Staff Report.120 Oak Meadow Drive PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/24/2024 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: July 19, 2024 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Modification of Planned Development Ordinance 1412, Subdivision of One Lot into Two Lots, Construction of a Single-Family Residence, and Site Work Requiring a Grading Permit on Property Zoned O:PD. Located at 120 Oak Meadow Drive. APN 529-10-131. Subdivision Application M-20-011, Planned Development Application PD-20-002, Architecture and Site Application S-22-021. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15315: Minor Land Divisions; 15303: New Construction; and 15304: Minor Alterations to Land. Property Owner: Marty and Penny McFarland. Applicants: Terence J. Szewczyk (M-20-011 and PD-20-002) and Jay Plett, Architect (S-22-021). Project Planner: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council on a request for modification of Planned Development Ordinance 1412, subdivision of one lot into two lots, construction of a single-family residence, and site work requiring a Grading Permit on property zoned O:PD, located at 120 Oak Meadow Drive. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Zoning Designation: O:PD, Office - Planned Development Overlay Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan, Residential Design Guidelines, applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Parcel Size: 17,699 square feet (0.41 acres) PAGE 2 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 PROJECT DATA (continued): Surrounding Area: CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Sections 15315: Minor Land Divisions; 15303: New Construction; and 15304: Minor Alterations to Land. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section s 15315: Minor Land Divisions; 15303: New Construction; and 15304: Minor Alterations to Land. ▪ As required by Section 29.80.095 of the Town Code for granting approval of a Planned Development Overlay Zone. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) except for the requested modifications to the lot coverage limitations for Parcels A and B; floor area ratio (FAR) standards for Parcels A and B; and the minimum lot size and setbacks for Parcel B. ▪ That the amendment to the Planned Development Overlay is consistent with the General Plan. ▪ As required by Section 66474 of the State Subdivision Map Act. ▪ The project complies with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines for a property with an average slope of 10 percent or greater except for the requested modifications to the maximum driveway slope and for a portion of a building located outside the LRDA. ▪ The project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Office Office Professional O:PD South Office Office Professional and Medium Density Residential O and O:PD East Office Office Professional and Medium Density Residential O West Residential Office Professional O:PD PAGE 3 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 ACTION: Forward a recommendation regarding Planned Development application PD-22-001, Subdivision application M-20-011, and Architecture and Site application S-22-021 to the Town Council. BACKGROUND: The subject property is approximately 17,699 square feet located on Oak Meadow Drive between Roberts Road and Blossom Hill Road within a planned development comprised of two- story townhomes, an office building, and the single-family residence on the subject property (Exhibit 1). The property is developed with an existing 3,621-square foot, two-story residence with a 520-square foot attached garage (Exhibit 15). Oak Meadow Drive, a private road, surrounds the property on three sides. Vehicular access from the private road is provided via a driveway serving the attached garage located along the south property line. Pedestrian access is provided on the west and east property lines. Much of the property is sloped, having an average slope of 15.1 percent. Areas where slopes exceed 30 percent are limited and located along the north property line. Pursuant to Section 1.1 (c) of the Residential Design Guidelines, properties with an average slope of 10 percent or greater located outside of the Hillside Area are subject to the following sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G): • Constraints Analysis and Site Selection (excluding visibility). • Site Planning for: o Grading; o Drainage; o Driveways and Parking; and o Geologic Safety. • Site Elements for Retaining Walls. Planned Development (PD) Ordinance 1412 was adopted on December 4, 1978, and took effect on January 3, 1979 (Exhibit 5). The PD Ordinance allowed for the following: 1. Demolition of an existing one-story residential structure; 2. Conversion of an existing two-story medical office structure into a residential townhouse unit; 3. Construction of 10 two-story residential townhouse units; and 4. Landscaping, parking, and limited tree removal as granted under precise plan ap proval. Construction of the Townhomes and other site improvements were completed in 1981. The existing PD Ordinance specifies that the permitted uses, conditional uses, and setback requirements for the areas within the boundary of the townhouse complex are those of the PAGE 4 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): R-M zone. Since the subject property is not located within the townhouse complex and there are no performance standards contained in the PD Ordinance specific to the subject property, the permitted uses, conditional uses, setback requirements, and other development standards applicable to the subject property default to the underlying O zone. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is approximately 17,699 square feet located on Oak Meadow Drive between Roberts Road and Blossom Hill Road within a planned development comprised of two-story townhomes, an office building, and the single-family residence on the subject property (Exhibit 1). B. Project Summary The applicant is requesting approval to modify PD Ordinance 1412 to allow subdivision of the subject property into two lots and construction of a new two-story, single-family residence. Parcel A would include the existing residence and Parcel B would be developed with a new single-family residence. The applicant also requests approval of additional modifications to the performance standards in the PD Ordinance affecting Parcels A and B to allow for the following deviations from the O zone requirements and applicable sections of the HDS&G: Parcel A • Lot coverage exceeding 40 percent; and • Existing residence exceeding FAR standards. Parcel B • Lot size below what is required by the zone; • Proposed residence exceeding FAR standards; • Lot coverage exceeding 40 percent; • Reduced setbacks; • Portion of the residence located outside of the LRDA; and • Driveway slope exceeding 15 percent. C. Zoning Compliance The subject property is located in a PD that provides for a mix of residential and office uses (Exhibit 5). The PD provides that the subject property is governed by the regulations of the PAGE 5 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 PROJECT DESCRIPTION (continued): O zone. The proposed project includes subdivision of the property into two lots and construction of a new single-family residence. The proposed subdivision would result in two lots with areas of 11,906 square feet and 5,793 square feet, where 8,000 square feet is the minimum required by the O zone. Following subdivision, the existing residence would be located on Parcel A with a lot coverage of 40.3 percent, where 40 percent is the maximum allowed in the O zone. Additionally, the existing residence would exceed the allowable FAR by 373 square feet. The proposed residence on Parcel B would have a lot coverage of 42.6 percent, where 40 percent is the maximum allowed in the O zone, and would exceed the allowable FAR by 403 square feet . The proposed residence on Parcel B would include reduced setbacks and portions of the structure would be located outside of the LRDA. The proposed driveway serving Parcel B would include a maximum slope of 17.5 percent, where a maximum 15 percent slope is the standard in the HDS&G. These deviations from the requirements of the O zone and applicable sections of the HDS&G can be allowed if approved as performance standards specific to the project area under a modified PD Ordinance. Other than the deviations described above, the proposed project complies with the zoning regulations. DISCUSSION: B. Planned Development The applicant is requesting approval to modify PD Ordinance 1412 to allow subdivision of the subject property into two lots and construction of a new two-story, single-family residence. The modified PD would establish the regulations under which these actions would be allowed, including all deviations from the O zone development standards and applicable sections of the HDS&G. The modified PD would allow for subdivision of the subject property into two parcels. Parcel A would include the existing residence and Parcel B would be developed with a new single-family residence. The proposed PD modification requires continued compliance with all provisions of the O zone, as specified in PD Ordinance 1412, and applicable sections of the HDS&G, except for the items listed below, which are proposed to be allowed through the amended PD ordinance: • Lot Size: The O zone requires a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet and the proposed subdivision would result in lots with areas of 11,906 square feet (Parcel A) and 5,793 square feet (Parcel B). • Lot Coverage: The existing residence would be located on new Parcel A, following subdivision. The lot coverage for Parcel A would be 40.3 percent, where 40 percent is PAGE 6 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): the maximum allowed in the O zone. Similarly, the proposed residence on Parcel B would have a lot coverage of 42.6 percent, exceeding the limitations of the zone. • FAR Standards: The existing residence would be located on new Parcel A, following subdivision. The FAR of the existing residence would be 0.30 (3,621 square feet), where 0.27 (3,248 square feet) is the maximum allowed for a single -family residence located in a nonresidential zone. Similarly, the proposed residence on Parcel B would have a FAR of 0.34 (1,946 square feet), where 0.27 (1,543 square feet) is the maximum allowed for a single-family residence located in a nonresidential zone. • Setbacks: The proposed residence on Parcel B would include reduced front, rear, and side setbacks. • LRDA: The proposed residence on Parcel B would include portions of the structure located outside of the LRDA. • Driveway Slope: The proposed driveway serving Parcel B includes a portion with a maximum slope of 17.5 percent, where a maximum 15 percent slope is the standard in the HDS&G. A summary of the required and proposed development standards that deviate from Town regulations is provided in the table below. Office Zone Development Standards Standards Parcel A Parcel B Min. Lot Size 8,000 sf 11,906 sf 5,793 sf Max. Lot Coverage 40 percent 40.3 percent (4,762 sf) 42.6 percent (2,470 sf) FAR Parcel A Parcel B 0.27 (3,248 sf) 0.27 (1,543 sf) 0.30 (3,621 sf) 0.34 (1,946 sf) Setbacks Front Side Rear (through lots) Street Side 25 ft 10 ft 25 ft 15 ft 7 ft* 59.3 ft 17.5 ft* 12 ft* and 15.5 ft* 6 ft 3 ft 7 ft N/A LRDA N/A Portions of residence outside of LRDA Driveway Slope Max. 15 percent N/A 17.5 percent * Existing condition to remain The applicants discuss the requested exceptions in their letter of justification and project description (Exhibit 6 and 7). PAGE 7 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): The applicant proposes to modify the existing PD Ordinance for the property, which would provide specific guidance for the future subdivision and single-family residential development. The PD Ordinance would define the maximum allowable development, including the maximum floor area and building height. The project includes the required Subdivision and Architecture and Site applications to implement the proposed project if the PD Ordinance is approved. C. Architecture and Site Analysis The subject property is located in a PD with an underlying O zone, a nonresidential zone. Town Code Section 29.50.060 provides the FAR standards for single-family and two-family dwellings located in nonresidential zones. Other d evelopment standards applicable to the subject property default to those included in the underlying O zone In the O zone, the size of a single-family dwelling is regulated through lot coverage, FAR standards, height, and setback limitations. The applicant proposes construction of a 1,946 square-foot two-story, single-family residence with 502 square feet of below-grade square footage and a 467 square-foot attached garage (Exhibit 15). The project proposes a hybrid traditional style residence with details and materials that are consistent with the neighborhood. Proposed exterior materials include: a composition shingle roof; vertical wood siding; stucco siding; and aluminum or fiberglass windows (Exhibit 8). A summary of the proposed floor area for the residence is provided in the table below. As discussed above, the proposed lot coverage for Parcel B would be 42.6 percent, where 40 percent is the maximum of the zone. The proposed residence would also have a FAR of 0.34 (1,946 square feet), where 0.27 (1,543 square feet) is the maximum allowed. The maximum height of the proposed residence would be 29 feet, six inches, where the zone allows for a maximum height of 35 feet. Lastly, the proposed residence would have reduced setbacks on the front, rear, and north side setbacks. Parcel B Floor Area Summary Proposed Square Feet Lower Floor Main Floor Upper Floor Total 305 862 779 1,946 Maximum Allowed Exceeds by 1,543 403 Below-Grade Area 502 Garage 467 PAGE 8 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): D. Site Design Parcel B slopes up approximately 19 feet from east to west and includes several oak and redwood trees. Three of the four oak trees on Parcel B are Large Protected Trees (#101, 102, and 103) and the siting of the residence in the northern portion of the property with reduced setbacks is intended to minimize impacts to these trees. In addition to the reduced setbacks providing additional buffer from the trees, the applicant proposes to cantilever portions of the driveway and garage that are in close proximity to Tree #103. Discussion of the disposition of the existing trees and the potential impacts is included in Section H below. The proposed residence would be served by a new driveway taking access from Oak Meadow Drive on the east property line with a maximum slope of 17.5 percent. Development of the driveway requires approval of an exception to the HDS&G driveway slope limitation of 15 percent. The applicant indicates that complying with the 15 percent slope limitation would require lowering the garage slab by two feet, increasing grading and necessitating an exception to the HDS&G grading limitations (Exhibit 6). The additional grading required for a compliant driveway would also increase impacts to the trees to remain. The proposed driveway has been reviewed and approved under this application by the Engineering Division and the Santa Clara County Fire Department. The project includes several retaining walls: one forming the lightwell on the north elevation of the residence with a maximum height of three feet; and two walls adjacent to the driveway with maximum heights of three feet. All retaining walls comply with the Town Code and the applicable sections of the HDS&G. E. Building Design The project consists of an eclectic/hybrid traditional style residence with traditional forms and natural appearing materials (Exhibit 7). Exterior materials include: a composition shingle roof; vertical wood siding; stucco siding; and aluminum or fiberglass windows (Exhibit 8). The residence includes gable end forms with gable and shed dormers (Exhibit 15). The proposed attached garage is a single-story form with a flat roof. Portions of the garage would be cantilevered over the descending grade to provide buffer to Tree #103 to the east. A roof terrace is proposed above the garage, accessible from the interior of the residence. In consideration of potential privacy impacts created by the roof terrace, the applicant notes that the terrace is setback 65 feet from the roadway, other adjacent properties are office uses with 30 to 85-foot setbacks, and that existing vegetation to remain provides privacy screening (Exhibit 9). PAGE 9 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): The Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the proposed residence on May 10, 2022 (Exhibit 10). In the report, the Consulting Architect noted that the applicant has done a good job fitting the house into the difficult site by working around the existing large trees. The Consulting Architect identified two issues and concerns and provided recommendations for changes to the original design to increase compatibility with the Residential Design Guidelines. In response to these recommendations, the applicant provided a written response justifying the design in context of the Consulting Architect’s recommendation (Exhibit 11). The Consulting Architect’s issues and recommendations are provided below, followed by the applicant’s response in italics. 1. The large amount of stucco compared to the proposed vertical siding would be out of character to this neighborhood and not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.8.2. Reduce the large amount of stucco on the house by extending the vertical siding consistently down to the first-floor line. There are many types of materials in the neighborhood structures; plaster among them like the building across the street. Stone is not an appropriate application for this. A good portion of the driveway and garage float like a bridge to protect the tree root zones. Stone does not 'float'. 2. The small areas of wood siding on the front and rear elevations are awkward, and the materials change in the same plane which would not be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.8.4. Use brick or stone for the building base below the first -floor line or continue the use of vertical siding in this area. The adjacent existing home on this larger parcel has a prominent brick base. If brick or stone is used, provide a projecting brick or stone ledge at the transition with any vertical siding. If vertical siding is used, add a horizontal belly band to break up taller wall planes. The location of the material is consistent with the style of this house, which is mountain rustic/farmhouse. Horizontal belly band is not appropriate for this home. If we were transitioning from one wood above and another type of wood below, then a belly band might be appropriate, but ours is not the case. In this case, a belly band is not warranted or desirable. F. Neighborhood Compatibility The immediate neighborhood contains a single-family residence, two-story townhouses, and one- and two-story office buildings. As stated above, the existing PD ordinance establishes the development standards for the townhouse complex. The subject property and other O zoned properties in the immediate neighborhood are subject to the requirements of the underlying O zone and the FAR standards for single-family and PAGE 10 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): two-family dwellings in a nonresidential zone. The following is provided for analysis of the neighborhood compatibility of the proposed residence on Parcel B. Office structures are noted. FAR Comparison - Neighborhood Analysis Address Use Zoning Bldg SF Garage SF Total SF Site SF Bldg FAR No. of Stories 220 Oak Meadow Office O 4,507 0 4,507 11,703 0.39 2 233 Oak Meadow Office O:PD 3,283 0 3,283 19,705 0.17 2 234 Oak Meadow Office O 1,756 0 1,756 41,200 0.04 1 301 Oak Meadow Townhouse O:PD 2,620 484 3,104 7,352 0.36 2 307 Oak Meadow Townhouse O:PD 2,620 484 3,104 4,794 0.55 2 311 Oak Meadow Townhouse O:PD 2,620 484 3,104 4,952 0.53 2 120 Oak Meadow (Existing lot) Single-family residence O:PD 3,621 530 4,151 17,779 0.20 2 120 Oak Meadow (Parcel A) Single-family residence O:PD 3,621 530 4,151 12,530 0.30 2 Parcel B Single-family residence O:PD 1,946 467 2,413 5,793 0.34 2 The project proposes a new two-story residence, which would be the second single-family residence in the immediate neighborhood. The proposed residence would not be the first two-story structure in the immediate neighborhood. The proposed residence would be 29 feet, 11 inches tall, where 35 feet is allowed by the zone. When considering the residen tial structures in the immediate neighborhood, the proposed residence would not be the largest in terms of floor area or FAR, but it would be the largest of the two single-family residences in terms of FAR. G. Grading The project includes site improvements with grading quantities exceeding 50 cubic yards, which requires approval of a Grading Permit. The Town’s Parks and Public Works Engineering staff have included a condition of approval requiring submittal and evaluation of a Grading Permit in parallel with the required Building Permits (Exhibit 4). H. Tree Impacts In the December 16, 2022 Arborist Report, the Town’s Consulting Arborist provided an evaluation of 14 trees on the project site within the area of the proposed construction activities (Exhibit 12). Staff notes that Tree #106, a Large Protected coast live oak, suffered structural failure in May 2023. This tree was subsequently removed with a permit in August PAGE 11 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): 2023. Eight trees (#321 through 328) are proposed for removal, all of which are coast redwoods with diameters ranging from four to seven inches. While not proposed for removal by the applicant, the Consulting Arborist indicates that Tree #103 will be compromised from a health and structural perspective given its limited root zone opposite the construction activities. The Consulting Arborist’s recommended conditions of approval include requirements that the applicant implement all tree protection recommendations identified in the Arborist Report prepared for the project and that the applicant obtain a Tree Removal Permit for all requested tree removals. The proposed tree removals will require 14 replacement trees, a requirement that is reflected in Exhibit 4. I. Parking Section 29.10.150(c)(1) of the Town Code requires that a single-family residence provide two off-street parking spaces. The proposed project includes an attached two-car garage to meet this requirement. J. General Plan The proposed amendment to PD Ordinance 1412 to allow subdivision of one lot into two lots, construction of a new single -family residence, and site work requiring a Grading Permit is consistent with the goals and policies of the 20 20 General Plan Land Use Element, including, but not limited to: • Policy LU-1.3 encourages preservation of existing trees, natural vegetation, natural topography, riparian corridors and wildlife habitats, and promote high quality, well- designed, environmentally sensitive, and diverse landscaping in new and existing developments; • Policy LU-1.4 states, infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to existing scale and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with the established character of t he area; • Policy LU-6.7 states, continue to encourage a variety of housing types and sizes that is balanced throughout the Town and within neighborhoods, and that is also compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood; • Policy LU-6.8 states, new construction, remodels, and additions shall be compatible and blend with the existing neighborhood; • Policy LU-7.3 states, infill projects shall contribute to the further development of the surrounding neighborhood (e.g. improve circulation, contribute to or provide neighborhood unity, eliminate a blighted area) and shall not detract from the existing quality of life; and • Policy LU-7.4 states, infill projects should be designed in context with the neighborhood PAGE 12 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): and surrounding zoning with respect to the existing scales and character of surrounding structures, and should blend rather than compete with he established character of the area. K. CEQA Determination The Project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Sections 15315: Minor Land Divisions; 15303: New Construction; and 15304: Minor Alterations to Land. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The property owner indicates that the project has been discussed with several direct neighbors and a member of the Home Owners Association (HOA) for the townhomes (Exhibit 13). Consistent with the Town’s Height Pole, Flagging, Netting, and Signage Policy, a project sign was installed on the site on May 28, 2024. Installation of story poles is not required under the policy. Additionally, notice cards for the Planning Commission meeting were mailed to all property owners and residents within 300 feet of the PD, a legal advertisement was published in the newspaper, and meeting agendas were posted at Town Hall and the Library. Public comments receive prior to 11:00 am, Friday, July 19, 2024, are included as Exhibit 16. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval for modification of Planned Development Ordinance 1412 to allow subdivision of one lot into two lots, construction of a single-family residence, and site work requiring a Grading Permit. The applicant also requests modifications to the performance standards in the PD Ordinance to allow deviations from the underlying zoning and applicable sections of the HDS&G allowing the following: Parcel A • Lot coverage exceeding 40 percent; and • Existing residence exceeding FAR standards. Parcel B • Lot size below what is required by the zone; • Proposed residence exceeding FAR standards; • Lot coverage exceeding 40 percent; • Reduced setbacks; • Portion of the residence located outside of the LRDA; and PAGE 13 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 CONCLUSION (continued): • Driveway slope exceeding 15 percent. No other exceptions are requested. Regarding consistency with the immediate neighborhood, the proposed single-family residence on Parcel B would not result in the largest residential structure in terms of floor area or FAR, would be the largest of the two single-family residences in terms of FAR, and would not be the first two-story residence. The applicant seeks a recommendation from the Planning Commission to the Town Council, who will render the final decision on the project. B. Recommendation If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposed project, staff recommends the Commission take the following actions to forward the PD, Subdivision, and Architecture and Site applications to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval of the proposed project, by recommending that the Town Council: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Sections 15315: Minor Land Divisions; 15303: New Construction; and 15304: Minor Alterations to Land (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the finding that the amendment to the Planned Development Overlay is consistent Town Code Section 29.80.095 (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) except for the requested modifications to the lot coverage limitations for Parcels A and B; and the minimum lot size and setbacks for Parcel B, which are appropriate due to the constraints of the site. 4. Make the finding that the amendment to the Planned Development Overlay is consistent with the General Plan (Exhibit 2); 5. Make the findings as required by Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act (Exhibit 2); and 6. Make the finding that the project complies with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines for a property with an average slope of 10 percent or greater, except for the requested modification to allow a maximum driveway slope greater than 15 percent and for a portion of the residence located outside of the LRDA, which are appropriate due to the constraints of the site (Exhibit 2); 7. Make the finding that the project is consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines (Exhibit 2); 8. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 9. Approve Planned Development application PD-20-002 to adopt the Planned Development Ordinance (Exhibit 3) and approve Subdivision application M-20-011 and PAGE 14 OF 14 SUBJECT: 120 Oak Meadow Drive/M-20-011, PD-20-002, S-22-021 DATE: July 19, 2024 CONCLUSION (continued): Architecture and Site Application S-22-021 inclusive of the recommended conditions of approval included as Exhibit 4 and the development plans included as Exhibit 15. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Recommend approval the applications with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Recommend denial of the applications and make the required findings for denial EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Draft Planned Development Ordinance 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval 5. Planned Development Ordinance 1412 6. Letter of Justification 7. Project Description 8. Color and Materials Board 9. Letter of Justification for Garage Terrace 10. Town’s Consulting Architect Report 11. Response to Consulting Architect’s Recommendations 12. Arborist Report 13. Summary of Neighbor Outreach 14. Building Envelope Study by Applicant 15. Development Plans 16. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, July 19, 2024