Item 3 - Staff Report with Attachments 1 through 7.134 Hernandez PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 9/11/2024 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: August 23, 2024 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a Second-Story Addition Exceeding 100 Square Feet and Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single- Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:12. Located at 134 Hernandez Avenue. APN 510-21-002. Minor Residential Development Application MR- 24-013. Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Jason and Janine Paul. Applicant: David Kuoppamaki. Project Planner: Jocelyn Shoopman. RECOMMENDATION: Requesting approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence on property zone R-1:12 located at 134 Hernandez Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1928 per County Assessor’s Database 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: ✓ or +, historic & intact or worthy special note or historic & some altered but still contributor to district if there is one 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The County Assessor indicates that the residence located at 134 Hernandez Avenue was constructed in 1928, and the 1991 Bloomfield Survey estimates the construction date as the PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 134 Hernandez Avenue/MR-24-013 DATE: August 23, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\09-11-24 SPECIAL\Item 3 - 134 Hernandez Avenue\Staff Report.134 Hernandez.docx BACKGROUND (continued): 1930’s to 1940’s and provides a rating of either “historic and intact or worthy special note” or “historic and some altered but still contributor to district if there is one” (Attachment 1). The building footprint shown on the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps is consistent between 1928 and 1956 (Attachment 2). Town records indicate that a request for a request for a Variance to exceed the maximum allowable height for an accessory structure was approved by the Planning Commission on June 10, 1981 (Attachment 3). Additional Building Permit record history includes an interior remodel and window replacement in 2001, a water heater replacement in 2011, an interior remodel and addition to a detached accessory structure in 2017, foundation replacement in 2019, a roof replacement to the primary home in 2019, and an interior remodel in 2021 (Attachment 3). The applicant provided a summary of the records researched (Attachment 4), as well as property pictures provided in the development plans (Attachment 5). DISCUSSION: Minor Residential Development Application MR-24-013 was submitted on August 16, 2024, proposing construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence. The project includes the demolition of an existing detached accessory structure in order to construct a second-story addition of 618 square feet and addition of 586 square feet to the lower level; a partial infill of an outdoor patio along the front elevation; new wood windows along all four elevations; a wood French door on the front elevation; a clad wood sliding pocket door on the rear elevation; an extension of an existing balcony on the rear elevation; and an interior remodel (Attachments 5 and 6) The proposed materials to match the existing materials consist of stucco siding, foam trim, black frame wood windows, terrazzo stairs, ornamental iron guardrail, tile fascia trim, and tile roofing. The proposed height of the new second story addition will be approximately 22 feet, nine inches. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of a second-story addition exceeding 100 square feet and exterior alterations to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:12. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the application would continue through the Minor Residential Development process. The project would not return to the Committee. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 134 Hernandez Avenue/MR-24-013 DATE: August 23, 2024 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2024\09-11-24 SPECIAL\Item 3 - 134 Hernandez Avenue\Staff Report.134 Hernandez.docx CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Sections 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 7). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Sanborn Exhibit 3. Town Planning and Building Records 4. Applicant Submittal Packet 5. Development Plans 6. Existing Windows 7. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines This Page Intentionally Left Blank cf1ntu !Bfoom(u:.fd A.RCHITBC~C.tiL'l'URAL SURVBY NAME RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141Sl 922·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 S •~ (~rson, building, or~iza tion , etc)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ddresses associated with Hame . .....;/:..;:B;..._&/::..-~ckc~;;..:....;;J"t.:.:a..=dt;.;;:;:::..e._;:;;...:"'B--=.~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~--~~--~~~~- -.elevant dates: constr~ction·--~-· birth'--~--· death·--~-· other_~~~-~--~-- J . DIRECTORY SBARCH (City Direetoriea, County Dlreetoriaa, 'l'e~phorw Booka, society directoriea , etc.) Year Book Na~~~e/Claaaif'ied a.&dina Liatina {cODY entire exactlY as ahown• uae • for boldface) 11~ G.Jp 1-kr n./2ud P..;.-~ ~:.--.L..I ~#>~~">JI/-/~ , . /inititl! dttt BIOGRAPHICAL SBARCR, index•• • other alphabetical liatinqa. Mark •x• (infd .or 'I ' (nothinq found) et each aouroe you try . Liat findtnga below. Los Gatos Library: California Hi story Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) Extended index to Bruntz Blo index of hunroe Frazer, 1~81 Photo collection (2 boxes) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): Death records by year San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: __ Indexes, California Historical 0uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") Funeral records (index cards to big books) Photo collection III. LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE . Find them. Copy qood material • attach. Or copy below if only a few words. or explain why not relevant (aa, wrong person). L:7 Continued on Reverse This Page Intentionally Left Blank ϭϵϮϴ dd,DEdϮ ϭϵϱϲ ATTACHMENT 3 INITIAL HERE______ 3141 Stevens Creek Blvd #104 San Jose, CA 95117 408.357.0818 Office 530.919.2921 Cell Project Description DATE: AUGUST 15, 2024 TO: LOS GATOS HPC -- PROJECT ADDRESS: 134 Hernandez Ave Los Gatos, CA 95030 SCOPE OF WORK: Existing: 1.Existing two story 3,816 SF residence with approx. 480 SF detached garage on 1 acre lot built in 1928 Proposed: DEMOLITION: REMOVE EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING ON NORTH WEST SIDE OF PROPERTY NEAR PROPERTY LINE. REMOVE STAIRS BETWEEN ACCESSORY BUILDING AND RESIDENCE FOR NEW ADDITION. MAIN LEVEL: ADDITION OUT LEFT SIDE OF RESIDENCE FOR NEW MASTER BATHROOM AND NEW BEDROOM AND GUEST BATHROOM. CONVERT BONUS ROOM WINDOWS TO A POCKET SLIDING DOOR. ADD A MUDROOM ENTRANCE OFF THE FRONT OF THE KITCHEN. LOWER LEVEL: ADDITION OF OFFICE UNDER ABOVE ADDITION WITH RETAINING WALL TO SUPPORT GRADE ABOVE AND NEW BATHROOM/CLOSET. GARAGE: THERE IS A TREE GROWING INTO THE EXISTING GARAGE ROOF OVERHANG. REMOVE EXISTING ROOF, ADD 4X12 BEAM ACROSS EXISTING PLATE AND RE-ROOF THE GARAGE WITH LESS EAVE OVERHANG NEAR TREE. SEE TREE PROTECTION NOTES AS TREE IS TO NOT BE HARMED ELEVATIONS: WE PROPOSE TO KEEP THE SAME ARCITECTURAL STYLE. THE ADDITIONS WILL MATCH ALL EXISTING FINISHES. ROOFING MATERIALS WILL MATCH EXISTING BUILT UP ROOFING WITH TILE FASCIA AND BARGE TRIMS. NEW WOOD WINDOWS WILL MATCH THE EXISTIG WOOD WINDOWS IN STYLE AND FINISH. SQ FT THE EXISTING HOUSE IS 3,812 SF WITH A PROPOSED ADDITION OF 1,204 SF CREATING A TOTAL OF 5,016 SF RESIDENCE. THE MAX ALLOWED SF FOR MAIN RESIDENCE IS 6,000 THE EXISTING GARAGE IS 451 SF WITH A PROPOSED ADDITOIN OF 82 SF CREATING A TOTAL OF 533 SF. THE MAX ALLOWED SF FOR GARAGE IS 400 WINDOWS AND DOORS: FRONT DOOR IS A WOOD DOOR AND FRONT WINDOWS ARE WOOD CLAD RIGHT KITCHEN WINDOW IS WOOD CLAD AND RIGHT LOWER LEVER WINDOWS ARE WOOD CLAD REAR WINDOWS ON MAIN LEVEL ARE WOOD CLAD REAR LOWER LEVEL WINDOWS BELOW MASTER BEDROOM ARE WOOD CLAD – THE OTHER LOWER LEVEL REAR WINDOWS ARE VINYL LEFT WINDOWS ARE VINYL ON MAIN LEVEL AND WOOD CLAD ON LOWER LEVEL. ALL WINDOWS ARE BLACK EXTERIOR COLOR NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS WILL MATCH EXISTING DOORS AND WINDOWS IN STYLE AND COLOR. NEW SLIDING GLASS DOOR OUT REAR WILL BE WOOD CLAD NEW FRONT DOOR TO KITCHEN/MUD ROOM WILL BE BLACK FRENCH DOOR SIMILAR TO THE EXISTING, OR MAYBE THE SAME DOOR AS A RE-USE EXTERIOR DOOR. Thank you, David Kuoppamaki ATTACHMENT 4 d/nne. !Bfoom{iLlJ. ARCHITECTURAL /CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address /..:Z L/ /6 rn.an de z:- PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parc el # 6/ J ;. -__.c .......... .,_; Lot size: :l. S""" front ft . x .?Jz8' A RCHITEC TUR AL H IST O RY (4 1 5) 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 ft . deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L___ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other ____________________ __ Location: N /s E w side of /r St Ave ·, Other ---------------------------------- distance to cross st : -------ft. N ___ S ___ E ___ W ___ from:__ __________________ _ at NE /NW SE SW corner ------ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name __________________ Old Block# ________ Old lot# ____________ __ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating~/_, __ _ Estimated age ______ __ I Style /Jtt:/, '-kr ;-~., f:v # stories__ Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Pag e51t1 EFFective date /~ ')s' 1 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I Source Date ____ ,1891 Blk Book 11908 i ..:;.S..::.ur;;..v.;..;e;..ty ____ ll941 _I_ I MISCELLANEOUS Source Page ,,00 • Location of property, or Old :tract/block/lot I I I National Register listed date __________________ _ County Inventory 1979~------------~----~~---- Town of Los Gatos: Designation ____ Recognition __ _ District Name ·--------------------------------- Previop s S,ey~e y r.~fh !:>rd.· y Jt f ~,,.,~ .. -~-:ion page # ~~LUATI~f~4 -&c ff'l9:?r2-;J 1 {HtlJS.,_1 . ~------t-,\0 Concribuco ~ 'A!c e r ac1ons: Moved_ ~~ Discr1cc Non-contr1b__ Raised_ Po r ch encl_ Ea rl ie~t kno n I& Addicion__ Siding__ Own er Resident __ : '? ~ Wind ows_ Condieion_ -Gettteu(s }. De aig ner: a __ b_ d_ Lot Owner Size Name ---- I cf1ntu !Bfoom(u:.fd A.RCHITBC~C.tiL'l'URAL SURVBY NAME RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141Sl 922·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 S •~ (~rson, building, or~iza tion , etc)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ddresses associated with Hame . .....;/:..;:B;..._&/::..-~ckc~;;..:....;;J"t.:.:a..=dt;.;;:;:::..e._;:;;...:"'B--=.~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~--~~--~~~~- -.elevant dates: constr~ction·--~-· birth'--~--· death·--~-· other_~~~-~--~-- J . DIRECTORY SBARCH (City Direetoriea, County Dlreetoriaa, 'l'e~phorw Booka, society directoriea , etc.) Year Book Na~~~e/Claaaif'ied a.&dina Liatina {cODY entire exactlY as ahown• uae • for boldface) 11~ G.Jp 1-kr n./2ud P..;.-~ ~:.--.L..I ~#>~~">JI/-/~ , . /inititl! dttt BIOGRAPHICAL SBARCR, index•• • other alphabetical liatinqa. Mark •x• (infd .or 'I ' (nothinq found) et each aouroe you try . Liat findtnga below. Los Gatos Library: California Hi story Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) Extended index to Bruntz Blo index of hunroe Frazer, 1~81 Photo collection (2 boxes) Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): Death records by year San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: __ Indexes, California Historical 0uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") Funeral records (index cards to big books) Photo collection III. LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE . Find them. Copy qood material • attach. Or copy below if only a few words. or explain why not relevant (aa, wrong person). L:7 Continued on Reverse l"ile address L? <t ~lf4 ..ckz.. PUBLISHED A!INOUNCEM.!NTS c::lfnru .. r-"oom(u.fd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH sourc:ec __ A&E __ Bulletin __ CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Ed...AB __ EX __ News _PCA Other ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (415) 922·1063 2<. IEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO . CA 9411 5 VoluJae Date Page __ _ Nature of announcement: __ contract notice __ Notice of completion __ BP issued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real e111t . Copy exactly: ~ Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer !.ocation Nature of work £.Qll BUILDING PERMIT9 soureez Permit Reqiater Preas Address requested~---------------- • -Application Date Dem., or . . . Number .............. Location £2!S OTHER SOURCE (specify thoroughly) SANBORN MAPS Color : vac. yel, pnk, or orange Patches Vol/ dif. blu,gry Yes/ No. of Q!1!. .?!.!a bldg Address reen ...J!!L No stories /-1:;!6 1 ,-~ ./3¢/-/-? n /1q~ ,., A "'\. A/ 713 N' I 'tt:J<i> & "" ~ ~Pf?-G! U•e/ Owner Builder/ No. of & contr. & 2!1.!!!.. address address No. of Height bay 'Po~c " -1..tt.:.l windows -0 I Arch't/ engin'r & address Description /Initials Date of work Bldg's width/ d h/ ept height ~.nitiah /Initials i Exter or Materials date Date Date of Describe or skate! constr. elan This Page Intentionally Left Blank WOOD WINDOWS \M TRIM :OLUMN _--,.....__ _:_;._.:..:..,__ f---+--+--.. ---,-----f---+---+. -;-;------:-----::;,f------+-L ....:..:_..._._· (E)STUCCO ARCH FRONT SOUTH E EVATION EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0" FRONT WOOD CLAD WINDOW FRONT WOOD CLAD WINDOW . . . , LEFT (WEST) ELEVATION EXISTING 1/4" = 1'-0" (E)BLACK FRAME WOW W/ MULLIONS MATCHING CASING AND STUCCO STOOL (E)GABLE VENT □ □ , .. • .. TO STORM DRAIN (E)GAS METER FRONT WOOD DOOR ��-(E) TILE PARAPET TRIM (E)TILE FASCIA TRIM (E)BUILT UP ROOFING SYSTEM / / +530.17 +16'-111 8"ROOF T ABV GRADE (E)TILE FASCIA TRIM (E)SCUPPER PAINTED COPPER ,c-J---(E) STUCCO t----(E) ORNAMENTAL IRON GUARDRAIL FINIS (E) STUCCO (E)STAIRS W/ ANTI SLIP TERRAZZO TILE RISE & RUN � � - VINYL OR WOOD W/ VINYL CLAD WINDOW VINYL WINDOW FILENAME:ECIEGNYTEISHAF<EO\_t<UOP OESIGNS\_Pl'<OJECTS\24--021 134 HERNANDEZ\_ 134 HEl'<NANOEZISHEETSIA3. 1 ELEVATIONS EXISTING.OWG REVISIONS DATE Vl'O C <1.! VI <1.!.,_. C<T .... cre.�cauo c: rev, t.�..c:-�-ZN <])v,re<])<113:0re E � c:�"'� c: �.'.::o ��-��C.; � :;N aJaJoOaJ.c:..c: 0 ..c: ..c: ·-::::l "' .... ..., Cl .... ,:i!::�::lo::l...,'OQJaJ w>-re "-c-:utiO.o c c..c: o re ,_ ,_ o re QJ o,.... oc.>-........ c.C e-.._to �=:--·-aJ o O QJ .,_,_ ..c:E..,...,c.c:...,3:,_v,::lCc:0Vl,_ ,_ u·-<V ,_.-re->­w O "'E c.-o c.::l 'OC:::)QJC: QC. c:"'o,,_..c:rec..c: 3:--·iii .... ._.u·-.... o ..C:QJ"' ....1,_·-0t--'0.:.�....1 o 3: <.> 00 -00 0 � � M 00 0 "tl " a. I DATE, J -" @J -" "tl > ,� (!) z I­en >< w en z 0 � a'.; ...J w 2024.07.10 5CAU:c PER SHEET DRAWN BY DAVID PLAN NO 24-021 SHEET, "� --" --� >�-ro � wu � u - � z� w >ow_ r � _z � � M� 0 M 0 LI> a, N 0 59 0 'N <fl ' Oo I-,--<<( LI>\:l " <fl z0 9; _J - A3.1 ATTACHMENT 6 Residential Design Guidelines 33 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.8.3 Use traditional detailing •Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi- tectural style. •Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood as suits the style of the house. •Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic. For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have been in a load bearing masonry wall. •Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts- man Style house.) 3.8.4 Materials changes •Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 3.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS •Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop. •The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. •Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. •When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and Use stone or wood lintels over openings in stone walls Additions, accessory buildings and secondary units should match the form, architectural style, and details of the original house ATTACHMENT 7 Residential Design Guidelines34 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. •When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in the addition where possible. •The introduction of window and door openings not char- acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows and swinging doors). •The character of any addition or alteration should be in keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original structure. •The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should match that of the original building. •Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic significance. •Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example to the left. •Second floor additions which are not embedded within the roof form should be located to the rear of the structure. •The height and proportion of an addition or a second story should not dominate the original structure. •Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc- ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and detailing. •New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor- dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize forms, materials and details which are similar to the main structure. •Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access driveways should be utilized. Original structure Addition incorporated into the roof successfully adds space while respecting the integrity of the existing house and the scale of the neighborhood Placing a two story addition to the rear can minimize its impact on the historic resource and the scale of the neighborhood