10 Staff Report.Interim Community Center with attachments PREPARED BY: Katy Nomura Assistant Town Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/05/2024 ITEM NO: 10 DATE: February 26, 2024 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Review Input on the Interim Community Center and Authorize the Town Manager to Issue a Request for Proposals for Potential Service Providers RECOMMENDATION: Review input on the Interim Community Center and authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for potential service providers. BACKGROUND: On August 15, 2023, the Town Council allocated $866,281 to a Community Center Development Fund to design and construct near-term improvements to the Adult Recreation Center to achieve two major purposes. One purpose is to facilitate the use of space for a variety of non- profit agencies to provide services to the community. The second purpose is to reconfigure the existing space to make it more open and inviting to the community. This effort is referred to as the Interim Community Center. On November 21, 2023, the Town Council provided additional feedback on the Interim Community Center effort. At this meeting, staff explained that a full remodel of the Adult Recreation Center to transform it into a Community Center would be a multi-million-dollar project that would need to be considered as part of the longer-term Capital Improvement Program. Any large investments to remodel the facility should be reserved for the full remodel to ensure that the transformation of the facility is planned holistically and that financial resources are used in the most efficient manner possible. With this in mind, the Interim Community Center effort focuses on near-term improvements that can be implemented in the interim without substantial remodeling. Staff also identified the proposed steps for this effort: PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: Review Input on the Interim Community Center and Authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for Service Providers DATE: February 26, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): 1. Host Community Meeting to receive community input on: a. Preferred types of community partners/services, b. Community partner selection criteria, and c. Ideas for near-term improvements to the ARC/Community Center. 2. Receive the Community Health and Senior Services Commission’s (CHSSC) recommendation on items relevant to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for community partners, such as the types of community partners and selection criteria. 3. Return to Council with CHSSC’s recommendation for Council input and approval on items relevant to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for community partners, such as the types of community partners and selection criteria. 4. Issue the RFP. 5. Return to Council with the final selection of community partners. 6. Discuss any potential physical near-term improvements and operational support needed by selected community partners with Los Gatos Saratoga Recreation (LGS Recreation). 7. Receive CHSSC’s recommendation on near-term improvements and operational support for Council’s consideration, taking into account ideas shared at the community convening and budget constraints. 8. Return to Council with CHSSC’s recommendation on near-term improvements and operational support for consideration. 9. Hire an architect to provide cost estimates for the prioritized items. 10. Return to Council with cost estimates for selection of which prioritized items to move forward for design and bidding. In alignment with Step 1, on January 25, 2024, with the support of the CHSSC, the Town held a community meeting to gather input on near-term improvements to the Adult Recreation Center (ARC) to transition it to an Interim Community Center by making the space more welcoming for all ages and creating opportunities for a variety of community partners to provide services to the community. Approximately 40 community members attended, including representatives from several community partners. The attendees were divided into five (5) groups to discuss and respond to the following three (3) questions: • What near-term improvements would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center to make the space more welcoming for all ages? • What types of community partners and services would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center? • What criteria do you believe should be used when selecting community partners and services? PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: Review Input on the Interim Community Center and Authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for Service Providers DATE: February 26, 2024 BACKGROUND (continued): Step 2 was completed on February 15, 2024, when the CHSSC reviewed the input compiled from the community meeting (Attachment 1). The CHSSC recommended that the following criteria be included in the RFP and that eligible service providers should: • Be a nonprofit that serves Los Gatos and others; • Have a volunteer support base; • Have needs themselves, such as for space and possibly financial needs; • Address basic needs such as health, wellness, mental health, food needs, housing, and transportation; and • Be willing to rotate in a shared space. In addition, the