Staff Report - Presentation on Preparedness for Health Disastercow" 0 MEETING DATE: 10-16-06 PRESENTATION COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT OS GASO DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2006 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL , FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: LOS GATOS PREPARED PRESENTATION ON PREPAREDNESS FOR A HEALTH DISASTER The Town of Los Gatos has launched a campaign called Los Gatos Prepared with the ultimate goal of every resident and business in Los Gatos having the awareness, skills, and resources necessary to be self-sufficient in the event of a natural or other disaster. Beginning in October 2006, the Town will mount an annual campaign to educate the community about emergency preparedness. Events occurring this inaugural year include: ■ Proclaiming October as Los Gatos Prepared month; ■ Making educational presentations at Council meetings; ■ Conducting outreach through electronic and print media to inform the community; ■ Distributing fliers through the schools, service and business organizations, and other partners; Establishing a Los Gatos Prepared website (www.los ag tosprepared.om) to provide detailed information on emergency preparedness and links to other agencies' information; ■ Staffing informational booths at the Farmers Market on October 8th and 15tH; ■ Working with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to host neighborhood meetings on emergency preparedness throughout the Town on October 17t'', the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake. As part of the outreach efforts, staff made a presentation at the October 2"d Council meeting to inform the community about steps residents and businesses should take to be self-sufficient for a 72-hour period following an earthquake. A similar presentation will be made at the October 16th Council meeting focusing on preparations for self-sufficiency in the event of a health disaster such as flu pandemic. PREPARED BY: PAMELA S. JACOBS ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development