10 Staff Report - 45 W Main Streett wn op MEETING DATE: 10/16/06 _\I ITEM NO: 10 cos to os COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: October 6, 2006 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO ALLOW WINE TASTFNG AND RETAIL WINE SALE ON PROPERTY ZONED C-2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U-07-2, APN 529-01-026. PROPERTY LOCATION: 45 W. MAIN STREET PROPERTY OWNER: JAY CONOVER AND JOELLA WANAIMAKER APPLICANT: CLOS LACHANCE WINES & FLEMING JENKINS LLC. - RECOMMENDATION: 1. Hold the public hearing and receive public testimony. 2. Close the public hearing. 3. Approve Conditional Use Permit Application U-07-2 (requires motion). 4. Refer to the Town Attorney for the preparation of the appropriate resolution. . BACKGROUND: The subject property is currently a 1,312 'sq. ft. retail antique store located in the C-2 Zoning District. The proposed use is a wine tasting room with retail sales of wine for off-site consumption and wine related retail products. Please see the Planning Commission Staff Report for a complete description of the project (Attachment 1). PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting approval to operate a joint wine tasting room and retail sales of wine for Clos LaChance Winery and Fleming Jenkins LLC. The tasting room will be the second Clos LaChance tasting room and the first for Fleming Jenkins LLC. The store will consist of two tasting counters, a retail sales area, and a display for information on wineries in the Santa Cruz Mountains..The store will be operating under ABC License Type 02, which allows for a pnmary tasting room at the winery as well as one satellite location according to California Business and Professions Code Section 23390.5 (b). It does not allow for.. on.-premise consumption of alcohol other than tastings. PREPARED BY: BUD N. LORT y DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT N:`DEV\REP0RTS\2006\45 w main st.doc Reviewed b,- YsS 'Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Aministrator Finance LIZ-To=unity Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 45 W. MAIN STREET October 10, 2006 DISCUSSION: PARKING The proposed use has no additional parking impacts above the currently required number of parking spaces. The following is a table detailing the number of required and available spaces associated with the subject property: - # Parkin -S- aces Re uired _1- -#-Parkin- -S aces Available Retail Office On-Site Parkin District 12 6 4 ' 18 ALCOHOL SERVICE There are currently 65 active on and off-site alcohol sale permits in the Downtown Area. The applicant is proposing to offer wine tasting with one ounce pours during normal hours of operation. The retail sale of alcohol will be for off-site consumption only. No on-site consumption of alcohol will be allowed, other than the amount allowed for wine tasting. PRIVATE EVENTS Private events proposed include staff meetings, special new.release tastings, bottle signings, vendor presentations, and other winery related business. Wine tastings may occur, but will end prior to 10:00 PM. Events are limited to one per month. HOURS OF OPERATION ' The hours of operation will be 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM seven days a week for normal operations and 11:00 AM to 10:00 P.M. for private events. TRAFFIC There will be no additional traffic impacts since the use, specialty retail, is similar to the existing use. Deliveries will occur once a week via a small truck. All other deliveries will be lighter shipments via a car. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE The parcel is designated as Central Business District on the General Plan which allows for community oriented goods and services while maintaining a small town character. The following sections of the General Plan are relevant to the proposed application: PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 45 W. MAIN STREET October 6, 2006 L.P.1.3 Encourage economic and social activity consistent with a small-scale, small town atmosphere and image. L.P.5.1 - Maintain a variety of commercial uses (a strong downtown commercial area combined with Los Gatos Blvd and strong neighborhood commercial centers) to meet the shopping needs of residents and to preserve the small-town atmosphere. L.P.5.2 - Encourage a mix of retail, office and professional uses in commercial areas, except in - the-Central--Bus-i-nes-s-District-where-retail--shou-ld be- emphas-ized - - - L.P.5.5 - Encourage the development and retention of locally-owned stores and shops. L.G.6.2 Preserve downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town with goods and services for local residents while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment and commercial viability. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: . On September 27, 2006 the Planning Commission heard public testimony and recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit by a 6-1 vote. The following changes were made to the Conditions of Approval: ■ Condition #7: modified to allow retail sale of wine up to 10:00 PM for private events. ■ Condition #9: modified to allow the hours of operation for.private events to occur from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternative actions are available to the Town Council: 1. Concur with the Planning Commission's recommendations and approve the CUP with the conditions included as Attachment 3. 2. Modify or delete any of the proposed conditions of approval to address Council concerns. 3. Deny the Conditional Use Permit. CONCLUSION: The Town Council should review the Planning Commission's recommendation and determine if the proposed use is consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Code, and Town's Alcohol Policy. Pursuant to the Town's Alcohol Policy, the Town Council has the authority to take final action on this application upon consideration of a recommendation from the Planning Commission. PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 45 W. MAIN STREET October 6; 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant,to Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff report to the Planning Commission dated September 21, 2006 and Desk Item to the Planning Commission dated September 27, 2006. 2. Required Findings and Considerations (1 page). 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval (1 page). 4. Letters in Support of Project dated September 28 - October 3, 2006 (5 pages). 5. Verbatim Meeting Minutes from Planning Commission for September 27, 2006. Distribution: Jay Conover, 25 Reservoir Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Joella Wanamaker, 2007 University Ave, San Jose, CA 95128 Clos LaChance Wines, Inc., Bill and Brenda Murphy, 1 Hummingbird Lane, San Martin, CA 95046 Fleming Jenkins-LLC, Greg and Peggy Jenkins, 300-A College Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 j BNL:VBN n:\dev1reports\2006\45 w main st.doc Dater September 21, 2006 For Agenda Of: September 27. 2006 Agenda Item:. 3 REPORT TO FROM: LOCATION The Planning Commission The Development Review Committee 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine sale on property zoned C-2. APN. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Wines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC DEEMED COMPLETE: August 2, 2006 FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION BY: February 2, 2006 FINDINGS: ■ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for the granting of a Conditional Use Permit ■ As required by Section IV.B of the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project that it meets the use set forth in the Town's General Plan. ■ It has been determined that the project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town. ■ As required by the Town's Alcohol Policy to serve alcoholic beverages.past 10:00 P.M EXHIBITS: A. Required Findings (1 page) B. Recommended Conditions of Approval (1 page) C. Project Description (3 pages), received July 19, 2006. . D. Justification Letter and Photos (19 pages), received July 19, 2006. E. Letter with Additional Parking & Tenant Space Information (2 pages), received September 7, 2006. F. Building Elevation Along Main Street, received July 19, 2006. G. Site Plan/Parking Plan, received July 19, 2006. H. Floor Plan (3 pages), received September 7, 2006. I. Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy, Resolution 2001-106, (4 pages). J. Letter from Sant Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association (1 page), received September 15, 2006. K. Letter from Sallie Robbins-Drntian & Jay Druian (t-wo pages), received September 18, 2006. L. . Letters in Support of Project (15 pages), received September 19-21, 2006. RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY: Forward a recommendation to Town Council . - - - ATTACHMENT 1 - - - The Planning Commission - Page 2 45 W. Main St. U-07-02 September 27, 2006 A. BACKGROUND: The applicants, Clos LaChance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery are applying for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a retail wine sales business with wine tasting -in an existing 1,312 sq. ft. retail store (currently Antiques & Interiors of Los Gatos). The applicant currently operates under Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License Type 02, which allows for a primary tasting room at the winery as well as one satellite location according to California Business and-Pro fession_s_Code Section 23390.5 N. Clos_La Chance Wines -Current ly operates a primary wine tasting room at their winery and hospitality center in San Martin, CA. Their secondary location was previously at Cannery Row in Monterey, CA, which was closed in favor of moving to Los Gatos. Fleming Jenkins Winery does not currently have a wine tasting room. B. PROJECT SUMMARY: Clos LaChance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyard & Winery currently operate wineries in San Martin and the Santa Cruz Mountains, respectively. The applicants propose to open a joint retail store/tasting room at the subject propertyto sell Clos LaChance and Fleming Jenkins wines and wine related retail products (Exhibits C& D). In addition to the retail area, the store will have two wine tasting counters (Exhibit H). There will be no on-premise sale of alcohol as their ABC license only allows for wine tasting and off-premise sales. The following is a summary of the proposed uses and the permit required: Proposed Use Consistency with Town Code Hours of Operation: CUP Required • 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, seven days a week • 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, for holiday seasons • 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM, for special events Alcohol service during all hours of operation. CUP Required (additional findings required as part of Town's Alcohol Policy) Wine tasting bar CUP Required Retail wine sales 'CUP Required Special Events including staff meetings, special CUP Required new release tastings, bottle signings, vendor presentations, and other winery related business. Wine tastings may occur at special events.. The Planning Commission - Page 3 45 W. Main St. U-07-02 September 27, 2006 C. REMARKS 1. Hours-of Operation The applicant is proposing to operate from 11:00 AM to 5:00, seven days a week and intends to operate later during the following occasions: • 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM for holiday seasons. ---------------'-_11_:00_AM_.to_Ll:QQ P__M_for_special_events..------ The Town's Alcohol Policy requires the following findings for alcohol service past 10:00 PM: A. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. Staff has confirmed that the current wine tasting room operated by Clos LaChance Winery in San Martin does not have a history of code violations or complaints with the Santa Clara County Office of Planning. C. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community. 2. Parkin The subject building consists of retail units on the ground floor and one office unit on the second floor. The building contains 4,973 sq. ft. and requires a total of 18 parking spaces. The property is located in the Parking Assessment District and has enough District parking spaces to support the current retail and office spaces. The proposed use is changing from specialty retail to specialty retail with an ancillary wine tasting component. There will be no additional impact'on parking due to the change. 3. Alcohol Service Wine Tasting The applicant proposes to offer wine tasting in conjunction with the sale of retail wines for consumption off-site. The tasting will consist of five wines with one ounce pours or four wines for older vintages or smaller production wines. The areas for wine tasting are two designated counters with no proposed seating (exhibit H). The tastings will occur during all hours of operation. The Planning Commission - Page 4 45 W. Main St. U-07-02 September 27, 2006 Retail Alcohol Sales The Alcoholic Beverage Control's Type 02 license allows only for the sale of wines for off-site consumption. Unlike the Type 41 license that restaurants typically utilize, the applicant will not be allowed to sell alcohol for on-site consumption, except for the minimal amount associated with wine tasting. The applicant will only be selling wines from the two wineries of Clos Lachance and Fleming Jenkins Vineyards. However, the store will display information for the various other wineries associated with the Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association. Alcohol Service During Events The applicant is proposing to operate wine tastings during special events that may occur, until 11:00 PM. The types of events include staff meetings, special new release tastings, bottle signings, vendor presentations, and other winery related business. 4. Traffic There will be no additional traffic impacts. The proposed specialty retail use is replacing a previous. specialty retail use. 5. General Plan Conformance The General Plan designation for the parcel is Central Business District Zone, which allows. for community oriented goods and services, while maintaining a small town character. The following sections of the General Plan are relevant to the proposed application: L.P.1.3 - Encourage economic and social activity consistent with a small-scale, small town atmosphere and image. L.P.5.1 - Maintain a variety of commercial uses (a strong downtown commercial area combinedwithLos Gatos Blvd and strong neighborhood commercial centers) to meet the shopping needs of residents and to preserve the small-town atmosphere. L.P.5.2 - Encourage a mix of retail, office and professional uses in commercial areas, except in the Central Business District where retail should be emphasized. L.P.5.5 - Encourage the development and retention of locally-owned stores and shops. L.G.6.2 - Preserve downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town with goods and services for local residents while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment and commercial viability. The Planning Commission - Page 5 45 W. Main St. U-07-02 September 27, 2006 D. CONCLUSION: Staff finds that the proposed CUP is consistent with the Town -s Alcoholic Beverage Policy due to the following: • The proposed alcohol service is for wine tasting and not for a full alcohol service. • The proposed use does not include full alcohol service in the form of a stand alone bar or restaurant with a separate bar. - The-use-does-not- include-any entertainment: - - - • Alcohol service is not proposed after 11:00 PM. If the Commission is inclined to recommend approval of the service of alcohol past 10:00 Plvt as proposed, the findings listed in Exhibit A specific to late night alcohol service must be made. If the Commission wishes to recommend approval for the wine tasting, it should make all the findings as stated in Exhibit A and make a recommendation to the Town Council. E. RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to the Town's Alcohol Policy, this matter must be referred to Town Council with a recommendation from the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposal, it should: 1. Make the required findings (Exhibit A), 2. Recommend approval of the application to Council, subject to conditions (Exhibit B). If the Commission has concerns with the application, it can: 1. Recommend approval of the application to Council with additional and/or modified conditions of approval, or .2. Recommend denial of the application. T repared by Approved by: Vu-Bang Nguyen, Planne Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development BNL:RT NADEV\REPORTS\2006\45 w main st.wpd 45 W. Main St REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine sale on property zoned C-2. APN. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Wines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC FINDINGS ■ As required by Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town that this project is Categorically Exempt. ■ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. (a) The deciding body, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the hearing, may grant a conditional use permit when specifically authorized by the provisions of the Town Code if it finds that: (1) The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; (2) The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; (3) The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and (4) The proposed uses of the property are, in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. ■ That the proposed porject is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area (Section IV.B). ■ As required by the Town's Alcohol Policy for alcohol service past 10:00 PM: A. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community.- NADEV\FINDINGS\45 wmain.wpd Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR: 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine sale on property zoned C-2. APN. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Wines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: (Planning Section) 1. CONDITIONS: These conditions of approval shall supercede all previously adopted conditions. 2. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the plans approved and noted as Exhibit H in the report to the Planning Commission. Any changes or modifications made to the approved plans shall be approved by the Director of Community Development or the Planning Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUANCE: If the activity for which the Conditional Use Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year the approval. lapses. 4. USE: The approved use is a wine tasting room operated by Clos La Chance Wines, Inc and Fleming Jenkins LLC and retail store selling wines and wine-related retail products from Clos La Chance and Fleming Jenkins wineries. 5. NUMBER OF SEATS: The maximum number of seats shall not exceed 4 seats total. 6. HOURS OF OPERATION: Hours of operation for the business shall be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. seven days a week. 7. WINE SALES: Retail sale of wine for off-site consumption is permitted from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, seven days a week. 8. WINE TASTING: Wine tasting is permitted. The maximum sample size for the tasting shall not exceed one ounce. 9. SPECIAL EVENTS: Special events such as staff meetings, special new release tastings, bottle signings, vendor presentations, and other winery related business are allowed. These events are limited to.once a month with hours of operation from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Entert ainment is not permitted during these events. 10. PROHIBITED USES: Service of alcohol for consumption on-premises beyond the minimum allowed for a wine tasting is not allowed. - Exhibit B This letter is to outline the proposed Tasting Room to be jointly operated by the Clos LaChance Winery and the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery. The location for this facility is the Conover Building at 45 West Main Street in the Town of Los Gatos. Currently, the site is Antiques & Interiors, which intends to leave the location once the approval. process for our Conditional Use Permit is completed: Other documentation submitted with our Conditional Use Permit request includes our current interim lease agreement and outlines lease we will sign once the location is approved for our use. Rkf- JUL 1 2006 LICENSING _ TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Unlike other operations that offer on-premise and off-premise sales of wine and other alcoholic beverages, we will be operating under a Type 2 license issued by the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). This license is different that the standard Type 41 license required by bars, restaurants or other businesses serving alcohol on-premise, or the typical retail license required by businesses selling wine for off-premise consumption. The Type 2 license is. an extension of our winery production license that allows us to sell our wines direct for off-premise sales and to sample our wines on-premise. We are allowed to have one additional location outside our production facility to sample and sell our wines. Each winery will be operating on their own Type 2 license. The application for the license extension for the Los Gatos Tasting Room location will be made to coincide with the approval process of our Conditional Use Permit. It should be made clear that under the provisions of this license, we cannot sell wine for on-premise consumption by the full glass or by the bottle. We can only offer samples of wine for tasting as a tool to promote our off-premise sales. A fee is permitted for wine sampling. SET-UP The location in question will require no structural modification to turn over the operation from the current antique furniture shop, to a wine tasting room and retail location.. The unit currently has a large space to set up the wine tasting area, retail . and display . fixtures and information station for other wine associations and wineries in the region. In addition the back office is already set up for storage and has a restroom facility and small utility room with the appropriate sink and plumbing for a professional dishwasher that will be required for our tasting glasses. The only modifications, aside from built-in and stand-alone retail and display fixtures will be the repainting of the interior, Exterior signage for our operation would be replicated to match the dimensions of the current signage and would be submitted for approval to the appropriate department prior to installation. Exhibit C OPERATION The Tasting Room will offer the wines of Fleming Jenkins and Clos Lachance. No other wines will be permitted for sampling or sale under our Type 2 licenses. Other non-wine merchandise such as wine accessories, glassware, books, winery logoed clothing and other "Wine Country Lifestyle" merchandise will be offered to our customers. Wine tastings will be offered in several controlled flights. Two primary models - - will be utilized for our operation. The-rat-is--our -g-enei-=al wine tasting, consisting of five wines offered in one ounce pours. These pours will be measured to assure that we are consistent with the spirit and the rules under our licensing. A five dollar charge will be required for this tasting option. If a guest purchases a bottle of wine, the five dollar tasting