Exhibit 6 - Historic Preservation Committee Action Letter, December 20, 2023TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408)354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 December 21, 2023 Jose De La O 1126 Allerton Street Redwood City, CA 94063 Via email RE: 123 Wilder Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-23-039 Requesting Approval for Technical Demolition of a Contributing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a New Single-Family Residence to Exceed the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Standards and Requiring a Variance to Side Yard Setback Requirements Located in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-18-008. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Property Owners: Bogusla Marcinkowski and Brygida Sas-Marcinkowski Applicant: Jose De La O Project Planner: Sean Mullin On December 20, 2023, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee recommended approval of the above request with the following conditions: •Replace the installed horizontal cementitious lap siding with wood shingle siding to match what was removed; •The existing ornate shingle pattern in the front gable end shall be replicated in the north facing gable end; •The new windows shall match the windows they are replacing. Full details of the new wood windows shall be provided to the Town to ensure in-kind replacement. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by phone at (408) 354-6802 or by email at SMullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Action Letters\2023\Wilder Avenue, 123 - 12-20-23 Action Letter - HPC.docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 EXHIBIT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank