12b Staff Report - Resolution Supporting Measure A~t N 0 uu s COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT og GA~o DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2006 MEETING DATE: 10/16/2006 ITEM NO: TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL J FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGE SUBJECT: CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MEASURE A, THE SANTA CLARA LAND CONSERVATION INITIATIVE . RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of a resolution in support of Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative. BACKGROUND: The Town Manager received a request from two Council Members to place and consider adoption of a resolution in support of Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative on the Town Council agenda. Given the limited number of Council meetings available before the November 7, 2006 election when Measure A would appear, this staff reports presents key facts about the Initiative for Council consideration. Measure A is sponsored by People for Land and Nature (PLAN), a coalition of local environment organizations and leaders, including the Santa Clara Audubon Society, Committee for Green Foothills, Sierra Club, Acterra, and Greenbelt Alliance. The measure was successfully placed on the November 2006 Gubernatorial General Election Ballot. If approved by voters, the Initiative would amend the Santa Clara County General Plan through a set of technical modifications to preserve rural, unincorporated lands zoned "Hillsides, Ranchlands," and "Large Scale Agriculture." In summary, the Initiative would: ■ Increase parcel sizes under some circumstances on hillsides and ranchlands to limit the amount of development. ■ Prohibit large-scale industrial and commercial development in rural areas. ■ Add necessary protections to scenic views, streamside corridors, and sensitive wildlife habitat. PREPARED BY: JE UYAMA A mist e Prograr s Manager NAMGR\JHaruyama\StaffReports\Measure A.doc Reviewed by: Q , Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Finance CDD PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MEASURE A, THE SANTA CLARA LAND CONSERVATION INITIATIVE October 9, 2006 The Initiative applies to approximately 400,000 acres in unincorporated Santa Clara County. DISCUSSION: Staff has reviewed the Initiative to determine its applicability to the unincorporated Hillside areas around Los Gatos. Below is a summary of the portions of the initiative that are anticipated to have some level of impact on the Town: ■ Modification to the Slope-Density Formula: The County's existing formula establishes a density range of 20-120 dwelling units per acre, depending on the average slope. The Initiative modifies the formula and establishes a density range of 40-120 dwelling units per acre. ■ Clustered Hillside Development: The County requires that most hillside subdivisions cluster the developable lots. The Initiative limits the size of the building envelope to 3 acres per parcel. County policy currently limits the size a building envelope to 10% of the site acreage. ■ Permanent Open Space: The Initiative requires that all area outside of the building envelopes be preserved as permanent open space. The General Plan currently requires that 90% of the land area within a subdivision be preserved as permanent open space. ■ Development Standards: The Initiative contains standards requiring adequate water supply, adequate fire access, and avoidance of seismic and unstable soil areas. ■ Maximum Floor Area: The Initiative establishes a maximum house size in Hillside areas. The size of all buildings on a parcel would be capped at 2% of the parcel area or 20,000 square feet, whichever is less. In no case, however, would the maximum building size be less than 10,000 square feet. ■ Visibility: New parcels shall not create building sites on a ridgeline, unless there is no other feasible location. Buildings may not be located on slopes of greater than 30%. The net effect of these changes would reduce the number of allowable units in the unincorporated hillside areas and require that the allowed developments be clustered somewhat more closely together. CONCLUSION: Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative would amend the Santa Clara County General Plan through a set of technical modifications to preserve rural, unincorporated lands zoned "Hillsides," Ranchland," and "Large Scale Agriculture." PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MEASURE A, THE SANTA CLARA LAND CONSERVATION INITIATIVE October 9, 2006 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with taking action on this resolution. Attachments: Attachment No. 1: Resolution suppol Ling Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SUPPORTINGMEASURE A, THE SANTA CLARA LAND CONSERVATION INITITATIVE WHEREAS, Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative is sponsored by the People for Land and Nature (PLAN), a coalition of local environment organizations and leaders; and WHEREAS, if approved by voters, Measure A would amend the Santa Clara County General Plan through a set of technical modifications to preserve rural, unincorporated zoned "Hillsides," Ranchlands," and "Large Scale Agriculture"; and WHEREAS, Measure A would increase parcel sizes under some circumstances on hillsides and ranchlands to limit the amount of development, prohibit large-scale industrial and commercial development in rural areas, and add necessary protections to scenic views, streamside corridors, and sensitive wildlife habitat; and WHEREAS, Measure A would apply to approximately 400,000 acres in unincorporated Santa Clara County; and WHEREAS, the provisions in Measure A would positively impact local hillsides and rural lands, maintaining the high' quality of the environment and life in the County and Los Gatos area. RESOLVED, the Town of Los Gatos does hereby adopt a resolution in support of Measure A, the Santa Clara Land Conservation Initiative. . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the day of , 2006 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 1