fee will be returned as a discount on the purchase. The second option for tasting will be of our Limited Release (small and special produ>,.::iion wines) and/or Library (older vintages) wines. This tasting will be a selection of four wines with one and a half ounce pours in a different shaped and sized tasting glass that will benefit these unique wines. The fee for this tasting will be ten dollars, with five dollars being given back as a discount if the customer purchases a bottle of wine. The fees for tasting are not intended as a profit mechanism for the operation, but to help offset the cost of sampling. They also serve as an incentive to purchase bottles or cases of wine, since the customer will receive all or half of their fee as a discount on the purchase. It also serves, as a way to discourage those that would try to take advantage of the wine sampling opportunity. The general business hours of the Tasting Room will be limited to a daytime operation. It is our intention to be open by 11:00 a.m. and closed between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. based on seasonal considerations. We do plan to periodically utilize the facility in the evenings for winery related business and events. These include staff meetings and activities like special new release tastings, bottle signing events, vendor presentations, and other winery related business. If wine sampling is offered for any of these events, our Type 2 licensing rules will still apply. In addition to our tasting room and retail operation, we will have available information on the entire Santa Cruz Mountain wine growing region. We will allow, and encourage other wineries from the area to provide us with materials and maps on how to get to there wineries facilities and tasting rooms. Both Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance are part of several regional wine producer and grower associations and feel that the promotion of the entire Santa Cruz Mountain and Santa Clara Valley appellations will not only a benefit to our two wineries, but to the wine region as a whole. Th>~se benefits should also extend .beyond the local wine industry and should positively impact local retailers and restaurants as well. Clos LaChance will be responsible for the daily management and training of staff for the joint Tasting Room. Clos LaChance. has experience in operating tasting rooms, both at their. Winery and Hospitality Center in San Martin, as well as a secondary tasting room in Monterey that was recently closed in favor of pursuing the Los Gatos location. In addition, those involved with the management and training of personnel for this Tasting Room location have been formally trained by - --fhe Court- of- Master-Sommeliers -'and--Society of--Wine-Educators: --These two- organizations help to set the professional standards for the wine service industry. We will be working with the VTA as well as private transport and tour services to promote offering that will allow for wine tasting at not only our facility, but other tasting rooms and wineries in the area and encourage a responsible designated driver program. In conclusion, please let me reiterate the fact that our proposed operation is uniquely different than other wine tasting or wine sales venues in the downtown area. Our ABC license is more restrictive and limited than the other ABC licenses. The wine sampling we will be offering is limited to the wines we produce under our two respective labels. Wines cannot be offered or consumed by the glass or by the bottle on premise. Controlled sampling is the only option allowed in the service of selling our wines for off-premise use. The principles and staff of the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and the Clos LaChance Winery thank you for your considerations. July 12, 2006 J!!I ' ' 2000 TOWN o' LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION To the Town of Los Gatos This letter is provide the Los Gatos Planning Commission and Town Council __________._information_related . to, our application for_aConditional Use Permit _allowing _ us to_________ _ open a Winery Tasting Room in the downtown business district to be operated jointly by the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and the Clos LaChance Winery. The intended location for our business is 45 West Main Street. The following information is being submitted for your considerations during the permitting process. BACKGROUND Fleming Jenkins LLC 300-A College Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dr. Greg Jenkins and his wife, Olympic Figure Skating Gold Medalist Peggy Fleming have lived in the hills above Los Gatos since 1978. They have raised their. children in the community and have participated in a number of local community activities throughout the years. In 1999, they planted a small Chardonnay vineyard on their ridge top property and launched the production of their wines with the assistance of the Clos LaChance Winery in San Martin, California. Since that first vintage, Greg and Peggy have moved the winemaking for the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery closer to home and now share the Historic Novitiate Winery facility with another well known local wine producer, Testarossa Vineyards. Fleming Jenkins production includes Chardonnay, Rose', Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. Included in their portfolio is a special bottling of a Syrah based Rose' called Victories Rose' with net profits from the sale of this wine going to support breast cancer research. Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery are members of the Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association and the Viticulture Association of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Both organizations promote the unique and historic vineyards, wineries and wines of the Santa Cruz Mountains appellation. Additional background material has been included with this letter. (Please see attachments A and B) Clos. LaChance Wines, Inc. 9 Hummingbird Lane San Martin, CA 95046 Exhibit In 1987, Bill and Brenda Murphy planted a small Chardonnay vineyard in their Saratoga backyard for landscaping purposes, never intending to become vintners. A few years later, the wine that they started to make for themselves and for family and friends-was in such demand, that by 1992, Clos LaChance became a commercial venture. In 1996, in order to ensure a continuing supply of quality fruit for their growing winery, Bill and Brenda started CK Vines, a vineyard management company that specialized in backyard vineyards, many established in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Bill and Brenda continued to produce their wines in . rented facilities at other wineries in the Santa Cruz Mountains, including the Novitiate Winery in Los Gatos where Fleming Jenkins is currently producing their wines. As production of C1os LaChance wines grew, the Murphy's moved from -purchasing-most of their. fruit. to growing their. own. In 1999, the Murphys planted a large vineyard adjacent to the newly developed CordeValle Estates and Resort in San Martin, California. In 2001, they moved there winemaking operation to their new, modem winery facility on a hill above the vineyards and in the. spring of 2002, opened the Clos LaChance Winery and Hospitality Center to the public. Today, Clos LaChance produces some 60,000 cases including Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc, Grenache, Meriot, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and Petite Sirah form their Estate Vineyards, and Chardonnay and Pinot.Noir from vineyards located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The winery operation also includes their two daughters, Cheryl and Kristin. In fact, Cheryl currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Santa . Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association, helping to promote the regions wines. For further background information, please see the additional materials provided. (Please see attachments C, D, and E) LOCATION 45 West Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 The location we are proposing for our Tasting Room is currently the known as Antiques & Interiors operated by Ms. JoElla Wanamaker. The Conover Building, where the antique shop is located, is jointly owned by Ms. Wanamaker and her business partner Mr. Jay Conover. The antique shop is planning on moving out of the location and we currently have an interim lease to reserve the location effective July 1, 2006. The antique shop will remain in the location during the approval period for our Tasting Room and will vacate upon the positive conclusion of the approval process. The terms of our lease are currently month to month until'we obtain final approval from the Town Council. Upon approval, we will be committing to a five year lease, with a five year option and, intend to open within 30 to 60 days. Attached is a copy of our Interim Lease Agreement establishing our presence at the location and. outlining our intent to sign a longer term lease once our operation is approved. (Please see attachment F) LICENSING The Tasting Room will feature the wines of Clos LaChance and Fleming Jenkins. We will be operated under an extension of our individual State of California Alcohol and Beverage Control Type 2 licenses. This extension of our winery licenses allows us to operate one additional Tasting Room outside our wine production facility. The Type 2 license is different than the Type 41 license that bars and restaurants are required to have to offer on-premise alcohol sales. It is also different than the licensing required by general retailers to sell bottles of wine and other alcoholic _ beverages off-premise. The terms of the Type 2 license only allows us to sample our wines in a tasting room environment and to sell our wines for off-premise sales. Each winery will be operating under their own Type 2 license. Both wineries will have to make a public posting 30 days prior to approval of the license extension with the A.B.C. It should be made clear that we will not be offering sales of wines by the glass or bottles of wine for consumption on premise. The tasting room will be staffed with knowledgeable and highly trained staff. Wine sampling will be offered in. controlled flights with one ounce pours. These pours will be controlled with measured pour spouts on the bottles to assure their accuracy. These practices are common to tasting room operations and provide an effective way to monitor and control the sampling consumption of our guests. It is neither our intention, nor is it permitted under our Type 2 licenses, to create a."Wine Bar" environment. The purpose for the wine sampling is to provide our customers the ability to make an informed judgment on the wines they will be purchasing from us for their personal off-premise use. TASTING ROOM OPERATION This will be the primary tasting room location for the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery. and a secondary location for the Clos LaChance Winery. Clos LaChance plans to manage the daily operation of the facility for both wineries. Clos LaChance has experience in operating tasting rooms as we currently have our primary Hospitality Center at our Winery facility in San Martin, and we previously had a secondary tasting room on. Cannery Row in Monterey, California. The location for this this operation . was in the Monterey Plaza Hotel complex at 400 Cannery Row and was operating for 2 years. The facility was recently closed in favor of moving to the Los.Gatos area. Attached are photos of the, Monterey facility to give the Planning Commission and Town Council a visual representation of the type of facility we intend to create for the Los Gatos Tasting Room. (Please see attachments G and H) Wine tastings will be offered in several different flights. Our. general wine tasting program will consist of 5 wines. offered in one ounce pours. A charge of $5.00 will be required to taste, with the fee being given back as a discount if the customer purchases a minimum of one bottle of wine. Our Limited Release (small lot production wines) or Library Jer vintages) tasting program -will consist of 4 wines with an ounce and a ha,. pour and a charge of $10.00. $5.00 of this fee will be given as a discount if the customer purchases a minimum of one bottle of wine. Fees for sampling wine are to discourage individuals trying to take advantage of the wine tasting opportunity and to encourages retail sales, as customers will be discounted all or a portion of their tasting fee when they purchase wines. In addition to Clos LaChance and Fleming Jenkins wines, we will be selling a variety of wine accessories and home lifestyle merchandise. Some of the products include Riedel glassware, Lagioule corkscrews and kitchen utensils, - - -Nachtmann crystal-vases and serving-pieces and Gearfor -Sporn-clothing with-the - - - - logos of the two wineries. These items, along with others, are intended to offer our customers a taste of the Wine Country experience. Hours of operation will vary seasonally and are meant to service both the local community and the tourist trade. We plan to open daily by 11:00 a.m. and close between 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. depending on seasonal traffic. We do not have any plans to remain open for regular business through the evening hours. On occasion, we may have the facility open in the evening for special winery related events, such as new release parties, bottle signings, vendor presentations and other unique and special activities.. Once again, the rules of our Type 2 licenses will apply. If wine is being offered at any of these events, they will be in sampling portion only. No wines will be offered by the full glass or for open bottle consumption on premise. These events will conclude no Iater.than 11:00 p.m. Along with the Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance brochures and materials, we will have available materials from the Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association. This will include not only the Associations maps and brochures, but flyers and brochures from the membership wineries as well. By having these materials available to our customers, our tasting room will serve as a de facto information center for the region, helping to promote not only our two wineries, but all of the vineries of the Santa Cruz Mountains. As part of policy and to assure that we are good neighbors in the community, we will be promoting responsible consumption and encouraging the use of designated driver when wine tasting. We are working with local tour agencies and the VTA to promote car pooling and the use of contracted or public transportation when visiting our facility and' other wineries in the Santa* Cruz Mountains. IMPACT ON THE COMMUNITY The interest in wine and winemaking is on the rise. In the past year, wine has become the number one beverage choice for Americans, surpassing beer and sodas. The Santa Cruz Mountains is one of the oldest and one of the most historical of all of California's great wine regions. The famed wine writer and critic Robert Parker predicted that over the next decade, the Central Coast wineries, of which the Santa Cruz Mountains is an important participant, will become as globally renowned and recognizable as the wine regions of Napa and Sonoma. The town of Los Gatos is uniquely situated to take advantage of this opportunity and become the gateway to the Santa Cruz Mountains winegrowing region. This trend should have a positive impact on the local business community as well. Wine Tasting Rooms attract a demographic that traditionally ;ias more disposable income that may directly benefits local retail merchants and ----restaurants.__Wine Tasting Rooms. also-attract -a -certain amount -of-toun.sm--from outside the traditional scope of the. community, exposing more people to the benefits and commercial resources that the town of Los Gatos has to offer. The potential positive impact to Los Gatos with the inclusion of wine tasting rooms as part of a balanced retail and restaurant business mix in the downtown district can be seen in other towns like Napa, St. Helena and Healdsburg were the formula has created a win-win situation for both local merchants and the community as a whole. If you require additional information, please feel free to contact me directly. As the coordinator for this project, I bring with me experience as the Assistant Operations Manager for Robert Mondavi at their Golden Vine. Winery project, prior to my current position as the Director of Hospitality for the Clos LaChance Winery. During my tenure with both of these organizations, I was responsible for establishing and operating tasting room facilities and creating public programs for the wineries. As a result, I have worked with a number of vendors, municipalities and regulatory agencies to make sure we operated a fully compliant, responsible and successful tasting room operation that not only benefited our respective companies, but the. surrounding communities as well. For this project, I will serve as the lead contact person to coordinate any materials that you require and make sure that the proper individuals from our respective organizations respond to your requests. The principles and staff of the Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance wineries thank you for your time and considerations. Sincerely-, Rick Toyota Director of Hospitality and Wine Education Clos LaChance Winery Business Phone: (408) 686-1050 x110 Cell Phone: (714) 329-5074 Email: rick@clos.com ATTACHMENT A .t-LE! ING - JENKII S VINEYARDS & WINERY 300-A COLLEGE AVE. LOS GATOS. CA 95030 WWW.FLEMINGJENKINS.COM (408) 358 - 4949 For the two of us, each bottle of wine we produce is a quest to bring to full expression the fruit from our own small hillside Chardonnay vineyard and from the vineyards of a few of our friends. Many years ago, enchanted by the magic of wine, we dreamed of cultivating a vineyard and making %vine together. In 1999, we cleared land near our home ui the hills above Los Gates and planted 650 vines. fLnd from that small start grew a deeper appreciation for life in the vineyard and a developuig comprehension of the.winemaking process: With the help and encouragement of friends and Family, t1;e dream of our own-Winery became a reality. Flctzung Jenkins Vineyards & Wincry produced its first wulcs with the 2003 vultage - a Chardonmi~' from our hand-harvested home vineyard, a Syrah Rc>sc and two Syrahs. Uf the latter, oue vas sourced from Our friend john 1vladdctis vineyard in the l.,ivcrmotc VaUM', the Othc:.r from a famih• owned vines acd located near the Pacific Occan. In the Future, we plan to craft and release these wines and others, in small quantities, From ve!y:,1~ vinct ards. ATTACHMENT B F• .J FLEMING-JENKINS VI N E Y A R D S & W I N E R Y Fleming Jenkins Vineyard & Winery - Thank you for your interest in Fleming Jenkins Vineyard & Winery. Many years ago, - enchanted by-the magic-of-wine-,-we--dre-arced-of-cultivating-a-vin-eyard--and-making-win-e together. In 1999, we cleared land near our home in the hills above Los Gatos and planted 650 vines. And from that small start grew a deeper appreciation for life in the vineyard and a developing comprehension of the winemaking process. With the help and encouragement of friends and family, the dream of our own winery became a reality. For the two of us, some of our most cherished and uplifting memories are of joyous occasions made even more special with wine, warm conversation and wonderful food. We hope that our Chardonnay, Syrah Rose' and two Syrahs made from grapes grown in our own vineyard and those of some of our dearest friends, will become a part of your own-treasured celebrations, whether large or small. Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery produced its first wines with the 2003 vintage - a Chardonnay from our hand-harvested home vineyard, a Syrah Rose and two Syrahs. Of the latter, one was sourced from our friend John Madden's vineyard in the Livermore Valley, the other from a family owned vineyard located near the Pacific Ocean. Our goal is to produce vineyard focused wines that express the personality of sites and clones, while exhibiting the grace and finesse we admire in great Wine. In the future, we plan to craft and release these wines and others, in small quantities, from very special vineyards. Winemaking & Vineyards We are a bonded winery and enjoy the privilege and camaraderie of being located alongside Testarossa Vineyards in the historic Novitiate Winery in Los Gatos. This gives us an opportunity to frequently compare notes with Testarossa Vineyards' proprietors Rob and Diana Jensen and their winemaking team. As with most of life's endeavors, we find great value and results in the sharing of knowledge and perspective. At Fleming Jenkins,, our goal is the creation of exceptional wines that are reflective of the land and expressive of each vineyard's unique personality. And we have taken great care in locating exceptional single vineyard fruit sources. From bud break to bottling, we take a hands-on approach to every phase and detail in the art of winemaking. At the winery, whole clusters are hand sorted before pressing and the wines are fermented and barrel aged in their original small lots; then bottled and cellared under ideal conditions . until release. Fleming Jenkins Vineyard s'PJinery 300-A ::ol~ege A,jr. _us Gatos. CA 95030 4533-351J--9,24 vraa••:.flemin:,j~n:r.r,~ :;gym Greg Jenkins, Winemaker The skills that helped make Greg a successful physician serve him well as a winemaker. Both professions call for an understanding of science and its application. There are deeper aspects to both endeavors that motivate him as well. "Winemaking, like medicine, is a team effort that requires vision and dedication to the craft," he says. "You can't succeed in either undertaking without areal commitment to the people involved and to the creativity and inspiration they bring." Over the years, while his medical career and family consumed his time, Greg's interest in wine and his desire to become a winemaker grew. When the opportunity to realize his - ----------dream-came, Greg-pursued it--literally from-the ground-up-,--and-he-and--Pegg-y-planted-a--------------------- - small vineyard next to their home. While the vines matured, Greg developed his winemaking skills, taking courses at U. C. Davis and seeking the counsel of established winemakers. "There is both an academic and a practical side to winemaking," he says. "You learn only by doing, while balancing the science and the art." For Greg, the long joumey from wine enthusiast to winemaker has been well worth it. "There is nothing like walking through a vineyard on a warm, summer afternoon to take away your cares. You immediately appreciate nature's gifts - the earth, the sun and, of course, the vines." Greg Jenkins Peggy Fleming Jenkins Combining poise, athleticism and artistry, Peggy won the coveted gold medal in figure skating at the 1968 Olympics in Grenoble. These same attributes have guided her life beyond skating and created many challenging and rewarding~gpportunities. Even as her career has brought public acclaim and personal satisfaction, Peggy's true joys have been her home, her family, entertaining fhends and spending time in her gardens. So when she and Greg decided to realize their dream of planting a