06 Staff Report - Correction on Public Hearing Fees and RatestpW N 0 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT !ps aG AjpS DATE: MAY 11, 2006 MEETING DATE: 05/15/06 ITEM NO. TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL, ~r~ FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER f' SUBJECT: CORRECTION ITEM TO MAY 1, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING ON FEES, RATES AND CHARGES-FORMALLY. ADOPTING RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the correction item to the May 1, 2006 public hearing on fees, rates and charges, formally adopting the resolution continuing certain department fees, rates and charges, and amending certain fees, rates and charges. BACKGROUND/DIS CUS SION: On May 1, 2006 a public hearing was held regarding the update to the Town's Comprehensive Fee Schedule. The staff report included the Comprehensive Fee Schedule FY 2006/07 Incorporating Fee Change Recommendations and the Recommended Fee Changes and Additions for FY 2006/07. Staff discovered after the public hearing that the formal resolution approving the fees (Attachment 1) was inadvertently left off the staff report.. This item is a "housekeeping" correction. Council approved adoption of a fee resolution on May 1, 2006. The Town Attorney has advised staff no additional public hearing is required. CONCLUSION: This item is an administrative "housekeeping"item. Staff recommends that Town Council approve the attached resolution to be effective July 1, 2006. PREPARED BY: STEPHEN D. CONWAY Finance & Administrative S eS NAMGR\AdminWorkFiles\2006 Council ReportsTee Resolution.wpd Reviewed by: ` Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk. Finance Community Development Revised: 5111106 2:02 pm Reformatted: 5/30/02 PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION CONTINUING CERTAIN DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES May 11, 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Town's fee resolution is not a project subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Housekeeping item only. Attaclunent: Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos Adopting Continuing Department Fees, Rates, and Charges and Amending Certain Fees, Rates, and Charges. Distribution: Regular RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING CONTINUING DEPARTMENT FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES, AND AMENDING CERTAIN FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES WHEREAS, that the Town of Los Gatos Financial Policies require an annual evaluation of the Schedule of Fees and Charges to ensure that recovery of the cost of providing services is recovered where appropriate, and the last update of fees, rates and charges was. on March 7, 2005, WHEREAS, that certain fees for General Administration, Community Development, Community Services, Parks and Public Works, Library, and Police be adopted. WHEREAS, that those fees that are currently in effect will continue and remain in effect without interruption, but shall be increased to reflect increased costs of providing service, RESOLVED, that Resolution 2005-014 adopting departmental fees, rates, and charges is hereby rescinded, RESOLVED, that the Town Fee Schedule, attached here to as Exhibit A shall become effective July, 1, 2006 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on 15th day of May, 2006 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES : NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED : MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA NAMGR\AdminWorlcFiles\2006 Council Reports\Fee Resolution l.wpd