Item 2 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 3.14340 Browns Lane PREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 09/25/2024 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: September 20, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 14340 Browns Lane. APN 409-14-010. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Section 15061(b)(3). Request for Review PHST-24-019. Property Owner: Cathleen Joyce Vadasz. Applicant: Gordon K. Wong. Project Planner: Erin Walters. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:8 located at 14340 Browns Lane. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1936 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: N/A 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to remove the pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory. The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Database lists a construction date of 1936. The property is not within a historic district or LHP overlay, is not included in the 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey, and is not located on the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. The applicant provided an informational packet with their application, which includes a summary of the history of the residence, and the research conducted as a part of this request PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 14340 Browns Lane/PHST-24-019 DATE: September 20, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\09-25-24\Item 2 - 14340 Browns Lane\Staff Report.14340 Browns Lane.docx DISCUSSION (continued): (Attachment 1). Based on the summary letter provided, the applicant confirms that the Santa Clara County Assessor shows a built date of 1936; however, a 1939 aerial photograph shows that the parcel was an orchard. The property was located in unincorporated Santa Clara County until 1979 when it was annexed into the Town. Records suggest that a portion of the dwelling had been built by 1955. An aerial photograph taken in May of 1965, shows a house and a garage located on the property. In 1966, the County Assessor conducted a site visit and reported that the property contained a 748 square foot two-bedroom residence with wood frame construction on a raised concrete foundation. The front elevation had a side-gable roof with a front porch under the eaves. The 440 square foot detached garage had a garage door along the full width of the front elevation and front facing gable roof. In 1979, after annexation to the Town, the Town’s Building Department inspected the property following a complaint regarding the condition of the property. The property was described as a one-story wood framed dwelling with at least two rear additions. The garage had been converted to a sperate living unit in 1979. A kitchen addition had been constructed between the dwelling and garage. The applicant provided evidence of building permits issued in 1990 for electrical permits and building permits issued in 1998 for interior repairs, electrical, plumbing, and a new furnace. The 1998 building permit records include a floor plan; however, the as-built remodel did not match the approved plans. The front entry is located between the original house and the garage rather than entering through the kitchen as shown on the approved plans. Based on the research provided the applicant believes that the required findings for removal from the Historic Resources Inventory can be made for this property as the residence is not in its original condition and there is nothing significant or remarkable about it. The applicant did not find that any persons significant to the Town’s history lived on the site. The applicant also provided pictures of the current residence, provided as Attachment 2. An existing site plan is provided as Attachment 3. CONCLUSION: Should the Committee find that the structure no longer has historic significance or architectural merit due to the loss of integrity, a recommendation of approval of the request to remove the property from the Historic Resources Inventory would be forwarded to the Community Development Director. Once approved by the Director, any proposed alterations would not return to the Committee. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 14340 Browns Lane/PHST-24-019 DATE: September 20, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\09-25-24\Item 2 - 14340 Browns Lane\Staff Report.14340 Browns Lane.docx FINDINGS: A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicant’s Submittal Packet 2. Property Photographs 3. Existing Site Plan This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 History of 14340 Browns Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95032 APN 409-14-010 Bonnie Montgomery, Historical Consultant 421 N 5th St San Jose, CA 95112 bayandvalleybooks@gmail.com 408-439-9073 The parcel 409-14-010 was in unincorporated Santa Clara County until it came under the jurisdiction of the Town of Los Gatos on February 23, 1979, with the Wedgewood No. 9 annexation. Only two County documents were available upon request: (1) the Assessor’s Residential Unit Property Record, which documented changes from 1966 to 1998, and (2) a single county building permit from 1974 for a new water heater. A search of Town of Los Gatos building department microfiche yielded documents from 1979 to 1998. These documents will be described in the chronology that follows. Being so recently annexed into the Town of Los Gatos, this parcel did not appear during a search at the Los Gatos Public Library on the Los Gatos Sanborn maps available between 1884 and 1944. Likewise, it is absent from the 1941 Tax Assessment. The property does not appear on the 1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms. The history prepared here relies on Polk’s directory listings, county assessor’s records, county official records, recorded maps, aerial photographs, newspaper articles, Town of Los Gatos and County of Santa Clara building permits, and genealogical resources as referenced in the footnotes and attached to this history as figures. The property’s legal description places it in a portion of Lot 10 of the Wedgewood Subdivision of the Maud E. Parr Tract, surveyed in February 1889 (Figure 1).1 In 1903, the San Jose-Los Gatos Interurban Railway Company purchased the right-of-way across the Wedgewood Subdivision, creating a triangle of land bounded by Smith Creek on the west, the railroad to the north, and Wedgewood Avenue on the south, as shown on the 1929 McMillan and McMillian Official Map of Santa Clara County (Figure 2).2 The Santa Clara County Assessor gives 1936 as the build date for this property, but an aerial photograph taken on August 1, 1939, shows that this parcel was still orchard land (Figure 3).3 To the west of this parcel was a recently surveyed cul-de-sac, La Rinconada Drive, as shown on the subdivision map of Tract No. 106, La Rinconada Acres (Figure 4).4 Mrs. E. I. Barron subdivided this tract, and she also owned the portions of Lots 10 and 11 east of this subdivision. On December 20, 1939, Ethel I. Barron and her husband William S. Barron sold 10 acres of Lots 8, 9, 1 Santa Clara County [hereafter SCC] Recorded Maps Book E, Page 73. 2 SCC Deeds Book 348, Page 270; McMillan and McMillan, Official Map of Santa Clara County, California (San Francisco: Walk-Up Map Company, 1929), https://archive.org/details/map_santaclaracounty_1929. 3 UC Santa Barbara Geospatial Collection, August 1, 1939, aerial photograph, Flight C_5750, Frame 286-19, https://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap indexes/FrameFinder/. Photograph superimposed on Santa Clara County Surveyor Record Index map, https://sccplanning.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=bc21a949580746968cb7139386996978. 4 SCC Recorded Maps Book 3, Page 58, May 15, 1939. ATTACHMENT 1 2 10, and 11 of the Wedgewood Subdivision, including the subject parcel, to the San Jose Abstract and Title Insurance Company.5 The parcel appears to have been exclusively a rental property and difficult to trace through official recorded documents from 1939 to 1978. Aerial photographs, census records, directory listings, and newspaper articles suggest that at least some part of the dwelling had been built by 1955. On an aerial photograph taken on April 25, 1948 (Figure 5), Browns Lane and some neighboring houses are visible, but the resolution is not adequate to determine whether trees or structures are on the parcel. 6 On the 1950 census, John W. Brown, his wife Mary Vera, and their six daughters are living on a rural route along Wedgewood Avenue. One of their neighbors is Bedford Forrest and his family. Like John W. Brown, Bedford was a carpenter born in Texas. The Bedford Forrest family was reported living at 14340 Browns Lane in a blurb published in the July 7, 1955, issue of the Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer, which announced their son Olon’s service in the Navy.7 A June 9, 1956, aerial photograph also has poor resolution (Figure 6). A May 15, 1965, aerial photograph clearly shows the house to the south and the garage to the north (Figure 7). The house was advertised for rent as a three-bedroom unfurnished house in the March 24, 1961, issue of the San Jose Evening News. Starting with the 1962 Los Gatos city directory, the property is listed in the reverse Los Gatos city directory. The tenants were: in 1962, Pierre and Gaby Leidelmeyer; in 1964, Willy F. and Mira A. Ferns; in 1965, “no return”; and in 1967, Richard Dalton. The address is listed in the Los Gatos section of the San Jose Suburban city directory between 1968 and 1974. The tenants were: in 1968, 1969, and 1970, Wesley E. Chambers, a carpenter, and his wife Sharon; in 1971, 1972, and 1974, Kenneth Watrous, an employee for the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, and his wife Bonnie. In 1966, the County Assessor visited the parcel, measured the buildings on the site, and took a photo of the front elevation. According to the Residential Unit Property Record (Figure 8), the house was 748 square feet with a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. It was of wood-frame construction on a raised concrete foundation. It had a side-gable roof with a front porch under the eaves. The detached garage was 440 square feet with a garage door along the full width of the front elevation and a front-facing gable roof. A shed or garage in the backyard was not measured, because no tax was assessed (NTA). On October 16, 1974, then-owner Francisco Diaz received a building permit from the County of Santa Clara (No. 20204) for a new water heater. That is the only building permit in the records of the Santa Clara County Planning Department. On January 6, 1978, Francisco and Zulima Diaz granted the parcel to Louis C. and Marilyn D. Franckx.8 Mr. and Mrs. Franckx lived in Saratoga, and this property continued as a rental property. 5 SCC Official Records [hereafter OR] Book 962, Page 313. 6 UC Santa Barbara Geospatial Collection, April 25, 1948, aerial photograph, Flight CDF5, Frame 4-44, https://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap indexes/FrameFinder/. 7 Browns Lane is along the southeast property line of parcels 409-14-035 (14331 Browns Lane) and 409-14-013 (17291 Wedgewood Avenue). Th is parcel and its neighbors have an ease ment for ingress and egress along Browns Lane. 8 SCC OR Book D390, Page 221, January 6, 1978. 3 On February 23, 1979, the Wedgewood No. 9 annexation placed this parcel under the jurisdiction of the Town of Los Gatos. Soon afterward, the tenants complained to the Town of Los Gatos about the condition of the property. The building department inspected the property on March 21, 1979. The inspector described a one-story wood-frame dwelling with at least two rear additions. The garage had been converted to a separate living unit around March 1978, not long after the Franckx became the new landlords. The space between the dwelling and garage had been filled in with a kitchen. The structure in the backyard labeled a “shed, garage” on the assessor’s Residential Unit Property Record was described by the inspector as a “large wood frame metal roof patio cover…with open gas barbecue.” The 21 code deficiencies and violations observed are listed in Figure 9. Mr. and Mrs. Franckx received an electrical permit on September 13, 1990 (No. E 18124) for outlets, appliances, and service equipment (Figure 10). Mr. Franckx died on September 5, 1994, in San Francisco. On August 3, 1995, Marilyn D. Franckx sold the property to Peter Miklos Vadasz and Cathleen Joyce Vadasz.9 On March 11, 1998, Peter and Cathleen Vadasz received Permit No. B98-00206 to “repair & replace sheetrock, insulate exterior wall (Figure 11); Permit No. E98-000103 for “electrical for rewiring” (Figure 12); Permit No. P98-000105 for “plumbing to remodel furnace, replace old plumbing (Figure 13); and Permit No. M98-00075 for “mechanical for furnace” (Figure 14). A hand-drawn floor plan was also approved, presumably to show how the interior spaces would be reconfigured with new sheetrock. The extensive remodel did not entirely match the plans; for example, the front entry is in the space between the original house and the garage instead of from the kitchen. On August 7, 2019, Peter Miklos Vadasz granted the parcel to the current owner, Cathleen Joyce Vadasz, as her sole and separate property.10 9 SCC OR Book N946, Page 1279, August 3, 1995. 10 SCC OR Doc. No. 24248124, August 7, 2019. 4 FIGURES Figure 1. Wedgewood Subdivision, 1889. Figure 2. Wedgewood Subdivision, 1929. Figure 3. August 1, 1939, aerial photograph superimposed on Santa Clara County Surveyor Record Index map. Parcel is highlighted in red. 5 Figure 4. La Rinconada Acres tract map, just west of parcel, subdivided in 1939. Figure 5. April 25, 1948, aerial photograph with parcel highlighted in red. Figure 6. June 9, 1956, aerial photograph with parcel highlighted in red. Figure 7. May 15, 1965, aerial photograph with parcel highlighted in red. Figure 8. Page 1 Figure 8. Page 2 Figure 9. Page 1 Figure 9. Page 2 Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank CONCRETE PADDETAIL REFERENCENameElevationDATUM REFERENCEX#OR#KEY NOTEBUILDING SECTION#WALL TYPEINTERIOR ELEVATIONAPPROXIMATE LINE OF WORK101ADOOR TYPE1REVISIONA00WINDOW TYPEREMOVEROOM TAG1.000'2'4'8'16'NOTESCONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, SITE CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS, STRUCTURES PRIOR TO START OF WORK.IN EVENT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IN WRITING PRIOR TO STARTING EACH PORTION OF THE WORK.FINISH GRADE AROUND THE STRUCTURE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION AT A MINIMUM OF 5% FOR AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM THE STRUCTURE. CBC 1804.4SITE PLAN, EXISTING, LEGEND:CONCRETEGRASSPROPERTY LINEBUILDING FOOTPRINTSETBACKCENTERLINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICALOHSITE PLAN, EXISTING, KEYNOTES PRIMARY RESIDENCE UTILITY POLE GAS METER 3/4" 100 AMP ELECTRICAL PANEL WATER METER12GWEBROWNS LNPL 68'NorthPL 54'PL 68'PL 113' PL 114'BROWNS LNREAR S.B.20' - 0"SIDE S.B.8' - 0"SIDE S.B.8' - 0"4' - 4"G0031GEOHOHOHOH2WA TTS LACEFOILICENSEDARCHITE C T FORNIAGORDKONWGNO RENEWAL 03/01/201340453-CResidential Remodel14340 Browns LnLos Gatos, CA 95032SCALE AS INDICATEDR E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R C I A L GORDON K WONG, ARCHITECT710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95121(408) 796-1845 LIC# 34045GKW Architects.comSTEVEN RAMIREZPROJECT REPRESENTATIVES710E MCGLINCY LANE SUITE 109CAMPBELL, CA 95121(408)796-184508/31/20249/3/2024 3:40:28 PMG001General, Notes/Symbols & SitePlan, ExistingDemolition/UtilitiesGeneral, Notes/ Symbols & Site Plan, Existing Demolition/ UtilitiesAABVACADADDLAFFASPHBBITUMBKGBLDGBMBRBURBDRBWCCABCBCEMCFCJCLCTLCLGCONCCPTDDDRE(E)EELECEPEXTFFDNFHFINFFFLFLUORFOCFOFFOSFRFSFSLFTGFURRABOVEASPHALT CONCRETEAREA DRAINADDITIONALABOVE FINISH FLOORASPHALTBITUMINOUSBACKINGBUILDINGBEAMBACKER RODBUILT-UP-ROOFBEDROOMBOTTOM OF WALLCABINETCATCH BASINCEMENTCUBIC FEETCONTROL JOINTCLOSETCENTERLINECEILINGCONCRETECARPETDECKDRAINEXISTINGEASTELECTRICALELECTRICAL PANELEXTERIORFOUNDATIONFIRE HYDRANTFINISHFINISH FLOORFLOW LINEFLUORESCENTFACE OF CONCRETEFACE OF FINISHFACE OF STUDFIRE RATEDFLOOR SINKFIRE SPRINKLERFOOTINGFURRINGGGALVGCGLGNDGWBGYPHHDBDHDRHDWRHDWDHTRHVACIININCANDINSULINTINVJJSTJTKKKITKPLLOCLTMMBMDFMECHMEMBMETMHMSCMTDMTLGALVANIZEDGENERAL CONTRACTORGLASSGROUNDGYPSUM WALL BOARDGYSUMHARDBOARDHEADERHARDWAREHARDWOODHEATERHEATING, VENT. & A.C.INCHINCANDESCENTINSULATIONINTERIORINVERTJOISTJOINTKIPSKITCHENKICK PLATELOCATIONLIGHTMACHINE BOLTMEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARDMECHANICALMEMBRANEMETALMANHOLEMISCELLANEOUSMOUNTEDMETALN(N)NNICNOMNPNRNTSOOAOCODOFCIOFOIPPENNPERFPERPPLPLPLASPLBGPLWDPNLPOCPPPREFABPSFPSIPTDPTRPTRWDQQQTYRRRADRCPRDREFREFLREFRRETREGRONEWNORTHNOT IN CONTRACTNOMINALNO PARKINGNON-RATEDNOT TO SCALEOVERALLON CENTEROUTSIDE DIAMETER/ DIMENSIONOWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDOWNER FURNISHED OWNER INSTALLPENETRATIONPERFORATEDPERPENDICULARPLATEPROPERTY LINEPLASTERPLUMBINGPLYWOODPANELPOINT OF CONNECTIONPERMEABLE PAVERSPREFABRICATEDPOUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTPOUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPAINTEDPRESSURE TREATEDPRESSURE TREATED WOODQUANTITYREVEAL OR RISERRADIUSREINFORCED CONCRETE PIPEROOF DRAINREFERENCEREFLECTEDREFRIGERATORRETAINING OR RETARDANTREGISTERROUGH OPENINGABBREVIATIONSSSCDSCHDSDSECTSEDSFSHRSHTSHTGSIMSJSLSLDSMSMDSOFSOGSPDSPEC/SSQSSSSDSTCSTDSTLSTORSTRLSYTT&BT&GTCTOCTOPTOSTRDTWUULUTILVVCPVERTVTRWWWCWDWDWW/OWPWPTWRSEE CIVIL DRAWINGS SCHEDULESTORM DRAINSECTIONSEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGSSQUARE FOOT OR FEETSHOWERSHEETSHEATHINGSIMILARSEISMIC JOINTSEALANTSEE LANDSCAPE DRAWINGSSHEET METALSEE MECHANICAL DRAWINGSSOFFITSLAB ON GRADESEE PLUMBING DRAWINGSSPECIFICATIONSQUARESANITARY SEWERSEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSOUND TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTSTANDARDSTEELSTORAGESTRUCTURALSQUARE YARDTOP AND BOTTOMTONGUE AND GROOVETOP OF CURBTOP OF CONCRETETOP OF PAVINGTOP OF STEELTREADTOP OF WALLUNDERWRITERS LABORATORIESUTILITIESVITREOUS CLAY PIPEVERTICALVENT THROUGH ROOFWEST OR WIDTHWATER CLOSETWOODWINDOWWITHOUTWATER PROOFWORKING POINTWATER RESISTANTGRAPHIC SYMBOLS1.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS TO CHECK AND VERIFY ALLDIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS AND MAKE KNOWN ANY DISCREPANCIESPRIOR TO COMMENCING THEIR WORK.2.