vineyard and making their own wine, Peggy saw it as a natural extension of the things she enjoyed most, approaching the process with her signature enthusiasm and style. Peggy grew up in Morgan Hill, very near the Santa Cruz Mountains where she and Greg now make their home. Her mother and grandfather were both avid gardeners who created and tended wonderful gardens full of native flowers, plants, and many varieties of seasonal produce. Peggy inherited their passion. And for her, grape-growing is a continuation of her family's rich heritage in outdoor cultivation that has led to her growing viticultural expertise. "In skating, when everything is right - technique, choreography, music and costume - a performance lifts an audience's emotions," says Peggy. "A wonderful wine can do the same - combining warm conversation and wonderful food with the joy of friends, blending them into the rich, festive moments that become some of our most cherished memories." Peggy Flem ' ing Jenk ' r Perning Jenkins Vineyard & %Ninery '100-A Col;-ge A- /,s Cakos, CA 3_5030 408 .:5:;-4049 v iw.fleming!e: c!ns.r.onr ck- San Martin, California ABOUT CLOS LACHANCE WINERY ATTACHMENT C .r MISSION As part of the permitting for the CordeValle resort Clos LaChance's mission is to provide our custom- and golf course, a certain amount of land was ers with high quality, stylistically consistent wines required to be planted in the historical agricul- - - - - - that represent the characteristics of our Estate lure of t e region=grapevines. Vineyards and the Santa Cruz Mountains. We strive to capitalize on our current and future Clos LaChance supervised the installation of the resources in the vineyards and facility, as well as vineyard and started building a 60,000 case per provide superior value i'n the ultra premium wine year production facility and hospitality center on segment. the 6th hole of the golf course. The production facility was completed in August 2001 and the THE NAME AND THE HUMMINGBIRD Clos LaChance takes its name from the small fenced-in area encompassing a vineyard (Clos) and from co-owner Brenda Murphy's maiden name. hospitality center (tasting room and banquet facilities) opened to the public in May 2002. The hummingbird was chosen as the winery's symbol for both its aesthetic beauty and its ability to keep other birds away from the grapes. HISTORY In 1987, co-owners Bill and Brenda Murphy decided to plant some, Chardonnay in their Saratoga backyard. The wine was good enough that people wanted to buy it. It was at this point that Clos LaChance formed into a company. The first commercially released wines were from the 1992 vintage. CK VINES In 1996, in order to ensure a continuing supply of high-quality fruit, Bill and Brenda established CK Vines, a vineyard maintenance and installation company specializing in "back-yard" vineyard development throughout the Santa Cruz Moun- tains appellation. CK Vines is named after the Murphy's two daugh'ter's, Cheryl and Kristin. SAN MARTIN LOCATION Also in 1996, The Murphy's began to search for a permanent "home" for their growing wine business. They were introduced to the developers of a new resort called CordeValle, which is located in San Martin, CA (about 20 miles south of San Jose 40 miles north of Monterey). In 2000 and 2001, Clos LaChance teamed up with the O'Brien Group to plant an additional 80 acres of vineyards surrounding the homes at CordeValle Vineyard Estates, a luxury community adjacent to the CordeValle resort. Clos LaChonce's expertise has been utilized to farm and maintain approximately 80 acres of Caber- net Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah vines. Clas LaChance and the residents of CordeValle Vineyard Estates welcomed the first crop of fruit during the Harvest of 2003. NOTE: SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS In addition to being one of the most beautiful places in California, the Santa Cruz Mountains also grows some of the state's finest grapes. The rugged topography of the region limits the size of individual vineyards. Via the CK Vines program, Clos LaChance farms approximately 25 acres of Santa Cruz Mountains fruit. TECHNICAL DATA Owners: The Murphy.Family Bill, Brenda, Cheryl and Kristin Director of Winemaking: Stephen Tebb Estate Vineyard Manager: Ben Scorsur CK Vines Vineyard Manager: Matt Read Hospitality Manager/Sommelier: Rick Toyota 2005 Case Production: 45,000 Major Varietals Produced: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvi- non, Merlot, Zinfondel, Syrah . r~ ~F ATTACHMENT D Current Product Line The Hummingbird Series Pink-Throated Brilliant Rose Glittering Emerald-Throated Chardonnay V_i_oLet-Cr_owne-d Black-Chinned Syrah Buff-Bellied Zinfandel Ruby-Throated Cabernet Sauvignon The Estate Series Estate Sauvignon Blanc Estate Viognier Estate Grenache Estate Petite Sirah Santa- Cruz Mountains Chardonnay Santa Cruz Mountains Pinor Noir Special Selections Series Biagini Vineyard Pinot Noir Erwin Vineyard Pinot Noir Biagini Vineyard C'nardonny Liebler Vineyard Chardonnay Clos Lachance Clos LaChance Winery 1 Hummingbird Lane San Martin, CA 95046 Phone: (408) 686-1050 Fax: (408) 686-1052 email: cheryl@clos.com Web site: www.closlachance.com Annual Production: 30,000 cases . Winery The Clos LaChance Winery began in a garage in Saratoga and has grown into an old-world style facility with well-recognized wines. "Our goal," - says Cheryl Murphy Durzy, marketing director, "is to make good wine that people like to drink." Winemaker. Stephen Tebb In 1987 Bill and Brenda Murphy Winery Owners: Bill and Brenda decided to put in a vineyard on their Murphy Saratoga property because they thought • Access Open weekdays 11-4; weekends 11-5 it would enhance the beauty of =-the-land.-The vineyard--was-such a success that they decided they'd make 50 to 70 cases of wine from their grapes as gifts for their friends. Tastings $3 tasting fee;' Tour and tasting (call ahead): $10 per person Wines: Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Nebbiolo, Pinot noir, Syrah, Zinfandel Sales of wine-related items? Yes Clos LaChance Wine Club Two bottles eight times a year at about $50 each shipment,. 20% discount on shipments and purchases at winery; Invitations to additional events Picnics and Programs. Picnic area Wine education events; Event site for weddings, parties, corporate events, winemaker dinners and other events; Participates in Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association events Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans. In 1989 the Loma Prieta earthquake hit, destroying the Murphy's first vintage. The wine was ruined by the oxidation caused when the barrels were ]mocked over. Ever resilient, they tried again and in 1992 delivered their first commercial vintage of 100 cases of Chardonnay. Clos LaChance Winery was born. The Murphys named their winery for Brenda's maiden name (LaChance) and a small fenced-in area encompassing a vineyard (Clos). The pressure to develop more land for housing for nearby Silicon Valley employees decreased the amount of land for agriculture, including vineyards. To counteract this, the Murphys created CK Vines, a company that contracted with homeowners (like former figure skater Peggy Fleming) to put vines in their backyards in 1996. CK Vines managed the vineyard and purchased the grapes, giving Clos LaChance complete control over their fruit. This creative endeavor resulted in contracts with about 20 homeowners and vineyards ranging from 1/2 acre to five acres in size. Like other start-ups, Clos LaChance didn't have an actual winery'at first, but relied on Roudon-Smith, Savannah- Chanelle and the Novitiate to house their growing wine business. ATTACHMENT E Bill Murphy believes that it's best to "hire someone who knows how co do their job and let them do it," so they've relied on others to perform day-to-day winemaking and vin yard management. Still it is the Murphys who provide the vision for the style of Clos LaChance wines. Their aim is to have a stylistically and varietally consistent wine that goes well with food and is pleasant to drink. In 1996 the Murphys felt that they needed to expand beyond their fabricated winery operation and move into a home of their own. Their small. "estates" weren't producing enough estate wine. In a serendipitous connection, they met with the o.vr°-s of the planned resort and golf course of CordeValle in San Martin. As part of CordeValle's commitment to the community, a certain poruon of the land needed to be developed jr agriculture specifically the trac::co agriculture of the area grapevimcs. The Murphys supervised the plantings and influenced the des;gn of the 60,000-case winery incorporating gravity-flow Sunset over the Clos LaChance Aneyard and small-lot fermentation :arks. The result is a stunning Mediterranean style building in the center of many acres of vineyards. Dnving down Hummingbird Lane, you can see the namesake birds, hawks and marsh birds, as well as the occasional fox. The Murphys chose the hummingbird as a symbol because they are the only beneficial bird in a vineyard; the rest will eat the grapes. Like many small winemakers, the Murphys view wine as something that is integral to life, including its celebrations. Their vision for the winery included a facility that is available for corporate events and weddings. "Of course," Cheryl Murphy Durzy says, 'people do have to understand that this is a working winery.'--She mentioned-standing on-the-- plaza watching a bridal car wend its way to the winery in the middle of a series of trucks bringing grapes to the crush pad for processing at harvest time! Another important component of Clos LaChance is its education program. "Only 10% of people in the United States drink 90% of the wine," Cheryl says. Part of the reason is that wine appreciation remains a mystery to most people. Clos LaChance seeks to cultivate an understanding of wine in its consumers. The Murphys begin in the tasting room with an essence table. The table is laid with several goblets containing elements that provide smells similar to those you might find in wine, for example, lemon, grass and toast. Since the nose is a critical factor of taste, the essence bar allows you to compare the elements you smell with what you taste in the wine. This enhances your vocabulary of wine. The education extends to small group courses with such titles as "What, a Difference a Glass Makes,' 'The Varietals of California," and 'Winemaking 101.° Clos LaChance's Director of Hospitality, Rick Toyota, is a genial and knowledgeable host at these events. When all is said and done though, it's about the wine. Although an advocate for Santa Cruz Mountains' fruit, Clos LaChance also gets grapes from.places that seem more suited to the particular varietal grape. For example, there is a Syrah from Paso Robles and a Zinfandel from El Dorado. The vineyard surrounding the winery in San Martin contains 22 different varieties the main Bordeaux grapes both red and white as well as red Rhone %aneties. In addition, they have five clones of Zinfandel. Although still in its infancy, the vineyard promises a significant crop for future Clas LaChance wines. The vineyards are managed in the safest way possible, although Clos LaChance isn't striving for an organic vineyard. Perhaps one of the more unusual aspects of the vineyard, besides its origin, is the use of technology to maintain the vineyard at an optimum level. Monitors throughout the vineyard check field and soil conditions. Computerized systems also measure and monitor the flow of water and fertilizers throughout the vineyard. This -information is fed to computers-in-the-- winery so that the vineyard manager, Ben Scorsur, can take the appropriate actions. Bill Murphy's experience as a top executive in the tech industry has contributed to the impressive use of technology in the vineyard. The Murphys acknowledge, however, that for all the gadgets and wizardry, grapes grow at their own pace, rather like children, and there's only so much control one has over the vineyard. The people of Clos LaChance Winery consider the Santa Cruz Mountains one of the most important winegrowing regions in California. They invite you to visit to taste their wine, experience their tasting room and learn more about wine and its importance in life. Reprinted from Mountain Vines, Mountain Wines - Exploring the wineries of the Santa Cncz Mountains Q 2003-4 Casey Young - Photog; aphy 2 2003-4 Ken Dawes To obtain copies of Mountain Vines, Mountain Mnes please visit www.mountainvinespub.com Rick Toyota hosting class on Cahforn;a a.:-:t-. s CONOVER BOLDING ATTACHMENT F 25 Reservoir Road Los Gatos, California 95030 (408) 354-2755 INTERIM LEASE AGREEMENT July 1, 2006 The 'following agreement serves as an Interim Lease Agreement between Bill and Brenda Murphy, dba Clos LaChance Wines, Inc. and Greg and Peggy Jenkins, dba Fleming Jenkins_LLC,- __in -order-to identify and declare the premises situated in rhe_Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of Califomia described as 45 West Main Street consisting of approximately 1312 square feet of retail space as their place of business pending necessary approvals to do business by the Town of Los Gatos and the State of California. Lessors: Jay Conover 25 Reservoir Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-2755 JoElla Wanamaker, 2007 University Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 2442730 Lessees: Bill and Brenda Murphy, dba Clos LaCbance Wines, Inc 1 Hummingbird Lane San Martin, CA 95046 (408) 686-1050 Greg and Peggy Jenkins, dba Fleming Jenkins LLC 300-A College Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 358-4949 Contact Person: Rick Toyota, Director of Hospitality Clos LaChance Winery 1 Hummingbird Lane San Martin, CA 95046 (408) 686-1050 Winery Office (714) 329-5074 Cell Phone Premises: Conover Building 45 West Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Page 1 of 2 CONOVER BUILDLNG 25 Reservoir Road Los Gatos, California 95030 . (408) 354-2755 Term: Rent: Additional Terms and Conditions: The term will begin on July 1, 2006 and end on or before December 31, 2006, to be determined by date of approvals from the Town.of Los Gatos and the State of California. The rent will be $2,259.00 per month payable on the first day of each month. In the event rent is not received by Lessor within 5 days after due date, Lessee agrees to pay a late charge of $50.00. The rent of $2,259 represents 50% of the normal monthly rent of ---$5,1-18.-00 at--a-rate-of-$3:90-per sgiuare-foot,-inclusive of all ordinary triple net expenses. The term may be extended upon mutual agreement. Antiques & Interiors may continue to occupy the space during the interim period and will vacate in 14 days upon notice from Lessee. Upon approval of the Lessee's Conditional Use Permit by the Town of Los Gatos, Lessee will agree to a Commercial Lease and Deposit Receipt with the usual provisions. The Lease will state, in part: a) The term will be 5 years with a 5 year option to renew, b) The rent will be $5,118.00 per month, adjusted on January first of each year in accordance with the U.S. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. The rent will be inclusive of all ordinary triple net expenses. C) A two month security deposit will be required. THE UNDERSIGNED LESSOR AND LESSEE AGREE TO THIS INTERIM AGREEMENT on the date set forth below: Dated: ) I V Dated: 6 L R 7~ Dated: +1 ---y Dated: 2 • /l ' D w LESSEE L ~S.sa~ G ~ssa ~ Page 2 of 2 - o Dated: 7 - / -2 Dated: 7^ / d( C; H z LL C ~ . _ ~ . ~ " ' : y rs. ` 1 1. ` ~ ' ~~{v ~ . 4" . ~ It=•~: i fi L' y~ 3 ' s . .'7y; ~r i 4s~~ ~ t~ 4 _ - _ _ 4~ =1 .T, y'~. ~ _ ;i" c~`r vr. pi -'K. ,~y-~ ~Y}_ ..Ir:.. _ ~ - - - _ ~~~z'' "rte°~~ Y _ i FMS i~ i t.. s> i, t7 wz ~o J ,.Y O ~W U Q :f ; z. 1 ,J p 1" r pY fly ~ ~ , 1 7 1 t I Al l aV Y SIR- r c 5iii LIJ z , I a' W z s a r_. ! s - b i i. = I a I I 7 Ye ^ ~ August 2, 2006 TO~VN OF PLA N NG GA7NS DIVISION RRCEIVRD SEP 7 2006 This letter is to outline the parking situation for the proposed Tasting Room to be jointly operated by the Clos LaChance Winery and the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery. The location for this facility is the Conover Building at 45 West Main Street in the Town of Los Gatos. TENANTS AND INTERIOR SIZE This location is currently divided into three units on the first floor. Viewed from Main Street, the first unit to the right is currently antique furniture shop measuring 1,190 square feet. The middle unit would be our proposed Tasting Room and Retail Shop measuring 1,312 square feet, and the third unit is currently a retail athletic shoe and clothing store measuring 1,209 square feet. This comes to 3,711 square feet dedicated to retail on the first floor. The second floor is single unit measuring 1,262 square feet of office space. This business is a management training and consulting firm. Total square footage for the entire building interior is 4,973. PARKING SPACES In the back of the building, still on the Conover Building property, are, 4 parking spaces identified by markings on the curb and additional signage that are for the exclusive use of the tenants of the building. One space is allocated and identified for each tenant and is reserved for one of their employees. (Please see the attached diagram for the location of these parking spaces.) Additional public parking is available in front of the building on Main Street and a public parking lot located behind the property. HOURS OF OPERATION AND STAFFING Our proposed hours of operation will be approximately 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. We plan to be open seven days a week. Times may vary an hour on each end of the day based on seasonal traffic. Monday through Friday will consist of one manager or facility lead staffing the location. Saturday and Sunday, there will be one manager or facility lead Exhibit E working all day, and one additional staff member coming in for a half day shift starting in the mid-afternoon time period. ADDITIONAL PARKING RELIEF MEASURES As previously mentioned in our letter describing our application for our Conditional Use Permit, we are working with private tour and 'transport companies to encourage the use of their services for wine tasting tours, not only to-ou_r---faci-lity-,__b-ut_as-_p_art_.of.-a_general_win.e--tour-program-throughout-the--S-auto----- - Cruz Mountain wine region. We are also working with the Valley Transit Authority to provide information to our visitors of the transportation options related to not only the Santa Cruz Mountains wine route, but general public transportation in and around the Los Gatos area as well. In addition to these direct measures, we are also involved with the regional Spare the Air Days program to provide carpooling and alternate transportation options for the staff at our proposed Tasting Room, as well as the winery and office staff for the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery also located in Town of Los Gatos when notified of an air quality alert. These proactive options should contribute to reducing any parking impact related to our operation. If further information or clarification is required, please feel free to contact me directly. The principles and staff of the Clos LaChance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery thank you for your considerations. Sincerely, Rick Toyota Director of Hospitality and Wine Education Clos LaChance -Winery (408) 606-1050 ext. 110 rick@clos.com RECEIVED zoos Tr•,;Pd L'-S GATOS PLAN: 9 a j AMR - I 11 ~ t ions ma II I 1 ~~TT ` U .'A 19. 9 ' ~j flf a'' - • _ f'= tit r I~ L ~ ~l I f - j = r ~ I 1 Akl! Exhibit F ,a33NION3 inmi:)nalS NOSSY!dd(110 Y0003N1 t s ,p'6 vi r 1 LN 6` L 0O HH 4s^ ~ y ~ ,I~1UJ . 1 n; n r-. 3nN3Ab Nbbd LI`\, I 1 W . (n hhjj yy} I d W i Exhibit G PLANS FOR THIS ITEM ARE AVAII- ABLE IN TiiE ~LEPeIj - - - - DEPARTMENT------------- z RESOLUTION 2001 - 106 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COiTNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ____-AT IENDING_TM. TOWN'S_ALCOHOLIC BEYERAGE_P_OLI_CY WHEREAS, the sale of alcoholic beverages, if not regulated, can jeopardize public safety, result in an increase of calls for police services and compromise the quality of life for Town residents; and WHEREAS, The Town Council wants to balance the regulation of alcoholic beverage service and protection of residential neighborhoods with the goal of maintaining a vibrant and successful Downtown and commercial areas throughout Los Gatos; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held a study session on July 2, 2001 to discuss issues relating to service of alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has indicated a desire to review all applications for new alcohol service or change in existing service, and a need to amend the existing Alcohol Policy, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: the Town Council of the TOWN OF LOS GATOS does hereby adopt the amended Alcoholic Beverage Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. Exhibit I i I. _ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 17' day of September, 2001, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, - - - Mayor Joe-Pirzynski.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: YOR HE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ' LOS GATOS\, CALIFORNIA POLICY REGULATING THE CONSUMPTION AND SERVICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES . L Purpose The consumption or service of alcoholic beverages, if not regulated, can jeopardize public safety, result in an increase of calls for police services and compromise the quality of life for Town residents. This policy provides parameters for alcohode beverage service, particularly addressing late night service when alcohol related incidents are most likely to occur and when the disturbances to Town residents is least tolerable. The service of alcoholic beverages, with or without meals, past 10 PM is a discretionary privilege to be determined on a case by case basis. The following provisions are intended to balance the protection of residential neighborhoods in close proximity to commercial districts and still maintain the viability of our commercial centers in which restaurants have an essential role. Hours of operation may be regulated based on an establishment's proximity to residential neighborhoods or schools, the concentration of establishments in an area serving alcoholic beverages or for other reasons that may arise at the public hearing. The deciding body may approve a conditional use permit to serve alcoholic beverages based on the merits of the application and subject to the following requirements: II. General policy 1. The Town shall continue to strongly discourage new applications for stand alone bars or restaurants with separate bars. 2. The Town shall continue to discourage applications for entertainment establishments serving alcoholic beverages. 3. Entertainment in association with an eating or drinking establishment may be allowed if standards and a permit process are adopted. 