Exhibit 9 - Development PlansN3'-6" 3'-6" 3'-6"15'-11"17'-0"10'-10"47'-9"35'-5"Existing Landscaped Ar ea Existing Gas Meter Existing Two Car Garage (470 sq. ft.) Existing Electric Meter Existing Wood Deck Existing Concrete Driveway Existing Front Porch Existing House Existing 4" ABS C lean Out Li ne of second f loor Site Pla n Scale 1/8"=1'-0" Pr operty Line 46.50 Feet Existing 200amp. Main Electrical Panel Existing 4 " ABS S ewer Cleanouts Existing Landscaped Area Existing Landsc aped Area Existing Pavers Pati o Existing Pavers WalkwayExisting Water Fountain Existing Wood Deck Pr operty Line 46.50 Feet Property Line 133.5 FeetProperty Line 153 FeetExisting Landscaped Area Sidewalk WILDER AVENUE Existing Water Meter Existing C ity Rain Gutter (E) A/C (E) W/H (E) Wood Fence Property Line 133.5 FeetExisting 3/4 " Copper Water Line Existing 4 " ABS sewer pipe Existing 4" ABS sewer pipe Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-1 1.Replace (10) wood framed windows at living room with dual glazed double hung wood framed windows. 2.Remodel existing bathroom by stairway that include replac e existing tub with a shower. 3.Replaced wood shingle siding finish to be restored by removing the hardy board s iding and replace with wood shingle siding to match the areas that remained at the front of the hous e. 4.Existing Wood Board & Batten siding at garage to be replaced with same type new siding. Occupancy group: R3/U , Type(s) of construction: VB, 2022 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL C ODE WIND LOAD = 110 M .P.H., ROOF LIVE LOAD = 20 psf, FLOO R LIVE LOAD = 40 psf. 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY C ODE 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE. Code editions under which this project is to be approved AND ALL OTH ER STATE, MUNICIPAL, AND LOCAL ORDINANCES, CODES, RULES AND R EGULATIONS. 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER IMMEDIATELY IN W RITING. IN NO CASE SHALL DIMENSIONS BE SCALED FROM PLANS, SECTIONS, OR DETAILS ON THE DRAWINGS OR CALCULATIONS. 2.ALL OMISSIONS AND CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER OR THE DESIGNER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK SO INVOLVED. 3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITY LINES AND CONNECTIONS INCLUDING SEWER, WATER, GAS, AND ELECTRIC SERVICES BEFORE AND DURING HIS WORK. 4.WHERE A CONSTRUCTION DETAIL IS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED, THE DETAIL SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK. 5.NO PIPES, DUCTS, SLEEVES, CHASES, ETC., SHALL BE PLACED IN SLABS, FOOTING, BEAMS, OR WALLS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN OR NOTED, NOR SHALL ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER BE CUT FOR PIPES, DUCTS, ETC., UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL PIPES, DUCTS, ETC. 6.CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXPECTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT ALL PROPERTY IS PROTECTED DURING THIS OPERATION. ANY DAMAGES OR CHANGED CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED AND RESTORED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO THAT EXISTING AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ANY DAMAGE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. 8.THE DESIGN, ADEQUACY AND SAFETY OF ERECTION BRACING, SHORING, TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, ETC., IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, AND HAS NOT BEEN CONSIDERED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, THE DESIGNER, THE CONTRACTOR I S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF ALL SHEAR WALLS, GEN ERAL SPEC IFICATION S Sheet Index VICINITY M AP NOT TO SCALE Scope of Work 11 PROP OSED HOUS E REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comA-1 Site Plan A-2 Existing Floor Plan. A-3 Elevations. A-4 Proposed Floor Plan. BCB Blueprint for a clean bay. BMPs Construction best management practices. Santa Clara Valley urban runoff pollution prevention program. T24.1 Title 24 energy calculations . T24.2 Single family residential mandatory requirements summary.PHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206De ferred Submittals Fire sprinklers will be required for this project. Fire sprinkled plants to be submitted at a later date as a deferred submittal. Note: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and the Santa Clara County Fire Department Standard Detail and Specification S1-7 PR OPO SED HOUS E RE MODEL AT:123 W ILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS , CA 95030 Parcel Siz e: 6226 sq. ft. Existing hous e living s pace: 2225 sq. ft . Existing garag e/W or k shop: 470 sq. ft. APN: 510-18-008 Zone: R-1D:LHP Required Setbacks: Fron t: 15 ft Side: 5 f t Rear: 20 ft Pr oposed/Existing Setb acks: Fron t: 15'-11" Righ t Sid e: 10'-10" Left Side: 3'-6" Rear: 47'-9" PLANN IN G D ATA DES IG N DATA 11 11 Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 11 22 11 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments 22 22 BACKWAT ER VAL VE: Th e scope o f this proje ct may req uire the insta llation of a s anitary sewe r backwater valve per T own Ordinance 6.40.020. The Town of L os Gatos Ordina nc e and We st V alle y Sa nitation District (WVSD) require s backwater va lve s on drainage pip ing serving fi xture s that have flood level rims less than 1 2 inches above the e levation of th e next ups tre am manhole. At the mom ent it is not expected that a backwater valve will be nee de d but if during constructi on it is found tha t it is ne eded, contractor to the nec essary actions to install it. 22 SPECIAL INSP ECTIONS: When a spe cial inspec tion is required by CBC Section 1 704, the Arch ite ct or Enginee r of Record shall prepare a n inspec tion program that shall be submitte d to the Building Officia l for app roval pri or to issuance of the Buildi ng Pe rmit. The T own Special Inspection fo rm must be com plete ly fille d-out and si gne d by all requested p arties p rior to permit iss uance. 22 Allo wa ble FAR/Floor Area: 2,11 7 SF Garage 604 SF 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 N o structural framing be ing replaced. N o foundation be ing replace d. Therefor, this pro ject would not fall into the definition of a new structure for the building de pt. 22 22 EXHIBIT 9 REF.WH(E) 2266SH(E) 2464SH(E) 2464SH(E) 5068(E) 2640SH(E) 2640SH(E) 2640SH (E) 2644SH(E) 2644SH(E) 3250SH(E) 3250SH(E) 5068 (E) 2644SH (E) 2644SH(E) 2468(E) 2668 (E) 2668(E) 2020SC(E) 2020SC(E) 2868(E) 2034SH(E) 2034SH(E) 2034SH(E) 2656SH(E) 2620FX(E) 2656SH(E) 2620FX(E) 3068 (E) 2036PT(E) 2036PT(E) 2036PT(E) 2868(E) 2468(E) 61068(E) 32410SH(E) 2630SH(E) 2652(E) 2656SH(E) 2656SH(E) 2868 (E) 2656SH(E) 2656SH(E) 2656SH(E) 2656SH(E) 2656SH (E) 2668(E) 2468 UP UP UP UP 6'-10 " x 7'-2" 12'-11" x 10'-10" 3'-7" x 3'-5" 5'-0" x 7'-3" 8'-2" x 8'-6" 20'-2 " x 16'-1" 3'-9" x 3'-6" 11'-10" x 12'-0" 5'-0" x 7'-1"20'-6" x 8'-7"3'-2" x 7'-1" 13 '-8" x 11 '-6" 9'-1" x 3'-2 " 11'-3" x 12'-0" 2'-5" x 3'-2" 11'-3" x 10'-11" 15 '-4" x 10 '-0" 6'-8" x 11 '-4" 8'-6" x 2 7'-3" 17'-5" x 6'-10" 18'-2" x 10 '-6" (E) Skylight (E) Skylight (E) Skylight (E) Master Bathroom (E) Dressing Room (E) Shower (E) Walk i n Closet (E) Master Bedroom (E) Hal lway (E) Nook (E) Kitchen (E) Laundry Room(E) Bathroom (E) Bedroom 2 (E) Closet (E) Closet (E) Dining Room (E) Livi ng Room (E) Media Room (E) Study (E) Deck (E) Porch (E) Porch (E) Deck EXISTING LOWER FLOOR PLAN Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" Existing b athtub to be replaced with a shower Replace (10) wood framed windows with dual glazed double h ung wood fr amed window s.(E) 2868(E) 4068(E) 2640DC (E) 2650SH2612(E) 2650SH(E) 2650SH 2612 (E) 2650SH (E) 2020SC(E) 20510(E) 2020SC20 '-2" x 16'-1" 4'-6" x 8'-6" 3'-3" x 3'-4" 3'-0" x 5'-0 " (E) Closet (E) Bedroom 3 (E) Closet EXISTING UPPER FLOOR PLAN Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" (E) Stairs (2) 3-1/8 in. Star Driv e Bugle Head M ulti-Purpose Framing Screws @ 24" o.c. 2x4 studs @ 16" o.c. Ripped 2x4 2x8 reinforcement(2) 3-1/8 in. Star Driv e Bugle Head M ulti-Purpose Framing Screws @ 24" o.c. 2x4 studs @ 16" o.c. Ripped 2x4 2x8 reinforcement Aging-in-Place Reinforc ement Installation Detail at Tub/Shower Reinforcement to be installed 32"to 39.25" abov e the finished floor Contractor to install a 2x8 reinf or cem ent for future installation of grab bars per CR C R327 Bath tub and combi n ation bath tub and shower rei nforcement sha ll b e c o ntinuous on over al l s urrounding tub. I n a d diti on a sec o nd b ack wa ll o f reinfo rcement for a lo w e r grout b ar shall be pr ovide d with t he bo tt om edge locat ed n o mor e than six inches abo ve the bat h tub rim. Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-2 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments 11 22 Detail for install ed dou ble hu ng windows Note: Installed windows are same typ e and style as existing windo ws 22 REF.WH(N) 2266SH2 (N) 2666SH(E) 50682 (E) 2640SH(E) 2640SH (E) 2644SH(E) 2644SH2 (E) 3250SH(E) 5068 (E) 2644SH (E) 2644SH(E) 2468(E) 2668 (E) 2668(E) 2020SC(E) 2020SC(E) 28682 (E) 2034SH2 (E) 2656SH2 (E) 2620FX(E) 3068 (N) 2036PT(N) 2036PT(N) 2036PT(E) 2868(E) 2468(E) 61 068(E) 32410SH(E) 2630SH(E) 26522 (N) 2656SH(E) 2868 2 (N) 2656SH3 (N) 2656SH (E) 2468 (E) 2668UP UP UP UP 4'-9"2'-6"9'-0"2'-2"5'-8"3'-11"2'-6"1'-4"3'-8"3'-2"5'-6"1'-11"2'-6"0'-4"2'-6"0'-3"2'-6"1'-11"1'-11"2'-8"2'-7"2'-6"0'-5"2'-6"1'-5" 11'-11"14'-0" 25'-11" 0'-6"5'-0"1'-9" 7'-3" 1'-3"3'-0"0'-10" 5'-1" 1'-8"2'-6"1'-4"2'-6"2'-3"5'-0"1'-0"4'-3"2'-6"0'-5" 16'-3 "7'-2"3'-10"2'-1" 29'-4" 0'-3"2'-4"0'-6" 3'-1"0'-10" 5'-0"1'-5"2'-6"0'-10"2'-6"4'-3"2'-7"2'-6"0'-4"2'-6"2'-5"4'-1"2'-0"0'-2"2'-0"0'-1"2'-0"0'-8"1'-5"3'-2"3'-1"1'-1"1'-4"2'-6"8'-9"2'-6"1'-8"11'-6"10'-4"11'-0"8'-9"16'-9"65'-10"5'-6"1'-1"2'-6"2'-6"1'-5"7'-6"0'-11"2'-0"1'-10"2'-0"1'-2"4'-1"3'-5"7'-11"6'-3"2'-3"7'-9"12'-4"3'-3"24'-1"71'-4"6'-10" x 7'-2 " 12 '-11" x 10'-10" 3'-7" x 3'-5" 5'-0" x 7'-3" 8'-2 " x 8'-6" 20 '-2" x 16'-1" 3'-9" x 3'-6" 11'-10" x 12'-0" 5'-0" x 7'-1"20'-6" x 8'-7"3'-2" x 7'-1" 9'-1" x 3'-2" 13'-8" x 11 '-6" 2'-5" x 3'-2 " 11'-3" x 10'-11" 15'-4" x 10'-0" 6'-10" x 11'-6" 11'-3" x 12'-0" 8'-6" x 27'-3" 17'-5 " x 6'-10 " 18'-2 " x 10'-6" (E) Skylight (E) Skylight (E) Skylight (E) Master Bathroom (E) Dressing Room (E) Shower (E) Walk in Closet (E) Master Bedroom (E) Hallway (E) Nook (E) Kitchen (E) Laundry Room Remodeled Bathroom (E) Bedroom 2 (E) Closet (E) Closet (E) Dining Room (E) Deck (E) Porch (E) Porch (E) Deck PROPOSE D LOWER FLOOR PLAN Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" (E) Livi ng Room (E) Media Room (E) Study(E) 2868(E) 4068(E) 2640DC 2 (E) 2650SH2 (E) 2650SH (E) 205102 (E) 2020SC2'-4"2'-6"16'-0" 4'-11"3'-7"20'-10" 29'-4"2'-2"5'-5"9'-2"16'-9"3'-5"1'-6"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"10'-3"16'-9"3'-5"14'-7"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3"1'-3" 20'-10"3'-4"0'-3"4'-11" 29'-4" 20'-2 " x 16'-1" 4'-6" x 8'-6" 3'-3" x 3'-4" 3'-0" x 5'-0" (E) Closet (E) Bedroom 3 (E) Closet PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLAN Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" (E) Stairs (E) 3021PT(E) 2668(E) 32210DC (E) 3028DC(E) 3028PT(E) 32210PT (E) 3968(E) 2868(E) 131070 (E) 3021DC2'-6"2'-6"5'-1"0'-1"3'-2"0'-3" 8'-0"4'-7"3'-6"6'-10"3'-1" 26'-0"6'-0"3'-0"0'-2"6'-0"3'-2"2'-9"10'-1"22'-0"0'-9"3'-0"2'-10"0'-7"2'-11"6'-7"11'-11"22'-0"1'-10"13'-10"0'-7" 16'-3 "9'-9" 26'-0" 15'-2" x 10'-6" 13'-8" x 9 '-5" 9'-0" x 1 0'-6" 6'-5" x 2'-9" (E) Skylight (E) Skylight(E) Two Car Garage (E) Shop Area (E) Closet (E) Wi ne Storage EXISTING GARAGE FLOOR PLAN Scale 1/4" = 1' - 0" (E) 131 070 FRONT FINISH ELEVATI ON SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " (E) 131 070 (E) 32210DC REAR FI NISH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0" (E) 32210DC (E) 3028DC LEFT SIDE FINISH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " (E) 3028DC (E) 3021PT (E) 2668 (E) 3021DC RIGHT SI DE FINISH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " (E) 3021PT (E) 2668 (E) 3021DC Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-3 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Garage Elevation Notes Roof: Existing: Comp shingle roof to remain. Exterior Finish: Existing: Wood Board & Batten siding to be replaced with same type new siding. Windows: Existing: Existing windows to remain. Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 11 11 11 11 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments 1 A-2 1 A-2 22 (E) 5068 (E) 3068 2 (N) 2656SH (E) 2868 3 (N) 2656SH (REVISED) FRONT FINI SH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " Note: A door buzzer, bell or ch ime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. (E) 5068 (E) 3068 2 (N) 2656SH (E) 2868 3 (N) 2656SH (E) 5068 (E) 2640SH(E) 2644SH(E) 2644SH (E) 2468 2 (E) 2650SH (REVISED) REAR FINISH ELEVATI ON SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " (E) 5068 (E) 2640SH(E) 2644SH(E) 2644SH (E) 2468 2 (E) 2650SH 2 (E) 2640SH(E) 2644SH 2 (E) 3250SH 2 (E) 2034SH (E) 2644SH 2 (E) 2656SH 2 (E) 2620FX 2 (N) 2656SH 2 (E) 2650SH (REVISED) RIGHT SIDE FINISH ELEVATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " 2 (E) 2640SH(E) 2644SH 2 (E) 3250SH 2 (E) 2034SH (E) 2644SH 2 (E) 2656SH 2 (E) 2620FX 2 (N) 2656SH 2 (E) 2650SH (N) 2266SH2 (N) 2666SH (E) 2020SC (E) 3241 0SH (E) 2020SC (E) 2630SH 2 (E) 2020SC (R EVISED) LEFT SIDE FINISH ELE VATION SCALE 1/4"=1'-0 " (N) 2266SH2 (N) 2666SH (E) 2020SC (E) 3241 0SH (E) 2020SC (E) 2630SH 2 (E) 2020SC Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-4 SEC TION R703 EX TER IOR C OVER IN G SEC TION R905 R EQU IR EMENTS FOR R OOF C OVER IN GS 2022 CRC R905.2.2 Slope. Asphalt shingles shall be used only on roof slopes of twounits vertical in 12 units horizontal (17percent slope) or greater. For roof slopes from twounits vertical in 12 units horizontal (17-percent slope) up to four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33-percent slope), double underlayment application is required in accordancewith Section R905.1.1. R905.1.1 Underlayment. Underlayment for asphalt shingles, clay and concrete tile, metal roof shingles, mineral-surfaced roll roofing, slate and slate-type shingles, wood shingles,wood shakes, metal roof panels and photovoltaic shingles shall conform to the applicablestandards listed in this chapter. Underlayment materials required to comply with ASTM D226, D1970, D4869 and D6757shall bear a label indicating compliance to the standarddesignation and, if applicable, type classification indicated in Table R905.1.1(1).Underlayment shall be applied in accordance with Table R905.1.1(2). Underlayment shall be attached in accordance with Table R905.1.1(3). R905.2.4.1 Wind resistance of asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingles shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D7158. Asphalt shingles shall meet the classification requirementsof Table R905.2.4.1 for the appropriate ultimate design wind speed. Asphalt shinglepackaging shall bear a label to indicate compliance with ASTM D7158 and the required classification in Table R905.2.4.1. R905.2.5 Fasteners. Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum or copper roofing nails, minimum 12-gage [0.105 inch (3 mm)] shank with a minimum 3/8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm) head, complying with ASTM FI667, of a length topenetrate through the roofing materials and not less than ¾ inch (19.1 mm) into the roofsheathing. Where the roof sheathing is less than ¾ inch (19.1 mm) thick, the fasteners shall penetrate through the sheathing. R905.2.6 Attachment. Asphalt shingles shall have the minimum number of fasteners required by the manufacturer’s approved installation instructions, but not less than fourfasteners per strip shingle or two fasteners per individual shingle. Where the roof slopeexceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (21:12, 175-pcrcent slope), shingles shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s approved installation instructions. From TABLE R905.1.1(2) for Asphalt shingles Section R905.2 Underlayment application. For roof slopes from two units vertical in 12 units horizontal (2:12), up to fourunits vertical in 12 units horizontal (4:12), underlayment shall be two layers applied in thefollowing manner: apply a 19-inch strip of underlayment felt parallel to and starting at the eaves. Starting at the eave, apply 36-inchwide sheets of underlayment, overlapping successive sheets 19 inches. Distortions in the underlayment shall not interfere with theability of the shingles to seal. End laps shall be 4 inches and shall be offset by 6 feet. Forroof slopes of four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (4:12) or greater, underlayment shall be one layer applied in the following manner: underlayment shall be applied shingle fashion,parallel to and starting from the eave and lapped 2 inches, Distortions in the underlaymentshall not interfere with the ability of the shingles to seal. End laps shall be 4 inches and shall be offset by 6 feet. R905.2.8.2 Valleys. Valley linings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions before applying shingles. Valley linings of the following types shall be permitted:1. For open valleys (valley lining exposed) lined with metal, the valley lining shall benot less than 24 inches (610 mm) wide and of any of the corrosion-resistant metals in Table R905. For open valleys, valley lining of two plies of mineral-surfaced roll roofing,complying with ASTM D3909 or ASTM D6380 Class M, shall be permitted. The bottom layer shall be 18 inches (457 mm) and the top layer not less than 36 inches (914 mm) wide. 3. For closed valleys (valley covered with shingles), valley lining of one ply of smoothroll roofing complying with ASTM D6380 and not less than 36 inches wide (914 mm) orvalley lining as described in Item 1 or 2 shall be permitted. Self-adhering polymer-modified bitumen underlayment complying with ASTM D1970 shall be permitted in lieu of the liningmaterial. 2022 CRC SECTION R703 EXTERIOR COVERING R703.1 General. Exterior walls shall provide the building with a weather-resistant exterior wall envelope. The exterior wall envelope shall include flashing as described in Section R703.4. R703.1.1 Water resistance. The exterior wall envelope shall be designed and constructed in a manner that prevents theaccumulation of water within the wall assembly by providing a water-resistant barrier behind the exterior cladding as required by Section R703.2 and a means of draining to the exterior water that penetrates the exterior cladding. Exceptions: 1. A weather-resistant exterior wall envelope shall not be required over concrete or masonry walls designed in accordance withChapter 6 and flashed according to Section R703.4 or R703.8. R703.1.2 Wind resistance. Wall coverings, backing materials and their attachments shall be capable of resisting wind loads in accordance with Tables R301.2(2) and R301.2(3). Wind-pressure resistance of the siding, soffit and backing materials shall bedetermined by ASTM E330 or other applicable standard test methods. Where wind-pressure resistance is determined by designanalysis, data from approved design standards and analysis conforming to generally accepted engineering practice shall be used to evaluate the siding, soffit and backing material and its fastening. R703.2 Water-resistive barrier. Not fewer than one layer of water-resistive barrier shall be applied over studs or sheathing of all exterior walls with flashing as indicated in Section R703.4, in such a manner as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier behindthe exterior wall veneer. The water-resistive barrier material shall be continuous to the top of walls and terminated at penetrations andbuilding appendages in a manner to meet the requirements of the exterior wall envelope as described in Section R703.1. Water-resistive barrier materials shall comply with one of the following: 1. No. 15 felt complying with ASTM D226, Type 1.2. ASTM E2556, Type 1 or 2.3. ASTM E331 in accordance with Section R703.1.1. 