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO NATIONAL, CITY, STATE, LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES WHICH MAY BE IN EFFECT. ALLMATERIALS, INSTALLATION PROCEDURES AND PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY ALL APPLICABLE CODEENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION, AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR;SRESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND APPROVALS FOR THE WORK.3.THESE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED FOR USE IN A NEGOTIATED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ANDTHEREFORE, MAY NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAIL OR SPECIFY MATERIAL AND / OR MANUFACTURERS. THECONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL SAMPLES AND OR CUTS AS REQUIRED TO ASSIST OWNER OR HISAGENT IN MAKING MATERIAL SELECTIONS. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTIMATING, THE CONTRACTORSSHALL USE THE MATERIALS SELECTED BY THE OWNER, OR IN ABSENCE OF SAME. SHALL PROVIDE ANALLOWANCE AMOUNT AND SO CONDITION ANY COST ESTIMATE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED IN THESEDRAWINGS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN SUCH ESTIMATE.4.NO GUARANTEE OF QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS IMPLIED OR INTENDED BY THE ARCHITECTURALDOCUMENTS, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OR ALLCONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES.5.THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND THE ARCHITECT FROMANY ACTION INITIATED BY THE OWNER OR ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNERS FOR CONSTRUCTIONDEFICIENCIES, MODIFICATIONS OR SUCH CONDITIONS WHICH MAY BE BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THEARCHITECT.6.ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH AND RECORD THE CONDITIONS OF ALL EXISTING SITE IMPROVEMENTSINCLUDING PAVED AREAS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE KNOWN ALL EXISTING DAMAGED ORDISREPAIR ITEMS AND CONDITIONS THAT MAY WORSEN DUE TO THE CONSTRUCTION. ALL ITEMS IN GOODCONDITION SHALL BE MAINTAIN IN THEIR PRESENT CONDITION AND ANY REPAIR OR DAMAGE WHICHOCCURS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7.CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY EXAMINE THE SITE AND SATISFY HIM OR HERSELF AS OF THECONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AT THESITE ALL MEASUREMENTS AFFECTING HIS OR HER WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THECORRECTNESS OF SAME. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THEEXPENSES DUE TO HIS OR HER NEGLECT TO EXAMINE OR FAILURE TO DISCOVER CONDITIONS WHICHMAY AFFECT HIS OR HER WORK.8.ALL WORK SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING,ARCHITECTURAL, FIRE PROTECTION AND LIGHTING DRAWINGS APPLYING TO THIS PROJECT PRIOR TOSUBMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS FOR FABRICATION APPROVAL.9.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH ALL INVOLVED PARTIES ANDPREPARE SHOP DRAWINGS.10.ALL NEW INTERIOR PAINT COLOR, FLOOR, WALLS AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNERAT THE TIME WHEN IT IS NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.11.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE WORKOR TO MAKE ITS PARTS FIT TOGETHER PROPERLY WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE QUALITY OF THE WORK.12.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATE BRACING, SHORING, AND PROTECTING ALLWORK DURING CONSTRUCTION, AGAINST DAMAGE, BREAKAGE, COLLAPSE, DISTORTIONS, AND OFFALIGNMENTS ACCORDING TO CODES AND STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICE.13.ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST ADOPTED CITYSTANDARDS. THE STORING OF GOOD AND MATERIALS ON SIDEWALK AND/ OR STREET SHALL NOT BEALLOWED UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR HAS APPLIED AND SECURED A SPECIAL PERMIT WHICH ALLOWSUCH STORAGE TO BE PLACED.14.OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS: THESE DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF GKW ARCHITECTS --GORDONWONG, ARCHITECT, THE DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE EXCEPT ASAPPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT.15.LIMITATION OF THE WORK: THE LIMITS OF THE WORK ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE DRAWINGS. THECONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING TRADESMEN WITH THESE LIMITS.16.ANY EXISTING TO REMAIN SHALL BE IN GOOD CONDITION PRIOR TO THE PLANNING FINAL INSPECTION.17.NEW LANDSCAPING SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE WATER EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.GENERAL NOTES1/8" = 1'-0"1Site Plan, ExistingRevision ScheduleNumber Description DateATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank