Item 1 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 6.200 Hernandez Avenue PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 09/25/2024 ITEM NO: 1 DATE: September 20, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Exterior Alterations to a Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:12. Located at 200 Hernandez Avenue. APN 510-21-003. Request for Review Application PHST-24-018. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner/Applicant: Vaishali Singh-Sood. Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Requesting approval for exterior alterations to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:12 located at 200 Hernandez Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1930 per County Assessor’s Database; 1930s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: + or ✓, + historic and intact or worthy of special note; ✓ historic and some altered, but still contributor to district if there is one 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The County Assessor indicates that the residence located at 200 Hernandez Avenue was constructed in 1930. The 1991 Bloomfield Survey describes the residence as being built in the Mediterranean Revival style with an estimated construction date of the 1930s (Attachment 1). The Bloomfield Survey rates the residence as historic and intact or worthy of special note; or, historic and some altered, but still contributor to district if there is one. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps show that the footprint of the residence remained consistent between 1928 and 1956 (Attachment 2). PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 200 Hernandez Avenue/PHST-24-018 DATE: September 20, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): A search of Town permit records provides a 2008 reroof permit for composition shingles on the residence and detached garage. The applicant proposes exterior alterations to replace the existing composition roof with a standing seam metal roof. DISCUSSION: The applicant provided a Letter of Justification (Attachment 3) discussing the request to replace the composition roof with a standing seam metal roof, as well as a Project Description providing technical details of the proposed roof construction (Attachment 4). Section 4.4.8 of the Residential Design Guidelines provides guidance specifically for the roofing material for Mission Revival or Mediterranean style structures, noting that these structures should have tile roofs of a color, texture, thickness and shape to look like the original clay roof tile (Attachment 5). The request for a standing seam metal roof has been forwarded to the Committee to consider whether the proposed material is consistent with the architecture of the residence and the Residential Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Sections 4.4.8 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations specifically for the roofing material for Mission Revival or Mediterranean style structures (Attachment 5). PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 200 Hernandez Avenue/PHST-24-018 DATE: September 20, 2024 CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for exterior alterations (roof replacement) to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:12 located at 200 Hernandez Avenue. Should the Committee find merit in the request, a recommendation of approval would be forwarded to the Community Development Director. The proposed work would be completed with a Building Permit and would not return to the Committee for further review. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Sanborn Map Exhibit 3. Letter of Justification 4. Project Description 5. Section 4.8.8, Residential Design Guidelines 6. Exterior Photo This Page Intentionally Left Blank otnn.E. !Bfoom(u.fd UCHXSC:~~~_TUIUU, SURVBY · 1IJUiiB RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4151 822 ·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 •-(peraon, buildirag, ortanintiora, etc)-;-----r---------------------------- . '·reaaea associated with ~~ante c!!f<t:!},() A4;-.r l'ta*fde '1Z- -levant dates1 conatr~.ction._ ___ • birth.._ ___ • death. ___ • othar. __________ _ I . DIMC'fORY SBARCH (City Dinet:ori••• cowaty Diiectoriea, "l'el.llphoM Boou , aociet:y directorie a , etc.) N~/Claaai~i.d HaadiiUI Lia~ifta f~v •ft~il.. • ..... -,:, aa aht>Wft• u•• * '"""' llo n 1-!~a~l Year Book w 19. I 1.P-o -'\.- I 'I!Jo ""-- ~_?) ~~~d~'#-ldf ~Yd-nd s-o ,. -( :~-n ,..+-, bx. ~. ""? -w ~ /11.