Exhibit 5 - April 10 2019 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 2019 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Matthew Hudes, Vice Chair Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner Mary Badame, Commissioner Kathryn Janoff, Commissioner Reza Tavana, and Commissioner Tom O'Donnell Absent: Commissioner Kendra Burch PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Tavana led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1.Approval of Minutes – March 27, 2019 2. 460 Monterey Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-19-009 APN 410-16-022 Property Owner/Applicant: Edward Morimoto Project Planner: Sean Mullin Requesting approval of a modification to an approved Architecture and Site application for removal of a condition requiring utilities to be placed underground on property zoned R1-D. Continued from March 27, 2019. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner O'Donnell to approve adoption of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Badame. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. EXHIBIT 5 PAGE 2 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 2019 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2019 PC Minutes\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 4-10-19.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 17020 Los Cerritos Drive Architecture and Site Application S-16-065 APNs 532-21-012 and 013 Property Owner: Sandy Campbell Applicant: Glenn Katz Project Planner: Erin Walters Requesting approval for site improvements requiring a grading permit on property zoned HR-1. Continued from February 13, 2019. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Glenn Katz/Applicant - In the driveway and rear yard areas they propose a series of stepped retaining walls to mitigate height, so all walls are within the Hillside Guidelines. They have prepared a restoration analysis and two mitigation alternatives for the driveway area, and with one mitigation measure in the rear yard they are able to meet most of the guidelines. In the driveway area the basic scheme would be the existing wall stays, structural buttresses would be provided across the front of the wall, then a terraced retaining wall added in front so as to avoid benching the terrain, which would lead to large loads of dirt coming and going to and from the site. Two mitigation alternatives are: 1) The wall is continued all the way across, and 2) Put two terracing walls in the area with the same buttressing scheme, bringing everything completely within the scheme of the height restrictions as well as the uninterrupted wall length. Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner O'Donnell to approve Alternative One for the driveway area and the rear yard alternative of an Architecture and Site Application for 17020 Los Cerritos Drive. Seconded by Commissioner Badame. VOTE: Motion passed 4-2 with Vice Chair Hanssen and Commissioner Janoff opposing. PAGE 3 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 2019 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2019 PC Minutes\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 4-10-19.docx 4. Town Code Amendment – Hillside Fences Town Code Amendment Application A-19-001 Applicant: Town of Los Gatos Project Planner: Sean Mullin Consider amendments to Chapter 29 (Fences, hedges, and walls) of the Town Code regarding fences, hedges, and walls in the hillside area. Commission discussion continued from March 13, 2019. Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner O'Donnell to continue Commission discussion regarding Town Code Amendment – Hillside Fences to the meeting of May 8, 2019. Seconded by Commissioner Badame. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 5. Report from the Director of Community Development Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development • Town Council met April 2, 2019: o Considered the Greenridge Terrace Planned Development and scheduled a second reading of the ordinance at the next meeting; made changes to require scenic easements; and removed some of the findings that will come back later for the houses. o Considered and denied the Peralta project appeal and approved the project. • The Town continues to recruit for adult commission appointments with the deadline extended to June 7, 2019. Information and a list of vacancies can be found on the Town Clerk's web page. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMISSION MATTERS General Plan Advisory Committee Commissioner Hanssen - The Town has released a draft of the background report, which is the basis for looking at the trends happening over the next 20 years. GPAC's next meetings will be held April 23, 2019 and April 30, 2019 to work on the plan's vision and review the background document. PAGE 4 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 2019 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2019 PC Minutes\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 4-10-19.docx ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the April 10, 2019 meeting as approved by the Planning Commission. _____________________________ /s/ Vicki Blandin