4. Alcoholic beverage service for new conditional use permit applications or applications . for modification of a conditional use permit shall not be allowed: A. After 11 PM Sunday through Thursday, except for holidays and evenings before holidays. B. After 1 AM Friday, Saturday, holidays .or evenings before holidays. An existing establishment with a conditional use permit in good standing allowed to serve alcoholic beverages past the hours stated above may continue to operate under their existing hours of operation. Exhibit k Town of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 2 of -4 i i 5. Any establishment serving alcoholic beverages shall be subject to the following: A. Uniformed privately provided security guards may be requLed in or around the premises by the Chief of Police if alcohol related problems recur that are _ - -not_resolved . by the_licensed _owner. B. At the discretion of the Chief of Police, periodic meetings will be conducted with representatives from the Police Department for on-going employee i training on alcoholic beverage service to the general public. i. C. All establishments shall use an employee training manual that addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with the standards of the Californian restaurant Association. D. All licensed operators shall have and shall actively promote a designated i driver program such as complimentary non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers. E. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted in a visible location. 6. The deciding body shall make the following findings prior to approving an application for conditional use permit to serve alcoholic beverages past 1OPM: A Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. . The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community. i 7. A meal is defined as. a combination of food items selected from a menu (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Appetizers such as popcorn, nachos, pretzels, potato skins, relish trays,.etc. (hot or cold) are not meals. 8. Alcoholic beverage service in approved outdoor seating areas may be permitted if adequate separation from public areas is provided as determined by the Town Manager. The separation shall clearly suggest that alcohol is not allowed outside the restaurant seating area. i I I Town of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 3 of 4 I DL Specific Policy I 1. Restaurants: - - - - - - _ - Alcoholic beverages may only be served with meals. i 2_ Restaurants With Separate Bars: Alcoholic beverage service is permitted in the dining area only in conjunction with meal service. Meal service shall be available until closing or 11 PM Sunday through Thursday and until 12 midnight Friday, Saturday, holidays and evenings before holidays, whichever is earlier, if late night bar service is available. Specific hours of operation for each establishment are determined upon issuance of a conditional use permit. IV. Review Process 1. Proposals for new bars or restaurants with bars and all requests for new alcohol service or a change to existing service shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Commission will make a recommendation to the Town Council and the Council shall have final review authority.. 2. Changes in ownership for businesses involving service of alcoholic beverages shall be reviewed by the Community Development Department. The following process will be followed: a. The Director of Community Development shall contact the new business owner to make them aware of the conditions of approval attached to. the Use Permit for the location. b. One year following issuance of a business license, sur-roundinghmp acted property owners shall be notified and any comments regarding the operation of the business shall be solicited. C. If the Director of Community Development becomes aware of any alcohol related impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, the Director shall review the operation of the business to determine whether there is a violation of the use permit. Town- of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 4 of 4 d. If there are violations of the use permit that have not been voluntarily corrected by the business owner the matter will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for public hearing pursuant to Section 29.20.3 10 of the Zoning Ordinance. _e. ___..---Pursuant_to-_Section Commission may revoke or modify the conditional use permit if it finds that sufficient grounds exist. IN. Enforcement All conditional use permits issued to establishments for alcoholic beverage service on-site shall be subject to Section 29.30.310(b) of the Town Code authorizing the Town Manager to take enforcement action if it is determined that the sale of alcohol has become a nuisance to the Town's public health, safety or welfare. Enforcement of section 29.20.310(b) of the Town Code will be based on, but not limited to, the following factors: I. The number and types-of calls for service at or near the establishment vvhich that are a direct result of patrons actions; H. The number of complaints received from residents ad other citizens concerning the operation of an establishment; III.. The number of arrests for alcohol, drug, disturbing the peace, fighting and public nuisance violations associated with an establishment; IV. The number and kinds of complaints received from the State Alcoholic Beverage Control office and the County Health Department; V. Violation of conditions of approval related to alcoholic beverage service. The Alcoholic Beverage Policy is not to be construed to be aright of development. The Town retains the right of review and approval (or denial) of each project based.on its merits. N:\DEN po&y\2ool.koW po&7.wpd i• WINEGROWERS ASSOCIATION September 12, 2006 Vu-Bang Nguyen Town of Los Gatos - Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street PO Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 Dear Vu-Bang, RED p4q No f 1 X006 NN/NG 0,3 Q The Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association is in. support of the opening of a Tasting Room in the town of Los Gatos. Both Clos LaChance and Fleming-Jenkins wineries have been active members of our association and we feel that the opening of a tasting room in this area would further boost the rapport and commerce in the downtown of Los Gatos. Thank you for taking the time to hear the interests of various supporters for the opening of this tasting room. We feel that success would be assured for the Murphy and Fleming Jenkins families and hope thata beautiful tasting room is in their near future. Sincerely, _ aren & John Hibbl Executive Directors Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association 7605-A Old Dominion Cousc, Apcos, CA 95003 • (831) 479-WINE (9463) Fax 68816961 * scmwa.com Exhibit J Pale 1 Jt 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Support for Backyard Wineries F rom: "Laurie Barna" To~ Date: 09/20/2006 11:55 AM tl Subject: Support for Backyard Wineries SEP 2, 0 CC: ro ZUU6. l' OF LOS O, S G, i-OS To Vu-Bang Nguyen: - _nr1,LS/ON I, Laurie Barna, a 22-year resident of Los Gatos, support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, the Wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop at°45 W. Main Street. I feel that this business will be a valuable asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to both its residents and visitors. Backyard Wineries, _ownedand _operated by local resident_swill _fit in_well-with the-town's unique retail character as well as complement--the, and art scene. As a resident and Board member of the Los Gatos Art Association, I am very supportive of the Town of Los Gatos and hope that Backyard Wineries will receive the required approval from the Town. Thank you, Laurie Barna File://C:\Documents and Settings\vn9Uyen\Local Seltin~;s\Temp\XP~yrpwise\45112C14TO... 09/20/?1;06 Vu-Bang Nguyen - tasting room ' ~rti _c_Yi.'v .,y_..._~"~cS~:.........c;~3_..ti._.'-'..-'..:.:'i0:.:td~u•1!_:. `'.w.-L: From: "Steve Mirassou" To: Date: 09/20/2006 3:43 PM SEP 2 Subject: tasting room Tpw 2006 OF CC: "tammy" _ - - - -pCANNNG p1V/SgTOS-.__ pN Dear Mr. Nguyen I am emailing in favor of the proposed tasting room by Fleming-Jenkins on Main St. We have a long history of wine producing in this valley and all we can do to keep it visible is a good thing. My family has been producing wine here since the 1850s and we in the industry as well as our consumers consider wine an art. As a resident of Los Gatos I feel that more art can only be a good thing. I hope you all feel the same. __-_-Thank you Steve Mirassou V 'i, file://C:\Documents and Settings\vnguyen\LOCa1 Seltin(rs\Ternl)\XPbrpwisc\451 1 618ATO....O9/2 September 13, 2006 R Town of Los Gatos -Community Development Department ~"0.t. D .C/O Vu-Bang Nguyen - Assistant Planner SEP 110 E. Main Street 2 0 2006 P.O Box 949 TOWN OF PLANNING Dl6S OONS Los Gatos, CA 95031 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit for Backyard Vineyards Dear Mr. Nguyen, This is a letter of support for the, application of the Clos La Chance Winery and the Fleming Jenkins Vineyards and Winery to open a retail shop and tasting room in down town Los Gatos. As President of the Santa Cruz Mountains Wine Growers Association of which both applicants are members, I commend their excellent reputation and quality wines. Los Gatos is an ideal location for this shop and tasting room. The advantage for the Los Gatos residents and visitors to Los Gatos is to have the opportunity on their doorstep to visit Backyard Vineyards, to taste and buy their wines made locally from grapes grown in the Santa Cruz mountain's region and other regions. The customers will also benefit from learning first hand the winemaking style and vineyard techniques of each winery and the related history of winegrowing in the Santa Cruz Mountains dating back to 1850. I believe Backyard Vineyard's business style relates well to the ambiance of Los Gatos. I hope the Community Development Department will give favorable consideration to this application. Sincerely, 41 Wilma J. Sturrock President Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association Ridge Vineyards Inc. P.O. Box 1810, Cupertino, CA 95015 (408) 868-1312 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries From: "Atina Bertos" To: Date: 09/20/2006 5:50 PM Subject: Backyard Wineries CC: Rick Toyota Greg Jenkilislit Ferguson"' , "`Stuart Ferguson"' Tammy Larson"' , "'Elaine Hutchins"' vED Sip 21 pGWN F 246 Lq~NO/1v~; OS G9 "'Cluis Hu~c&l Tsl rt Cocoa Bon Fine Chocolates in Los Gatos is proud to support the application of Backyard Wineries, the wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop. -Fleming-Jenkins-Vineyards--& Winery and Clos-LaChance--W-ineiy have been-partners-of-Cocoa Bo-n-p-ri-or - - to our Los Gatos relocation. We feel that this business will be an appropriate addition to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to its residents, visitors and retailers. We are fortunate with the location of 45 W. Main Street which is across from our retail store. Backyard Wineries is a great fit with the Town's environment and atmosphere. The addition of Backyard Wineries reinforces and preserves the concept of Los Gatos being a unique, local, and upscale scene. As a retailer of Los Gatos we are very supportive of the success of Town of Los Gatos and wish to see Backyard Wineries as part of Los Gatos. Sincerely, Atina Bertos Retail Store Manager www.cocoabon.com rile://C:\Docunlents and Settings\vnguyen\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\45117F7CTO... 09/21; 2_f;0 0 Page,or ! Vu-Bang Nguyen - tasting room ' 'i.:. _ lji., _ti.. _ij~:~_'.:... _r.~._~_yy.i:. •li..v~.11}S~li.::~.~lL From: "Robert Leibbrand" To: V~ Date: 09/20/2006 9:05 PM s'FP O Subject: tasting room 2 CC: "'Tanury Larson" r~wN r We are looking forward to your opening of the tasting room. G /Vjsq/O/V We have a small one L Campbell but looking forward for local_ wines to taste. Thanks, Bob Leibbrand lile:UCADOCUments and Settin.i~s\vnguyern\Local- S.eltin-,s\Temn\XPtIrnwisc\4511AD03T... 09/21,12(T,,C) ~UZJ/L UGUUO) VU-odriy vyuyoii Zo.UUiii From: Iris Gin <irisgin@yahoo.com> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> Date: 09/21/2006 8:13 AM Subject: greg@flemingjenkins.com As a Los Gatos resident and business owner, I am writing in support of the proposed Backyard Wineries Tasting Room to be located on Main Street. Backyard Wineries will help reinforce Los Gatos as a destination for locals and visitors It will fit in with the overall feel of Los Gatos - restaurants, specialty stores (high-end retail), art galleries;-hotels, and the overall-esthetic ambience-.------ It is not a big chain store, but owned and operated by local residents with long history in Los Gatos and Saratoga. This is not a typical bar or restaurant serving alcohol. It is a Tasting Room offering measured sample tastes of their products only. The Tasting Room will provide information on all the other wineries in the Santa Cruz Mountains for people to visit too. Please relay my support to. the Planning Commission. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Iris Gin, MID Kalia Dermatolology and Laser Center 15055 Los Gatos Blvd Ste. 100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 PJI~C~el ~ - ® Qr- Tow - 1 «06 pC,INN A/ a s 3,1 Tp V/S)nA , s r ayc Date:_ September 27, 2006 For Agenda Of: September 27, .2006 Agenda Item: 3 DESK ITEM REPORT TO FROM: The Planning Commission The. Director of Community Development LOCATION: 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine `sale on property zoned C-2. APN. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Wines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC DEEMED COMPLETE: August 2, 2006 FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION: February 2, 2006 EXHIBITS: A-L. Previously Submitted. M. Letters in Support of Project (21 pages), received September 21- 27, 2006. REMARKS : The attached letters in support of the project were received after the Planning Commission report was finalized. Prepared Vu-Bang Nguyen, Planner BNL:RT:VBN NADEV\REP0RTS\2006145 w main st desk.wpd Approved by: Bud N. Lortz, Director of Community Development a ?Q,- i JI Vu-Bang Nguyen - Planning Commission/ LG Tasting Room From: To: je Date: 09/21/2006 10:01 AM SEP 2 Subject: Planning Cotmission/ LG Tasting Room TO j zoo ~VN 6 CC: p~gNN pG ~ V~q ros /S/0N I am the owner of Willow Street and Main Street Burgers. What Clos Las Chance and Fleming Jenkins Wineries plan to open downtown is exacting the type of new concept and energy the downtown needs. Last March I was in Healsburg Ca. and r- - - -1 - t' - aewr~tea-vuliiea trr}-smiler te~G~z' yen to the ga-a-A-ay w- the Santa Gnt2Metintain wine digtlietwhieh it is flat rlow for. People do not want to drive the windy roads of the SC Mountains. This kind of business would bring people to the downtown and they would shop and support other businesses. This is new business should be approved. Sincerely,. ED Rathmann Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free AOL Mail and more. Exhibit M =dison ,h2rnaccuticals, Inc. September 21, 2006 - R~C~iv~d SEP 2 1 2006 TOWN OF Tower of Lros Gatos pLgNNING DlGg O Cornr^uni:y C v- _teprr_,t Oep=r:r::-~t 1SIp U-E arg i iguy°n ~ssistart Pianner 1 10 E. I'dain Street P.O. Box 949 ------Re;-Fle.m no Jenkins Vinci;-aras u ~'rrn r; uea: ;Ir. Nguyen. i am writing in support of the application submitted by Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open. Backyard Wineries, the W me Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W Vain Street I believe :his business %%-ill be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a sen.,rce to ;ts esdents and visitors. Sackyard ;Vineries, paned and operated by local residents, will fir in well aith the Town's high-end retail character and complement the hotel. restaurant and art scene. As a resident of Monte Sereno, I am very supportive of the Town of Los Gatos and would like to participate in ensuring the Town's continued vitality and economic success, I would also like to be a part of Backyard Wineries' success, and wish them the best in their new endeavor. Sincerely. ~ u+, Miller Cnairman, CEO 13'61 Bachman Court Nionte Sere no. CA 97030 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries From: "Gabrielle Medrano-Contreras" To: Date: 09/21/2006 5:26 PM Subject: Backyard Wineries Page 1 of I Rzce`V;rj, cc: SEp 2 2 2006 To WA/ P~q CGS r Hello Mr. Nguyen, A ~N/~,VG O/V S OS T_~i~xpr-es~rn-y-su~pe~rrr-tlre-agp~i ~l y r finery an os a ance ~ `er, r ege r&aek~pard - r ra es a -lisshmen a 45--W. -ain t.-As a new - Ult;il ti: !3 dE112 business of high-end specialty item, I have find that the Town of Los Gatos residents and visitors enjoy and benefit from wonderful retails shop like my own and believe that Backyard Wineries to be a perfect fit. Backyard Wineries, owned and operated by local residents, will complement the hotels, restaurants and art scene of this wonderful town. As a business owner I like to take part in, support and encourage the vitality and economic success of this town. I would also like to be pat of and support the success of Backyard Wineries. I wish them all the best in this new endeavor. Thank you for your time. Regards, - Gabrielle Gabrielle's Bridal Boutique to" U71jv!rsit,A. •c Los Gatos, CA 95030 info@gabrieEesbridal.com T. 408.399.9393 F. 408.399.9390 www.aabriellesbridal.com e.~c~icsive go,cons for the couture bride (09/22/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen - Re: Clos LaC_hance Wine Tasting Page 1 From: "Todd Bennett" <Bennett@ci.monterey.ca.us> To: "Vu-Bang Nguyen" <VNguyen@losgatosca.gov> Vt 'D Date: 09/22/2006 10:18 AM SEP 2 Subject: Re: Clos LaChance Wine Tasting 2 2006 Mr. Nguyen, PLANNING LOS GATOS /VISION I have reviewed our files for the Clos La Chance wine tasting room located at 400 Cannery Row, Suite E, and there have been no complaints or code enforcement activity associated with this use at this site. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions. Todd Bennett Senior Associate Planner City of Monterey "Vu-Bang Nguyen" <VNguyen@losgatosca.gov> 09/22/06 10:01 AM Todd- The wine tasting room was located at 400 Cannery Row, Suite E. Thanks! Vu-Bang Nguyen, AICP Planner http://www.losgatosca.gov/planning Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 408.354.6807 vnguyen@losgatosca.gov (0.9/22/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wir4ries Pogo From: Jill Prestigiacomo <jillprestigiacomo@sbcglobal.net> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> Date: 09/22/2006 11:17 AM Subject B k d Wi RECEIV : ac yar neries ED CC: <greg@flemingjenkins.com>, <rick@clos.com> SEP 2 2 2006 Dear Town of Los Gatos Community Development D t t L P epar men , LAN ING GATOS OS D ION IVIS SION I am writing to encourage you to approve the application for the Fleming Jenkins/Clos La Chance i 9ackyard Wineries retail shop on 45 W. Main Street. I am a 40 year resident of Saratoga. And, as a graphic designer working out of Old Towne in Los Gatos, I have enjoyed the privilege of working closely with both Greg and Peggy Jenkins at Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery, as well as the Murphy Family who own and operate the Clos La Chance Winery. Both organizations bring their love of our area into everything they do. I am confident they have carefully considered the impact Backyard Wineries will have on this community and will make every effort to represent it with the utmost respect. In recent years, Los Gatos has become a gateway to the Santa Cruz Mountain winegrowing region. Backyard Wineries would join classic Los Gatos hometown haunts, like Le Boulanger, Steamers, The Indian Store, and the Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company in becoming a great representation of our character, and show off our dedication to excellence. I think such a unique experience would be a good thing for Los Gatos and the surrounding areas. It will reinforce Los Gatos as a destination for locals as well as folks coming from far and wide. Thanks for your time, Jill Prestigiacomo Saratoga, California 408-378-5406 Page 1 of'? J Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Winery Application From: "Glenn Gramling" To: Date: 09/22/2006 10:45 AM Subject: Backyard Winery Application CC: , September 22, 2006 Town of Los Gatos - Community Development Department c/o Vu-Bang Nguyen - Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 RRCE~ ~ SEP 2~ to 2 2006 PLA NG OS GA T, Dlil/SOON Dear Planning Commission, Diane and Members of the Town Council: We understand Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery are planning to open a Tasting Room and Retail Shop in Los Gatos at 45 West Main Street and wanted to share my opinion that I feel this will be a great addition to Los Gatos. We have been associated with both wineries for several years. The proprietors are outstanding individuals and extremely generous with their time and donations. The Backyard. Winery tasting room would be an excellent addition to our town's expanding merchant base. We hope you will support their application. Sincerely,. Glenn and Karyn Gramling 16871 Sheldon Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 Home: (408) 395.8288 .Page--1 of-) lenn.granitinZ@infogain.com ftii-ymytoy@yahoo.com ~le'I/C~ ~nnrun~antc nnri Ccff, ,r.o\: \T 7 C _aa_- r yr _ _ . Fleming Jcrikins and Clos LaChance Tasting room ti Vu-Bang Nguyen - Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance Tasting room . 1. t~ From: "Grey Rhine" To: Date: 09/22/2006 12:17 PM Subject: Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance Tasting room CC: "Greg Rhine" September 21, 2006 Town of Los Gatos - Community Development Department c/o Vu-Bang Nguyen -Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 Dear Planning Commission, Diane and Members of the Town Council: Pagt 1 of 1 J 'y~c ow 22 d tiG as 0~6 I understand Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery are planning to open a Tasting Room and Retail Shop in Los Gatos at 45 West Main Street, and I wanted to share my opinion that I believe this will be a terrific addition to Los Gatos. I believe this will be welcome addition to all local merchants and residents alike, and the downtown community will benefit from the type pf person and demographic this tasting room will attract -mature, high income customers who come to enjoy and spend in downtown. Add to this the fact that this shop is owned by local residents, one of whom is a celebrity will go a long way to ensure its appeal and success. I trust you will support their application. Sincerely, Greg RNne 140 Belcrest Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Pag.- 1 o t i Vu-Bang Nguyen - Clos LaChance and Flemming SFP From: "George Montanari To: Tp~ 22 V Date: 09/22/2006 12:07 PM NOP Subject: Clos LaChance and Flemming 4O6,GgTO Dear Sirs and Madam, AS S As a very active family and Realtor in Los Gatos the idea of having two small wineries share a wine tasting room _---is an-excellent idea. We are blessed to be at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains which has a very rich history grail.es_and-wine making=Testarossa-=Winery located in-tlie Sacred-Heart Novitiate-wine - in_:the-cultivation of cellars is a prime example of how the town and small wineries can work together for the benefit of all.... Thank you for considering and hopefully allowing this small local business to operate. I'm also hoping it will also bring more excitement to this part of the business district. Again thanks and please feel free to call or email me with any questions, thoughts or concerns you may have. George and Jill Montanari 160 Longmeadow Drive Los Gatos, Ca 95032 George Montanari Alain Pinel Realtors www.aor.com/gmontana Top producer since 1980 408-357-8808 Direct Line www.gmontanari.com Click on this link for my website (MLS listings, school scores, mortgages etc...) Backyard Winery Application Page i of Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Winery Application From: "Hitchcock, Roger" To: Date: 09/22/2006 1:07 PM Subject: Backyard Winery Application TOttiN - ` /U06 ~OS VGq TpS pL'j NN//VG IS/ON This is my personal endorsement of the Backyard Winery Application before you. I believe this is in keeping with the Los Gatos community & ask that you give it serious consideration. _I appreciate the needto_control licenses-of this -type -in-our-township.,-but-believe -the very- nature- of-th is -applic-ation-makes-it - much more in line with the value & spirit of Los Gatos than that which is normally associated with these applications. I personally own ,a 1/3 acre parcel which has been producing wine for local neighbors & friends for over 10 years. There are scores of private winemakers like us in the Los Gatos area who would be proud of such symbolic representation within the town. Thank You Roger & Penny Hitchcock 17130 Crescent Drive Los Gatos, CA 95030 i?3j? 1 OF i Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries From: To: Date: 09/23/2006 7:22 PM Subject: Backyard Wineries SEP 2 5 2006 'OWN OF LOS GAT ING 0IV/SIG0 NS Dear Mr. Vu-Bang, My names is Leslie Robidoux. I am the store owner of Bettina's located at 320 N Santa Cruz Ave.(accross from BofA). I have recently watched storefront vacancies significantly increase resulting in substantial reductions in foot traffic. Conversely, I have visited Santana Row on multiple occasions, and noted their increasing amount of activities, stores and c11, tnniere i think_tliat-bos-Gatos-wana-uts-a shap7such-a$backyard7Nineries.-It-w-ouid-add-to-thz-diversity-arid--= attractiveness of our retail selection. I would love to take my customers there, and I am sure that they and visiting tourists would enjoy visiting a local winery store. Please feel free to contact me. 408-335-1383 Thank you. Leslie Robidoux (09/25/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Vineyards-wine Tasting-Room & Retail Shoo Page From: Pleasant Valley Vineyards <chandley@pvvines.com> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> Date: 09/25/2006 3:53 PM Subject: Backyard Vineyards-wine Tasting Room & Retail Shop Attachments:. Letter.pdf CC: <rick@clos.ccm> Dear Mr. Vu-Bang Nguyen attached is a letter in regard to the proposed Backyard Vineyards Wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop. Please distribute this letter to the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission Members and Town Council Members Sincerely Craig & Cathy Handley ~pG---O - ti~ os 6 ~T 0 60 ti Page l of l Vu-Bang Nguyen - recommendation for approval of Backyard Wineries From: "Donna Rubin" F?ECEIV To: ED Date: 09/25/2006 12:31 PM SEP 2 5 Subject: reconunendation for approval of Backyard Wineries -~~6 CC: "Gregjenltins° POV S F ~ GATpS Nl !V /S IGN Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department c/o Vu-Bang Nguyen. Assistant Planner To Whom It May Concern, Donna & Steve Rubin, from the neighboring city of Campbell and strong supporters/patrons of Los Gatos. support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos Lachance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, as a wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop. We feel that this business will be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and will fit in well with the Town's high-end retail character as well as enhance local businesses, and the community. Thoughts for approval of Backyard Wineries: • Backyard Wineries will help reinforce Los Gatos as a destination for locals and visitors • Los Gatos is a gateway to the Santa Cruz Mountains wine growing region. • Not a big chain store, but owned and operated by local residents with long history in Los Gatos and Saratoga. • Only public place anyone could taste Fleming Jenkins wine. • Wineries are based here in Los Gatos - makes sense for them to have their Tasting Room here too. • Tasting Room will provide information on all the other wineries in the Santa Cruz Mountains for people to visit as well 7" J: ~....y _z- .3..::cr..; II'.c c ,sic •clr ,..NNVi 6.c v~ n~c iU.ai vl lv1 vU10S. n0 Q J;50 like to be part of Backyard Wineries' success, and wish them the best in their new endeavor. Sincerely, Donna & Steve Rubin Page i of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries I From: "Patti Rice" To: SEP 2 D Date: 09/26/2006 9:10 AM TO(N 6 ZQQ6, Subject: Backyard Wineries /V CC: p~ANN>1 oS Ggros V/S/ON This is just a quick note to let you know I support the application of Flemings Jenkins -Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open a tasting room on Main Street. I think this type of retailer is a great addition to Los Gatos. It is unique, individual, local, and a great "stepping stone" to the other wineries in the area. I believe it will _-enhance Los_Gatos as a destination for shoppers, -diners, _etc.-,-and. it-is -the -caliber-of establishment that fits- well--- - within the Los Gatos feel. I believe it offers another unique experience, and I believe it will be a successful venture being popular with locals as well as visitors. Thank you. Patti A. Rice The Spa - Los Gatos 100 South Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.5901 Paae:Of IL Vu-Bang Nguyen - Support for Backyard Vineyards Tasting Room From: "Rob Jensen" To: Date: 09/26/2006 12:18 PM Subject: Support for Backyard Vineyards Tasting Room CC: R~c~iV Hello Vu-Bang, SEP 9 T~.V o 20~~ We would like to offer our support for the proposed Backyard Vineyards Tasting Room for W, As the 05 Lo s Gatos Chamber of Commerce Businesspersons of the Year, we feel we have an excellent unftg munity_----___ - - - - ---spirit involved with being a part of the L08 Gatos business community.--Through our lo6g term relations p~110 , Peggy Jenkins, and Bill and Brenda Murphy we know that both of these excellent companies, both with long his ~Q9/of community giving, will make an excellent addition to our core downtown business. As was presented at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon earlier this year, core downtown business districts are under assault from big new, overtly commercial facilities like Santana Row. Further expanding downtown Los Gatos' reputation as the gateway to the Santa Cruz Mountains Wine Country will be crucial for us as a business community to now only maintain, but to grow our business success with not only the Bay Area, but with out of state tourists as well. Clos Lachance winery already has a long history and reputation of running first class Tasting Rooms, with excellent staff who are trained to make sure that wine tasters are not drinking too much, or if they arrive inebriated, they will not be served. This is our state law, and wineries are very aware of this. It is very important to note that this is not another bar, this is for wine tasting not wine drinking. Some people may think that Testarossa Vineyards, which is only 1/2 mile off of Main Street, might be opposed to this new "competitor" in the neighborhood. Seeing Backyard Vineyards as a competitor would be extremely short sighted on our cart. One only has to look at the large number of e/,tremely SUGGcSSiUI restaui ants in Los vatUS to I eallze thd[ haVllly a CAUL al mass of restaurants in Los Gatos is WHY people come to Los Gatos to dine. Just look at a city like Los Altos which has a similar economic demographic as Los Gatos, but 1/10th as many restaurants. The restaurant scene in Los Altos can best be described as anemic. Thus, we feel the addition of the Backyard Vineyards Tasting Room, along with the new Los Gatos Gourmet (formerly part of the Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company) will only enhance our business and other wine focused businesses like the French Cellar. Please add our whole hearted support to approving the application for the Backyard Vineyards Tasting Room. Rob & Diana Jensen, Proprietors and 2005 Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce Business Persons of the Year Testarossa Vineyards at the historic Novitiate Winery 309-A College Avenue Los Gatos, California 408-354-6150 internet: testarossa.cc Pagel of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Planning Commission meeting From: To: Date: 09/26/2006 1:18 PM Subject: Planning Commission meeting Vu-Bang Nguyen Assistant Planner Town of Los Gatos, - -Dear Mr.-Vu=Bang, I am writing in support of the proposed wine tasting room at 45.West Main St. SEP 2 o EC1 To ~aa6 P~q /V//VG-ro - - D/V/S/CN S I understand that, over the decades, this town has changed its image many times. From a logging town, to a fruit growing and canning town, to a town full of bakeries, to a town over flowing with antique stores, to a town that some say now has too many hair and nail salons. We live in a town that certainly evolves with the times and one has to wonder how this town currently would like to be perceived. Ever since the Novitiate Winery and the Los Gatos Cooperative Winery began producing wine in Los Gatos back in the 1880's, this town has produced and sold wine with unique characteristics. Wine from this area and the surrounding Santa Cruz Mountains is said to be "Burgundian" in nature. Meaning the wines are like wines from the Burgundy region of France and specifically that there are more "earth" flavors in the wine. It is the newest rage of California wine makers to try and make wines like this because they are so food friendly. Fortunately for cur town. you cannot crow wine like this just anywhere. Los Gatos, being the gale ai Santa•Cruz Mountains wineries, could capitalize on this as well as the growing trend of wine and food travel. . We already have great restaurants (one of them, Manresa, was recently named one of the best in the world). What this community now needs is more opportunities to sample the locally grown wines. I hope the town enthusiastically allows the proposed wine tasting room at 45 West Main Street and continues to support business of this nature. Bill Updyke 154 Kensington Way, LG. Graduate, Leadership Los Gatos, 2004 William Updyke, D.C. 408-983-4192 Clinical Professor, Quality Improvement Coordinator, Palmer College of Chiropractic West. President Elect, California Chiropractic Association. (09/27/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries/Hearing on Conditional Use Permit 9-27- 6 From: "Kathy Anderson" <gerb.inolaw@hotmail.com> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> Date: 09/26/2006 3:00 PM Subject: Backyard Wineries/Hearing on Conditional Use Permit 9-27-06 CC: <greg@flemingjenkins.com> Dear Mr. Nguyen: This email is sent to show our support for approving the conditional use permit submitted by Backyard Wineries. I live on 116 Alta Heights Court in Los Gatos with my wife, Eibhlin Tierney Gerbino. We are very familiar with Fleming Jenkins Wines, the proprietors and their staff. They produce a -------quality wine that willconfirm our-local-area is a premier- -appellation for----- - fine wine. The proposed location at 45 Main Street is a perfect fit for our charming small town. Backyard Wineries will add a touch of class to the downtown by offering fine wine tasting in a boutique setting under a, unique collaboration with Clos LaChance. Approval of the conditional use permit will be a "value added" asset to our town. I respectfully request that you take the above input into consideration at the September 27, 2006, Planning Commission Hearing. Very truly yours, Fred W. Gerbino, Jr. R,E~c SEP 2 6 ~fl ro . 2006' ptq ~C OS Gq To 0/v/S/pN s Add fun gadgets and colorful themes to express yourself on Windows Live Spaces http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001 msn/direct/01 /?href=http://www.get,live.com/spaces/f eatures age 1 Page i of l Vu-Bang Nguyen - FOR: Flemng Jenkins Vineyards & Clos LaChance Winery From: "John De Witt" To: p~ Date: 09/26/2006 4:10 PM f 1 C Lz1v :Subject: FOR: Flemng Jenkins Vineyards & Clos LaChance Winery D cc: 'EP 2 6 2006 TOWN PLN~ 00 V S A T OS Vu-Bang Nguyen, ,ANN 0S 0 I am writing in support of the proposed Fleming Jenkins Vineyards and Clos LaChance Winery "Tasting Room" and retail shop at 45 West Main Street. As a Downtown merchant, Pacific Green of Northern California at 210 No. Santa Cruz Avenue, I believe that these local families will work hard to develop a new business with positive synergy complementing our historic Downtown's ambience. The proposed Tasting Room will further establish Los Gatos as a tourist destination and welcoming gateway to our local Santa _'.ruz Mountain wineries. Their small scale facility and local family ties will help preserve our small town atmosphere. I am grateful for the time they spent with me explaining their new venture. I wish them"much success with their venue and look forward having them be a part of our Downtown. Best regards, JOHN DE WITT Pacific Green of Northern Califomia, Inc. 210 North Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 399-6400 (store) cur;:enofi.c^~LCuI l T1~P•~~r'~Tl n,,,,,,-,o„f~ -A * - ~ - i.., - - - - - Town of Los Gatos - Community Development Department c/o Vu-Bang Nguyen -Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street P.O: Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 -September 25, 2006 Dear_Members of the Planning Commission and Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos My wife and I recently attended an informational meeting in regard to the proposed Wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop to be known as Backyard Vineyards. We were extremely impressed with the careful thought and concepts presented. We have known Bill and Brenda Murphy for over a decade and have witnessed. their complete dedication and professionalism in building one of the most re- spected winery operations on the central coast, Clos Lachance Iinerv. The Clos LaChance Winery and: Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery partnership's proposal to bring their new business venture, Backyard Vineyards, to your business community would be a major plus to all the members of your town both residential and professional. It will allow your town to become the gateway for our esteemed Santa Cruz Mountain Wine Appellation. The demographics.of premium wine consumer's are a perfect match for your community's high-end premium shops and food establishments. These consumers tend to be highly educated, thoughtful and respectful purchasers with above average disposable incomes. The Backyard Vineyards Wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop would complement all the businesses in your town, provide additional income __to. y; _ur_tux ls.e_aru~uld also ba an ell Y ironmentally friendly venture. We encourage you all to enthusiastically embrace their plans and welcome them into your business community. Sincerely, Craig D. Handley President, Sylvan Communications, Inc. Cathy L. Handley President, Pleasant Valley Vineyards, Inc. SYLVAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Pn. FRnx 1..S7n *A ntnc r,. A ornn4 . R,~1 _aoS_aaan G,„• oa+ 2aa_aaaa Pa,,elorl Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Wineries From: Anne Kobel To: Date: 09/27/2006 9:10 AM Tp~ Subject: Backyard Wineries p~ NOF 06 CC: qNN~ LO , - - - ~G~ Vjs 1;O~S The Santa Cruz Mountains is rich in history of wine grape growing and wine making, li is perhaps the oldest wine growing region in Calif 6m a. My husband and I are residents of Los Gatos and were surprised at how many of our friends and neighbors found old wine bottles buried in the dirt around their houses when they excavated to rebuild after the Loma Prieto earthquake of 1989. Today these mountains are dotted with backyard vineyards producing award winning wines. The Santa Cruz Mountains Appellation is respected and becoming more well known outside our area. But the public needs more access to its ----wines - - - - - - - - At the sometime, the Slow Food Movement is growing in global popularity. Its members are people who want to know where their food ccrr.es from. Being simply organic is not good enough. They want to know from which ranch comes their meat, which field grows their tomatoes. This also applies to wine! How reassuring to know that the wine you are drinking was grown and produced locally. My husband and I support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, the wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W. Main Street. We believe that their wine tasting room will be an attractive asset to Los Gatos. Many tourists flock to Los Gatos for the shopping and dining possibilities. Los Gatos is the gateway to the Santa Cruz Mountains and it should serve as the introduction to its wines. We urge you to approve their application. Anne and Andre Kobel fl If-. //~'1Tlnr riman-tc ~nrl Qatfinnc\vn nniro*\T -1 ..1 0 n - vn -__\AL1 A`1 nm 11- TOWN OF 0 C24 ealos CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors Patti Rice-President The Spa-Los Gatos Brenda Hammond President Elect Restaurant James Randall Erika Brown -----Private Mortgage-Advisors Susan Combs-Bauer BauerCombs Landscape Architects Rich Diaz Entrabase Mollie Drake Los Gatos Meadows Gary Hants Community Hospital of Los Gatos D. Michael Kane The Kane Group Kevin Kelly Charles Schwab Blaine Kingsbury, D.C. Community Chiropractic Bill Leonard Ignite Marketing Keith Plottel LMGW Certified Public Accountants Janice McCabe Janice McCabe Interiors William Seligmann Law Offices of William R. Seligmann Pam Snowden-Abella Heritage Bank of Commerce Susan Stevens Hotel Los Gatos Greg Stowers Stowers Associates Architects Marie Tallman Opera House Banquet Facility - ~~esrdenfs CIRCL'c Platinum Sponsor Community Hospital of Los Gatos Gold Sponsors The Spa-Los Gatos Los Gatos Meadows Bronze Sponsor Hotel Los Gatos & Spa Los Gatos Foot & Ankle Cencer FedEx Kinko's-Los Gatos September 27, 2006 Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission Re: Backyard Wineries • Conditional Use Permit RECEIVED S E P 2 7 2006 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION On Tuesday, September 19, an email was sent to the Downtown Committee regarding the CUP Application submitted by Backyard Wineries that is before you. Of the seven businesses who responded, the results were as follows: How do you, as a downtown business owner, feel about the proposed new tasting room? Yes : 7 No: 0 What impact do you think having a tasting room in the downtown will have on existing businesses? Positive: 7 Negative:0 Do you believe this type of store will draw new visitors to downtown? Yes:7 No:0 Do you believe this type of store will draw local residents to downtown? Yes:5 No:1 Maybe: 1 Will you attend the Planning Commission meeting? Yes:1 No:6 Maybe: Some written comments received: " The Town needs to be open to new and different types of unique business opportunities, ...hate to see all the same thing in every stofefront, The consumer & the economy will dictate success or failure." "I think it will be great for downtown. If will bring more people to stay at hotels and dine at restaurants,.. to shop, etc. It is different from a bar. The pours are small & they buy bottles to go." "...Having locally owned businesses has been one of the charms and character of the Town but the high cost of long business in Los Gatos has discouraged the independent merchant. The partnership ....will bring renewed interest to Main Street, bring attention to the wonderful local boutique wineries,... opportunity to support a local business that can help increase foot traffic to other businesses," "Good addition to town mix. Fits the Los Gatos life style," "..great idea to increase foot traffic...will attract adults &,folks with spending power which will flow into other businesses." "...will promote foot traffic and more shopping." We hope this is helpful to you in making your decision. TOWN OF LOS GATOS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1 I Greg Stowers VP Legislative Affairs 349 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 PH 408.354.9300 Fax 408.399.1594 www.losgatoscliambei-.com REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine sale on property zoned .C-2. AP N. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Wines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC FINDINGS ■ As required by Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town that this project is Categorically Exempt. ■ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. (a) The deciding body, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the hearing, may grant a conditional use permit when specifically authorized by the provisions of the Town Code if it finds that: (1) The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; (2) The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; (3) The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and (4) The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. ■ That the proposed podect is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area (Section IV.B). ■ As required by the Town's Alcohol Policy for alcohol service past 10:00 PM: A. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community. NADEV\FINDINGS\45 w main.wpd ATTACHMENT 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR: 45 W. Main Street Conditional Use Permit U-07-2 Requesting approval to allow wine tasting and retail wine sale on property zoned C-2. APN. 529-01-026 PROPERTY OWNER: Jay Conover and Joella Wanamaker APPLICANT: Clos La Chance Vines, Inc & Fleming Jenkins LLC TO-T-HE-SAT-ISFAC-TION OF -T-HE COMMUNITY-DEV-ELOP-MEN-T-D-II2ECT-OR (Planning Section) 1. CONDITIONS: These conditions of approval shall supercede all previously adopted conditions. 2. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the plans approved and noted as Exhibit H in the report to the Planning Commission. Any changes. or modifications made to the approved plans shall be approved by the Director of Community Development or the Planning Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUAi~1CE: If the activity for which the Conditional Use-Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year the approval lapses. 4. USE: The approved use is a wine tasting room operated by Clos La Chance Wines, Inc and Fleming Jenkins LLC and retail store selling wines and wine-related retail products from Clos La Chance and Fleming Jenkins wineries. 5. NUMBER OF SEATS: The maximum number of seats shall not exceed 4 seats total. 6. HOURS OF OPERATION: Hours of operation for the business shall be 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 P.m., seven days a week. 7. WINE SALES: Retail sale of wine for off-site consumption is permitted from 11:00 A-M to 7:00 PM, seven days a week and 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM for private events. 8. WINE TASTING: Wine tasting is permitted. The maximum sample size for the tasting shall not exceed one ounce. 9. PRIVATE EVENTS: Private events such as staff meetings, special new release tastings, bottle signings, vendor presentations, and other winery related business are allowed. These events are limited to once a month with hours of operation from 11:00 AiTM to. 10:00 PM. Entertainment is riot permitted during these events. 10. PROHIBITED USES: Service of alcohol for consumption on-premises beyond the minimum allowed for a wine tasting is not allowed. 