Item 4 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 and 2.145 Tait Avenue PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 09/25/2024 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: September 20, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Reconsideration of a Request for Approval for Construction of a Second-Story Addition Exceeding 100 Square Feet and Exterior Alterations to an Existing Contributing Single-Family Residence Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP Pursuant to Town Council Policy 2-01. Located on 145 Tait Avenue. APN 510-18-029. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-010. Property Owner: Jennifer McNellis. Applicant: Eric Beckstrom. Project Planner: Erin Walters. BACKGROUND: Town Council Policy 2-01 (the Policy) regarding Town Agenda Format and Rules includes a provision allowing applicants to request reconsideration of prior Council actions (Attachment 1, Section O). Through the Town Attorney, reconsideration may be requested of the Council as well as any commission, committee, or board. Pursuant to the Policy, reconsideration of a prior action is discouraged and may only occur in special circumstances. If the Committee finds merit in the request and wishes to grant reconsideration, the Committee must take the following steps: 1. The motion must be made by a Committee Member who voted on the prevailing side of the prior action; 2. The maker of the motion shall specifically articulate the new information, analysis, and/or circumstances that warrant(s) reconsideration of the prior action; 3. The motion must be adopted by a majority of the full Committee; and 4. The motion may only be made and considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee after the item was originally acted upon. If approved by the Committee, reconsideration of a request must be placed on the next available agenda. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 145 Tait Avenue/MR-24-010 DATE: September 20, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\09-25-24\Item 4 - 145 Tait Avenue\Staff Report.145 Tait.docx BACKGROUND (continued): On September 11, 2024, the Committee considered a request for approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre- 1941 single-family residence located at 145 Tait Avenue. The Committee opened the public hearing and received a presentation from the applicant and public testimony. Following discussion, the Committee voted 3-1 (Member Cheskin dissenting), with member Queiroz recused, to continue consideration of the request to allow review by the Town’s Consulting Architect on Committee referral, requesting for specific feedback regarding: • Proposed window types/material; • Modifications/additions to the bay window on the right-side elevation; and • Front elevation massing in relation to the proposed second-story addition. DISCUSSION: On September 19, 2024, the applicant submitted a request for reconsideration (Attachment 2) under the Policy. Their request includes a summary of the new information that would be provided that warrant reconsideration. CONCLUSION: If the Committee finds merit in the request, a motion to grant reconsideration must be made by a Committee Member who voted on the prevailing side of the prior action and approved by a majority of the Committee. If approved, reconsideration of the request would be scheduled for the October 23, 2024 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Policy 2-01 2. Applicant Request for Reconsideration ATTACHMENT 1 Reconsideration Request – HPC 145 Tait Avenue Page 1 Beckstrom Architecture+ Interiors PO Box 1317, Los Gatos, CA 94030 650 847-8351 Eric@BeckstromArchitecture.com September 19, 2024 Project Planner: Erin Walters Town of Los Gatos - Planning Department 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95031 Request to Reconsider – HPC Project Site: 145 Tait Avenue PROPERTY OWNER: Jennifer McNellis APPLICANT: Eric Beckstrom We respectfully, request a reconsideration of the Historic Preservation Committee actions per Policy Number 2-01, Town Agenda Format and Rules, Section O. There is additional information, analysis and the circumstances of the hearing on Sept. 11th merit reconsideration. Additional information (Other information/samples provided at the hearing) 1.A 3D CAD model has been made of the 145 Tait Neighborhood. The HPC can then view the interactive model where we look at the site from any vantage point desired. This assists in giving valuable context in regards to scale, massing, both existing and proposed renovations of this uninhabitable/vacant house which has not been lived in since 1996. This interactive 3D model has been successfully on the historic Sutro house in San Francisco at 1600 Lake Street, San Francisco. 2.Sample Marvin Double Hung window used on other historic projects 3.Financial burden and impact on the new owners-see attached 4.Pictures of Beckstrom Architecture work in Los Gatos and other locations 5.Updated site plans and street elevations which are essential in determining the scale/heights/sizes of the existing houses. 6.Resume Sincerely, Eric A. Beckstrom, Architect ATTACHMENT 2 Minor Development In Historic District 145 Tait Avenue Page 2 of 2