Attachment 1 - November 11 2023 Historic Preservation Committee Staff ReportPREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 භ 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/15/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: November 10, 2023 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Alterations and a New Second- Story Addition to an Existing Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence and Determination of Significance on Property Zoned R-1D. Located at 80 Cleland Avenue. APN 529-33-026. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Request for Review PHST-23-021. Property Owner: Dinesh Mishra. Applicant: Davide Giannella, Acadia Architecture. Project Planner: Erin Walters. RECOMMENDATION: Preliminary review for construction of exterior alterations and a new second-story addition to an existing pre-1941 single-family residence and determination of historic significance of the residence located at 80 Cleland Avenue. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1900 per County Assessor’s Database; 1900s per Anne Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: 9or R, historic and some altered but still contributor to district if there is one and historic but grossly altered. 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? N/A 7. Considerations required? Yes ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 80 Cleland Avenue/PHST-23-021 DATE: November 10, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\11-15-23 - Special\Item 5 - 80 Cleland Avenue\Staff Report.80 Cleland Avenue.docx BACKGROUND: The County Assessor indicates that the American Foursquare style residence located at 80 Cleland Avenue was constructed in 1900 and the Bloomfield Survey estimates the construction date as the 1900’s (Attachment 1 and 2). The 1991 Anne Bloomfield Survey rates the residence as historic and some altered but still contributor to district if there is one, this property is not located in a district (Attachment 1). The American Foursquare style building type generally refers to a two-story house with a square floor plan that was popular from the mid-1880s to late 1930s. The Bloomfield Survey also notes that the residence is historic but grossly altered. This rating suggests modifications have been made to the residence over time, which is reflected in the brief permit history contained in the Town’s records. On May 27, 1998, a Minor Residential Development application was approved by the Community Development Director to construct a new second story addition to the subject pre- 1941 single-family residence with conditions of approval (Attachment 3). On August 11, 1998, a building permit was issued for a 576-square foot second story addition to the residence, and building final was received on March 17, 2000. In 2014, a building permit was issued to demolish the existing garage and reconstruct a new detached garage. Note the detached garage is not part of the review of this preliminary application. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps show that the footprint of the residence remained consistent between 1904 and 1956 (Attachment 4). DISCUSSION: The property is located south side of Cleland Avenue, between Kimble Avenue and Reservoir Road. The applicant is requesting a preliminary review by the Committee to provide feedback on the first floor addition on the eastern side of the existing house, second story addition to the rear of the house, other exterior modifications, and a determination of the historic significance (Attachment 6). The development plans propose a 321-square foot addition to the first floor of the eastern side of the existing house and a 358-square foot second story addition with a covered porch to the rear of the house which transitions to the rear sloped grade. The applicant proposes to match the existing horizontal wood siding and wood trim details. The existing composition roof shingles are proposed to be replaced with a standing seam metal roof. Proposed changes to the existing front elevation include the following: x Enlarging and replacing the windows on the first and second floors; x Removing the divided-light window detail for solid glass; x Introducing double front entry doors on the first floor; x Introducing double doors at the second story balcony; PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 80 Cleland Avenue/PHST-23-021 DATE: November 10, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\11-15-23 - Special\Item 5 - 80 Cleland Avenue\Staff Report.80 Cleland Avenue.docx DISCUSSION (continued): x Adding a skylight to the proposed second story standing seam metal roof; x Removing the character defining feature pattern of the existing wood porch railing; and x Modifying the orientation of the front entry porch stairs. Proposed changes to the proposed first story addition include the following: x Introducing a new shed style roof form adjacent to the existing residences hip roof form; x Adding trapezoid shaped clearstory windows at the front and rear elevations; x Extending the existing trellis to the front of the new addition; x Adding a standing seam metal roof with custom geometric roof windows; x Adding multiple paneled sliding doors on the east elevation; and x Adding a modern trellis element to the east elevation. The type of new and replacement windows, doors, trellis, porch railings and posts have not been specified in the plans. The Committee should consider the Sections 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines which provides recommendations for construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 5). Including but not limited to the following recommendations: x The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. x Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. x When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape, and location as the original, and should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. As part of this preliminary review the applicant has not provided a full demolition plan but has indicated that the proposed project will fall below Town’s demolition thresholds for historic residences. A demolition plan will be provided the applicant once a formal application is made. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 80 Cleland Avenue/PHST-23-021 DATE: November 10, 2023 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\11-15-23 - Special\Item 5 - 80 Cleland Avenue\Staff Report.80 Cleland Avenue.docx CONSIDERATIONS (continued): For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines Sections 3.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for construction of additions to existing residences (Attachment 5). CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting the Committee to provide preliminary feedback on a determination of the historic significance of the pre-1941 property and the first and second story additions with exterior modifications (Attachment 6). A new second-story addition, if not triggering a technical demolition, is processed under a Minor Residential Development application. This application would return to the Committee for a formal recommendation to the deciding body. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Research 2. Bloomfield Survey 3. Minor Residential Development Application Approval Letter, 1998 4. Sanborn Map Exhibits 5. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines 6. Development Plans                          !      "    #    $        #  %          $     &  "   ' "     &    #     ( ) "  "             & &#  * +  ,  -   !  "     $     .  (    &#                     / # "    "  0    )    1  !      1  )       #     & $ " $ 2  $  1  !          "   (   # &   " $    !     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