01 Staff Report.Town Manager Recruitment with Attachment Reviewed by: Town Manager and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/08/2024 DATE: April 4, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Provide Direction on the Town Manager Recruitment RECOMMENDATION: Provide direction on the Town Manager recruitment. BACKGROUND: On April 2, 2024, the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to execute a contract with Peckham & McKenney for executive search services for the Town Manager recruitment. The executive recruiter and Chief Executive Officer for the firm, Anton (Tony) Dahlerbruch, will be participating via Zoom. The purpose of this meeting is to review the overall search process, schedule, and other aspects of the recruitment, and for the Council to provide direction on key elements. DISCUSSION: At the meeting, Mr. Dahlerbruch intends to inform the Town Council of the current recruitment landscape for City/Town Managers. For example, three City/Town Managers within Santa Clara County are scheduled to retire at the end of June 2024 (Los Gatos, Saratoga, and Sunnyvale). Mr. Dahlerbruch has prepared a draft schedule and will review the factors affecting the timelines at the meeting. (see Attachment 1). Mr. Dahlerbruch has identified the following discussion questions for which the Council should provide direction: PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Provide Direction for the Town Manager Recruitment DATE: April 4, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): 1. Development of the Candidate Profile a. As a first step, would the Council prefer Mr. Dahlerbruch have individual phone calls with each Council member? After gathering the information, Mr. Dahlerbruch would consolidate the information into a draft candidate profile for the full Council to review, discuss, modify, and achieve consensus before typesetting the document. In each conversation, the recruiter will be asking each Council member: i. The top two or three Council priorities for the Town Manager, ii. The top two or three professional attributes of the Town Manager to be successful with the Town Council, community, Department Directors, staff, and other interest groups/stakeholders, and iii. Current and future issues, challenges, and projects related to serving as Town Manager b. Alternatively, would the Council prefer to first discuss as a group the primary work plan priorities and professional attributes for the new Town Manager at this meeting and then have individual conversations? If so, the Council should discuss questions i through iii above. Regardless of the order (whether “a” or “b” is first), Mr. Dahlerbruch will provide the Town Council with a draft WORD version of the candidate profile for review and approval, and then return again to the Town Council with the PDF typeset copy for final approval. c. Would the Town Council like the recruiter to obtain input from the Executive Team (Department Directors and other senior leaders in the Town organization) for the candidate profile? This is recommended to be conducted by the recruiter and can be accomplished efficiently with a single Zoom meeting. 2. Ad Hoc Subcommittee a. Would the Council wish to appoint an ad hoc subcommittee of two Council members to work with the recruiter on the candidate profile and other tasks prior to the products being provided to the Town Council? 3. Candidate Interviews The recruiter’s recommended schedule is two consecutive days of interviews with the first day consisting of six (or seven) interviews by the full Town Council where, at the end of the day, the Council selects two (potentially three) finalists. The second day starts in the morning with each candidate participating in a “meet & greet” with the Department Directors. This is followed in the afternoon with the Council conducting a PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Provide Direction for the Town Manager Recruitment DATE: April 4, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): second interview with each candidate. At the end of the day, the recruiter shares the “observations” of the Directors, and the Council deliberates to select a finalist. a. Would the Town Council like certain Department Directors to be part of the initial and/or final interviews? If so, which Directors? b. Is the Town Council interested in paying for travel and lodging expenses for out of the area candidates? 4. Confirm the Role(s) of the Town Attorney a. Provide Town Council with confidential communications regarding the recruitment from the recruiter b. Assist in drafting the Town Manager employment agreement (the recruiter would negotiate the agreement with the selected candidate on behalf of the Town Council) 5. Staff Liaison(s) a. Which staff member(s) should be the primary contact for the recruiter to assist with meeting scheduling, providing photographs for the recruitment brochure, distributing confidential information to the Town Council? (For example, under the direction of the Town Manager, a Human Resources Analyst could assist with photographs and interview scheduling, and Executive Assistant Judd could schedule special Council/Ad Hoc meetings.) 6. Town Council Responsibilities a. Direct all inquiries regarding the recruitment to Mr. Dahlerbruch at Peckham & McKenney b. Attend all Council meetings regarding the recruitment c. Maintain confidentiality of all applicants d. Build consensus for decisions e. Other? CONCLUSION: For the Town Council’s discussion and ultimate decisions with regard to items 1 – 6 above, Mr. Dahlerbruch will provide information and recommendations. COORDINATION: The preparation of this report has been coordinated with the Town Attorney and Mr. Dahlerbruch. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Provide Direction for the Town Manager Recruitment DATE: April 4, 2024 FISCAL IMPACT: Providing direction for the recruitment has no fiscal impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachment: 1. Proposed Schedule Town of Los Gatos Town Manager Search Proposed Draft Schedule 4/1/24 Activity Timeline Without Ad Hoc Committee Timeline With Ad Hoc Committee I. Pre-Recruitment Pre-Recruitment • Town Council Special Meeting re: Town Manager priorities and recruitment process Week of April 8 Week of April 8 • Finalize project schedule II. Development of Candidate Profile 4/8/24 – 5/21/24 4/8/24 – 5/7/24 • Virtual meetings: one-on-one with Mayor and each Council Member 4/15/24 – 4/19/24 4/15/24 – 4/19/24 • Ad Hoc Committee provided draft WORD version for review 4/26/24 • Ad Hoc Committee meeting for review/approval of draft WORD version 4/29/24 • Town Council provided draft WORD version 5/3/24 • Town Council meeting for review/approval of draft WORD version 5/7/24 • Town Council provided TYPESET COPY for review 5/17/24 5/3/24 • Town Council meeting for review/approval of TYPESET COPY version 5/21/24 5/7/24 III. Recruitment 5/27/24 – 6/28/24 (5 weeks) 5/13/24 – 6/14/24 (5 weeks) • Recruiter will provide on-going updates during search, and summary at conclusion of recruitment IV. Recruiter conducts/completes supplemental process with select applicants 7/1/24 – 7/19/24 (3 weeks)1 6/17/24 – 6/28/24 (2 weeks) V. Recommendation of Candidates/Selection of Finalists Week of July 22 Weeks of July 8 & 15 • Optional virtual meeting (60 to 90 minutes): with Ad Hoc Committee meeting to review recommended candidates 7/9/242 • Virtual or in person meeting (60 to 90 minutes): with Town Council (Closed Session) to provide recommended candidates; Council selects finalists for interview process 7/23/24 Special Meeting 7/16/24 • Peckham & McKenney notifies all candidates of status in recruitment process VI. Finalist Interview Process Week of July 29 Week of July 22 • 2 consecutive day in-person Town Council Closed Session for interviews August 1 & 2 July 25 & 26 VII. Qualification • Conduct thorough background and reference checks on leading candidate • Provide negotiation assistance Note: All written materials relating to the recruitment generated by the Recruiter will be provided to the Town liaison for confidential distribution to the Town Council and for facilitating the exchange of information. 1 Three (3) weeks because week of July 1 is a holiday week (applicants are not available). 2 Week of July 8 because July 3 is the soonest a meeting could be scheduled and the week of July 1 is a holiday week. ATTACHMENT 1