4. Other approved materials in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.No. 15 asphalt felt and water-resistive barriers complying with ASTM E2556 shall be applied horizontally, with the upper layerlapped over the lower layer not less than 2 inches (51 mm), and where joints occur, shall be lapped not less than 6 inches (152 mm). R703.3.3 Fasteners. Exterior wall coverings and roof overhang soffits shall be securely fastened with aluminum, galvanized,stainless steel or rust-preventative coated nails or staples in accordance with Table R703.3(1) or with other approved corrosion-resistant fasteners in accordance with the wall covering manufacturer’s installation instructions. Nails and staples shall comply with ASTM FI667. Nails shall be T-head, modified round head, or round head with smooth or deformed shanks. Staples shall have aminimum crown width of 7/16 inch (11.1 mm) outside diameter and be manufactured of minimum 16-gage wire. Where fiberboard,gypsum, or foam plastic sheathing backing is used, nails or staples shall be driven into the studs. Where wood or wood structural panel sheathing is used, fasteners shall be driven into studs unless otherwise permitted to be driven into sheathing in accordance witheither the siding manufacturer’s installation instructions or Table R703.3.3. R703.3.4 Minimum fastener length and penetration. Fasteners shall have the greater of the minimum length specified in Table R703.3(1) or as required to provide a minimum penetration into framing as follows: 1. Fasteners for horizontal aluminum siding, steel siding, particleboard panel siding, wood structural panel siding in accordancewith ANSI/APA-PRP 210, fiber-cement panel siding and fiber-cement lap siding installed over foam plastic sheathing shall penetrate not less than 1½ inches (38mm) into framing or shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.2. Fasteners for hardboard panel and lap siding shall penetrate not less than 1½ inches (38 mm) into framing.3. Fasteners for vinyl siding and insulated vinyl siding installed overwood or wood structural panel sheathing shall penetrate not less than 1¼ inches (32 mm) into sheathing and framing combined. Vinyl siding and insulated vinyl siding shall be permitted to beinstalled with fasteners penetrating into or through wood or wood structural sheathing of minimum thickness as specified by themanufacturer’s instructions or test report, with or without penetration into the framing. Where the fastener penetrates fully through thesheathing, the end of the fastener shall extend not less than ¼ inch (6.4mm) beyond the opposite face of the sheathing. Fasteners for vinyl siding and insulated vinyl siding installed over foam plastic sheathing shall be in accordance with Section R703.11.2. Fastenersfor vinyl siding and insulated vinyl siding installed over fiberboard or gypsum sheathing shall penetrate not less than 1¼ inches (32mm) into framing. 4. Fasteners for vertical or horizontal wood siding shall penetrate not less than 1½ inches (38mm) into studs, studs and woodsheathing combined, or blocking.5. Fasteners for siding material installed over foam plastic sheathing shall have sufficient length to accommodate foam plastic sheathing thickness and to penetrate framing or sheathing and framing combined, as specified in Items 1 through 4. 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Elevation Notes Roof: Existing: Comp shingle roof to remain. Proposed: Comp shingle roof to match existing. Exterior Finish: Replaced wood shingle siding finish to be restored by removing the hardy board siding and replace with wood shingle siding to match the areas that remained at the front of the house. Windows: Existing: Existing windows to remain. Proposed: New windows to match existing.Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 11 11 11 11 11 N ote to con tractor : T he Historic Prese rvatio n Comm ittee approv al included a condition th at the existing or nate shingle pat tern in t he fr ont gable en d shall be re plicated 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments 22 Ad dre ss iden tification : Ne w and existing bu ilding s sh all have approv ed address numbe rs, build ing numb ers or approved b uil din g i dentification place d in a positi on th at is plainly le gib le and visib le from th e street o r ro ad fronting th e p rop erty. T hese nu mbe rs sha ll con trast with th eir backgrou nd. Where require d b y the fire code offi cia l, a ddress numbers shal l be provid ed in ad ditional app ro ved loca ti ons to facilitate emergen cy respo nse. Address numbe rs shal l be Arabic numbers or a lphabetica l letters. Numb ers sh all b e a min imum o f 6 inch es (101.6 mm) high with a min imum stroke width o f 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Whe re acce ss i s by me ans of a priva te road and the bui ld ing cannot be viewe d from the pub lic way, a monu me nt, pole o r other s ign or mea ns shall be used to id entify the structu re. Add re ss n umb ers sh all b e maintain ed. C FC Sec. 50 5.1 . R703.4 Flashing. Approved corrosion-resistant flashing shall be applied shingle-fashion in amanner to prevent entry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to the buildingstructural framing components. Self-adhered membranes used as Hashing shall comply with AAMA 711. Fluid-applied membranes used as flashing in exterior walls shall comply with AAMA714. The flashing shall extend to the surface of the exterior wall finish. Approved corrosion-resistant flashings shall be installed at the following locations: 1. Exterior window and door openings. Flashing at exterior window and door openings shallbe installed in accordance with Section R703.4.1.2. At the intersection of chimneys or other masonry construction with frame or stucco walls, with projecting lips on both sides under stucco copings.3. Under and at the ends of masonry, wood or metal copings and sills.4. Continuously above all projecting wood trim.5. Where exterior porches, decks or stairs attach to a wall or floor assembly or wood-frame construction.6. At wall and roof intersections.7. At built-in gutters. R703.5.3 Horizontal wood siding. Horizontal lap siding shall be installed in accordance with themanufacturer’s recommendations. Where there are no recommendations the siding shall be lappednot less than 1 inch (25 mm), or ½ inch (12.7 mm) if rabbeted, and shall have the ends caulked, covered with a batten or sealed and installed over a strip of flashing. 123 22 Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-5 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments BC B Sheet 1 of 1 Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-6 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments BM P s Sheet 1 of 1 Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-7 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030T24.1 Sheet 1 of 2Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments Oct. 24, 2023 Of________ REVISIONS DATE: S heet________ 4 A-8 11 PROPOSED HOUSE REMODEL AT:123 WILDER AVENUELOS GATOS, CA 95030T24.2 Sh eet 2 of 2Owner Info:Name: Peter PomianekPhone Number: 650-245-7985Email: pomiansf@yahoo.comPHONE # (650) 793-1491EMAIL jose@jmdesigners.com______________________________________Designed by: Jose Jimenez1005 West Eighth StreetStockton California 95206Feb. 6, 2024 Respons e to comments from Planning Department letter dated December 13, 2023 22 March 29, 2024 Response to latest plan review comments