Attachment 4 - Applicant's Response LetterMR-24-010 Response #2 Arch 145 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos Page 1
Beckstrom Architecture+ Interiors
Eric Beckstrom, Architect
PO Box 1317, Los Gatos, CA 94030
650 847-8351
October 17, 2024
Town of Los Gatos - Planning Department
110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95031
Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-010
Project Site: 145 Tait Avenue
PROPERTY OWNER: Jennifer McNellis
APPLICANT: Eric Beckstrom
1. Maintain the subordinate character of the second floor additions by maintaining the
existing dormer roof ridge height and eliminate its extension to the opposite side of the
While the roof slope of the current second floor dormer is not consistent with the current
town Residential Design Guidelines, it was previously approved and is modest in
appearance. I would not recommend any changes to the existing roof slopes.
Response: See updated plans.
However please also see A1.2 which shows other current permitted historic home additions which dwarf the
scale and massing of the 145 Tait proposal. As one of the HPC commissioners expressed-why is this project
under this extensive scrutiny? This remains unclear.
Regardless-In an effort to move the project forward for the 145 Owners, the updated design responds to all
the recommendations.
As offered and suggested before, perhaps there is a group walk through some historic neighborhoods with
the Consulting Architect, this Architect, the HPC and LG planners and the Town Lawyer. We have done this in
other jurisdictions and it is productive-there is no downside-it only raises the knowledge base for all involved-
there are no right and wrong answers as can be seen in the other new projects shown on A1.2 with all due
2. Replace the large new windows which are inconsistent with the existing windows on the
house with ones that match the size and proportions of existing windows.
Response: See updated plans.
All existing windows are 1996 Anderson windows. There are no original/existing windows from
when the house was first built. Locations and sizes have been altered before the current owners
purchased the house.
The house has been uninhabitable since 1996 and used as a storage shed.
The updated plans show more muntins/dividers and the 2 picture windows removed. The current
house has a variety of window sizes and layouts. As in all of our projects we strive for balance and
harmony as it evident in our body of work.
MR-24-010 Response #2 Arch 145 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos Page 2
3. Match the garage addition’s door height to that of the existing garage.
Response: See updated plans
4. Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.4- Windows should be constructed of real glass, and
window frames should be constructed of real wood - not vinyl, metal or plastic. Wood
sashes may be vinyl or metal if the window frame and dressing is designed consistent
with the historic context of the building. The proposed Marvin Ultimate wood clad
windows are appropriate for the proposed project.
Response: OK. Historic projects use Marvin Ultimate wood clad windows. Most jurisdictions
recommend Marvin, especially with the 5/8” SDL’s
5. Per Residential Design Guideline 4.8.5 Bay Windows. Provide a minimum one-foot
setback of the Family Room wall adjacent to the existing bay window.
Response: See updated plans
Please call or email with any follow up questions. Thanks.
Eric A. Beckstrom
B20-160 REV 1, INTWEST CLSG20-0002 1890 Mora Ave., Calistoga, CA Page 3 of 3
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