11. OCCUPANCY: The maximum occupancy shall be as required by the Fire Code. ATTACHMENT 3 Nage ! of 1 L r Vu-Bang Nguyen - Fwd: Clo La Chance CEIVFp From: Marilyn Cosden To: Vu-Bang Nguyen OC r 3 2005 Date: 10/03/2006 12:32 PM TOWN Subject: Fwd: Clo La Chance OF SOS ..PLANNING pIV ATO,3 Marilyn D. Cosden : - --Administrative Secretary-.--- Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 408/354-6874 Email mcosden0)[osgatosca.gov Debra Figone 10/3/2006 10:57 AM . For the record LOUIS GODOY <louisgodoy@sbcglobal.net> 10/2/2006 4:08 PM Greetings, my nae is Louis Godoy, I am a Realtor with Synoptic Real Estate Group in your lovely town of Los Gatos. Collectively as a office we are very happy and.feel honored to be able to do business in Los Gatos and are always looking to help people and new business move in and expand in the community. We as an office also share love of a a culture that is affectionately equated to Los Gatos, the love of wines, which brings me to the heart of this communication. We understand that a winery "Clos Le Chance" from Morgan Hill is hoping to open a tasting room in the community and being a big fan of the wine s and great food (as I was chef for many years in area restaurants and hotels) thought this would be a win win opportunity for both the winery and the people of Los Gatos. So at this point I am not sure who I would have to contact to voice my support for this idea, but I thought I would begin at the top and perhaps you would forward this to the proper person. I hope you can join us in the support of this venture and we can all help them to succeed. Here's to a long lasting and successful partnership Cheer's" Regards, Louis Godoy Louis Godoy - Realtor Synoptic Real Estate Group Cell:408.410.3629 Office:408.358.2717 Fax:408.358.2729 www.synoptic-reg.com ATTACBI'NT 4 I~ileWC,:\Documents and Settings\vnguyen\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4522584ETO... 10/03/2006 (10/03/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen - Clos La Chance Winery Page 1 From: "Fabi Soliemani" <fabi@soltransaction.com> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca:gov> Date: 09/29/2006 7:38 PM Subject: Clos La Chance Winery CC: <rick@clos.com> Mr. Nguyen, I would like to take a moment of your time regarding Clos La Chance Winery. It was brought to. my attention that Clos La Chance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyard are looking to obtain a permit in the town of Los Gatos. As a business owner in Los Gatos for over 10 years, I would like to express my support. If you allow them the opportunity to open their retail shops and tasting rooms, it will be a great benefit for. the residents and business owners of our beautiful town. Please contact.me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you again for your time. Best Regards, Fabi Soliemani President & CEO Sol Transaction, Inc. Direct: 408-202.0604 Fax: 408.358.8881 www.soitransaction.com SEP 2' ~la row 2006 p N OF CANNING ~ O's 0 S o OS N Pace 1 of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Clos La Chance Winery From: joseph dadashadeh To: Date: 09/29/200610:45 AM SEP 2 9 2006 Subject: Clos La Chance Winery row,, CC: pLA N Lo S SSION . . Mr. Nguyen, Before any thing else let me first thank you for all the hard work that you are doing in the beautiful city of Los Gatos. The reason that I am sending you this e-mail, is in regards with the pernlit Clos La Chance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyard - - - are looking to obtain in city of Los-Gatos. I-would like to fully support as-a business owner in-city of-Los- Gatos and-great state of California C1os La Chance Winery and Fleming Jenkins Vineyard in being granted the opportunity to open their retail shops and tasting rooms in Los Gatos. I feel the addition would show our clients appreciation. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Joseph Adeh Senior Loan Officer Synoptic Financial Services ioseT)h(@.svnoT)ticfinancial.com Phone# 408-241-5555 Fax# 408-358-2729 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. -file-WCADOCUments and Settings\vnai~ven\T.nr.al gettinac\Tenin\ VPcrrnvvica\451 (77c)54Tn 10/0 1i'?(1)0(i Page 1 oI 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Clos La Chance Winery in Los Gatos From: "Arbel Bet-Shliemoun" RECEIVED To: Date: 09/28/2006 1:21 PM SEP 2 8 IUUo Subject: Clos La Chance Winery in Los Gatos - OIV 'PL P A NINGpS GATpS OIVISION Dear Mr. Nguyen, I am sending this email to request a strong consideration to be given to Clos La Chance Winery to open a retail and a tasting room in the beautiful Town of Los Gatos. I am a frequent visitor to Clos La Chance in San Martin Road and I enjoy the beautiful vineyards and the very elegant and tasteful tasting room that they have offered us for so many years. By opening a retail shop and a tasting room close to my office I will be able to frequent the Town Center more often whether for business of for personal leisure. Thank you for considering this. -Arbel Bet-Shliemoun Director/Owner Uccc.net Information Solutions 408.445.8222 fLleWCADOCUmentS_and Settings\vngtuyen\Local Settin,Qs\Temp\XPP-rowise\451BCC4BT... 09/28i'M6 (09/28/2006) Vu-Bang Nguyen City Planning Page I I From: <rfiluk@pol.net> RECEIVED To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> SEP 2 Date: 09/27/2006 9:20 PM B ZUUh Subject: City Planning TOWN OF LOS GqT We have heard of the possibility of a wine tasting room at 45 Main St by PLANNING DIV/SIONS Clos de Chance Winery. We have known this business entity for over 10 years and strongly support their application for such a business venture in Los Gatos. Robert and Heather Filuk 17180 Crescent Dr Los Gatos, Ca 95030 0 L O QI 7 L w v u ro C • u U O co ro w a O > 4 U - ro to b a 3 N o H ; v v O w u u ° U • 7 A 'O . C 1n :1 u w w ~ o M O 7 G ul C u O (1) v m ul 7 ° o 'C o O U ro b > o d g ° w L a v Ln o N L u Ch N O v o H w m 7 U 7 •A N G .G. u C O w v b g > v! a) w u 0. O N H ° b b u 3 ro U U r 0 u l d N • .C d a) d u 1 G ro L u) O ro 3 U >1 ro O U C u ur o w Q1 v v L L u) G C, v ro E E v ro (V v, 7. E w A >•i -1 a1 L L L U O U' O O (A .,i ' O A L L fn ~ 7 u N O L O w a) a u . ~ C' ,C U W w H D 7 F. ro 'O b x O ) - C A O . .a 7 v a) m G N v >1 L U O o 'O E 'O A C ro v a ro A E m w d w o Lo 7 0 ; O b U H L 1d W L O v m u w N u b U 3 0 a) d C7 W 7 ro v C H CC ro O L F v U W N v -a - .i L .13 H a N . L N w Q' H i w y 3 > v N x 'a v. ro O C 3 tit •.a 5 w c 0 7 w a) C •a a W c 'O ~tl d H C W 3 4 A O .G iC h Z C Z O w a) w ro 1 u1 7 A ro b G U U H 0 , u) Z O H O 3 F O C U 01 C w d u O 4 7 O) G H ?G G p) .C L H U 0 ul H O U w a) C ro W Q •.a u) H v F t 3 ro v v >1 h ro p u fad L O N U L O U N C U w a ~ 1~ w u l 14 • i v -.a O n O v v 4 O 0 O 0 b U O A O m L 0 ro C 3 C E U C w v L b ..a A M a + a •1 u u v u, + O o > v U H L u! •rl •rl ro M ' 3 (n v v > tn ro L •.i -1 -I U v rl -1 .1 C. O U rd U d d N ro v b .•i b A -a O .L a) 'O d d G a ro U r: 1n A L b ro •.a E v 3 U ro ro • _ 3 N N M O N ' b 1~ m O~ O N r N l .i ~f V N .•1 U N 1 b N 1~ ^I m '1 N O N H N N r1 N V N N N w ro u cu C w a N O o m N -I w C a .cOa) - ro N roO u 0) (1) a) rd •H 01 2 C ~ a-i u w~4 c u U 0 7 A 'v u7 oc• F m w N O ••i d F O a 1n ~mv• 7 v x c C. 0 a) U O ~ 14 -H u .4 In a.hEFau)r~ a O w a) O G cu C O CL i L O C U- m a tO > > A rl wN a) a) a[ no c m O 1 C L O A L (n ro • L H ro u) + U U N N U C y M o ro a u Q U F N -1 O 1!1 t0 t~ 9 m O N U1 0 O~ O N ~/1 H •-I .-I .1 H .-1 .y N N N N N N N H 1n 0 O r N u m v v Z w O u . H N y c E d s o , U 3 Z N H a a N L O 1..1 6 u) O a ATTACEMENT 5 O U a v v u1 U, 3 01 10 E ° c w w c ro v 0 w u C L c C L Q) 7 O O v r v. v b b N r w d w L ut C v z r N a ro a > N L L a > ro 7 ro V w u Cl ro w ° w r 0 o ° E 0 o w r r v b ro w rn N o w c v v o 3 L L v G c ro c r, ro ro w w o u c W 4 ro u • o w N v c W v u U w O •.a O r O ,ro C r 7 0 01 ro U L rl c 0 v N v c u, -1 -c L c m. v W y w L .1 u "H o 0 3 .H w ro C w w In 3 m 10 , N N L N GJ N L L 01 L U •.I O v v Qt u b . b r ~1 ro c C E L U r c c x r w r v L r U ro O 7 N L O c H v N N u ro L > 7 L C v > U O O ro v) u .1 a >y y U 0 ro O' w 01 N •-1 --1 H u O x u N r d u ro I m r >I 0 c x O m - u C C ro L ro v 0 L •.1 0 O> Cm (D ro v u W z V v H w v •r1 H r w a C O N 0 r w N 0 .,a •O O cn w b 0 C x U 0 ro w 10 L v Gl a [ H r w >I 0 ro c u W u O u) w C r C Q cn C L 10 u r 3 v c H v a w 7 7 0 v r u1 ro E v O a H w •.i 3 7 0. L v a Ln ,r H 7 v o N L o >I w L u o r ro ro a 3 . £ 0 > L L ro b 3 L N GG N N ro 0 >I ro r y w ro r N C L N U O L b C c W .1 N L 10 10 L •d 10 ro Ul w r L ro r L' b 0 3 x •rl L O 7 L ro ro r L rl N N -rl U N O H W r U) G1 U L 7 L 7 >I ri w N L 3 L ro N L ] x N c O a H ro v al u 3 E z y H F - r 7 w _0-- un-- 0".. -._10 -0.. .-:C.. ---:J.-- -_.-y._ --.F__- .C__ .."U._-_-_- ' W L n W .--1 b ro >1 0 x v w L u H N ro (U Q' L .0 w •H tl - S u C x ro x C 1 H •.1 r•1 u w E C ro b L • m A u `01 A 0 c 0 O) r O 01 w a: F H U O v a O z . H u 3 ] O v u) O L In r F 'o ro •.I ro A L G ro W 10 '-1 01 r L v! v C y O U C w U H 3 v Id 7 u u 0 C v u v , N L o H z 0 O H E C >I r u IH v r v d N E A N •H N 7 O x A It r u 10 L o 3 F H F L L qqq v 10 ..1 v L O b ••1 H H O L •--1 r w Q w' ro Q w' r O w O r E 0 N > 10 L 01 3 v - bG u H u .1 of C: HHQ F AO O O L C •H w v O1 v A L >I r m d, •wr1 O RQ. U >1 2 C v 10 w aj v C C: Y Q) O 4) .w 0 z a [ 4 C O w o1 0 O r 1 > •11 H u ro 10 ° u d ro x w u u ; •.1 u L ro d v O •H L ..a o1 W c 3 H v C 3 ro ro 'O ro n• x C 0 O O 'o v u 0 L L- w 61 c -H IC u x O c v w w v r ro ^ m c v w r a v u 0 u o L w w v 10 IH ro ] w W L E c o u Id E v •H ro d 01 -H C C s o o •'1 o •H ^I 0 01 3 w u1 Q W v ro u E b 3 U- 3 A ro d u N N r•1 V N IO r m O H • H H N H H H H O N N N N N d N Uf N L rn > v c C C 0 w H ~ a v o H w >I ^ a L H ] 3 C ° 7 v 0 - N > •1 O O L v O ro u o u1 w r u v w L c w L 7 E ro v C u =1 0 L C 0 d a cu r N L U u O u U A u) m H ° H (1) -I r w ^ v a c u ro O O L O 3 v M C a > rl m ul w b H v v c .a Id a) > 0 0 C] 0 (m 0 v r w c L L r H o 3 m v 1 3 w ol u ro v L m 3 C a i x ro ro rn w m L ai cd ' m w Z ro 3 a v ] 0 0 N O ^1 H v H 0 v d v m > a o v <n ro ro 4 v u1 H r u w a 3 0 U O :3 >1 > O ro T 11 O U N Cl. E r ul v) L u L 3 u C u p O n. % % 0 3 . S 1 1 0 w u W a u rd o O N N ^1 V Ill b f~ L v n• U v w v L H ro u E Q) u, •.a w c v 3 v v ro 3 N v a c>, v ai ro 4 w 3 L 0 d ar, U in In ~ b 3 ro eo :3 1 V-1 L W L Ei .7 U IO ri L U N H O1 Q) O b O N v U H -H C C1 C w C 0 A v N L m L 3 L 0 tl w 00 :1 A N ro a '1J 1%1 w v N d •H u >I v L C °i 07 r W d C b E 7 IC O v u a O , W E .1 c O w N .c -r1 r 100 w w O N 3 U w w m E' N u N W o ° w ° v o o Gl v V v c 7 ~ Z 3 .C C •H L w r L 7 n• O 00, H L ] L u (n co ] N H C w O7, ro N O W v u w C b N ro x N >1 w C 0 C L -H O 1 ; C r C H 0 W O H O w C ul ro L v N O 0 L 0C1 ° 01 3 S °i a C ro u [r+ ° C, C: 0 10 y O O L' N X N L N 3 (il N N - r W Sl 7 C v > v 3 O U L v u 01 Q Y•1 L L -c: 7 w W 1 10 N C DI Ul X O b m 7 C r v =0 Q w L L O z ° W ° u •.i iL W H F v c 0, • + 0 Z c: 7 F" Z U E 03 ro w N 3 v 010 rn v a O U - x >I v Gl >I 'O H u C v >I H H H U o w o + v w w o u1 n s Aro F O W C w r •.i N 7 x F N 3 O 7 v L v v H O C UU oU H W 7 Y C r A O H v C 3 ro L >1 O N H O 0 ro c W L N W ro r c A C r c r •rEEl C N •'I L ro H 0 574 v L u N 3 L v N E U v l4 v 0 •.H.I Ia N w w 10 7 > 1 . > u r-1 U- w r ro b u oI IO ro N H ro W L r a W v x Cl r 3^ 0 w o o L ro A w o 3 m o n v1 o r m o rv n a v1 H .1 H .1 H --I H -I N N N N N N ~D 0 O 1` N L m v m v z w 0 cn u1 H tl E ~ O u 3 O z a " a u1 L O y Q c~ 0 a M N w y y 0 ,o H o 4 N of C L O E v O v co 0 [ ri A O Q) O W 4 H u s O y l ..4 w s 4 H s u N >1 w O u U 4 O C. U! Ql L L W L U - A of y Ql L W u) -•4 to C N L - L 4 C C 'O ' -1 C L 0 C v Y N 0 N •A ro N A u 0 .4 (v .1 O gg y •.i a H C 4 .-4 C 4 Q) C A .1 -rl s u u 3 C 6 u C 3 ro •.4 s Q) u •.4 A w C . 4 U ro O 'O a) 0 C C u u 0 A. , ) O U > C • •.i ro C 0 u ° ~ N 5 N ° H H ro N C u . 7 N u ' .3 0 U L m O O N O O E Q) O (U w O w 7 u a M y N r Q) a A E 3 C w o 4 o o •o A O. 0 7 A •.i a u O O L m u •.4 L U C 3 4 0 0 A > a r 0 4 7 (U N N 4) 'O N O a o) .C A N u s 0 Ul d ' U7 C O ro C 0 C C .4 u 4 t O O 0 L C O - o 0 O L ro- .C '•4 3 L ' L y H O O L E 4 E N > O ] O 0 cn u yy4 L 4 3 L y 4 L N L L 4 p 'O .Q U L .i r-1 0 > 0 > O U 0 r-I u W 3 • u [ a u O CA O C u 0 A 0) ro 1 10 0 Q 'o ro U A 0 N 0 b N A a O x L rn s v 'o - v s A L H O (U . 3 C C6 ro a A u •C i L . ro u 0 C ro H C7 C (A . i 7 L N E 'o O L ,H U 0 •.4 4 L >1 L 0 u ro •.a 7 ro N c C L E w C w L •,4 O •14 4 O > Y ; O 7 L u V A b O O L 3 - . O w •.a o C N •-4 4 s L U cu w . O 4 O O L O 0 a •.4 0 4 4 c 0 L ro 0 E 0 0 .0 7 w 3 a r ,H A 'o u 3 w 3 C ro u) Q O A s -A e 0 0 4 '17 0 4 a F u ) U ro 0 N I 4 0 O O m s 01 r 0 4 -L r-) 0 Cn O 4 0 u N C O . A 47 A • O .4 a if1 N v W 4 _ U___ a A N . J--) 0 r4 •.4 L a 0 .~4 _ A C -.li v W c •d of . .0 9 3 0 0 Q _.y._ 0 4 'o -0.. A ._y.- H__ 0 ._L__ _ro_. _ . 4 ._7.- _w__ 0 A ro ro H A '4 'O ,(V at • 1 .•4 Ul O N x a s ,C L L c N •4 H Q) 4 L O L x C (1) a L (n •.4 3 x 4 C •r) L 4 4 0 L •ri 3 " u 'O Q) -.1 a U H C A w in ro b ro v N ro u X H A 4 a 3 u ..i C ..i [ A ul L U U -H O N ro of rl L N N C 3 0 A L W U C H 0 L 4 L C N A 4 -A ' > L A Y •.i 3 O Q N s A 0 •r1 •.i A O Ql 3 0 S H H ,C L C 4 O U E O O 4 L ro (7 ul ° 3 O 4 A Q) 4 3 > ro s 0 A Ul rl ro c •'1 m O .C s L 0 w iH ri •.4 3 v C O 4 •1 0 rl A 0 4 0 Y ..4 s L Q) H a W E+ b l.. U) [ L 4 ° x H n• OI C al O GG A 7 01 0 C b O H 3 2 4 0 L • .1 H 4) ro a' V ° a ✓T . 0 N C L C A •-4 N L rl a 2 U 7 A C N C ro A L r o. of . a O O N .H O •H s 0 m c: ro w c: r 0 L u C of 0 L 0 L L 3 L 4 - 0 A u 4 •d 0 0 •.4 c C, E A >1 > N ro It N -.i L 0 0 > u a O E ••i s E A L O 0) 4j (U ~4 ~4 r4 a Id . °l 8 u U t N 7 N u 0 O s 0 -0 0 H L y Ul 0 O •14 A C a Q) Q) C 4 C C 'O 3 > 7 M o s .C rl •.1 s L s H o o 1 o o U A a o •.i O rd a L ro u a 3 u d 3 z 0 >1 l s 7 C (3) > 1 .4 N M d Vl b m P O H N M M N •O P m P O N r U1 H H r l H H N .4 N H .1 N N N N N N ro rn 7 Q) of > L H w C 7 4 w O O u u 7 A •.i 4 H O A ro O L >1 A ,C O O IL 4 O 0 A N Ul w 01 u a ro C] a m s m 'O tNO C O •.[i a •y 0 'O C 4 C 0 :3 -00 S44 0 q -H L o1 3 W QI L •d C 4 0 N L y 0 o N N C ro .C 3 0 0 14 s 4 'd c x o m 'O •.4 Ul U L °l z > W W al roc: L w Q) C C w A O O 000-H 7 0 N u ul O •.4 3 0 Ol 4 U C 1] L 0 0 a 0 ro ro •.4 s O O C 4 O >4 b A 4 Ql C L -1 3 OI 'O r4 7 •11 VI v) 0 L E L L QI 'O •rl a N r-1 O 0 10 O L Id ..4 C ,C 0 3 0l 0 7 bl 7 >1 0 o u L 0 C 0 L 4 L C O L >1 C O C 44 Ul co 0 0 4 O 4 N H Q) -H ~r 4j >1 .14 Y. 0 ul (1) cu Q h L w L W 4 3 (U O A N N N A A L a b 14 S44 •144 ro u b E O r v) 4)) 0 A (U 4) w a N ~ 1.04 n• cQ C O 0 A 0 U ro H •a H E N C 3 L W [ L L 4 7 L >1 Q) L ..4 W 3 >1 0 0 O m C o 0 O C N -Y.4 •C 011.0 O 0 L 01 .C 4 C 7 .c C 3 O 0 Ul u L L N 4 4 a C L 0 •.4 O 3 •.4 ..4 cc •.4 ~ 'A C u ° u u x o F o N Ul 3 v N a 3 i 3 z ro .0 O C U N L A N •11 - 4 O0 >>1 A •rl L O •.4 T Ol y 10 110 L £ O N W 6 1x•4 a. C4.1 Q L •a of U W 3 s u H U 4 O U •.4 •.4 0 N -.4 O H 0 a O OC N .0 0 +Ol L 3 s N O A L ro ,c H O 4 N .-4 C -A 3 3 c .C N L A ALCd 0 ~d L L x A >1 O A 4 Lj ::j 3 O' H 0 O 3 •.4 o A U l/1 0 N H vl 4t H N ro a 4 0 Q) Ol >1 4 W U1 u j u w Q) 'O L 0 H a (1) > (n 4 0 w 0 c 0 0 ro u a E-4 A L' C ,C A C c 7 0 U) N a O '4 4 0 C H >4 C [ N L ro O C ro 3 ro O 0 .•4 E z S4 ,C 7 y 0 O u ro >1 L .1 v O N >1 s s O In L >1 L •.4 a O >t A C y of 3 W O N ri r 3 L 3 Ul H ,7. 3 ~ O L LGG u N . o z Q O E. >1 Q O 0 F 4 .H b ~ c.• C O > > K I E m O n. L r-I U -.4 L 3 -C .-4 ..4 U •.I r4 0 7 4 E 6 •.4 u 4 A E+ a N Y OI N 6 Q) - C N >1 0 0 4 3• 0 4 bt 4 'O 7 of 4 C O ro 0 a C L 0 n• Im H O C 0 O ro b [ W L •.4 0 4 N L C 4 dl r. >1 3 •d ,C L H U a •.1 N L O 0 4 C •.4 Y u 0 ro L >,-A >->l u O L M E m E 0 L q z ul r. u 4 'O 0 0 C E Y y ro ro O Y co U L 2S 'O > L L u L ro L Q M CL W H LJ •ri O N M Q N •O h m P O H N O Vf O N N M O N H .-I H •-•1 H H H •4 H N N N N N N O 04 n N L Ol y 0 z 4 O H U) 'A G N -.I H 4 0 u~ Z^ ~z7y~ d 4 ~ a ~ a 0 u E H Q w 0. (n d) N 4 .0 u w (U H O C >1 y > 7 N 'n d) 7 C) L O O ro dl ro L .a m N x U w N 4 O .d 4 ro .•a 4 O rU ro w c ro H 7 C Ot 7 ro ro ' w ro 'H 7 ro 7 7 dl •14 t 'n w ..a C N v £ C C 0 O 0 O 1 L U 3 H N .1 C 'O id N N >1 F~. u 4 Y 0 - C N E ro u (v w d) d) 4. U 4 .L1 4 A U 0 b C A 0 m 7 L v E H L O 0 d N d 7 H > w O (P L L L .-1 Y L L W ro £ v + ro v u v c o W u N o 7 c - u E L v - w I ~ m ro v - b O •1 u c: O 7 N O 0 0 4 C - W d) u 4 41 d) CT H >Y d✓ v O O W F c ro N C O y N u 4 w w '0 v 4 •.i 4 d) 0 'U N C O O C ro d ro N a d) o ro d) dl 0 ro v E Q) N H ro a a 7 m w U L >1 N 4 O > U Y 00 O ro ro C U U r .i 4 0 ro ro W u ro N d) •H 7 .i 7 > c .i .-i C N ro a 4 a H ro U '0 v w U ro N L L O C7 ro (1) N 0 N O C O ro 7 ro 4 H d) > C L (U d) . ro ro 4 w N v c 0 Q v v N ro L C a 3 N 7 E 0 a ro 5 7 7 > O y 0) •H U ro u U d) O NO E L O ro J 4 C N % N 4 0) ro (n v w d) L c m -•a u) v c c d) 0 ,O 4 H a o ro E C Q) L L (U w -.a d) 14 _ w rl N (v N dJ O a O - 0 W L 3 L dl CT u N > a U U C) U c ro £ O -.i u L A O C 7 Oi ro 0 id H > ro d) Ot 3 C tT v A ro v U w .1 u a U d) E. O 4 C E u C x L w b L C L H w 'O O O w tll .4 ro u) d) 7 y U ..i u .W---__--. R- _E_.-w----- -u)_.-.0-._C._.iy_-.D___'~_-~-..w-__.y_-L---O..-_v___>,_.__C._._. O ro 7 ro F L >1 of C. 4 v N-- .G x 3 0 >1 N ro .i L O A 0 id (U rn ro ro 7 U O w 10 d) C O 0 4 3 O a U ^I o H F ro O A ~d .•i v O N v rd u 7 ai u w C w a N N u z ro o A ro > 0 L L C .4 0 O O d) u O Q) N d) (d ro d) N .1 L d N .1 7 U W 7 H £ £ ?a > A C W C ro O 7 H 3 •0 N u Cm w W dt O > H -n C u) N C O d) x . •.a •.q L yC w C7 C W d) 7 y -,a 7 CT -1 N (U d) E• r( u UCC w ro L i (V U ro U o co 01 l4' o 6' It A ° H A N R w C a r r L L •.a CT u W u d) w 7 v' O •.i u L O H L C ro O U ro > L A U au £ L C 0 L ro > . d U a7i . O U O v C L 7 .y d) It v L ro tT a O( v w u y O ro ro [T. ro 01 C d) C N > O 4 x u 4 U •.i L dl v L L 0. > N C L 4 C > C > v 7 O C d A C v L u Q) . •.i d) ro ro w It ro O to .C O 3 ro % N N M Q i!1 ~O t~ m A O N M V V1 ~O 1~ m A O N M V U1 N H H N H N H H H N N N N N N - N w 0 N r N L \ v z O u H U) L c E ro £ 0 3 Z Cl. 0 u O H • u C7 0 '.a O •.1 H ° v '0 -L C v > v N L (n C -4 d) F b ro ro > U L d) ro 4 3 0 H 7 N W L L L N N L 4 O ro L w a~ rn E 3 L ro L - 7 u (vd) f L o r - r a4 ro H 4 L L O •.I E C ro L U) O tT L (d N N N a It x L L L 3 ~~ydd L O 4 O W 'O L y 0 .i Ul N .1 ro ro ro L .i O L U U dl N L C .1 u N E Q) O y w O L U 7 rn - L O L y N •.i 4 N 3 L •.a ro w C ro N '4 •n C y c U) 7 v ro N L U C L L O N ro .1 u O U id CT ro -4 u y L 3 y u 7 L C L Of , ro W 7 p . F> d) 4 L L L y O U a) C C O 3 A U >1 O 3 C Ci d) L 4 to ro C O L y V d) L 4 3 dl 0) CT d) C N C 3 C O u b n O ro G 1%i L E b L S4 V O •n l.~ V) w 4 0 H •.1 y CT v •.i v U a •3 N L d a 01 y It A d) c ro c 4 L a dl x W O d) •.1 L ro 0 O -1 u 0 L _a O .a 7 ro L y N 4 4 0) L L C (a 7 >1 7 u 7 .i y N 0 u •H 7 a O G) 7 x w > y tT 7 u N O A O .1 O i 7 7 H u O a C U- C 7 ro ro L u 3 >i N ro •n >q 7 >1 N •m 7 O O Ci L L C - d) dl 7 A .1 'O .i 00 - C E L ro C C 0 .i w E L C N ro u x ro N y '0 7 d) v L w i > c rd + Ci .(U U u 7) L O z ro (1) 3 3 0 N r+ v .i v > N '3 L N y ro .A •m ro w v a L d L 01 u o . L ro .i ro L L 3 N W dl •.i L N O C N 4 L F H H .-i A u C C d) •.1 L C ro 4 y d a CT •.i 4 C. W w d) N 0 O C w u v v 7 Cl ro r- L a =003:+ W OI L u O C4 0(1)4 N ..a u N d U v u c w 3 N 'ro 3 ro L r-i O x -A •N O ro L M H U) v 0 7 N ro 3 ro C C L W C L U 'N 7 v ro w U c > E u O d) ro 7 C U v U N •.a O > 4 u o ro vl 7 N L ro L ro .-i L ro -A A L y L C4 L b w M L It N .-1 r-1 L 0 L r u a Y~ £ U 4 w 7 U C 7 d) (d C N L L •7) d) O UI N H 4 ro d) '0 O O O 4 •.I u N ro d) 4 C [G w u 0 w G; N q L 4 >1 ro L d) L d) ro > d) N. d) ro ro O d o c a) ° ro C. 10 L L •w•) W a W ~ y u d) d) E ro C, u 4 o v Er o w v o 4 A ro v H L u C ro y L H L .-1 L C4 L L O .i w u ro ul ro u ro L• ro L O L N 7 d) a H G) L ro ••i ro (1) ro O 4 ro d .C 7 Q) d) 4 ,H 1. 3 3 A r r. 01 4 >1 0 u w > 4 .i N u d1 ro •.i C 7 u L N ro O (0 ro > C N .i ro N -.1 O x u ro X u L E N W d) N a .i 7 N L W C d) u d) C 7 7 ro 3 N L (d O 7 O N N •.I .i a y a H ro (U O O c O (d O .1 d) O L 0 rd w L O d) 7 0 a 0 3c: >t ro x u a (L a 3 ,J(7 L O L a 4 x L A ti N M ? N b h m O N O ~ Ol p N d . H .d H H H .-1 N .y H N N N N N N ~D O N r N L \ d m v z w O u H ~ U) [ O u z v H i a U) L 0 H Qr u 0 a o W Li u U N > H ro CC v W 0 L ro x t W rd N 3 C w .c ro 7 .9. 4 w N L N 3 O 3 01 W O W O L E. W O 0 F L rfi ° N I° C N ~ F t1 U " ro C N N - •i . 3 i E O •.1 S W H W U N W u u 3 W w C O ro L q N L O L N N 7 ? 3 x N ro r O H W W W 0 O Ot W C Of ro N 'D [C ro .C W L C W w N U W C ~ ro T U W O O Itl - L u O 0' U A W U C " 3 t •.1 u E W W C w C w L N w L U a W N 0 4 o ° • ro G • °i u w • ~ % 4 Cy O o 0 (1 o W U > N u 7 1 1 f J , v u 0 LI 0 L > 0 N .1 w •.I 7 u C 7 W A •.1 u W N w ro a ro CV L L 01 0 3 A C ro ro L L = a >1 0 0 L' N C ,C L .a W U O •.a - C j O 0) A H W u t` 0 O w O W W w w w w =1 N N ro U U r H > N u > W w C . C W N 0 a 0' W L 7 3 L ro U U i0 ~ O W L .•1 3 W w C A - 3 H O .L w a 6 ] u • 0 w ..i w •0 W E u W O 0 b O ro > p 0 0 a A w N 3 3 w E u H v1 N E W ro' W 3 O w W O w L . W Q o - 7 C 3 z O W w N W - N a C H C •.a W N O W 0 C W H W u C W C W L O (n N W rn u ,H E C N 6 > 3 H ..a w Y > H •.i N N ro Q) w a 3 ro 10 't C: ro rn W L 3 ro w >l - u c L ° , w 3 3 O u r _ c N L u o L L 3 c o o . 0 rn a 0 3 N A .f 7 O w 3 W ro O W .i C w C 0 U - W ,C - W L C W N z 10 u A O O A W E O •14 w ro X w .C m > w .C 01 w o w W N Y w 0 ro w •.1 w 01 H w u O N ro W w ro L ; F W W H > W A ro W A 0 N 0) N (A > u O 0) 7 O >l 3 w •.i N 7 C O a N 0 L in H 7 • .C - N ro -H U •L: w N .-f W W W w 0 N L ro .i 3 O dt A U N ro W C O L N ro d N Oi W E C O - n-_-- - 7 w C -4 X E' C O 0 a w X u E •a ro ro J: L N W N W W L H x w O w W A -.1 L a 01 N W u 3 u u W C •.1 O C W w w ro W L C L 61 O H w (n W N .-1 N .H L w It ] w C 3 O ro 0). L .c ro .-i U 0 w •.i O b ro 't O L U .•1 W w " 0 H rt! cn N `O E trot H 4 N N W ro u .i w W C ro u w W C C w 1 O O C7 C ro ro ro r L a C ro ro 7 w N w w 3 C 0 ro N 7 o w ro N a -A x i W 3 w ro 0) c •'1 w U W 3 u o) ro W 0 W u y W u O 0) 0 01 u y 3 o E L a c o aT W 7 C 44 o L • r 0 v ro L L 0. O a W 3 O N Ia w o 0 L o L F L C •.i N W •M 3 o .i .a 3 U 0 L C •.i ro `d ~ W . C 7 w C •.1 w ro > W ro L . ro W u U ro L 01 O O W W A W •.1 w w W l: 0 N .C O w a W C C -.i U of E O w N Ol 7 O w 0 F M W Q V Z C O .1 L N C L - W w - O E L C H L H > C 0 U .i ro N .i O O N w 0 C ro 0 O ro 3` a 7 `O L 0) 0) L w L rl E 0 0 01 C 00 w E E d C 1 w L 0 0 0 5 ro - ro °EE 0 w Li 0 Cy ro w w I O L ro L C + 3 i (d N ~ N w • 1 C a N A 10 O V V1 . C U O to N N •.a . F N . . . N N 1'1 d ill O f~ tD 01 O N N 1 '1 d ill V 1~ m A O N •1 ♦ Vf N N 1 H .i .ti N N H N N N N N N w r-4 m 0 N W C 7 N W N G w ro O w L W N •.1 W 0 ro Q) ro w ro N. a W E W O. ro •14 w W W W A N W 7 X. O 7 Y L L N (d w X. u ro N 3 0 w U O O L 7 ro . ro O •A L •11 C ro ,H 0 -14 w >I .-1 w 0 C -C w N ' u L 0 C Of E u w 0 3 >I L U .•1 N ro C O 3 W O . 0 A 0 01 W N c. L gg li L d c L N 10 GG Q C ~ [ W C . W C > ro W > ro W •.i 1 N W I L rl N 01 W E W > -.1 E 01 w .C u •.i N C O O w w O • id w 0 p C 10 O N N ro GG 0 .i ro L r W ro L .0 N 0) d U) L W ' N L O 0 ' E N l7 O N w .C N w N N w U ••.i N L 10 u w (1) 0 L o (U ro w N w C •11 0) L •'1 L U 10 L 01 ' L W > O 01 W A W 3 w O c- Q) .a N W L -C U 10 N to 0 > N A LJ W 0) N -d 0 10 ' L ° ~ u m a 14 3 o r A [ o W c m o N W 10 D U " C L. w o 0 L u ro ro L C y a " (a o (n 01 o) i ° w w W o w o c m E 61 ~ N . C L Q N i ° i C) ( A Q) C -Y ro w L o 0 c ro 'o - N C: 1 1 ~ C E 4 i E E i A 5 8 Q O W M M w >1 11 0) o G) . i 01 W A C 3 u u w •.i N O >l .