Item 3 - Staff Report with Attachments.145 Tait
PREPARED BY: Erin Walters
Associate Planner
110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874
MEETING DATE: 10/23/2024
DATE: October 18, 2024
TO: Historic Preservation Committee
FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director
SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a Second-Story Addition Exceeding
100 Square Feet and Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-
Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property
Zoned R-1D:LHP. Located on 145 Tait Avenue. APN 510-18-029. Exempt
Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Minor
Residential Development Application MR-24-010. Property Owner: Jennifer
McNellis. Applicant: Eric Beckstrom. Project Planner: Erin Walters.
On September 11, 2024, the Committee considered a request for approval for construction of a
second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-
1941 single-family residence located at 145 Tait Avenue. The Committee opened the public
hearing and received a presentation from the applicant and public testimony. Following
discussion, the Committee voted 3-1, with one member recused, to continue consideration of
the request to allow review by the Town’s Consulting Architect on Committee referral,
requesting specific feedback regarding:
• Proposed window types/material;
• Modifications/additions to the bay window on the right -side elevation; and
• Front elevation massing in relation to the proposed second-story addition.
On September 19, 2024, the applicant submitted a request for reconsideration under
Town Council Policy 2-01 (the Policy) regarding Town Agenda Format and Rules, which includes
a provision allowing applicants to request reconsideration of prior Council actions. Through the
Town Attorney, reconsideration may be requested of the Council as well as any commission,
committee, or board. On September 25, 2024, the Committee opened the public hearing and
received a presentation from the applicant. Following discussion, the Committee voted 2-2 on
the request, with one member recused. The motion failed, and no action was taken.
SUBJECT: 145 Tait Avenue/MR-24-010
DATE: October 23, 2024
Per direction of the Historic Preservation Committee, the Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed
the attached development plans (Attachment 1). The Town’s Consulting Architect provided a
report and five recommendations (Attachment 2). The applicant has provided a response letter
addressing how each recommendation has been addressed in the revised development plans
(Attachment 3 and 4). The Town’s Consulting Architect’s recommendations are summarized,
and the applicant’s responses are listed in italics below:
1. Maintain the subordinate character of the second-floor additions by maintaining the
existing dormer roof ridge height and eliminate its extension to the opposite side of the
Applicant’s Response: The updated plans have been modified to address this
2. Replace the large new windows which are inconsistent with the existing windows on the
house with ones that match the size and proportions of existing windows.
Applicant’s Response: See updated plans. All existing windows are 1996 Anderson windows.
There are no original/existing windows from when the house was first built. Locations and
sizes have been altered before the current owners purchased the house. The updated plans
show more mutins/dividers and the two picture windows have been removed. The current
house has a variety of window sizes and layouts.
3. Match the garage addition’s door height to that of the existing garage.
Applicant’s Response: The updated plans have been modified to address this
4. The proposed Marvin Ultimate wood clad windows are appropriate for the proposed
Applicant’s Response: Acknowledged. Historic projects use Marvin Ultimate wood clad
windows. Most jurisdictions recommend Marvin, especially with the 5/8” SDL’s.
5. Provide a minimum one-foot setback of the Family Room wall adjacent to the existing bay
Applicant’s Response: The updated plans have been modified to address this
SUBJECT: 145 Tait Avenue/MR-24-010
DATE: October 23, 2024
The applicant is requesting approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100
square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence located at
145 Tait Avenue. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the recommendation would
be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the application would continue
through the Minor Residential Development process. The project would not return to the
A. Considerations
Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review.
In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design,
arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications
shall not be granted unless:
For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior
architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of
the application.
B. Residential Design Guidelines
Sections 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for
construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 5).
1. Development Plans, received September 25, 2024
2. Consulting Architect’s Report
3. Revised Development Plans, received October 17, 2024
4. Applicant’s Response Letter
5. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines
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October 14, 2024
Ms. Erin WaltersCommunity Development DepartmentTown of Los Gatos110 E. Main StreetLos Gatos, CA 95031
RE: 145 Tait Avenue
Dear Erin:
I reviewed the drawings, and evaluated the site context. My comments and recommendations are as fol-
The site is located in a traditional neighborhood of one story and partial second story homes. Photographs
of the site and its surrounding context are shown on the following page.
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 2
The Site: Street Frontage
House to the immediate left
The Site: Alley Frontage
House to the immediate right
Nearby house to the left Nearby house Across Tait Avenue
Nearby house Across Tait Avenue
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 3
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 4
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 5
The existing house was built with a simple Craftsman Style. In 1996 a small second floor addition was com-
pleted. The addition has both positive and negative features. It successfully treated the second floor addition
as a design element subordinate to the original house - see photo below.
However the dormer’s flattened roof slope compared to the original home’s traditional steeper slopes would
today be in conflict with the town’s Residential Design Guidelines 3.5.1 and 4.8.8.
3.5.1 Unify roof pitches
• Utilize the same slope for all primary roofs
4.8.8 Roofs, Gables, Eaves and Overhangs
• Roofs should maintain their original size, shape and pitch.
• Any changes in roof area, roof line, roof coverings, eave depth or materials should be consistent with the existing structure.
The proposed additions to the house are modest in size but have a number of elements that are counter to
the goal of carefully crafting changes to reinforce and be respectful of the original form and details of the
structure as outlined in Chapter 4 of the Residential Design Guidelines. Specific concerns include the following:
1.The proposed increase in the roof ridge height of
the second story dormer element and its exten-
sion across the main roof ridge would be counter
to blending the addition into the original struc-
ture as a subordinate mass, and it would also
change the wall and roof forms on the left side
elevation to one very much out of character with the
architectural style and small scale of the home.
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 6
2.A few windows are proposed to increase in size over those currently on the house facades which would
not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 4.8.4.
4.8.4 windows and Glass in doors
• All elements of new windows should be identical in size, shape, proportion, and dimensions as the original windows
of the building, or consistent with traditional sizes, proportions and dimensions of buildings of the same architectural style,
design and era.
3.The head height of the door on the garage addition is higher than the existing garage which seems at
odds with the simplicity of the existing structure.
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 7
4.A question has been raised about the appropriateness of the proposed windows.
5.The Family Room wall has been pushed outward to provide more floor area in that room. However,
this would result in a visual reduction of the bay window projection which would not be consistent with
preserving the integrity of the original design.
1.Maintain the subordinate character of the second floor additions by maintaining the existing dormer
roof ridge height and eliminate its extension to the opposite side of the structure.
While the roof slope of the current second floor dormer is not consistent with the current town Residen-
tial Design Guidelines, it was previously approved and is modest in appearance. I would not recommend
any changes to the existing roof slopes.
145 Tait Avenue
Design Review Comments
October 14, 2024 Page 8
2.Replace the large new windows which are inconsistent with the existing windows on the house with ones
that match the size and proportions of existing windows.
3.Match the garage addition’s door height to that of the existing garage.
4.Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.4- Windows should be constructed of real glass, and window
frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal or plastic. Wood sashes may be vinyl or
metal if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent with the historic context of the building.
The proposed Marvin Ultimate wood clad windows are appropriate for the proposed project.
5.Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.5 Bay Windows. Provide a minimum one-foot setback of the Fam-
ily Room wall adjacent to the existing bay window.
Erin, please let me know if you have questions or if I missed any important issues.
Larry L. Cannon
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MR-24-010 Response #2 Arch 145 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos Page 1
Beckstrom Architecture+ Interiors
Eric Beckstrom, Architect
PO Box 1317, Los Gatos, CA 94030
650 847-8351
October 17, 2024
Town of Los Gatos - Planning Department
110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95031
Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-010
Project Site: 145 Tait Avenue
PROPERTY OWNER: Jennifer McNellis
APPLICANT: Eric Beckstrom
1. Maintain the subordinate character of the second floor additions by maintaining the
existing dormer roof ridge height and eliminate its extension to the opposite side of the
While the roof slope of the current second floor dormer is not consistent with the current
town Residential Design Guidelines, it was previously approved and is modest in
appearance. I would not recommend any changes to the existing roof slopes.
Response: See updated plans.
However please also see A1.2 which shows other current permitted historic home additions which dwarf the
scale and massing of the 145 Tait proposal. As one of the HPC commissioners expressed-why is this project
under this extensive scrutiny? This remains unclear.
Regardless-In an effort to move the project forward for the 145 Owners, the updated design responds to all
the recommendations.
As offered and suggested before, perhaps there is a group walk through some historic neighborhoods with
the Consulting Architect, this Architect, the HPC and LG planners and the Town Lawyer. We have done this in
other jurisdictions and it is productive-there is no downside-it only raises the knowledge base for all involved-
there are no right and wrong answers as can be seen in the other new projects shown on A1.2 with all due
2. Replace the large new windows which are inconsistent with the existing windows on the
house with ones that match the size and proportions of existing windows.
Response: See updated plans.
All existing windows are 1996 Anderson windows. There are no original/existing windows from
when the house was first built. Locations and sizes have been altered before the current owners
purchased the house.
The house has been uninhabitable since 1996 and used as a storage shed.
The updated plans show more muntins/dividers and the 2 picture windows removed. The current
house has a variety of window sizes and layouts. As in all of our projects we strive for balance and
harmony as it evident in our body of work.
MR-24-010 Response #2 Arch 145 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos Page 2
3. Match the garage addition’s door height to that of the existing garage.
Response: See updated plans
4. Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.4- Windows should be constructed of real glass, and
window frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal or plastic. Wood
sashes may be vinyl or metal if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent
with the historic context of the building. The proposed Marvin Ultimate wood clad
windows are appropriate for the proposed project.
Response: OK. Historic projects use Marvin Ultimate wood clad windows. Most jurisdictions
recommend Marvin, especially with the 5/8” SDL’s
5. Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.5 Bay Windows. Provide a minimum one-foot
setback of the Family Room wall adjacent to the existing bay window.
Response: See updated plans
Please call or email with any follow up questions. Thanks.
Eric A. Beckstrom
B20-160 REV 1, INTWEST CLSG20-0002 1890 Mora Ave., Calistoga, CA Page 3 of 3
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Residential Design Guidelines 33
Town of Los Gatos
3.8.3 Use traditional detailing
•Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of
the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to
provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and
stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would
have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and
to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi-
tectural style.
•Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should
have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or
Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood
as suits the style of the house.
•Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic.
For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the
individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have
been in a load bearing masonry wall.
•Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional
architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts-
man Style house.)
3.8.4 Materials changes
•Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather
than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look.
•Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases
this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop.
•The existing built forms, components and materials should
be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and
alterations should be consistent with and continue the
original architectural style and design.
•Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale
and proportion to the historically significant portions of
the existing structure.
•When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly
constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in
size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and
Use stone or wood lintels over
openings in stone walls
Additions, accessory buildings and secondary
units should match the form, architectural
style, and details of the original house
Residential Design Guidelines34
Town of Los Gatos
should utilize the same materials as the existing protected
exterior elements.
• When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural
materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative
elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in
the addition where possible.
• The introduction of window and door openings not char-
acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original
architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or
doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows
and swinging doors).
• The character of any addition or alteration should be in
keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original
• The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should
match that of the original building.
• Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic
• Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods
with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of
the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second
floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example
to the left.
• Second floor additions which are not embedded within the
roof form should be located to the rear of the structure.
• The height and proportion of an addition or a second story
should not dominate the original structure.
• Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc-
ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and
• New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor-
dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize
forms, materials and details which are similar to the main
• Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot
behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access
driveways should be utilized.
Original structure
Addition incorporated into the roof
successfully adds space while respecting the
integrity of the existing house and the scale of
the neighborhood
Placing a two story addition to the rear can
minimize its impact on the historic resource
and the scale of the neighborhood