work provides the public with multiple opportunities for participating in the General Plan Update. Below is a summary of anticipated public participation process. Kick-Off Meeting: The objectives of this meeting are to inform the public and community leaders of the value and purpose of the General Plan and the General Plan Update. The direction and key issues identified by the Council for the update will be presented and community members can provide input on issues, challenges and the vision for the future of Los Gatos. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: WORK PLAN FOR GENERAL PLAN UPDATE January 29, 2008 Public Workshops: Public workshops will be held at numerous key stages throughout the process including, issue identification, land use map alternatives, and goals and policy development. The timing is shown on the tentative General Plan schedules discussed below (Attachments 2 and 3). Panels: Discussions will be held on key topics such as recreation, needs for youth and seniors and environment/sustainability. Meetings will be coordinated through the General Plan Advisory Committee so committee members can hear concerns and ideas and incorporate them into the General Plan. Public Nfeetings: Town Council and Planning Commission input and direction will be sought at major milestones during the update. These will be public meetings or study sessions that are open to members of the public. Advisory Committee: This Committee is intended to be an advisory committee to advise staff, provide a forum for public involvement and make recommendations to the Planning Commission and Town Council on the General Plan Update. (Options for composition of the advisory committee were discussed above.) Once a consultant is hired, staff will finalize the scope of work including the public participation process. Recommendations regarding the timing and/or composition of some portions of the public participation process will be forwarded to the Council for review and approval. Schedule The Council requested a flow chart that details the General Plan update process. Attached are two schedules to the General Plan. Option 1: This is a traditional approach to updating the General Plan. It includes an extensive public participation process throughout the update with sufficient time to review and discuss potential issues. This approach would take approximately 30 months, from the time the update commences in August, with an anticipated completion in March 2011. Option 2: This is a more focused approach that could be completed in approximately 22 months, with approval of the update in June 2010. This approach would only include the issues previously identified by the Town Council (environment, recreation, needs of youth and seniors, and minor revisions of existing policies). Should other issues be raised by the public or the advisory committee, the Council would need to authorize their inclusion, which would likely increase the timeline and budget for the update. This approach will need to be refined when the General Plan consultant is hired to ensure the update will be completed within this timeframe. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: WORK PLAN FOR GENERAL PLAN UPDATE January 29, 2008 CONCLUSION: If the Council approves the Work Plan, staff will prepare a Request for Proposal for consultant assistance with the General Plan Update. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the inventory will come from the General Plan Update Fund. Sufficient funds are available in this account. BNL:RT:CB:mdc Attachments: 1. General Plan Update Work Plan 2. Option 1 Schedule 3. Option 2 Schedule GENERAL PLAN UPDATE-WORK PLAN SUMMARY Task A: Proiect Initiation 1. Kick-off meeting with staff and consultant 2. Develop project website and communication strategy 3. Hold community workshop to obtain initial input on key issues 4. Refine scope of work and schedule 5. GPC review of final scope of work Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • Final scope of work • Community workshop • GPC Task B: Prepare Background Conditions Report 1. Collect background data needed for the General Plan Update and EIR such as the following: a. Demographics b. Development trends c. Traffic d. Land use e. Noise f. Employment g. Schools h. Youth needs i. Senior needs j. Environment/sustainability 2. Prepare maps 3. Background data and mapping to be summarized in a Background Conditions Report 4. GPC, PC and TC review of Background Conditions Report Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • Background Conditions Report • GPC • PC • TC Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update Work Plan Revised January 29, 2008 ATTACHMENT I Task C: Identify Key Issues 1. Convene Stakeholder Panels and hold community workshops to identify issues and obtain input on key areas such as the following: a. Recreation b. Environment/sustainability c. Youth d. Seniors 2. GPC to create General Plan Key Issues & Guiding Principles document based on information from Background Report and input from Stakeholder Panels and community workshops. 3. PC and TC to review and endorse General Plan Key Issues & Guiding Principles document. Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • General Plan Key Issues & Guiding • Stakeholder Panels Principles • GPC • PC • TC Task D: Development of Alternatives 1. Based on Task C, prepare alternatives to address key issues, areas, and sites in Town. 2. Alternatives may address topics such as land uses, development options, transportation, and areas for preservation. 3. GPC to develop preferred alternatives. 4. PC and TC to review and endorse preferred alternatives. Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • Preferred Alternatives • GPC • PC • TC Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update Work Plan Revised January 29, 2008 Task E: General Plan Goals and Policy Development 1. Review existing General Plan for goals, policies, and implementation measures to be retained, modified, and deleted. 2. Develop new elements, goals, policies, and implementation measures 3. Prepare Draft General Plan for review 4. GPC, PC, and TC to review Draft General Plan Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): i • Draft General Plan • GPC • PC • TC Task F: Draft EIR 1. Conduct environmental review on Draft General Plan 2. Draft EIR will be prepared parallel with Draft General Plan. Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • Draft EIR Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update Work Plan Revised January 29, 2008 Task G: Public Hearings I . Hold community workshops to present and obtain feedback on Draft General Plan and EIR. 2. GPC to refine Draft General Plan based on community input. 3. GPC to recommend Draft General Plan to PC. 4. Hold Public Hearings before Planning Commission and Town Council on Draft General Plan and EIR 5. Revised Draft General Plan based on direction from Commission and Council 6. Prepare Final EIR 7. Publish adopted General Plan Milestone(s): Public Meeting(s): • Revised Draft General Plan • Community Workshops • Certified EIR • GPC • Adopted General Plan . PC • TC N:\DEV\Curtis B\Projects\General Plan\Summary GPU Workplan 012908.doc Town of Los Gatos General Plan Update 4 Work Plan Revised January 29, 2008 Attachment 2 Option 1 Schedule and Attachment 3 Option 2 Schedule Are available for review in the Clerk Department