CHSSC also provided a non-exhaustive list of examples of service providers it felt would be the types the Town should be looking for: CASSY, West Valley Community Services, Health Trust, Sourcewise, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services, and Plant- Based Advocates. While the conversation focused on service providers and the CHSSC will revisit recommendations on physical near-term improvements, the Commission also recommended that the funds be applied to create a space for hybrid/Zoom meetings with modern equipment and a space with shared desks to be used by local service providers. They also recommended that consultant and designer work expenses should be kept to a minimum and that all additional funds should be conserved for developing a future community center. DISCUSSION: Based on the input received and the recommendations from the CHSSC, staff recommends that the RFP be open to any non-profit service providers serving Los Gatos, with an emphasis on those addressing basic needs such as health, wellness, mental health, food needs, housing, and transportation. The following criteria are recommended to assist in selecting the top service providers: • The extent to which the provider serves basic needs and serves an unmet need in the community. • The extent to which they already serve Los Gatos residents and the community. • The extent to which the provider could expand or enhance services with the additional Interim Community Center space. This would include an evaluation of how much the provider needs additional space for their services. • The extent of the provider’s volunteer base and how they can effectively support a service at the Interim Community Center. • The extent to which the provider’s service lends itself to being successful in a rotational shared space at the Interim Community Center. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: Review Input on the Interim Community Center and Authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for Service Providers DATE: February 26, 2024 DISCUSSION (continued): • Each service provider selected should provide a service that is unique and not duplicative of other selected service providers. Since service providers can offer a variety of services, some of their services can overlap but each must have at least one unique offering or service. Additionally, there was feedback to review the provider’s financial solvency as well as their financial need to see if providing this space could help support their cause. Since these two criteria seemed to be in opposition in terms of valuing financial strength or financial need, these criteria were not included. However, Council could direct staff to include or adjust any criteria as desired. At the community meeting, a question that was asked whether or not service providers would need to pay for the space and whether they would be paid to provide services. Staff recommends that if service providers are charged a fee that they only be asked to pay a nominal fee to cover administrative costs of their rotational scheduling, printing, storage, internet, janitorial, etc. In addition, since this is an effort to provide an opportunity and space for service providers, the Town would not monetarily compensate providers selected to take advantage of this opportunity. The hope is that it would be mutually beneficial opportunity for all parties involved. Staff looks forward to Council’s direction on these matters. CONCLUSION: Staff looks forward to Council’s discussion and direction on the types of service providers, the criteria for evaluating service providers, and what costs service providers should expect. With this direction, it is recommended that the Council authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for service providers. After the RFP concludes, staff will return to Council with the final selection of service providers. Once the service providers are selected, staff will return to the CHSSC for its recommendations on physical, near-term improvements for the Interim Community Center with consideration for any needs of the service providers. COORDINATION: The preparation of this report was coordinated with the Town Manager’s Office and the Town Attorney. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: Review Input on the Interim Community Center and Authorize the Town Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for Service Providers DATE: February 26, 2024 FISCAL IMPACT: The $866,281 allocated to the Community Center Development Fund can be used for near-term improvements to the Adult Recreation Center/Community Center. Additional funding may be required to support the operational and administrative needs of coordinating and supporting the service providers if the providers do not pay those costs directly. PUBLIC COMMENT: Attachment 2 contains public comment received on this topic. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Input Received from January 25, 2024 Community Meeting 2. Public Comment This Page Intentionally Left Blank Input Received from January 25, 2024 Interim Community Center Community Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 1. What near-term improvements would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center to make the space more welcoming for all ages? • Ability for seniors to meet 2 hours/week – Continuing, Large screen TVs/Internet for lounge, Earthquake compliance/retrofit, No improvements • Sliding doors • More storage in the conference room • Enclose patio for storage, more usage • AV upgrades -- current projectors flaky • Noise abatement in large hall • Commercial kitchen update • Good to have in-wall sound system • Lighting -- stretch down for better cleaning • Water damage throughout the building • Restroom, emergency lights upgrade • Sensors in bathroom • Restroom automatic door openers • Uneven parking lots – unsafe esp. for seniors –add handrails • More lighting in parking lot • Cover on the entrance for rain • More cameras in the parking lot • Cosmetic improvements (Ask Nancy and users) • Play area for children • Panic button (mental health) • Well-defined purpose of rooms reconfiguration • Survey of current users of this space and potential users and their road blocks to current use • This building as a central hub to coordinate • Upgrading tech to modernize • Equipment/tech for hybrid/virtual meetings in several designated areas/rooms of various sizes (includes AV camera, OWL 360˚, ADA compliant, etc) • Better utilization of 2nd floor to maximize space, i.e. size of room, combine services, remediation • Closet/storage space for non-profits • Access to kitchen • Food pantry for storage/food prep for unhoused individuals • One room that service providers can use • Translation services • Minor repairs and upgrades (including entryway) • Suggestion box in lobby somewhere easily accessible • Make empty space more inviting • Functional upgrades – See LGS Rec list o LGS Rec List: Recommended ARC Building Improvements 2/13/2023 Input Received from January 25, 2024 Interim Community Center Community Meeting ATTACHMENT 1  Replace large hall dividing doors – current divider door is broken  Solution for table and chair storage – possible partition wall in large hall for storage?  AV upgrades in conference rooms / large hall  ARC in-wall sound system in large hall  Noise abatement in large hall – wall or ceiling sound dampening?  More secure storage in large hall - repurpose large hall outside patio for storage?  Deepen shelves in existing large hall locked cabinets  Paint/refresh large hall kitchen cabinets and counter  Pendant lighting in the lobby – easier to clean and brighter light!  Restroom upgrades - emergency lights in restrooms during power outage, sensors on sinks/toilets/soap/towels so they are touchless  Parking lot changes to increase safety  More lighting, ramps, cameras, handrails  Awning at entry to protect against rain  Address water damage • Welcoming entry – sliding glass doors in north wall to a patio • Electronic signage with activities and schedule • Modern AV and IT upgrades – local and remote capabilities • Lighting – External and emergency • Improve lobby -- space decorate -- user friendly • Lighting • Better internet capability • Zoom • Microphone speaker unit • More video screens – adequate size • Comfortable rooms for group meetings of 20 people • Soung proofing enhancements • Big room into 2 soundproof rooms • Break room for staff • Enhance kitchen • Long term -- NUMU, police space could be repurposed • Long term -- Use existing inventory of buildings for community usage • How should the money be allocated? Initial improvements and reserve funds for future com. Center reconstruction/new center (i.e. $300k saved for future plan/design for the new center); keep extra $ in the community center fund 2. What types of community partners and services would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center? • Ability for seniors to get together/talk • West Valley Community Services – Already serving LG, pantry, brown bag Input Received from January 25, 2024 Interim Community Center Community Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 • HUB model – place to go • Mental Health Service with CASSY • Co-sharing space – Day assignment to different organizations • Life long learning – LGS Rec • Speaker series catering to community—Could also use LG Theater (Oshner) • If $866K is not used, donate to senior 501c3 as seed to get it started • Live Oak Nutrition – food scarcity – “Food with a friend” • “To good to go” app – partner with them • Dest for RYDE program (senior lobby) • Sourcewise (house rich, cash poor) • Fund grant writer • Case manager/social worker • Meeting place for other clubs/non-profits • Mental health services • Fundraisers • Financial support for those who need it • General place to enhance the quality of life for residents • Plays the role of the Civic Center • Navigator system (housing, youth and family, mental health) – one stop shop • Facilitate creation of new organizations • West valley community services • Rotation of different types of partners/non-profits • A room dedicated to non-profits • Plant-based Advocates non-profit (local in LG) • Health and nutrition education (esp. plant-based education) and how it relates to health/chronic illnesses • Certain number of days allocated to community groups to host events at no charge • Community discussion groups (where seniors feel safe, ADA accessibility, and can speak freely) • Speaker series • Mental health services – CASSY, Navigators, County • Medicare reps • Veterans affairs Benefits • Ombudsman • Health care services • Business mentoring (SCORE) • Police dept – fraud/scam prevention • Transportation • West Valley College • Is the Town going to pay providers to staff the ARC, or do potential providers have to pay? • Person to answer questions in the lobby Input Received from January 25, 2024 Interim Community Center Community Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 • Concierge • Guidance for transportation • Life issues – Life and death • Reference to transit agency • Community meeting room (seniors) to discuss local issues • True senior center 3. What criteria do you believe should be used when selecting community partners and services? • 501c3 or JPA (Joint Powers Authority) • Should already be serving LG or close by South Bay community • Should they be financially solvent? • Are they going to pay? • Case manager/social worker could funnel ppl/issues to the right area • Create “volunteer support base” list – helping to provide resources • Student nurses to do BP check, wellness check • Youth centric space/activities – Hangout, game console, etc • Services • We should survey for services in demand • Check what other communities have • Basic needs (housing, mental health, food, nutrition) • Rideshare services (free/community organized) • Intentional avoidance of duplication of services • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs • Would providing this venue expand the capacity of organizations to provide services? • Non-profit predominant (free/at cost) • Non-profits as a priority (but not an absolute) • Provide services for residents of Los Gatos • Provide services that promote our health and wellness and benefit society (health, environment, humanity, social responsibility) • Providers of social services (e.g. case management and other services that funds have been allocated to) • Unduplicated services • Reporting requirements (residency percent of service utilization, funding needs/use) • Provider plan for space utilization • Operational/administrative needs/footprint • Non-commercial • Responsive to community needs/alignment to senior roadmap • Track record/community presence Input Received from January 25, 2024 Interim Community Center Community Meeting ATTACHMENT 1 • 55+ members have priority to set up meetings or any topic • Local issues discussion • A place for 55+members to meet in a safe and accommodating space on Town owned property to have discussion on local regional and national topics, the intent is a forum with [non legible] behavior, where [non legible] can advocate their views, this should be easy to set up without lawyers and discouraging requirements Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Feb. 4, 2024 To: Katy Nomura, Asst. Town Manager Fr: Eleanor Yick Re: Community Feedback – purple group ( front group on the left) Members of the group: Tom Picraux, Rob Moore, Darryl, friend of Darrly’s, 2 women from Plant Based Advocates and Eleanor Yick. The top comments under each question are listed in order. 1. Near term improvements to make the space more welcoming for all ages: 1.Equipment ( tech) for hybrid/virtual meetings in several designated areas/room of various sizes, particularly large room on main floor. (Includes 360 degree camera and meets all ADA regs for access, hearing, sight impaired, etc. 2.Better utilization of second floor to maximize usage, i.e. size of room, remediation and combine some rooms. One room that service providers can use. 3.Minor repairs entering building and upgrades •Closet space for storage for non-profits •Translation services •Access to kitchen •Food pantry for storage, food prep for unhoused individuals •Suggestion box in lobby that is easily accessible •Make entry space more inviting 2.What types of Community Partners and Services: 1. West Valley Community Services 2 .Health and Nutrition education ( i.e. plant based and how it relates to health and chronic illnesses) 3.Community Discussion Groups: where seniors feel safe and can speak freely. Space must be ADA compliant. Speaker series. •Rotation of different types of partners and non profits •A room dedicated to non-profits •Certain number of days allocated to community groups at no cost to host events Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 1 ATTACHMENT 1 3. Criteria to select Community Partners: 1. Non-profits as a priority but not a deal breaker. 2. Provide services to the residents of Los Gatos. 3.Provide services that promote our health and wellness and benefit society (health, environment, humanity, social responsibility. Provides social services, such as case management & other services that funds have been allocated to. 4. The Group also discussed how the money should be allocated and the idea of saving some funds for a dedicated new community center and agreed: 1.Initial improvements and reserve fund for future community center- new or remodeled ( i.e. $300K saved for planning, design, etc. 2. Keep saved/extra funds in a dedicated, restricted fund ( i.e. Community Center Fund. Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 2 ATTACHMENT 1 #1: Near Term Improvements: Functional upgrades: See LGS Rec. list Welcoming Entry Way-sliding glass door in north wall to a patio Electronic Signage with activities and schedule Modern A/V & IT upgrades; local and remote capabilities Lighting-external and emergency #2: Community Partners and Services: Mental Health Services CASSY Navigators County West Valley Community Services West Valley College Medicare Reps. Veteran’s affairs-Benefits Ombudsman Health Care Services Business Mentoring (SCORE) Police Department-Fraud/Scam prevention Transportation Question: Is the town going to pay providers to staff the space or do potential providers have to pay? #3: Community Partner Priority Criteria: Unduplicated service Reporting requirements Residency % of service utilization Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Funding needs/use Provider plan for space utilization Operational/Administrative needs/Footprint Noncommercial Responsive to community needs/Alignment to Senior Road Map Track record/community presence Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 3 ATTACHMENT 1 1. What near-term improvements would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center to make the space more welcoming for all ages? Near-term improvements would be smaller-scale improvements such as improving signage or upgrading conference room technology for hybrid meetings. Larger-scale improvements would be more costly and would be reserved for the full remodel of the building in the future. Tonight’s discussion will focus on near-term improvements. If you are not sure whether your idea falls into the “near-term” category, please share it, and we will do our best to determine whether it would be most appropriate for the near-term or future. Some general improvement areas: • Replace large hall dividing doors - large hall space must be configurable (current door is reported to be broken) • Solution for table and chair storage - building partition wall in large hall for storage? • AV upgrades in conference rooms / large hall • Noise abatement in large hall • More secure storage in large hall ( repurpose patio for storage?) • Paint/refresh kitchen cabinets and counter • In-wall sound system in Large Hall • Pendant lighting in the lobby - easier to clean plus brighter light • Look for and fix water damage • Restroom upgrades - emergency lights in restrooms for power outage, sensors on sinks, toilets, soap, towel holders • Automatic door openers • Parking lot changes focusing on safety - lights, direction signs etc. currently parking lots are uneven and hence unsafe for seniors. Install cameras in the parking lot • More lighting, ramps, install cameras and handrails • Cover at the entry to protect against rain 2. What types of community partners and services would you like to see at the Adult Recreation Center/Interim Community Center? The Town is exploring providing space for community partners to provide services at the Adult Recreation Center in partnership with LGS Recreation. The intent would be to work with LGS Recreation to ensure there is minimal impact to existing programming, if any. This would mean there may be limited space available for community partners and the Town would appreciate feedback on which services should be prioritized. It is possible that multiple community partners could provide services on a rotation throughout the week to allow a variety of services using minimal space. • Do not disrupt existing activities, esp for seniors. Maintain the ability for seniors to meet at least 2 hours per week. • Partner with West valley Community Services - already serving Los Gatos, Support services like pantry, brown bag lunch • Envision it as a HUB - place to go for everyone including seniors as well as youth. Co-sharing concept - daily assignment to different organizations Commissioner Lead Transcribed Notes 3 ATTACHMENT 1 • Partner with CASSY to provide mental health services • Life-long learning opportunities - via speaker series or specific keynotes • Support Live Oak Nutrition - "Food with a friend". leverage kitchen and relationship with West Valley Community Services to provide food/nutritions • Potential partnership with "Too Good to go" App to provide food options to the needy at the center • Desk for RYDE program providing both service/information • Create Senior Lobby • Fund GRANT writer to seek grants for the center • Fund case manager/social worker • Youth centric space/activities for youths to hangout, with game consoles etc • Student nurses for basic health check like BP 3. What criteria do you believe should be used when selecting community partners and services? Since space will be limited, it is likely there will be more potential community partners than there is space available, even if they share the space on a rotational basis. Criteria will be used to evaluate community partners to select the top candidates. For example, criteria could include a requirement that they currently provide services to the Los Gatos community or that they are a nonprofit. • 501c(3) or JPA (Joint Powers Authority) • Prioritize if already serving Los Gatos or surrounding communities • Financial sustainability/solvency and be able to pay for the usage • Prioritize org with existing or commitment to create "Volunteer Support Base" to support services at the center This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: To:Katy Nomura Subject:comments for interim community space in Los Gatos Date:Thursday, January 25, 2024 5:27:59 PM Attachments:image001.png PBA wishlist for community center.docx [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello, I will be attending tonight’s meeting but wanted to share these comments with you (attached and pasted below). Thank you, Karen Rubio Thank you for inviting us to share our vision for the Los Gatos Community Center. My name is Karen Rubio and I am a co-founder of Plant-Based Advocates, a nonprofit here in town that promotes a plant-based diet and lifestyle for numerous benefits, including: improving human health, repairing our environment, eliminating cruelty to animals, and working towards social justice. Our group has been operating for nearly 5 years, and we have been a nonprofit for nearly 3 years. Together we have been able to achieve a lot of goals, including: Offering educational talks at the Los Gatos LibraryFilm events, such as the recent showing of Eating Our Way to Extinction at the LG TheaterPlant-Based meal outreach to unhoused communities during the pandemicOutreach at events such as Spring into Green and Stanford Hospital nutrition fairsBringing nutritious plant-based meals and milk to kids in the Los Gatos School DistrictNutrition talks at Fisher Middle School in collaboration with Parenting ContinuumHumane education at local schools and churches We are very excited at the opportunity to have a community space for our nonprofit to use. Specifically, we envision the following for the interim community center: Space for nonprofits such as ours to meet, hold meetings. An example of this is the Los Altoscommunity center, which allows nonprofits to rent out rooms for free for their eventsSpace to teach educational classes and even cooking classes, if a kitchen is included in theplansIdeally this space will serve as a place to address the needs of our most vulnerable residentsProvide food for the community’s underserved members via a community market similar toWest Valley Community Services Market. This market could emphasize plant based optionsand promote healthy eating in townHigh on my list is having individual closets or cabinets for nonprofits to store their materials.As a CERT member, it’s possible that local CERT groups could store their equipment there aswell ATTACHMENT 2 From:Ulka Agarwal To:Katy Nomura Subject:F/up from meeting last night re: Interim Community Center Date:Friday, January 26, 2024 8:38:02 AM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Good morning, My name is Ulka Agarwal and I’m a local physician and nutrition researcherand educator, and a member of Plant-based Advocates. Last night I had thepleasure of joining other community members to voice our opinions on theInterim Community Center. In our breakout groups and others, a commontheme was for non-profits focused on health and wellness, such as Plant-based Advocates based in Los Gatos, to utilize the community space tooffer free education and resources. We can prevent, treat and even reverse obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heartdisease simply by changing what we eat. But most health care professionals– including physicians – don’t receive nutrition education, so many people,especially the elderly, needlessly suffer and die from these chronicillnesses. Plant-based Advocates works tirelessly to educate our communityon the power of nutrition to help us take back control of our health. If wecould use a community space like this, we could make sure every memberof our community, especially the most vulnerable, has access to this life-saving information. Thank you for your kind consideration. Ulka Agarwal, M.D. Plant-Based Advocates From:Laurel Prevetti To:Rob Moore Cc:Katy Nomura; Ryan Baker Subject:RE: Interim Community Center Improvements Idea Date:Tuesday, February 13, 2024 3:52:55 PM Thank you for this insight. We are typing up the notes now from the meeting so I am sharing this with the staff. Thank you! From: Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 3:42 PM To: Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Interim Community Center Improvements Idea Hi Laurel, I hope all is well! I wanted to reach out and update you on an idea West Valley Community Services has been floating that I'm interested in pursuing. I just got out of a "West Valley Service Providers" Zoom meeting with folks like WVCS, Jewish Family Services, CASSY, LGS Rec, etc. Folks on the call like Jeffrey Blum and Tom Picraux asked Sujatha about her level of interest in space in the Rec Center. She reiterated how much she would like to have access to space in the building and how she'd like to potentially up WVCS's level of service (adding case managers to be stationed in Los Gatos, etc.) in Los Gatos were she to have space. Nothing particularly new there. Sujatha also mentioned interest in opening a small free food market (perhaps as small as a few shelves) in the building. She mentioned this at the community meeting held a few weeks ago, but it seemed like her small group didn't speak to it in the share-out section of the meeting. I wanted to specifically call out this idea because I think it is a very good one and it seemed like a lot of community members were enthusiastic about it. Just some "food" for thought! Thanks so much. Take care, Rob Rob Moore Councilmember, Los Gatos Town Council To help avoid violations of the Brown Act, please refrain from forwarding this email.