Attachment 1 - Anne Bloomfield Surveycflnne !Bfoomf u.fd. ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address B � I ..../2:J ) ,1 S, PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4151 922· 1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94115 Parcel # 53;::2-.,::2-g -c> ,,;;-Lot size: 5?front ft. x / ;;;2.� ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle/ L __ Rectangle with small rear jog __ Other __________ _ Location: N /� S E W side of .J St Ave / Other ------ distance to cross st: ft. N S E /"' W from ..;:; -/-e r------------ at NE NW SE SW corner of HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP ") ?Old tract or subdivision name Jt!?j,f'l�,9.., ,.4Jn Old Block # � " ------------ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating ✓ Estimated age / & Style_,._t5_v_,---,_c::i, __ /'1-_i.,v ____ # stories__ Alterations o # d /.,v / ,,v, t:il!JJ..LJ Other ------------------------------------------ COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS ( paste on copy) Page:il!fL EFFecti ve date / '2 -487 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date Source Page Location of property, Old·tract/block/lot or Lot Size Owner Name ____ 1891 i I----1------------------------------ Blk Book Survey 1908 1941 -.------------ MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date ----------County Inventory 1979 --------------Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ---------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page# :3;:z.1 J�t ,1�: • --T------•---- illustration page# ---- EVALUATION. Date c. /f PO Contributo District Non-contrib-Earliest known ,/ s, �� Owner Residen _: �nvrt1-Ei-m ft1a../l�rttext(il)1 .;s,'-k,..d!W,tr·,v,4-/1.,,,.,,9� Alterations: Moved_ Raised Porch encl Addi ti� Siding_ �indows£"Condition_ Designer: a_ b_ d_ -1 ----- ATTACHMENT 1 dlnn£ !Bfoom(uld. UCIUTBC~~~roRAL-SURVBY RAM!! RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922 ·1063 2 2 29 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 .... (pera on, 'building, orpni&&tion, etc)~~------------------------------­ 'dre•••• aaaociated with ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----------------~--------~ ulevent dateas conetr~ction. ___ • birth. ___ _ death. ___ • other---~------- I. DIRBC'l'ORY SEARCH (City D1n«or1ea, CCNDty Director:iea , 'l'alept\one Booka , aociety dizec torie a, etc. l Lietinq (coov entire • .,. • ...,1;:, •• ahown · ua• • for bolc!faeel ~Book N-/Cla••if'i.-d u-AIRft ?Po/ I f# q~..., lifl~7 l~q;- ,. ~~~ !'to& ;'\, {.tf~2. Jli2!l t61) I Jt'l in.~~ ~.i</ ~21 s 1-e pk-,11'1 ..... #--~ $Jj) ~ k t?lf..-nb fl-o ~E ' (~r · ,., · ~) A I!.;;<. I J -c::·v A UJa.. /w 1 ,~}:. £U IN' C6-I"P ree;.Jel..v--::.r .. ~tl ~ -C II!\ -j -I" n.l'\ -e> ...._-/-;, ,.. It .Aifl-.Jii£-A·-~ ... .... ... .;::;;.,_ kr rei I nr ~ •' WW\ Co. r-O .. ..... 4. """ "" .. "' - 1\ A. t1 £1 -o--r.z ~/" ;t. Jr. ""S [ ... o o ~ ''] r /'/Ia.., J ~!./., " h. N'bt/,-!. d YIDr 0•/ ~·--~ k ,-.c.." ,. 51-e r· heY\""' ;p I .. ... " BIOGRAPHICAL s~. indexaa • other alphabetical liatinqe. (iN.titlt dttt Mark •x• (iafd .or 'J' (nothiftcJ f~) at each aourca you try. Liat findtllfJa below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) index) San Jose Historical Nus e um: Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) , , 'j S-k(:.pLExtended index to Bruntz ____ Blo index of Nunr.oe Frazer, ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) 1881 Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: __ Indexes, Californi a Historical ~uarterl y Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ State Library Information Index (fiche) ___ Death records by year __ State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") Funeral records (index cards to big books) ---Photo collection III. LIST ALL RD'I!:RBliC!:S FROM ABOV!. Find them. Copy good .. tarial • attach . Or copy below if only a few worda . or explain why not relevant (ae, wronq peraon). L:7 Continued on Reveree