-1 W w -.1 3 H ro c L W c x •.1 -H O ro. W W L c L H r m L . > O w W w W N W >l Q) w E •.i •.C 3 O 0, .C L U 7 ro A C -H O -H C: -.1 u ro W •.a 3 W U •1. w O A c E L r-1 0) H ro C ro L ro 0 10 -.1 w w w ' ro u 3: 0 v 7 3 L "4 • [ A N x c 161 E A ' 6) y A U W w A w 0 - H 4 A c a c 7 1 W 7 l . 0 7 O . e E. W ro ~ H v W N N N a O . L •.a O 01 N. a •.a w t~l H 3 N (U Ot C W r N w 9 W w W 6) 3 L 01 C .C u £ O •a 7 ro 6) 01 W w 0 W W u 0 S w, -H L u O > 7 •.a C.' •.a N 3 u w H O C .a m U H C W rt ro ro L N W U C L ro X O L 0 W w L C H 7 w O w W A O E N A L A L W n' E U u H A J'-J F 0 > 10 W ro C O N > w W r >l W O L N L ,C L W W W N W ro CC A u o Ot W L •.1. L O A L w ° w - W U) F H W I w l . C w t W 7 1 0 W W E 0 w X w u A 10 x •.1 u C 0 H X 0 3 ,Q z o F 3 O .Ci > O F 4 ui . •.CI ro v C G ro 3 N ro 7 •CI N 7 C7 H ' C x w 4 b . .-l ,C W w 0 U) L m ^ C ro m U1 ry 2 01 U H u ro W L ro W r. ro >l u (v A a a w w Ia a) •.1 al a) U -A 6) > L O U W C 0 L U C: 0: A H x •.1 ro H w (U A w L ro N H L Ga w . .14 u w of >I Q) ro w F o a) 4 W 0 W a) N C O w 7 H W 3 U Of a u w W U) H ro N C N 3 ? A Q W u w W W 3 C 1 ~ N L O ro •.i N C O L w C N N E O .1 7 L N ro . ri •A A - 3 W •.i W N L W u ro U G 7 7 L W C w w W W W 7 u L '•i -.1 W ro W 3 L N L •.I W w w E A C ro ro (0 W w u w 7 N W w W C a H - W O ,C W A W N W W o N O O O -C -a W W W L w u 3 x u ro ro A .C E ro E c L 3 w 3 3 N N /•1 d N b ( - m O N .1 N .1 d ill N O .d ~ H .-1 T H O N N N N N 1 N d t(1 N C W H + m O 7 > 3 :3 z' L W L b X C o U O) .G a C a O 0 C C >I u 1d 7 'H z[_ 7 I Cu d O or= F •U1 u 3 3 X O - m C _ m -.C1 00- E b 3 o Q u b C N u a -C O r ro 4 ul 3 L X C C C mm > b O s o W W o 0 1d m rn o rn u W > -.1 A r 10 4 c E W a) u u N N W (3) •.1 W m ro 4 L 3 'b O ro L ro •WO 0 m ° _E m ~ 1°1 N ~ x o o C N Id H L N O) O CC U u u m c •:a W C A Q •ri W m 3 u -m v'o ~r •L " A ro y_ U. _ _ _ C:--- -C-__„ _ _ 7_ rn O x ro 0 L ro W a ul 74 o S W 1 ° j a o „ >1 u W w u C W C W A W u H -C O u W 4 ro > W W G u u m O W W - W ro L •C 7 H (uC C > C W ,C u u W g u) O 4 m mC o W b o E U H u ul a) . fn C X 3 u W N ro N u L 3 O G O) (1) 4 uq ,G W b X 7 W r. Id u C N W L A .G L 4 ro N •rl L 3 „ 3 m ro u ,n °o, gmg N C b W O y b W E E C O •O x ro 04 4 N L H U `.l. H N N d N IO I~ mA O H N M H H .-I N U m m w N H i 4 L N C L .C O a H U G •rI m m U L O o •O n• u w W ro N m O r 4 m H C 1 ro O m 4 Ol w 7 O •O v O C u G C A b H N ro le ~ ~ d Gl E C H O 4 w 'O C m 0 O b U O > C [ o 4 U U y .C b 0 N t O ro .1 t` ro Ol ro W 'd N a .1 U .G N u W L U A > O N m m H W 7 W m u u 5E 6 O u) G H w 'ca . a 0 41 3: 3: 0 3 b G) W O H U w L GG 0 W N .G b > -'I O A -'I p u 3 b s ' o W c v c~ w > u W c M W W > S ro N H d O m . 4 C A m ro 3 a C ~ d N 3 a til N .1 C) c: ° o .0 c c u w W O) A m N O ~ _ H Ul W u ° N ro W E 10 > U O L) W ¢ ro a i u W N o k T.. O N u U) b u m W 7 O ° ro W A a u to L b W ••-1 4 H z u W u C i a tT Y ro 7 C o c 4 m W a u) >1 X 2 3 a a w o u o L m ° i a o - C c F c m ri m 'n L L 'O •rl •.1 'O d N Vf H .-I I~ H m H a H O N H N N N N d N N N U O W N I C O W W N U) V) W C w as W W 4 u C C N C N O W >I (1) >1 rr 4 N •r+ O W 3 W O O O 'O O 4 r1 - W 4 > O W ul -H 'O a L m 8 .a W m W 3 7 C L Id L > W U E ro m 4 m Or- M3 ow (0 c Cro O -f1 a) ] 7 •rl U = a U W w -M U L I c 'a O X U W m O ] A N O w u C a c W ,C 4 L W 4 E O H U 4 7 r1 Y N -.a a L W Id •H W O -A >1 .•1 O A m, W - O) W C ul a L L U U ri ro r. U •.i V) (n c: U L W 3 U U •.1 W ro 'O. 7 •'I 4 U 7 4 a) •ri A C > ro Ol G 'O r1 u 7 C O W r1 u 7 H c N 3 •r1 G ro W 7 U W 0 W O > 7 m b O W 4 G O U W u G O ro A w 4 4 m W 1 O U W O - U L O C O u W W U H W W -A U •rl W 10 H 'o 0 00,4 •rl >I >I N W ri m 3 W . W C G A 7 u W w 7 C - .G '6 O 0 w w E or a A H •4 w -.I L L •ri H G U b ri O 4 W G +j to -r1 'O N O 'ro ro m W H G H 4 E •W 7 m " G m G x W H ro O W Wy >1 W W W u X W W L H O L ; U 3 [ ro r. 7 N > U G L U >I E 7 O O b W10 -rt u U O m m X N N X •rt 4 L O •rl L •rl ,G ] G- C N 7 W L ro m u 7 H L ul ri G L W m O b -n 3 •.1 W •r1 W O ro EWE N qq u6E, W W 0 v4 u W 4 11 ~ u W ro i ro E 4 3 A 'OG •rxi u - O 7 b G W W m m y U [u¢q~ W ro • ~ a i 3 b m (a b u C 3 W N F u ~F6 G O 1d E F u u) r1 W 7 X t. W Z O m O W 3 u m W C W H 4 C C u c: H W 4 A b w W -C C •r1 -.1 G w O 'O •rt •H W 7 'O >1 °l U u) 3 4 u O 4 ro 3 u .H C t u m W 4 01 W al w U -rl U W E G u 0 u 7 7 T W U C ] W u m W L L ] C W •1 ro o A u •c W 0 r A a n ro G ro •.1 a •r1 3- A O U H H W r-1 u m W u C C 30 a r m d >1 u m Z a F. Vl 'o W U m u 3 •.1 W .C r1 W u •O 4 u a O O. 0 r-1 m j ro w 3 u H u m G G O) W H O H m u ro W X d W c L C W m C •.1 m W W Id r C z -m u) •r1 - L O W 4 C G U L U a b O O 3 It 4 > •ri •r1 L N ro E. T a •H w Id -C E r1 a W m X 3 a m HyE tr1 t C L -Y 0 U •r1 C 4 ] ro ro •r1 SC1 C m O N. u 7 1 ~ O A C iU-1 E O O H O m H H W m u a u W O It > O u u m O a 3 4 b b It u O W u ro u .1 G W >I A W b o W W 'd IT u W 4 u r. O r1 It E r1 W .C 4 u W 4 C •.1 E b •.1 O W •r1 W r1 O ro u 0 G > 7 .1 4 W4 r =u r u m m rn m w 1a b Id It O t u ro m ro •r1 u ..1 W W C x 4 W w 3 F u m -.I b r1 W C C 4 , O O L 4 W > E W > ro a) O w u H It 10 E ] W W ro ro O 4 ro 4 u -G L 1 u w O It a L 1 a 4 -C t m m L a m L L 3 'O O C W ] U W H U) F L L n N I'1 d Y1 IO f~ m T O .•i N n N O H N .-I H H H N H .-I •-I H H N N N N N N 10 N t\` N yj ~ W m W Z 4 O u H N U) C U) H i1 ro O u 3 O ui Z a H a " d V) L O H (7 N O a H H b C (U w 4) C o 'a H ro u C o N 01 [ 3 v ro o u u u 4) m v 4) i H ° L A 3 ro C O C v C v a C w 3 > u 3 u A :j A (U a u [ L W a '0 O E u C u L U) L A u E w ro o E 4) ro , m ro c u ro c v a ' w r m v u L L v > ro U [ [ ro •a a O U C U a C 4) 4) L 0 C m U U) U Q) C (11 O ro U N C u 4) W u 0 w -.1 O u ••i > E a o 4) --i 3 m 3 w 0 O A L o O u 7 Y L u w ro u O N U N at cn O A m d! u v C v ro w - 0 L (n C V b N C It I L 7 t; L 0 0 L u -ti ro w - rd N - - n .1 C C O C u 4 u C N 'O > b 3 u c: C m H 41 ro E -A -1 A C' a) O L N w N -1 .1 v u ro U -4 cn - ro L L It u L 5 v v ro a N u > 7 m [ H u ri L U 7 C U E N > u .--i x .,a y a v c v N L E 'a a m x r- v E + 3 a ro o 10 u A O N H ro L a 6 v w C v w Z w ro E 0 u O U C id O O OJ L O N Gl 4 a) 7 O u C a ~ O • N w w u b 3 O u N L O u u O N ro N N rn w u 4) [ 3 a O O N 0 u b N N ro ra w 0 0 a ro C E u ro A E v m ' N C N 41 u ro m w % ro C 4) m H a O w u O •A (a c a) >4 E m u c m o ro ro a 4) v v ro £ ro 3 v - a H m w N L c . L w A m (n 3 O w 'o a o w o u • o 7 r 4) ❑ Q .w u C 3 u " u 0 a 4 Oro) C[ A a m w •Ci cad EE++ ro C 6 E 4) ~d 'O 4) •o U v, b L L N 4) •.a L 2 H 41 4) m O > N C v z a O (v 3 U 4) N C u H a L d N O N L . L u L 4) 7 4) O C 7 O u A m --_d__ tn.. -Oi C -O _N '0_. . _v . - - .r-~..___. O L N L x N > w > 4) •m C .O •.i .7 i u O m L w. H >t L O OI u Z. H •rl '-I L v ...1 U w ro r-1 w d C 6 u O N U 7 [ b U A C m C N f p 0 C 0 w . i v o N ~ d u > w cn 4, a c 0 7 4) u 0 c ) t u , L 7 N Q: H u m w u O A m L v u u C 0 3 4 E H C C ro 0 L ~ N a v U + H C (U w 4) A H 41 N •O w m ro u m ro L to ' U u b) L 3 + O E U 1 .i O 41 •.i O N (1) w N •.i 4) x C O 4! L H C) U U •H O O C - H ro 4 > ra A H ro U J L o -n 3 O L o m u E >t N o 4) C at O . (n L a w u x ro '-I O W >t 7 A W U k m E '.1 N 4) 4) E w N ro L ~-i A 0 O a En •.1 7 do 7 10 O N w m' N ~ a N m a U £ m O o a) (V N 4) 0 O c d [ v 4) u ro v + o U at 4) C N •.1 U C U C N a ro u -a U > r1 O •.I O 4 w • u U U U U 4) w • 0 m ro 41 N N > N > U u U En m L a 0 c u Y t ro b w • co .4 C O 7 ro A C w U - 3 A -•i GL 0 O a L > > z L u U •-i H A rv n a .n •o r m m o N n P to •c r m a o N n P ~n H N N N .•I N H N N M N N N N x m > ro (0 ~4 o y 7 c w c 4) Y .1." 4) 4 ) g 4) C C C N L u 0 c c O at u w O 4 7 C4 O O C w o u u O L E w 0 w u 0 w m L E m C 'O 0 L w W - L 'a N L u u -H v C L U 3 v w c: -m w N -H u ro O v u N 4) u 4) C O L 7 O N 7 .1 "i a L 01 > ,a la 3 X r •.a - C O b L a m •A X n •.1 L L O U 4) u F O L w O w u 7 w v 90 H n• 3 w C (a ro 3 H at w .14 4) 4 u U C ; N U O U O O m C Y O O b ~ ro m X C ••i c C X O O o O N w ro L u H H at L L m u' c: O a F 4) L C O •rt •C u C O 'a O -H L u L u w L u 'O b w ro 4) u :3 a (U r ~6 L 01 C 4) L 3 N (1) 0 '0 ro . 14 w O O W u W ,H W A Nu 4) C m O u m u m O w 03 Y. •~t 4) u O C W U v b w 0 w 0 w E Y w j 0 w o '0 w u w 0 u > m m C w w 0 v 3 w 7 ro z u N u m '0 H m a g 3 m u 41 N 4) L O O L 7 to L u .C C 7. U ro u 4) ra ,ro O b id Qf C 3 w 'C' 3. 3. m u 0 0 m 0 E. N N w b 7 a m 0 3 0 w L O L u Y C 0 m a cn O E y L E m O . roeE N w H u 7 O m HH N N •c: H ro 01 [ u 0 0 0 0 4 4 o 7 A C m u u U 4 A $ O a 3 b t O N C X 11 & u u C u w X L ri J -ma . 2 m - U U w O Q C: A m L ro o 4) C u w .C N C - Ot c 3 u O F v L u C - o w C 4) u C C 4) a a 4) m m ro m 7 v u 4) X 4) m u (n 4) L u [ ro 3 >4 u 3 O u o E u ro u u w O a F H • U u z Z - w a O O 10 (1) b w O u x •Ci L O u C7 v1 z v .u 10 .1 a w -H 4) C w C 44 C (il O C > E C C (m L o) O 41 L 4) 7 0 x -H O -I .1 O O a i W Y C 4 4) w m tD cn O W N '0 u m u o u u .C > (u a m u -H u U H 3 0' • fA • x m w 4) r. u m 'r cu + 3 C A H L U u M u O C ro U 7 z C C u u 4) N H u >t u -.a 7 3 ~ 10 •m td u ro u u O O -4 •.t C H a L u b H C 4E) il u •.i O u H ro . L u m E u O 3 H b 5 b 7 b L 3 L w C L 3 b m 3 •1 w u H £ a: ro H (n H L u H w A m W ro O '0 ro W ro H C u L .C w It a 0 a 41 U O a H 01 r- L L u •~1 m- 0 9 u 7 m m u r ro v 3 u •'t 3 •n x., u > C to u C O w u O E y C 4I H L 3 u £ £ O U u C u C 0 L u 0 'O 7 O m O u O a al G C O u 3 ro u c C m L U .1 0 u Y L .1 ro a m 3 C m m u ,ti 4) r--I O x a -A m 41 C a) 0 3 0 ro v E 'a ro a 0 w o C + u 4) c H ro u w a H u w v o c u •.a 7 H C m m L m > O 7 ro u 4) C m ro m L C at m m 4) U m ro rl o L C w C m m u It m C m •.i 7 C m L w U 3 v O 4) Y m C C E (1) ro 3 4) -A (A 7 3 C > u ; o c: a 4) 7 0) O .•a w a L m O 0 O (V 4) 0 O 0 0 - a 0 0 4 O w at a. C u u u L u 3 10 3 u a C O X 0 u u a .-t N n P vt e r m a o H H N H N .-i .1 ~c ^I r .-i m -1 o N 'N N n N P N N N U W W O e > > U N C ~ N [ ro m L m m a m C ro N w 'o U U E N .0 C a 0 0 "a U E L (U H ro u O 7 u -A 4 ro O O •U 'b 7 O U w N 7 O u N ro 3 W u m C c: ro C ro a C W y 7 . 0 C U W u m al N U N t b' 7 7 a) E 7 C U W O N u W ul a o L 0 0 •H N o N N 01 U 7 U U 4 K U ro b N al W N ,H o ro O W N U ro U 4 ro C o 4 C U C 10 . a) 0 > N ro - ro C C a (Y. C C O ro 3 3 3 U . ro > u E u L > 4 W 3 cn Id W W c ro 7 ro o v 10 L 0 al 7 N N y m W ro s o A m a _ c: U 'a u C u (I)c: 7 la z rn F 0 ro n ro w ro w v N •H u ro c O + ro u u U ro o y C O u x W 'O O m N 3 u W a v t .1 ~4 O O H 10 ul E m m E d F cn H O Y C. H a N U U U .i O r N H ro ro L , E m m c W U N U C 6: 0 H H 7 ~ U U L a H c: •.1 -A N c: O E H. H c H O E v ro o a o o u v 3 ro u 0 0 o u 3 4 w W - w w W •H 2T .L' L U L H co u w w N N > H U> 0 4 w C U C C N •H 01 4 0 L u ul (J U •.a .H W W ro O W ol ~ N e u ? Z - -o F c w F m Q -_H ro - ul , a -U 7 v m - -m-- - - m - U ro 2 N O •H E W w C J a a N a a w u u H a w W w N u a a A o u a o ro 3 x w ¢ a a w 4 a w w E. 0 U z 0 W 3 U U z 0 z 0 u 0 O C W A 0 O ro 4 u C u N W z 0 0 z 0 r• W O 0 z 0 N y 0 u >1 C H H H H m .C 3 U Ul N It A W C W N ro O H cn N F H ~ v) N H C. O W to c: £ y ( co N O F W O L L W N u1 ul to a F U co W ~ n H U •H i l W a U u H H N H N V w aH-y L i H sHp • T p . ' Q y q~ Q Q E (J H O S 0 b xC L Q Y Q L W y~ s 'C U H 3 O U 4 :j a " O ± + V v ~Z C U 2 4 p O Qi u u U U U cG A u 0 c~ u 5 u A c O 4 - 4 O Ul U N b m ro m c: C w N U H 4. U ro dt v C H N ul H •H N u N C W H ro U - W W W •H W ro 0 C H u r' a - 3 L > 3 E W C N N U a ; i 7 a l a N 7 a a v „ o W o c m v o .0 ro 0 3 ro 3 -H u ro 4 -0 tm .•i N N d U I b t` m T O H . -1 N H H ~ .-1 N .1 D H H to H O N N N N O N N N es W v ro W ro ~ i, i, v u c L E 4 u 16 ro 3 N U Ol N 4 C to 7 C c O W N a v -H H 0 o W s A d 0 x. + v o s 4 -ri a H L r W U O >1 ai ro v v h W a c L a H L ro H 4 -N U L 3 3 N 4 a •.1 u O al W U 7 C ro ro Y O rn N EE CD L - 3 O O O O O 4 U u c N L 4 0 u. 3 O W C b b -H N U ro a) GC va H 3 H u ro N ro ro N a O O H h 7 0 C4 (v v O 'O w A O O A > .0 7 N H W U W •C x a N N C W U H W A ro E > N •n C of •H w ~6 4 4 N .1 10 E m 4 N h W a O - U m U W'+ 0 ,C W H W 4 U H N H C W A W 7 U U N L u H N •H 4 H •.I U Ot L a O 0 .1 C b .C O C Y C 'O a u W N U N 'O U H 3 7 E H U a U ° E Y 7 L 4 L O rC O Z - U E L ro L C u H O C N U z W U .C O U w ro U •0 0 4 ro >1 W >t C h u m O u rd W A N C •H W a N U u W W U W W WW m U UiW W i E A a b b X b w N Wu L b a k 'O 4 N L O to of - U O CC.. 'O U •.a w > O U 7 O W N L N E, C ro H •H H fd U ro W W w w a w N ro W H M O w W 3 - H W 4 L O m z (n ul b 7 L C W w U 'O U U •H > U O H a L W U w •H wa .Q U H° ~ U m C wa b b m 3 N H w O W b 4 O m N N 7 u w F c " ; H a 4 4 F W w F 3 A 4 W N N u H E o o ro w Q) ro ro x c ro u a 4 - b v H •.-I U u b w' a U w W 0 0 a H. w v .r G 4 v ro v a w H. w L U z O •O H 4 > 3 U N A .0 4 a •H C Z u U, U z u ro u O U C ro -.a O O C U O L m ' H H 7 L U W L ul W a L H •H H H m I L 0 v £ W ro i ro w u F u v a w N E N L 0 ro E 0 s ro ro H c 0 AS cn u N y W d tH W H 0 U U 4 L >>1 a 0 L H ro a H 0 a 3 U 0 C r0 U 4 x i rd 3 W 'O 0 LNi 3 0 0 N 0 ro ro >i m ro H N U W co C U u •H £ W W N W r6 C 4 ro N W ro N L X E ro 4 E N u b w It L •H 'O E A C - W O O N O - u w U 4 4 a) U t6 L W U W w H W C H C O m 4 4 ro U m 3 H A N C •H N O Ol 'O •H O W 'O .L 3 U H W N - ro W U ro a u 0 4 a 0 ro L n U .C L U W ro U W- It 4 W a C C ro C F A 3 + 3 u N 4 4 rn a m o 0 .n N n O N b r m T O N r.1 d Ui ~O O H N ~ .1 .y .y H .y H N N N N N N N t` N y~ W rn W z 4 O U H Cf) N C ro 0 U 3 (7 !n z o H a 0 U F a u N 0 ro 4 r. y N a 3 C O C u O > W b L W -.I ro O •H ro .1 W W W u u u ro v o 0 W ro O E d W O C ro u u 1 .-I H - N 4 C C • din 4 4 O O U O C O ro W 4 0-, W ro W O U A L W O L 4 O w ; a .a to U u •.i N a .X •.I U ro O u : C w N N N u C W >t C N >I O O ro •.1 L E ro N a 4 W 01 N C u W 4 C a w W 0 N 0 > r. u A ro o ro 0 W O• 0 W y - [ Ci C ro L W H > O -C E tt' a ro E C W O O L L H N W U W L X 3 O 4 u U W 7 C O u W W N 4 ro ro W ro u •n w H W W .C 0 0 w 4 a N N ro u c 7 H o a x L 7 u a , C 7 O .y N W W Id O 4 C m ,C H O A U O ro W L C .C E H O O O - L .i U N It 3 A C -A L H L W H •.1 N W W W A x >i•~ 3 O W L U A to H N LT Q O H ~d O 'O L 3 rl O~ v id c: n.~ H, d E a N O 4 'O Id O.~ tai tf~r77 .C W L W W W A 3 X N W L ..a C H D: U .a] C a F O u A C J L 0 b u N O 3a7 O or. W O W L W (UM H4 A W (4 W w O yy a L N 'O ZZ Ot W a - 4 ZZ 7. W .-I ro -.I .-I z 4 H 3 W u) u) E. c - N c w 3 W ° E~+ 0 G ,zWy m ° a 3 L hi 3 _fi.-__x_--E..._.C. _--._-0.---F --0.--'_C..•d--..-_--.-_0 O7 L C C jl.7 W > u O L N a a a' ti a' 7. ro 3 O a 7 W CC C .roCN W W W W N W W W >r Q L W.01 L Q A Z Z Z ~ Z Z Z O N Z-. ro O U O L N z 0 0 o O O O .N a W o o r o •-I o H H H L H H H .Z En W ro o u m u 3 F H roX N VHI m m E m W m x F fA W .C a H H W r W O •.i N L W u ..1 W m H H H L O H H H • >I 4 H H ro a 0 O >I C .•1 ,C H r• c: (n C u C N C O C O ro N ro L (n ul Q) 4) L O W L O ro -A L 7 4 C .0 w 4 N O U d) u Ol ro N w W -.i w •'r W W Z E ro Q )c: W C ro N C ro ro C H •.I O r O a -A 7 O C 7 A L > W ri N N u u L W O' U 7 A u to ro O~ rv na In a r m a o H N n v In .o m a o' r n e ~n N N N •1 N N H N N N N N N N N N m 0 N u ~ W m W Z 4 O u H N N C N . E ro O U 3 Zu J ~ a N L F H 4 L7 0 a W L ro L L O N r 10 W C L C C 4 N. N W ro O x L N .-I O O 7 9 04 4 A 3 L C N u ro r L Id F 4 4 .C N W L r• ro ~d m T3 L W > 4 a L to 7 N .L N U O w C W W m L C •A u L A L O ro ro w to W a •.a CC W O N O C L W .•a O N C L N u L O1 _W W L 3 N H 7 L L U •A C c 5 > •.I O O 4! 4 ro u b b 1 W 1 b d 4 O w L m 3 4 W A .C C W W O E O 0 L to 0 L L L W •n L v C O E C L 4 U .C ro H W U rl -H O L m •.a w y O .14 W r• q q 3 4 U W C u ,G 4 H Its L 4 - W 4 W a w O •.I a.I W b O a > L W vl 3 0 4 N .ti O r. .-i W W C N 4 L O O 0 ro •'1 A C a ro O u N O a ro N 3:4 . Q [ 4 U u O W C M' a W ro U O1 W C a L 7 W O •'I H N ro -.i .-1 W C W .1 'O O H a L f4 4 r1 ro O .-I H 1OI 4 W W N .W C O C +a L 7 W O A O 4 a a W O - L > O 'C C A~ C SO+ L 441 O u N W 4 r~i u E u .7 t W A Q. u ~ m •.Wi •Li W •.Ci tW7 a N u ,•U 4 X W tl H H ~a N >G, ZWZ 7 W W O C 4 .C W E ~d .C o ,CO 4 Z U C A O > W u A .C L O ro N L ro W O y 3 O U S: •.i 4 C L O L -4 CC W W .C W W.~ LOT ° 7 •A .C Id °i U C •I '-4 w b > 3 b S C I L O W O O 'O u U W ri 7 O .0 W ro 0(1) Q)- I W ~ E -4.C4 U H a VC 7 O w Ij •.UI C L 3 N L W W F 0 C 0 O U a' U_ U N Z 3 3 w at u ALd ro > 7 4 4 u 0OC u • L• E U 2 Z U V O O u W ro 7 4 E C W L u •.I - L >IU O O U H O H F H W L .C OI •d •.1 IQ L •:I j.. C ,-I W ro E H H H H Z O w N l au 04 u L L W O a Y 4 ro S N In E O O W ro U W a L W C E N Q. C ro W C W U) a' H 4 C. N ro S.' E W 41 'n O .C a ro •ei 4 •.I 6: H H a'a, 04 0 O A y O W W w ° 0 3 H41 O, O U O O m 0 O z U W U u C LT L L E A .-i 4 L > O C H -H C O U u U U C O C U N •.i 0 O L W O L t o ro + + W W W L L C •.I C L ro •n C r-4 O 3 v1 C N v o •.N1 .O -4 L N W rd r_ O -.1 A N C -i L ro u a H C ••i W •.Ni u W 4a . .-1 ro •A ro C N ro O 3 ro W 4 .C ro 4 W •.I N 4 4 U' 7 O .•I ro •.1 L r-i W N N O W ro H .--1 U a W W •.I N 7 C ro C u u LT W u O W a a .C 7 W L O W .H O O ro w W L C U 4 ro u L 01 "1 ro 3 OI W U U 0 ro 4 u m •.1 -.1 N /'1 O N b r m OI O N '1 O 1fl m O N ~ .•i H N .•I H N .-1 H .-I N N N N N N N r H ID N t` ~ L m W W 2 4 O L H N y C •1 H ro E . U 3 Z H a P7 .7 s a V L 0 H Q c~ O J U b . o N CD L v a) r ~ 4 0 U U N L ro H n• N GI 0 u ro 'O ..a x ro O u A 4 v v a u 3 a ro C 0 v 7 A A w U :1 16 O) 3 O U u O u 4 0 (I ro O) 0 c 3 a a 1. • 0 O 0 4 A C 3 v F _ u W o u C > O a O u > C a 4 X H C u L ] C C v ro a w O v ro 0 ro .1 (U ro v A a C a) ] O a > 4 C w 7 O X L o C O v v 0 (n rl u a) L ] N O) N O) v u O ro .a C N L ro ..a u C 7 ,H > L N E u N a) u L c 'a 4 O H C ro u O) ro w c c: 4 3 It r O .a 'o v N ] .i 3 u v U ro a - ro a u ro C .C of n• O E N u 0 0 > ] v b N a It E a u c u ~n v O1 L a) w 0 w W m . 3 a) ro N 4 o u o m - O .H L u C ' v a) u o 4 rl c + N 1 u ro O1 c a c C N - v > N w u U ] 0 O " m lo v u v - p ] - ro w ro ] 4 'o A ] > C ro I- N O ti 3 0 'O A a a u a) N a) a L 0 o ro o A ro w 7 L 3 L C M C O w O ..i }0 }e1 ro 4 N > L 4 L 3 ' 0 a) 3 N b 3 i N O > N 4 a '7 C 7 C a 7 , 0, %i £ u ro u v N • i - C H O C E 'O N Ot w a N v C 01 v u 4 0 b O u v N L L v u w m C a L u •H Y O v O .H A O t~ a O X C Id .7 a c O v o - O U . N . 3 [ . L v u w o C 4 u n J N F z z . 3 U E -.a v L U (D ro • .i L 4 N ] U > C N a) N a) 0 v a W O ro C ! Z a L t N u ro A O ro N L A > w 0 > 0 .-7 o A u.. _y)_. _..F_ _4. _.O, 3._ ._7_ .3._ _..C _y_ . .4._. Z__ ._E._. E. N o :j v 4 ..i a - 4) L W O A C C O N 4 N N ro o w N U a) 7 a) x x 3 N J 'O O a O Y U L O L v L a! N O u N .H "o w v N 4 L L L 3 U H 'O H 4 a (4 U H a W o L 0 a H 7 7 b O H O1 C W L 0 U -4 .H U ro L ro u O L C a) N N 01 U U 7 0 F O Z O U U Z O U ..i L N U 0 'd H U v > U Q) ] L v •^I C H 3 H H H n ro F H 3 • v - u a) Cl) v 3 w u a) - £ O. cn £ to ' O U 4 Q) N ro - 7 0 ro 4 N Y u U L u E o N al N u) 0 L ro > >1 4 v L U a v F U) H a 1 n H A ~d > O N A O o d 'a o ro U C O u U 1 N 3 v L U H ' C N L TJ > , O 7 U b C 4 C i L t C U w c a v C H O O O a) i O U c L H 0 - t v v w c O ro o U. L a U u c o a (1) u H ,-1 U o r-I > u w O a) L ro 4 O >l w u 3 o ro. H o H ro v v 4 v v C w E 'O U 10 w v w L W u o - u ro y a E o ro E v o o N ro C H ] O b L N m O c O N O N u v w v .0 N u a 4 v v O) 'G O U 0 ri r-1 v C H ~ U N w L v C N ••i U > ] C 4 ro E C v ro N u C x C o E A O O L o O o C d w 0 C 3 .C U L ~a L • 3 3 u •n w ro N - a O U al o ~ O N N H ] rv n of .n r m q o N H ,-1 N ri N .y N N .i o N N N N N N 4 Q) 0 C N 4 4 w a O O) v a) (U a) n. a) r. c L. 3 01 c c E ro b N C ro w -•1 ro O 01 a) U H 01 C U •.i L ro a) ro N C o N v c ro N 4 N N ro > 0 E m rn c w ro C.a ] ro v a O C C v 0 r- 0 U- -N L C v 4 a al N U .1 > -.1 M 3 3 U ro a L O 3 N X X ro U •H v N (1) N 7 7 L ] O L ro N 4 VI N 4 E 'O ro v O [ n• ro U ro o u ] •.i ro v 0 v 3 L u L A 'O 'O N L c 3 0 4 v t N a ro ro u w 7 L ] O > O rd C u C u a) L b ro b u v C C 4 ro N r a) ] L H u u (n H v 3 u N U 'O N 3 u X c a O ro r C A 3 C-) 3 C c a) 0 3 H N C N ] A v t ro v ro v O C . a N > N a v N >.j C G E 0 O L O O v ro u v - 3 v O 0 U H (n w L b ro 'i v O) in, 01 r-I v ro U w v 0 ro C v N N H .i rn E 3 X •.a a a w ro O 0 w v O a E v C C N H v c .j v L Ol u A N w N u v 3 0 H C 10 ::j N u>l N C3 Q) i a u ~ C a ro N a O) w O C O a v s ro .1 cn u 4~j 7 v .a H ..a 0 ,.a ~ . N u .a u U ~ v w C. 3 U N N 3 [[y0. W L H 4 O U b c: N O Z U w L 'O v 'CCU Z W Q) 3: .c c 4 A v 3 N A u O > a ,pN O W . O N 7 C ~d r-I F a ,H O C - 4 N C - u 3 v u C - > U ro 0 a) u ro O cT) )d 0 W C 0 0 0 0 H a 3 X N a) 4 u S ro •.a U C O a) m Q) o a! a C) - a U m a ro a > N v c 4 E a 4 W H - W Q H 'p rn W O •ri -.•f N Q W c 4 4 -'1 0 c ro z U a 2 Q U c' 2 .0 U - F Z -H F O ro rn c O w v O U a o o u ro o ro o v U o 0 0 3 v m W > N H H ro H (n H H L a al H L r L N ••'i F ro v N £ U) F £ c O m (A .a O cn O O 3 u Vl u - N O v tl) O U N H C F )n c F m .1 >-i N N N H a H » a •.i H£ W O Hg w U > al 0 ' C C H u E Q N C £ •A) .L U £ 'O U ro L WH u x E O 1 (L) O O w C 0 O H O H v u u u C N U U O U U 7 U .0 v 3 3 a U U a 4 ca O 3 •H A W CT cn m v 0) z: r aa)) v A O N v v C ro L C U U .1 4 4 c ro a O U H U ro O v N ro r• 0 O' t v) (n > L ri U L U 01 Ol ] U .-1 > v N t ro a) U 4 v ] C w .1 cn X OI U a ] E o C v ro u a) O H O N O N •C O O C w O > a) U .C O 4 A w u ro u >1 N Q) ] U v 4 ro u .0 N N rte) p VI b f~ m q O N NI p Vl f~ O N p ill .-I H .-I ^1 .1 H •-i H N N N N N N O 0 N u m O v z 4 O u H N N c £ ro O U 3 Z zzZH Q j ~ a 0 u 0 H Q C7 0 S Q1 H 0 ; L 0 0 N N C O1 E ro N 0 7 N C O > L H O . ul 0 0 (U U O b O 0 0 7 w C > u u C L O O 0) w (U . 0 O) ..r N 0 0 O A X ro > 0 w ~ C T 6 r+ 3 y .-1 7. O. A A U w Id N N b' N O L Ot c 7 u T 3 W 7 C ~ 71 N c 3 0 0 b A 6 ro o c u) e 0 u n L w 3 .C 3 - .ti .C r. ..a T X 7 0 m w 0 O w N u Q j, L 0 r•+ O 3 w A O O) 0 U L C X ,-a N A ti .ti L o c w w C O O C rd 0 b N 'd ro O >1 u 0 0 C 7 C - G Id w C •-1 W L N u t s N - O 0 to 0 E O u 7 N N •.1 L Id n• u C 0 C L > w w (Ii a i+ (/f N O 3 ro a) O 10 L ro v w 'u w H '0 H 7 d) 3 X A t X 7 ro T b r 0 > ro O 1~ .--I w N L •.i A 0 v H .1 U T 0 C T E 7 m W ai ••a u 3 ' O C d) It a o 7 o u o 3 c 3 v ~ E 0 w Z Z T 0 u N A 0 ¢ c + s 4 A a) d) cn 3 3 ul u cu Q d) L w N > 01 C d) 7 5 u) Ij (A 4) QQ '.1 Q Q 1. d) d) L ~d z - N 0 OI 4 w N N N 14 j -J L' L Ei 3 i E 1 L .(U L •.1 i L •.i 4 E N H •..1 i O E z N L Q o N i 4 O ro C L N C 0) E "Z ~ L d L > C S.. L Z H U Z H H C O N 0 • A v L 0 • > 0) > H 4 O ' .C •.1 •.•1 W --------D -N- _-a- . --0 - - Zl-- .0)- --b. ...3 _..'C- --v_ -a_ -E- -b - -.H----- a w •a a w c a > r H > N L s x o (V 0 L OI u .C N v a u a w u H 7 a w w w w 4 w 0 d r r 'N A L •i = a w b) w Q y W Z M U O .7i U O Z N L C. 0 1 L C w 0 L Z 0 E O u O U T O 0 W O C 0) - 0) A O .C O iC L H H w H H H .C Id N N (o a L H u ° cA E O 0 O E 0 u) L O w d) w N w ro v y O. N L w ' U) w U) ro > U1 0 E 7 t 0 L w b" N y 7 El =l O H d H N d H W U 0 w 0 W O O dl E 0 N Yi d1 7 W - ~ , d H b Q 4 b Ja L 3 b L c N 3 O V U r 0 o U w u U r c d - 0 L w E U U b 0 d v w ) w Q O - b 0) N 0 .C (a 0) C . N ,C > td a " O C ; s -se :3 6 L O u O C u Ol 3 0 T T L O (o W N b L 0 rl 0) Q) U 3 b w 0 v ro r-I w b r w to Fj 'd •H ro O C 0 L 0 ••1 L L ro w .H 'o ro v L ro ro a v L v ro L c v ro c , L e > & a v v ro L > U 3 .N N 0 L •A w N ~ L rv n a ~ u r m a o H .-I N N H e ~n •-1 u H r H m N a .-I o N N N N N e N in N Q) d) L 7 ro H w L N C C u ,n a w 'd L 'O ° A cu T 3 0 0 0 C - N W (1) L N 'H N O L A 7 Ij ro m v X r, a A U L i A W i H L L w ro 0 b 0 u CL O L' 0 7 0 0 C N 0) C O S H H 0 ro~4 K 3 L° 3 ~ v v ro •u, L ro o x 3 m 0 u 4 C E C > V) L H X 3 v a N C V 6 o ro 3 a q O H 'O w E N o a v C C a a a y 3 L ro 0 a v 3 ° It r4 $ A ro 3 N CO w -l O r4 3 O O1 N 7 a u v d X O. O O p H N O U L ZO u >1 - .140r. H HT H E b ro> •m H vi E A ai u L U O L H a H H C ° 0 3 E T d 0 0 U U U U o u A O O -m o ro O 7 T c N O o ro' c ai u N 3 a u) ro X 0 O w 3 4 A u u .y N n V N b r m O~ O .-1 H C i 0 O. 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UI ~O O N N L b N C > U N S u C: 7) 4 C (D ••i C v w N N U ro U 74 44 L) W L N b O. O H u C O ' 0 u u U C A 1. C •'1 N U N O L 0 OT C E a V N N - ro U ro p A q v ro N U N -i H H O u L 4 L c ro { O • ro L C •'1 N O .C •.a E v N L L N C 4 C •,4 - .c u O L ..1 O O C n O U) L 1. ro O1 N 4 w 'O U O u [ -ti N N u -,a ro C w v X 3 N C 4 u u y 14 O •.a w U C N - 4 W - N r. ..a O (U ro 7 Gl X L b L •.i c X H Q) Q) L v N U W .-1 N C N 'O O A C u w 4 u N ro C X C O Z u -A A v b U w 0 O U O w N O m .C H 3 O a d) O Z > H t L .C E ro ro d) X .H N H L ro L U O ,q H in L ro •p r L i E v ro 0 O w 6 H u H b > u O 2: E O 01 H 'O G) N - N E S' C v W - [wa7 d O fu,~~ a L a L O a O d) po C7 U H C O > O b 3 C O b O O ro O id W a t U , > r O u N O C p U 3 • •1 U m m N m N yC -1 L a > j q v 'd i v cn V H W 4 dl N w W w w w G o ' o• ro w . a U ro w V1 N d , 0 H F Zy ggp Z q :D C: L F - . -.54- 3_ - ' - - `-~G-- -O- U - --.z' . __x. z - m- -N- - u- M-- -.C--- - - a u H a w u N u H a W a W a W u H a W u H a W a w ro of ro u H a w u H a W. u c C q G' U U Z O N 7 O , U u Z O Z O Z O U u Z O U U Z O Z O N L C A U U H Z O U U Z O C 0 'Q O u C) O. ulL H £ H m 'n 1 H £ H m H m H m H £ H m H £ H m H m > £ H m H £ H m 7 O E u C M m F H . m E + o m m m cn m m o 'C m m w u 6 A (A < a H a H H H a H a H H E- 0 a H a H Q, N O H (7 0 :03 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 o u o o ro > a J n O C3 u ul _ O1 _ w 4 0 o ro E00 C U ~ u . . C I > N . C O N A w b L O '6 ro V L • i N l i N N ,1 d Yf b r m ' 0 1 O H H N N N P1 N ~ H N N b H ~ m H 01 .•1 O N .•1 N N N wf N d N ~R N ro w v ~ o rn v v ai o 0 H OI - u '0 L. L c C C w L C4 c c 41 a ci d) 0 o w° v -4 c x ro ro N (1) o .C o v to N o C c 01 v rn u o v v a c L •rl L L a 0 A ro N N N X O L y L c N L ,i b N L4 'O d) N O C N E d) H c I O '0 'O O O ; X ro N ••i 14 ro L 'O H C U H d) •.i N H N C v L •A A ro N dl C L N 7 C N H 10, ~4 01 o v c ro N L . o -r N L Q O (1) C. Sa ,C L L L rl O v •O •.a w u a) 1 a +i O U O b dl H 0) - E U 3 O' C 'O u L O L U H E 3 ro d ,C U b O O n W > C O.i ro ?C A N C O U .H L N L >i a C H N H O 'O O d) N C a N N C ro N a O H >1 c L N G) a L 7 E 0 b > N a a A N H • 4 N (1) v ro -A ' U 3 v ro, o > a X L4 v d) A N N L v 3 k Li }4 O . 4 JS W > r cu m •'1 N 4 N ro v a 14 v ro •H d) w C N' d) I, r. b .7 d) L 3 C C .c a 3 (Z m N d) •'i L L •A .C 0 E. L L 4 a E+ o S4 U L 01 > >1 d) L U C •~i ro A 4 O 7 .r r.,-( Ow 6 C X L W L L 'O - H rl E ro a w a •H 4 w a c a H o x v 14 c a 14 > A a 2 L o 4 3 a ~ v ~ 0 14 % L 3 v L o W 7 H O L L W W > q N a 0 >1 k 'C 9 C: 00 m c: k r+ N L C 0 CO O . o c: O W 3 ro a.. C •.i N. c O b N O L - p, 5 - u 3 7 O) X C O 3 0 d L > •,1 -1 O % cc O r O W c C A 'd L (n ro L 'd w of u 7.' a C L N a N a c a a C L w u u A a c: N > W id 7 C v w N O W r4 W •14 u N Cl N H ' L W L - C Z u O O > Z co r- .~4 U Z H Z Z L rd L A d) u Z u b O N a O .C 0 U O - O O L w W 7 U ~ O H (d H 5-I O, H .-i N H H H H >1 ro O` H H .G GJ Oq L C m 01 H N m L p v 4 m N m c c r v £ cn m 'O X W C 'O L m b m m ro H 64 O a O cn ro W b H d) O L m .11 E U H fli 4 ro 3 ro H O E X O >1 C O d) N O o 14 ro X ,c L o u 'b > u ~ •O C U a [ ro b V L u u O ro S4 c L u u O lam-. - ro .1 .1 ro 0 01 O t v L A u > u 3 c L C L, L L L a It A rd L L C U L S1' H u U L .d 1 L U u C a X C U L O O v E o v L o E u + Oro c U O 7 O l+ a 7 C O N U- L C .C O O - C~ O' u a N A ro N A W L O r L L 'p O x N N M d N b r m T O N N n O N 9 01 O N ,1 H H H -I .i H H H n N N. N N N u, N, 0 N r y~ (N ~ C) m v Z O H m m c V) £ ro £ 0 U 3 O7 ut zH7~ V 4 n a " C6 m L O m 0 a L w co 10 L x N c u r• u b " N O 0 O 01 10 0 H N C Y L -I ro b x - " 0 u H 7 w C N Ol w ro U v ro •.a w N u w U 16 L ' ro ~ a ¢ ro E w y > 0 CL A ro 0t r• N O u o ~ c r " w N a v H N o, p 7 ~ ro C C Id w O u C G O ro u ro w . " w C Qt C w ro b m w _ al to Q w z 10 f•A Y N A u N N ro C w 4 ro w 7 L ~4 w O "1 En - E O u W -6 W u w O b N E H b a >4 W c , " u O ro b H N % U 3 u a [ u i . N C rl 7 ro E - C7 ui Ct z ~ w -.•1 ro Q N •.I H O x C C E. z J ~ L ro y EE w 0 u u o U . U 41 w O H O E A H O H E £ O E k 3 w E c x m L 0 ro •rl a C7 0 .1 H •d L U t U H N m C ri c~ L C G Z . N . O u U O -4 L 0 w 0 U w w L is + x U H ro N u 3 ro i b -4 O r• 3 C w u w N w 0 . 0 L U C u E E L x ° 01 10 7 w W C O 0 " w L w V r1 U H. rl L H N I'1 O Vl b tD 0 1 O N ~ H H ti H ~ m ~ O N N N N N d Vl N N u x tl) r .f-I r-1 N N N N H ro ro ~ 0 O L •.I 0 • a 0 O u S-1 H > u O u U w N w to N C w - w N > w w O 3 •v) C A w u U w b N N u O N -H 0 O b 7 U > C ro •H O 7 u m ro U b N ro C 7 .H w w ro 01 C A U fI E •rl y' w N w - -a U U • u U fu L ' 0 C 3 O F : 0 O L N a c w . E o C w w A E w A U , 0 0 C N ~ 0 O u' a Ot E O U i•I N L L ,u x C 01 c: •'I o u 10 -14 0 O N w A u 7 • I O m E C - O a 0 o m w 14 11) w w N w N u u I `O o o ro b w 3 X L b u u w L v > ro C -H 3 L .LC m A w L r rl •G U 0 u 3 ..~C U > > A u r L w .C b u w A w r N U w E J L o c E a o. H " a w A N ° w x o x w w 0 9 r. o N w N ro h4 C •H L l4 W >1 11) -x O C •.1 c O '0 N L. c U 11) u l4 w w 01 z a U w >t 10 w > x 7 >i C 6 w >1 w O .G u o - u) ro c 7I w w .4 1-I w U 0 u Ul H a u U - ^ O a w v to N - o x 7 r U N C C >I > ro ."c „ Ea 9 C 3 1 C o £b £ ~c 14 uI H c O ro aZ u O w A ro w x w 3 w s+ ¢ 0 a ro A o a ro N w 1- O C O w N o £ O U 3 N w a W :D H n• N Q H Y E N u W l4 O N Q E4E. Z O A F4E Z N b 01 w ° .1 E d 3 u H 0 A u w O Z a H O o w m F4 w c 5 7 u a S4 u w w N (il '-I m u3 a W 1-1 u W 01 w co w O H w ro 14 u A r~ x u H b H a W x u H o, c ••i a W x u H 10 N m N x W S U H E H W W Z U H r. ro a W A u w N w > N C o .C v u ro N w J a w E U 7 z U r- z U - w z u Z U a z w L H .-1 w O 10 w E N N u H £ C O 3 w 3 O H w rn H V H £ > C 4 O N H V H £ a H s1 O a O H m Ul H U H £ _ a O1 c L O H m H u H £ W ro U C H 7 O H X11 m H E 14 O w u N 1 - w 3 M. u •'I N ro L 0 > N 0 C. w w C w A U v 0 0 u u 10 Z 0 H ,Q U H U ro L U aHa Y U O •H U r• H S U 'o Y O L c ro 3 O U ,HQy x U U 0) E O ,F. O U Q HQ U U QIw 1a O U C O 1.1 L 3 C u A O to E u N wgg E O 3 10 N f-1 L u C N O u L w O N c 10 ro u C w O N E A 3 u C C 14 u u •.I 0 O N - 7 A w O C ro 0 w '0 L. N N U I U U •rl u w 7 N C 0 u " @ E C Oi .H 10 E w O u > 7 .1 a O w •v L C m o 0 w ro o O L a u O u 7 ro u b zt N L u u u Io N N r1 ? N b 1~ to - O H H N H H .i tll " H f~ H m " .-1 O N N N N N N ~ N TO: Los Gatos Town Council: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice-Mayor Joe Pirzyriski, Council Members Mike Wasserman, Steve Glickman and Barbara Spector Los Gatos Planning Commission Members Los Gatos Town Manager Debra Figone SEP ) FD Tpw 8 ~UUb. FROM: Sallie Robbins-Druian & Jay Druian Q~ ^ ,0, ~OS G The French Cellar ~~S 32 East Main Street RE: Wine Tasting Bars/Retail Wine & Wine Service Venues in Los Gatos It has been brought to our attention by Teri Hope, that a few members of the Los Gatos Town Council have asked her opinion regarding the proposed tasting room/retail wine/high-end wine accessories shop "Backyard Wineries". Considering that Los Gatos Roasting & Deli (the deli portion now "Los Gatos Gourmet") will only be allowed by the ABC to serve wine with food as a restaurant/eating-place type licensee, we. wondered why the inquiry was to a dissimilar business, considering the close proximity and like- licensing of our wine shop and tasting bar, "The French Cellar", We recall that Los Gatos Roasting Company was given a green light by the Town Council to proceed on all major aspects of the application, with some adjustments. A Pandora's Box was opened, and some people observed that if these licenses/permits were given approval to proceed to one party, in all fairness, they likely could be given to all who apply. We now hear on the street, that other vineyards are following very closely the Clos La Chance and Flemings-Jenkins application - and if "Backyard Wineries" is successful, they will be making the same application when their leases are tentatively secured in town. The "buzz" and "rush" to open primary/secondary vineyard tasting rooms, more retail wine shops (including the franchise "WineStyles" and the former partners of "Uncorked!" in Saratoga) and CUP applications/changes for sandwich shops/burger shops to serve wine in the core retail downtown area is building. We forecasted this movement in our letter to the Town Council and Planning Commission April 14th, with regard to Teri Hope's multi-venue CUP application, and the run to similar applications by other local vineyards, shops and restaurants. Please understand that while "The French Cellar" is a business exclusively dedicated to the wines of France, it does not mean that we stand alone in growing our customer base, unaffected by other wine competition and venues. Wine is wine, and a hand-sell to taste or varietal. We continue to have wine merchants and vineyard owners inform us 'that they are looking to open in downtown Los Gatos - and near us. The common denominator among them all, is "tasting room/wine sales" - including the possible lease of available rental space across our street and across the bridge on Main Street. No one seems to be interested in developing a tasting room or appellation co-operative in another part of Los Gatos, where there may be better freeway/road accessibility and parking. These potential new wine venues admit that their location preferences are intended to feed off existing, popular businesses and hotels, in the immediate walk- Exhibit K about areas of the core business districts on North Santa Cruz and University avenues, as well as West Main and East Main streets. For such businesses to operate successfully downtown, they need adequate street or lot parking, unless the emphasis is only on casual walk-in tasting, or the sales of one bottle at a time. However, all of this may be a mute point, if the ABC 2005 New Moratorium for Type 20 permits in Los Gatos is true for the next foilr-plus years. Please refer to this link www.abc.ca.gov/permits/pet-mits.htmt for the listing. Nonetheless, we are approaching our tenth year in business in Los Gatos and must plan for the future. We will be up for renewal for the next five year lease. We will be thinking very carefully_ about the_value . of our location, es_p_ecially_ if we find ourselves___ surrounded by wine shops or tasting rooms selling retail wine. We have helped to anchor. East Main Street with our lease committment and personal dedication, added to the ambience and balance to our slow but persistent developing street, and supported the community. We patiently waited six years for the opportunity to apply for a tasting permit. We have watched the interest in wine businesses in Los Gatos explode since March, and we would say that the time is now for the Town Council to take control and consider a limit or town moratorium on tasting room/wine retail shops, as well as those permits.to serve wine with food in the immediate downtown, including East Main Street. At the very least, for the record, please consider limitations of wine venues on a per street basis if a moratorium is not an agreeable option. And if the Town is interested in her historic ties to the many excellent and high- profile vineyards in the Los Gatos Hills and Santa Cruz Mountains, then create incentive programs for those ABC permited vineyards to open tasting rooms/wine sales in other attractive parts of town. We are bursting at the seams with too many like-business . categories in our downtown area. And apart from the changing landscape of retail in Los Gatos, we are facing a potential crisis regarding the approval to issue alcohol permits, particularly with the serving of wine. We ask that you create a plan for balance now, for the future of downtown and the community of Los Gatos in general. Sincerely Yours, Sallie Robbins-Druian & Jay Druian Page 1 of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Conditional Use Permit for Backyard Vineyards From: To: Date: 09/19/2006 2:01 PM Subject: Conditional Use Permit for Backyard Vineyards V CC: l• ~eo-- - - - - - - - - - - . _~o -SEP 1 E, z 006 Date: 09/19/06 PI OF 08 To: Vu-Bang of Los Gatos - Community y Development Department n//n/G D/V/S/DOS Nguyen, Assistant Planner Tow N On behalf of the Opera House Event Site, please accept this in support of the Clos LaChance/Fleming'Jenkins conditional use permit for their Backyard Vineyards retail shop and, tasting room to be located on Main Street. Sadly, there has been a negative change in economic health of downtown Los Gatos visible by the number of vacancies. Having locally owned businesses has been one of the charms and character of of the Town, but the high cost of doing business in Los Gatos has discouraged the independent merchant. The partnership of Clos LaChance and Fleming'Jenkins wineries to open a shop in downtown will bring renewed interest to Main Street, bring attention to the wonderful local boutique wineries, and also enhance the quaint and charming characteristics that is associated with Los Gatos. Downtown Los Gatos needs to be re- vitalized and this is an opportunity to support a local business that can help in increasing foot traffic to other businesses, as well. Thank you for your consideration in approving the Conditional Use Permit for Backyard Vineyards. Cordially, Marie Tallman V.P. Marketing Opera House 140 West Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.354.6080 PH 408.399.0608 Fax www.CoeraHouseEventSite.cam marketing@OperaHouseEventSite.com Exhibit L File://CADocuments and S ettings\vng uyen\Lo cat SettinRs\Temp\XPRmwise\450FF84AT... 09/19/2006 Page 1 of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - Backyard Winery Application -.:.,i:;....e <.;u.:::-,• 'tG a:i: "::V _ _ .-.:;:.J+f::4e_ - ~.e ...a. F:-___..t From: To Date: 09/20/2006 8:31 AM Subject: Backyard. Winery Application September_21, 2006 -ED SEP 2006 TOINJV OI= LUS !3ATUS--- - r /ON Town of Los Gatos - Community Development Department c/o Vu-Bang Nguyen - Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street - P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95031 Dear Planning Commission, Diane and Members of the Town Council: I understand Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery are planning to open a Tasting Room and Retail Shop in Los Gatos at 45 West Main Street and wanted to share my opinion that I feel this will be a nice addition to Los Gatos. Saratoga has had a very good experience with "Uncorked," which has become one of the more successful businesses in Saratoga. It is supported not only by locals but also people from out of town, who like the local flavor of the small tasting room. We hope you will support. their application. Sincerely, Gay and Roy Crawford 14711 Aloha Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 Home Business: (408) 867-2606 Fax: (408) 741-5766 gaycC9aol. coin I asllnu tWotll iUIU W lllc ~AluP CdY~C i u1 i Vu-Bang Nguyen - Tasting Room and wine shop From: Barbara Mager SEP To: COOS Date: 09/20/2006 8:28 AM TOWN OF SUS PI GarOS Subject: Tasting Room and wine shop Barbara Mager in Saratoga supports the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, the wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W. Main Street. I feel that this business will be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to both its residents and visitors. Backyard Wineries, owned and operated by local residents. will fit in well with the Town's high-end retail character as well as complement the hotel, restaurant and art scene. As a resident of Saratoga) I am very supportive of the Town of Los Gatos and would like to be part of the Town's vitality and economic success. I would also like to be part of Backyard Wineries' success, and wish them the best in their new endeavor. Barbara Mager Mager Consulting 19324 Athos PI Saratoga, CA 95070 408/741-0236 barbaramager@comcast.net file://C:\Documerits and Settin2s\vn.~41.1ventLocal Settini2.s\Tetnn\XPgrnwise\4510FBBIT... 09/20/24;0 t'age 1 of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - message to deliver to the Planning Commission . v. <.c» _ ~~.:...-.mac .J. ~ ~ :'.ck From: Shawn Rao To: Date: 09/20/2006 8:10 AM Subject: message to deliver to the Planning Commission SEP F, )006 CC: TOWN _ OF t_OC.CA~- ~ - 1(DN Shawn and Mandy Rao in Los Gatos support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, the wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W. Main Street. I/we feel that this business will be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to both its residents and visitors. Backyard Wineries, owned and operated by local residents, will fit in well with the Town0s high-end retail character as well as complement the hotel, restaurant and art scene. As a residents and business owners of Los Gatos we_ are ver ysupportive of the Town of Los Gatos and would like to be part of the Town's vitality and economic success. We would also like to be part of Backyard Wineries0 success, and wish them the best in their new endeavor. Regards, Shawn Rao CEO Versa Shore Inc. shawnrao(cDversashore.com http://www.versashore.com Alternate: shawnrao@yahoo.com Cell: 408-355-5363 Fax: 650-745-2465 rleWC:\Documents and Settings\vn..Quycn\Local Settines\Tema)\XPLrnwise\451 OF78AT... 09/20/2fi' ~udtzu/4uuo) vu-cany ivyuyei - d~uny IuUlil 111 Lva VGwJ From: David Kay <david@dbkay.com> To: <vnguyen@losgatosca.gov> Date: 09119/2006 11:37 PM l © Subject: Tasting room in Los Gatos SEP 2006 ~ G CC: Barbara Kay <barbara@dbkay.com> r TOWN OF LO Dear Los Gatos Community Development Department: S GATOS 10N I'm writing to support the establishment of a tasting room for Los Gatos area wineries such as Clos LaChance and Fleming-Jacobs in the town of Los Gatos itself. Viticulture has been woven into the spirit of the area long before - - Fairchild brought silicon chips into our valley: -Local wineries -like Ridge and David Bruce continue to set world standards. Clos LaChance and Fleming-Jacobs are working their own paths to greatness, and deserve our support as a local community. Please let me know the most effective way for me to show my support for a local winery tasting room - other than by visiting it once established. Best, David David Kay DB Kay. & Associates david@dbkay.com www.dbkay.com 408.568.3551 ^ayc i Page l of l Vu-Bang Nguyen - Wine Tasting Room Proposal/Backyard Wineries From: The Abene Family RECEIVED To: Date: 09/20/2006 9.35 A-M Subject: Wine Tasting Room Proposal/Backyard Wineries SEP 2 G 2006- CC : TOWN OF PLAI`dNIN•i, t DIVISION Dear Vu-Bang Nguyen, We are very excited by a new business proposal put forward by Fleming-Jenkins Vineyards and Clos La Chance Wineries. We believe that this tasting room will help Los Gatos becomes known as _a "wine. destination". Although we do not know Mrs. Fleming-Jenkins personally, we are familiar with her stellar career as well as her participation in charity events and worthy causes. We believe she (and her husband!) are valuable members of our community. My wife and I fully support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vineyards & Winery and Clos LaChance Winery to open Backyard Wineries, the wine Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W. Main Street. We feel that this business will be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to both its residents and visitors: Backyard Wineries, owned and operated by local residents, will fit in well with the Town's high-end retail character as well as complement the hotel, restaurant and art scene. As a resident of Los Gatos we are very supportive of the Town of Los Gatos and would like to be part of the Town's vitality and economic success. We would also like to be part of Backyard Wineries' success, and. wish them the best in their new endeavor. Anthony Abene, MD, MBA Michelle Schwartz Los Gatos Residents and Wine Lovers Want to be your own boss? Leam how on Yahoo! Small Business. ?age 1 of l Vu-Bang Nguyen - Fleming Jenkins &Clos La Chance Vineyards & Winery From: Gina Krieg RECEWEV To: Date: 09/20/2006 9:37 AM SEP 2 0 2006 Subject: Fleming Jenkins &Clos La Chance Vineyards & Winery CC: TOWN OF LOS GATOS Attachments: PLAPi1\!II\1G n1\/ISION Dear Town of Los Gatos, My name is Gina Krieg and I have been a resident of Los Gatos for ten years. I support the application of Fleming Jenkins Vin_e.yards. 8, Winery .and.Clos_LaCha.n_ce Win_ery_to_open_Backyard_W_ineries,-the wine---- Tasting Room and Retail Shop at 45 W. Main Street. I feel that this business will be an attractive asset to the Town of Los Gatos and a service to both its residents and visitors. Backyard Wineries, owned and operated by local residents, will fit in well with the Town's high-end retail character as well as complement the hotel, restaurant and art scene. As a resident owner of Los Gatos I am extremely supportive of the Town of Los Gatos and would like to be part of the Town's vitality. and economic success. I would also like to be part of Backyard Wineries' success, and wish them the best in their new endeavor. Thank you for your support on this request. Regards, Gina Krieg 109 Palmer Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-391-0871 • Get your email and more, right on the.new Yahoo.com McWC:\Documenls and Settings\vngUYen\Locat Settings\Temp\XPgr1Dwise\4511080IT... 09/20/2000 Page I of I Vu-Bang Nguyen . -..............::5 ~:.:..1'i'..`..~Y...=._..... _u'S.'r..tL'~. °it~,._~.:1;':.~7ltS.~...-. •"5:j,:.1~1 .___n Y From: "Chisholm, Jo" RECEIVED To: Date: 09/20/2006 10:54 AM SEP 2006 CC: , LO.W f~l-OF=-LQ~-GAT hI To the Los Gatos Town Council, ^I DIVISIONS As a property owner and mountain resident of Unincorporated Los Gatos, I support the retail application of Fleming Jenkins and Clos LaChance Vineyards for a tasting room, Backyard Wineries, at 45 W. Main Street. I think it highly important that we support our local residents towards success in their business endeavors. It is also an opportunity for this community to give --.---back-to_its residents_who_have.great. family character, and _a solid work_.ethic._ It should also be acknowledged that these businesses actively and whole-heartedly support local charities, and are truly assets that this community should continue to encourage."They set a standard of care that all businesses in Los Gatos should aspire to achieve. Jo Piazza Chisholm J Page 1 of 1 Vu-Bang Nguyen - In Favor of Fleming Jenkins Winery Retail Shoppe From: To: SFP Date: 09/20/2006 11:41 AM TOIN 2 ~U Subject: In Favor of Fleming Jenkins Winery Retail Shoppe p N O U6 C~ln1AF C o CC: os s ('I ~o /S/off s---- - Dear Council or whom it may concern, We at the Los Gatos Lodge are in favor of the proposed retail opportunity being requested by the Fleming Jenkins Winery. As a hotel and conference center and an original hotel for Los Gatos, I feel that this business will serve not only our locals but-also-assist in-tourism.-The local Santa _Cruz _Mountain wineries are gaining wide attentionfrom all over the United States, - - I see this as an asset to our town's tourism market. Our guests are always inquiring about the local wineries. To be able to send them to a shoppe in town will just increase their interest. Thank you in advance for. considering this venture to be a positive addition to Los Gatos! Kind Regards, Donna Wynne Director of Sales & Marketing Los Gatos Lodge 50 Los Gatos - Saratoga Road Los Gatos, California 95032 tel: 408.354.3300 X 100 toll free: 800.231.8676 fax: 408.354.9978 www.losgatoslodge.com dwy1me@losgatoslodge.com file:UCADocuments and Settings\vnaiiven\T.nr.al Rr-.firms\Tr=.mn\XPrn-niu;cr\d511?RR1T.n nonnn.nor,