£ ,-_-41'/:.;o "'-""'--.., "\. O'L "'-,;:na -(J.J('A.;'1JitA ~ sub ,., , " It ..:2."1 -CA I~ "" .M. " "' "'-44'-Nl~~ BIOGRAPHICAL SDJtal, indexea 6 other alphabetical Uat:inqa. . . Jlark 'X' (infd .or ''' (nothiftcJ f~) et each aource you try. List f!.ndtac,a below. {1NSitlt dttl Lo s Gatos Library : California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) ___ Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Extended index to Bruntz Photo collection Bio index of Nunroe Frazer, 1881 (Survey box) Photo collection (2 boxes) Other sources: Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ Indexes, California Historical ~uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S .F. Newspaper Index (") cards to big books_) __ ___ Death records by year ___ Funeral records (index Photo collection III . LIST ALL R.U'!RBIIC!S PROM ABOVB. Pind them . Copy qood uterial 6 attach. Or copy below if only a few words. or explain why not relevant (aa, wronq peraon). L:7 Continued on Reverse This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1928 ATTACHMENT 2 1956 Dear Esteemed Committee, First, and foremost, I would like for it to be known that as the homeowner of 200 Hernandez Ave., as well as residents of the Bay area for many years, we are fortunate and grateful for this discussion, and consideration. In accordance to the email received on August 27, 2024, I would like to kindly respond to a proposal regarding a new roof for our home. Pursuant to section 4.48.8 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines, which requests that “Mission Revival or Mediterranean style structures should have tile roofs of a color, texture, thickness and shape to look like the original clay roof tile”. The roof structure of 200 Hernandez does not have the ability to support a clay tiled roof. The structural trusses built in to support the weight of clay tile are not structured within the roof and fascia supports and could cause significant damage to the structure of the home. As a result of the support needed for clay tile, and the fact that the home is located on a steep slope, the roof has consistently remained a wood and shingle style roof, noting this is not the norm in traditional Mission Revival/Mediterranean style homes. As a result, we are requesting that an alternative method such as metal be considered for the roof material for our home. Some of the benefits that have been associated with metal roofs are: •It has a longer life span than other roof styles, •Provides Resistant to Weather-tightness, •Is Fire Resistant, •Long Lasting and Durable. •Lastly, the metal roof allows for energy efficiency. In the event this option cannot be allowed, we would love to have open dialogue to agree on something that is more purposeful, and appealing than shingle, while maintaining the beauty of the home here in Los Gatos Kind Regards, Vaishali Singh-Sood ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 8/26/24 To Whom It May Concern, I am requesting a re-roof permit to replace 3600 sq feet for a standing metal panel roof as well as new gutters. Additionally, a layer of Sharkskin Ulta underlayment, as well as a second layer of Versashield GAF Fire Resistant layer will be added. There will not be any other additions or modifications to the roof. Sincerely, Vaishali Singh-Sood (Home-Owner) ATTACHMENT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 5HVLGHQWLDO'HVLJQ*XLGHOLQHV  7RZQRI/RV*DWRV +,6725,&5(6285&(6  5RRIV*DEOHV(DYHVDQG2YHUKDQJV ‡5RRIVVKRXOGPDLQWDLQWKHLURULJLQDOVL]HVKDSHDQGSLWFK ‡$Q\FKDQJHVLQURRIDUHDURRIOLQHURRIFRYHULQJVHDYH GHSWKRUPDWHULDOVVKRXOGEHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHH[LVWLQJ VWUXFWXUH ‡,QJHQHUDORULJLQDOJDEOHVVKRXOGEHUHWDLQHG5HVWRUH EUDFNHWVDQGGHFRUDWLYHGHWDLOVWKDWZHUHRULJLQDOWRWKH VWUXFWXUHEXWDYRLGDGGLQJHOHPHQWVWKDWZHUHQRWLQWHJUDO WRWKHRULJLQDOGHVLJQ ‡1HZJDEOHVPD\EHDGGHGRQO\ZKHUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKH H[LVWLQJVW\OHDQGGHVLJQDQGDSSURYHGE\WKH'HFLGLQJ %RG\,QJHQHUDOJDEOHHQGVVKRXOGEHV\PPHWULFDO ‡(DYHVDQGIDVFLDVVKRXOGEHFRQVWUXFWHGRIZRRG ‡)RURULJLQDOURRIVZLWKZRRGVKLQJOHVRUVKDNHVFRYHULQJV RIÀUHSURRIFRPSRVLWLRQPDWHULDOVDQGGDUNFRORUVLQD KHDY\SURÀOHDUHDFFHSWDEOHZKHUHWKH\DUHPDGHWRUHVHPEOH ZRRGLIWKH\DUHFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKHDUFKLWHFWXUDOVW\OHRI WKHEXLOGLQJ ‡0LVVLRQ5HYLYDORU0HGLWHUUDQHDQVW\OHVWUXFWXUHVVKRXOG KDYHWLOHURRIVRIDFRORUWH[WXUHWKLFNQHVVDQGVKDSHWR ORRNOLNHWKHRULJLQDOFOD\URRIWLOH ‡ &OD\DQGFRQFUHWHWLOHVVKRXOGEHDYRLGHGRQVWUXFWXUHVZLWK ZRRGRUVKLQJOHVLGLQJ ‡3ODVWLFDQGPRGHUQVW\OHWLOHVDUHSURKLELWHG 6LGLQJ *HQHUDO ‡6LGLQJPDWHULDOVDQGSODFHPHQWRQWKHVWUXFWXUHVKRXOGEH DSSURSULDWHWRWKHH[LVWLQJVW\OHDQGGHVLJQ ‡$OOH[LVWLQJVLGLQJVKRXOGEHUHVWRUHGDQGUHWDLQHGZKHUHYHU SRVVLEOH :RRGVLGLQJ 9LFWRULDQ&UDIWVPDQ ‡6LGLQJVKRXOGEHUHDOZRRGDQGQRWDFRPSRVLWHV\QWKHWLF RUIDEULFDWHGZRRGSURGXFW)LQJHUMRLQWHGZRRGVLGLQJLV DFFHSWDEOH ‡0HWDODQGYLQ\OVLGLQJSURGXFWVDUHSURKLELWHG ‡1HZVLGLQJVKRXOGLGHQWLFDOO\PDWFKWKHH[LVWLQJVLGLQJLQ VL]HGHSWKZLGWKSDWWHUQDQGVKRXOGPDWFKWKHH[LVWLQJ FXWRUEHYHOLQVLGLQJLQDQJOHVORSHW\SHZLGWKDQGGHSWK RIFXWLIDQ\ ‡2OGGHWHULRUDWHGVKLQJOHVPD\EHUHSODFHG+RZHYHUQHZ VKLQJOHVVKRXOGPDWFKH[LVWLQJVKLQJOHVLQVL]HVKDSHGL PHQVLRQDQGSDWWHUQ 5HVWRUHJDEOHDQGHDYHGHWDLOVEXWGRQ·WDGG IHDWXUHVWKDWZHUHQRWRULJLQDOWRWKHKRXVH $YRLGDV\PPHWULFDO JDEOHHQGVOLNHWKLV +HDY\SURILOHILUHSURRIFRPSRVLWLRQVKLQJOHV PD\EHXVHGDVDUHSODFHPHQWIRUZRRGVLQJOH DQGZRRGVKDNHURRIV 0DLQWDLQWKHVLGLQJVFDOHDQGSDWWHUQVRIWKH RULJLQDOVWUXFWXUH 0LVVLRQ5HYLYDORU0HGLWHUUDQHDQVW\OHVWUXFWXUHVVKRXOG\ KDYHWLOHURRIVRIDFRORUWH[WXUHWKLFNQHVVDQGVKDSHWR ORRNOLNHWKHRULJLQDOFOD\URRIWLOH ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank