07 Staff Report - Tract No. 9669~pW N 0 !ps•GA OS DATE: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT FEBRUARY 23, 2005 MEETING DATE: 03/7/05 ITEM NO. 7 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL ' FROM: DEBRA J. FIGONE, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR TRACT NO. 9669 (LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE VILLAGE) AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution approving the Final Map for Tract No. 9669 (Los Gatos Creekside Village) and accepting the dedications. BACKGROUND: The Tentative Map (M-04-009) was approved by the Planning Commission on November 10, 2004. DISCUSSION: The Los Gatos Mobile Home Park is currently going through a maj or renovation and upgrade which includes replacing the coaches with one and two story manufactured houses. The State has determined that the work constitutes a renovation of an existing mobile home park and is entirely regulated by the State. The Town has no jurisdiction over the renovation and upgrade work. The ten tenants who resided in the park have been temporarily relocated until their units are ready for occupancy. Tract No. 9669 will create 70 residential lots on 12.48 acres of land located north of Highway 9 between Woodland Avenue and Los Gatos Creek. The developer has provided all necessary maps and has paid the appropriate fees. The map is required to convert a rental mobile home park to a resident ownership mobile home park. The site has a conditional use permit which allows 70 spaces. The subdivision of the mobile home park is in compliance with the Conditional Use Permit and will not create additional units. The lot sizes, street widths, parking areas, and setbacks are all regulated by the State. The plans su tted for the subdivision have been accepted by the State. PREPARED BY: (Virector HN E. CURTIS of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager own Attorney Clerk Administrator inane Community Development Revised: 2/23/05 9:51 am Reformatted: 5/30/02 N:\B&E\COUNCIL REPORTS\Tract 9669-new.map.wpd PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: TRACT NO. 9669 (LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE VILLAGE) FEBRUARY 23, 2005 No public improvements are required for the project and thus no contract or bonds are required. The developer will be dedicating a public service easement (PSE) over driveways within the subdivision, and abandoning an existing sanitary sewer easement due to conflicts with the new development: A replacement sanitary sewer easement was dedicated to West Valley Sanitation District on October 19, 2004, Document No. 18054643. The PSE dedications are included on the final map. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: No additional environmental review is required for the final map. FISCAL IMPACT: The developer, Barry Swenson Builder, has paid the following fees: 1. Tract Map Checking fee .................$35,500.00 (Receipt No. 225723) 2. Computer Service fee $1,420.00 (Receipt No. 225723) 3. Abandon Excess Easement (Application) $344.00 (Receipt No. 221906) 4. Abandon Excess Easement (Processing) $1,370.00 (Receipt No. 221906) Attachment: Resolution approving the Final Map for Tract No. 9669 (Los Gatos Creekside Village) Distribution: Barry Swenson Builder, 777 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95112 FP:fp NAB&MCOUNCIL REPORMTract 9669-new.map.wpd RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 9669 AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS WHEREAS, on November 10, 2004, the Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos approved the Tentative Map Application M-04-009, with conditions; and WHEREAS, the Owner or Subdivider has complied with the conditions of Tentative Map Application M -04-009. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the certain Final Map of Tract No. 9669 in the Town of Los Gatos, dated March 2005, and prepared by Monterey County Surveyors, Inc., for approval by the Director of Parks and Public Works of the Town of Los Gatos, is hereby approved; and all offers of land for public use therein made on said Map are hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the day of 2005 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA