05a Staff Report - Special Meeting MinutesDRAFT Council-Agency Meeting May 15, 2006 Item # TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA G.~ TOWN COUNCIL April 19, 2006/SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 TIME ITEM ACTION ON ITEM TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town of Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 PM, April 19, 2006, in a Special Meeting. 7:00 PM ROLL CALL Present: Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, Barbara Spector, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor/Chairman Diane McNutt. Absent: None 7:01 PM PLEDGE OF The audience was invited to participate. ALLEGIENCE 7:03 PM OPEN VERBAL Mr. Davis COMMUNICATION Commented regarding the action taken during the April 17, 2006 Town Council meeting relating to the auto dealership item. • Commented regarding the lack of sidewalks on Blossom Hill Road A between Roberts Road and University Avenue. ll 7:06 PM CLOSED VERBAL COMMUNICATION 7:06 PM COUNCIL MATTERS COUNCIL MATTERS Whether Council Member Steve Glickman has violated one or more provisions of the Council DISCUSSION OF Code of Conduct Policy (Resolution 2004-59) ALLEGED TOWN COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATION Mayor McNutt BY MR. GLICKMAN Requested Orry Korb, Town Attorney give an overview of the proceedings. Mr. Korb • Described procedure for special meeting. Town Council Minutes April 19, 2006 Los Gatos, California DISCUSSION OF Mr. Bourgeois ALLEGED TOWN At the invitation of the Mayor, described COUNCIL CODE OF a meeting on January 16, 2006, CONDUCT VIOLATION requested by Mr. Glickman at which BY MR. GLICKMAN time Mr. Glickman suggested that Mr. Continued Bourgeois speak at the January 17, 2006 Town Council hearing on COUNCIL DISCUSSION American Apparel land use issue, saying that he regretted his vote against American Apparel and now supports the application. Council questions Mr. Bourgeois. Mr. Glickman • Described his prior efforts to mentor Mr. Bourgeois, who was interested in running for Council. • Stated that he met with Mr. Bourgeois on January 16, 2006 for the purpose of informing him that the Planning Commission, in denying the American Apparel application, left some youth with the impression that the Commission had not treated them properly. • Stated that he had suggested that Mr. Bourgeois speak at the Council meeting to the effect that he had not intended to insult the youth. • Stated that he told Mr. Bourgeois that he would continue to support him in any event. 7:49 PM DISCUSSION OF Mr. Hartigan ALLEGED TOWN Commented on Mr. Glickman's COUNCIL CONDUCT honesty. VIOLATION BY MR. GLICKMAN Mr. Davis Continued Commented on ethics and supported Mr. Bourgeois' decision to come OPEN PUBLIC forward. COMMENT Mr. Gascoigne • Commented that he likes Mr. Glickman's style of working with the community. Mr. Kahler • Commented on his respect for Mr. Glickman. Mr. Tsang • Commented that Mr. Glickman taught him about American politics. N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM04-19-06 SPECIAL MEETING.doc 2 of 6 Town Council Minutes April 19, 2006 Los Gatos, California DISCUSSION OF Ms. Mellema ALLEGED TOWN Commented that she feels that Mr. COUNCIL CONDUCT Glickman respects the youth and their VIOLATION BY MR. opinions. GLICKMAN Mr. Becker PUBLIC COMMENT Commented on his friendship with Mr. Continued Glickman. Mrs. Becker • Commented on her friendship with Mr. Glickman. Mr. Kent • Commented that Mr. Bourgeois has never had a political agenda and loves to serve in his community. Mr. Kane • Commented that Mr. Bourgeois was a mentor to him. • Commented on his fair ethical practices. Mr. Berwald • Commented that he feels Mr. Glickman is an honest man, and respects his intelligence. Mr. O'Donnell • Would like to see the issue resolved tonight and move on with business. Mr. Jensen • Commented that he respected Mr. Bourgeois coming forward with the alleged violation. • Commended Council for having a public hearing to discuss the issue. Mrs. Talesfore • Commented on supporting the public hearing process. • Commented that Mr. Bourgeois is an honest and respectful man. Ms. Ashton • Commented on mentors and mentoring and felt that the issue was a misunderstanding. Mrs. Quintana • Commented on her respect for Mr.. Bourgeois. N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM04-19-06 SPECIAL MEETING.doc 3 -of 6 Town Council Minutes April 19, 2006 Los Gatos, California 8:40 PM CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT DISCUSSION OF Mr. Bourgeois ALLEGED TOWN Described his motivation in revealing the COUNCIL CONDUCT incident, specifically with regard to VIOLATION BY MR. ethics and his belief that Mr. GLICKMAN Glickman's actions toward him were advocacy. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Continued Mr. Malaspina, Attorney for Mr. Glickman • Questioned the propriety and necessity of this proceeding. • Stated that the Code of Conduct provides that the Mayor shall counsel members of the Council regarding violations. • Described Mr. Glickman's actions on January 16, 2006 as proper. • Questioned Mr. Bourgeois' motives. Mr. Korb • Stated that a possible violation of the Brown Act could result from the Mayor counseling a third Council Member on an issue already discussed with another Council Member. 9:10 PM MAYOR CALLED FOR Meeting resumed at 9:17 PM. A RECESS 9:17 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION Mr. Korb Continued Read potentially relevant sections of the Town Council Code of Conduct (Resolution 2004-059) including Sections VII, IX, and XI. 9:24 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION Council Discussion Continued Mr. Glickman • Clarification regarding the violations of the Brown Act. Mr. Korb • Clarified due process and issues regarding first amendment rights. Mrs. McNutt • Commented on the different duties and obligations required of a Council Member. • Commented on ethical responsibilities as a Council Member. • Commented regarding different opinions relating to advocacy. N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM04-19-06 SPECIAL MEETING.doc 4of6 Town Council Minutes April 19, 2006 Los Gatos, California COUNCIL DISCUSSION Mrs. Spector Continued • Commented on quasi-legislative duties as a Council Member. • Commented on quasi-judicial duties as a Council Member. • Commented that she felt bringing the issue forward at a public meeting was the right thing to do. • Commented upon existence of undisputed facts. Mr. Pirzynski • Commented on why the Council restricted the issue to a public meeting. • Commented on the role of a mentor, and understanding a role as a mentor. • Commented on ethics in local government. Motion by Mr. Wasserman to find that Mr. Glickman's conduct in discussion with Mr. Bourgeois on January 16, 2006 was inappropriate and a violation of the Council Code of Conduct. Seconded by Mrs. Spector. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Mr. Glickman Continued • Asked for clarification regarding the motion. • Asked what sections of the Code of Conduct that Council felt were in violation. Mr. Wasserman • Clarified for the motion that Policy Section VII was violated: a. Judgement of decisions should be reserved until all applicable information has been presented. • Clarified for the motion that Policy Section XI was violated: a. Council Members shall not reach decision of any agenda item prior to a scheduled public meeting. • Clarified for the motion that Policy Section IX was violated: a. Council Members should not feel they have the power or right to influence a board, commission, or committee member in any way. N:\CLK\JACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM04-19-06 SPECIAL MEETING.doc 5of6 Town Council Minutes April 19, 2006 Los Gatos, California COUNCIL DISCUSSION Mr. Glickman Continued Stated his view in opposition to the motion. 10:14 PM MAYOR CALLED THE 4/0 Mr. Glickman Abstained. QUESTION 10:15 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION Mrs. Spector continued • Would like Council to consider referring the Code of Conduct Policy to the Policy Committee for amendment, including the development of standards for disciplining members of Council. Consensus to refer the Code of Conduct Policy to the Policy Committee for amendment, including the development of standards for disciplining members of Council. 10:19 PM MEETING ADJOURNED Submitted by: ATTEST: Jackie D. Rose, Deputy Clerk MarLyn Rasmussen, Clerk Administrator N:\CLKWACKIES MINUTES\Draft\MM04-19-06 SPECIAL MEETING.doc 6of6